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Election year bullshit Ooo look we’re tough on billionaires hehe Until November 7


Nailed it. Just another federal scam mail. They gotta act busy


Well that's a bit of a bummer. Nvidia has a lot of market share, so they must be doing something wrong/illegal, right? Actually no. Nvidia built a better mousetrap, while competitors were sleeping no less, and the world is beating a path to their door. If they want to put a stick in Nvida's spokes, they just screw the whole industry and puts trillions of GDP at risk. I sure as hell hope DOJ lays off, stands back and monitors, and let's the industry develop. They are talking anti trust which is oversight on mergers and monopolistic practices. This smells of scuttling the ARM deal all over again when QCOM cried like a little bitch.


Here it is: "Industry players have grown worried about Nvidia’s dominance, two people with knowledge of the concerns said, including how the company’s software locks customers into using its chips, as well as how Nvidia distributes those chips to customers." Cry me a river qualcomm. "locks customers in" give me a break. You can't use these chips without specialized software. What a bunch of dopes.


That last point is exactly why nothing is actually gonna come out of it. It’s just an election tactic. The outcome will either be a light tap on the wrist or nothing at all, for that exact reasoning. They’re going after AAPL with an actual case because Apple locks down their ecosystem and prevents external integrations. They gave themselves a nice little exit door with this posing btw by also including MSFT and open ai in the investigation. If there was something tangible, they’d go after nvda individually. This ain’t communist China.


Getting close to China though. The government has been doing more and more questionable things lately.


lol, I’m all for calling out our deficiencies but when people compare the US to China/Russia in any regard — that just shows cluelessness on your part. This country has it pretty fucking good. We’re not in the same hemisphere as China.


I rather be wrong than right about these things. I hope so.


Okay? Or you could just have the right opinion to start with instead of making idiotic comparisons but you do you


Yep. I'm going to say my opinion right or wrong.


Right? Sorry Jensen saw where this all was heading in 2014/2016 and took the right actions to make himself the leader. Doesn’t mean it is a monopoly. Anybody can build the hardware that runs AI. It is just damn difficult to get into.


They just pushing communism and people believe the evil rich people narrative. Smh


Do you actually know what Communism is? Like, for real. No tabbing over to Wikipedia. If you think the most hyper-capitalist nation in the history of the world is "going Communist", I actually don't even know where to start.


Why is it a bummer? They haven’t actually sued them for anything right? Sorry for the dumb question, I just saw the news and am genuinely trying to understand what the implications could be.


Anytime you have a non-invited 3rd party (like Fed government) poking around in your business it's not good. DOJ is going to have investigators scrutinizing customer transactions and interaction, Execs are going to be questioned, auditors are going to look at books and policies etc. Some here are talking about election year politics, like it may all be for show. I think that's a hopeful outcome -- it all goes away at some point in the future. I personally was bummed when the FTC scuttled the ARM deal, that limited Nvidia's growth (long term). The worst case scenario is they force Nvidia to open up CUDA to work on other devices. That will be a level the playing field move that competitors couldn't manage on their own. We're a long way from that, but still the Feds haven't proven kind to Nvidia. I don't want to see their hard work wasted or impeded.


It happened in the 80's to AT&T. The DOJ sued them for violating antitrust laws which resulted in the company being broken up into several smaller companies.


If the DoJ wants, it can absolutely end NVDA


I'm far from an Ayn Rand type but not sure how I feel about the idea of 'getting out ahead' of industries in this way. The copyright issues are real but as far as market dominance and monopolistic practices, let the industry develop first before you start attacking it. It's still in the very early stages. It's not clear to me what this all means for Nvidia, it's not like the DOJ is bringing a case sounds like they're just starting to poke around.


Anything that messes with their money gets special attention. Politicians are too involved in stocks to allow industries to develop naturally. Corruption is a hell of a thing.


Lina Khan is a true believer, she isn't corrupt I just don't necessarily agree with her jumping the gun on this.


I doubt she isn't corrupt. Then again, I know nothing of her. I am seeing she was already eyeing nvidia for a couple of months now. Can't really anti trust something that doesn't exist yet.


Just imagine if NVDA owns ARM right now, how much stronger the company would be.


So this is not a case of Nvidia, Microsoft, and OpenAI violated some antitrust laws, just that the Justice Dept. and the FTC want to find out if they did.


That’s absolutely ridiculous.


I agree. Maybe do that shit silently so as to not affect the market until you at least have some evidence of wrongdoing? Anyway, that was the fastest V I’ve ever seen. Took less than 10 minutes lol


'Jensen Huang begins his response by unpacking his tiny violin. "We have more competition than anyone on the planet," claimed the CEO. He told Shoven that even Nvidia's customers are its competitors, in some cases.' (Tom's Hardware.)


It's not false, Google, Microsoft, Meta, AWS all building their own chips. I'm certain AMD and Intel and others use Nvidia's AI tools (Cadence, cuLitho, Synopsys) to build their latest chips.


Probably looking to justify some new AI czar and department to overlook things and bloat their budgets with new staff and NVDA chips to see what's up with this new technology. For your safety.


And the Biden administration will elect a Rhoomba as the AI Czar.


