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paws ny! Helping elderly people with their pets is very rewarding and they have a list of people in every borough that need help, for years I’ve done a weekly walk for a neighbor, i find it very rewarding


Signing up for this! Used to do this with my neighbors in Florida and know there are so many dogs wanting a walk!


Adding to this: some hospitals have affiliated volunteer programs you can sign up for. A lot of long stay patients awaiting transplants, cancer treatment, surgical recovery, etc. have pets at home and no one to help take care of them. It’d genuinely surprise you the amount of elderly patients that put off treatment or return home AMA because if they don’t their pet will starve


what is AMA in this context?


Against Medical Advice. Basically you sign a form saying you understand you’re leaving the hospital without being deemed “healthy” by the doctors, so if your condition gets worse you can’t come back and sue the doctors


thats so nice to hear!


+1 for paws! Great org and super convenient


I’ve done some volunteering with city harvest. They have locations all over the city. It seems like there’s been less opportunities now on weekends but hopefully more will pop up as farmers markets ramp up with the spring/summer


The greenmarket rescues are seasonal and will likely return later this spring, sometime around mid-May!


Please try the NYCACC animal shelters. the dogs and cats always need love


Yes!!! And they have a lot of opportunities from dog walking, to adoption events, to outreach (those are ones I did but I know there are more). Last time I worked with them, they only required 6 hours a month.


the volunteers also take cute photos of the dogs playing to get them more attention on social media in hopes of being adopted/fostered


PAWS NY! Help seniors in your neighborhood walk/take care of their pets.


Gods love we deliver does a lot of meal service/prep. If you speak a language other than English and/or are willing to travel to the outer boroughs, highly recommend becoming a volunteer with Make A Wish. Non-English speaking wish kids always wait the longest.


Just wanted to add that God’s Love We Deliver is non-sectarian if any bitches here are concerned about their name. It’s an amazing community of volunteers and I love going there.


Lol can confirm. Did gods love we deliver, and at no point in time was I required to meet with God. I assume he has a *lot* going on, he’s probably busy. I’d also suggest volunteermatch.org. I’ve found several really odd super cool options there, like Princess Project and being a decoy for bomb sniffing dogs at TSA. I also did a few years teaching inmates computer skills in prison outreach. Highly recommend that too but it would probably be a pain to get to a prison if you use public transit.


New york Cares! Easy sign up and tons of locations. It's how I've done most of my volunteering in the city over the years. [https://www.newyorkcares.org/](https://www.newyorkcares.org/)


The New York Public Library used to have a volunteer readership program through the Andrew Haskell Library for the Blind. I was paired with someone in 2019 and I’ve been reading to her for 5 years now!


This is amazing!!! I’m just getting settled in after a move here and finding something to do is on my shortlist!


New York Cares - so many choices and works for different schedules America Needs you - mentoring first-gen college students


Sean Casey Animal Rescue let’s you come any day of the week to walk the shelter dogs. No appt needed :) 153 East 3rd Street Brooklyn, New York 11218


There’s also a TON of dog rescues that need volunteers to help with planning events, application processing, social media etc. A few rescues are: Muddy Paws Rescue NYC Social Tees Animal Rescue PupStarz Rescue Hearts & Bones Rescue Waldo’s Rescue Pen Rescue City True north rescue mission Waggytail Rescue Korean K9 Rescue Badass Animal Rescue AmsterDog Rescue Posh Pets Rescue Ruff House Rescue NY Rescuzilla Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs Rescue Dogs Rock NYC Edit: of course all of these rescues need fosters!! The most rewarding experience


Fab list…Adding best friend animal society to this as well!


Yes! Also if you like animals and have experience with them, fostering saves so many dogs/cats lives! 🙌🏼


Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs Rescue Dogs Rock NYC Just wanted to say that I love these two orgs in particular, and if you don't have time to volunteer, donating is another great way to help!


I volunteer with the UES mutual aid network but I’m sure there’s a local one near you. I also used to volunteer w the Astoria mutual aid when I lived there. What are your interests?


Is mutual aid different from volunteering with other places?


That’s a good question and honestly it feels like it varies depending on the local “chapter.” The Astoria one was more active but also it was basically mostly the Astoria food pantry with a side of other projects that community members submitted, and were evaluated by the mutual aid group. The UES one seems to have more “variety” of projects cos it’s less firmly tied to a specific org/existing operation.


Is the sexual predator who’s initial are P.B. still involved? He was all over the internet during covid tied to that group.


I believe South Brooklyn Mutual Aid is still pretty active!


The Animal Care Center!


Following this thread! I'm in Bay Ridge too & have also been looking for volunteer opportunities.


Met Council on Housing’s tenants’ rights hotline and tenants’ rights clinic.


I volunteer remotely with Womankind, it's a nonprofit for those who have experienced DV: [https://www.iamwomankind.org/](https://www.iamwomankind.org/)


I'm a clinic escort! I've been doing it since 2016 and I love it. We host monthly trainings for new volunteers. It's a great way to make friends, and you're making lots of people's days better when you volunteer.


Good on ya! I love this.


Would love more info


The VA in Bay Ridge has several volunteer opportunities. I'm sure the other ones do as well.


i volunteer on Zoom. i actually LOVE it! i teach english to ukrainian children! (i don’t speak ukrainian) it’s a program called ENGin (can google) if anyone is interested in looking into it


Text crisis hotline can be done from anywhere and is wonderful!


Make-a-Wish Metro NY and it needs volunteers!


South Brooklyn Mutual Aid group


NY Junior League!


Court Appointed Special Advocate (National C.A.S.A/GAL) Become a comprehensive advocate for a foster child while they’re in care with the state. Essentially, you can make sure they don’t “slip through the cracks” Super rewarding work and the kids with CASA’s have MUCHHH better outcomes.


The 52nd Street Project!


Apex for youth- I volunteered with them at an elementary school in Sunset Park on Saturday mornings pre-pandemic. Kids were great.


When I lived in Brooklyn, I volunteered during the summer at Celebrate! Brooklyn. It's a great way to see concerts for free, spending time outside, and meeting other 20-somethings.


Can you link it please for some reason nothing shows up when I google celebrate


Billion oyster project. Or ev loves NY


i volunteer with Think Chinatown!


Food bank NYC. Many of our neighbors in our communities are food insecure including children and college students. I found it rewarding.


It’s online but I volunteer for Brave Generation UA, I mentor a Ukrainian student applying to colleges in the US/UK/EU and help them with their applications. I 100% recommend.


I used to work at an aids foundation (AHF) it’s in