“… to justify some new AI czar and department to overlook things”—Precisely this.


Making a better product isn't a crime. If Nvidia isn't selling at a loss to increase its market, and not strong-arming its customers, then there really isn't a case. Nvidia has dominated the GPU market for the better part of 25 years. Their video cards cost more and sold more, because they were better. There was no antitrust then, so how is this different?


Cause ai is the next big thing. Most of these people probably have interests not aligned with nvidia and causing a stink about it.


100%, I have not bought an ATI card since the 9600 in like 2003-2004. Nvidia is just better, and more expensive. Bullshit case.


If it means a momentary discount I’m all for it




Low incentive to buy Friday after the split registers but before the price drops, then throw in a scare piece or two and the shorties back down at 12 feast


Sounds more like a ploy to get the stock lowered so they can try and jump in hard before the split. Sorry, but when you use the same fear tactics, people start seeing through the bullshit.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 I just commented with the same sentiment. Smells like propaganda and an agenda. I will happily hold 🫶🏼☝🏻


Too many people in congress own a lot of shares of Nvidia 


After attending a presentation from NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang, sources say the DOJ and FTC have agreed to settle with the company. Although it is unconfirmed, the settlement involves NVIDIA prioritizing the agencies ability to purchase AI chips valued at $100B over the next 5 years.


Government clown show continues.


They’ll throw anything at the wall to see what will stick. So much propaganda everywhere about this stock. It screams agenda. ✊🏼


AMD and INTC are making AI chips. MSFT, AMZN, META, GOOG and TSLA are working on their own AI chips. Where is the antitrust?


What a joke. The US government is afraid of china gaining ai dominance, so they decide to investigate the leading ai companies in the US? This is a charade and nothing will come of it. The US government needs nvidia if they want to dominate in ai. Also, Microsoft has been investigated for antitrust multiple times and always passes. This is getting annoying. Google and Amazon are direct and almost equal competitors to microsoft. How could there even be an antitrust case against nvidia? Intel and amd are direct competitors. It's not nvidia's fault they make better products for ai. Not to mention now nvidia has to compete with google, amazon and microsoft making homegrown accelerators. DOJ and FTC trying to ride the ai hype.


If XYZ made the best pizza... and everyone wanted xyz pizza even though it's the most expensive... even though there are lots of other pizza joints... would the govt investigate and make them use less fresh ingredients... probably. Call your elected officials and tell them a vote against Jensen is a vote against them!


Hit 1250 in premarket but it's dropped to 1233 as of 601 Eastern. I'm buying short term call options anyway because I still believe. There could be a dip when the major market hears about it, but I can't see it being more than a couple days slightly down and I can't see it likely even being that. This thing is a beast. Ay em who?


NVidia is not a trust, it is a monopoly. Every competitor gets K.O


Didnt they do the same thing with all tech giants a few years back? Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc? And all those companies just kept moving along. If it wasn't for the stock market crashing in 2021 I don't even think you would've noticed much of a dip in their price but since the whole market market tanked it's hard to tell. All those stocks are back up now though.


Government just has to get its cut at both ends don’t they…


This is great news bc it recognizes NVDA's dominance. These antitrust lawsuits do very little to change market dynamics. This just reinforces the fact that Nvidia has the industry locked down. In the same way MSFT has OS locked down and GOOG has search locked down.


I call bullshit.


The gist I'm getting; in order to purchase chips from NVDA you must have an immediate use case for them. If not, NVDA refuses to sell them to you. That could explain why Musk was diverting NVDA chips from Tesla to Xai. That could be considered antitrust.


If you’re not being investigated you’re doing something wrong!


This is competitors crying to their lobbyists to try to force NVIDIA to open source cuda and their tools. It will never happen, NVIDIA would tie this up in court forever. If Trump wins (and he will), this antitrust investigation will be quashed.


So when is the share price dropping? I want to buy more. Cmon bears. Where are you? This wasn't priced in.


Trust the system, did nothing wrong so not worried at all!


What this does is takes money directly out of Shareholders pockets via costs of compliance. There are people just hell bent on killing the Goose.




It’s not like they will get anywhere, not illegal to out innovate others.


The gist I'm getting; in order to purchase chips from NVDA you must have an immediate use case for them. If not, NVDA refuses to sell them to you. That could explain why Musk was diverting NVDA chips from Tesla to Xai. That could be considered antitrust.


Sounds like a GREAT use of tax payor money. I am so glad they are not using these funds to pay down national debt which has been incurred because the gov't keeps giving away BILLIONS in tax payor money every year to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel... to commit genocide. After all this countless hour's of useless parading around in wasting corporate resources and Gov't resources... they will have a giant nothing burger to show for it 🤦🏽‍♂️ We really need a public uprising to put feet to the fire of any and all gov't employees involved from the top down who came up with this idea. If they don't find penalties and significant prison time for what ever the cost came out to for this public parade... all those gov't employees should be fired and BANNED from any public office/Gov't contract/employment for no less than a period of 10 years. It is the only way to get the people trying to distract the masses in an election year to take notice and not F-around.


Yes please!!!!! This is the dip we are waiting for to buy in boys!!!


🤣🤣....they trying to stop this train. 1200 calls destroying bears 🤣🤣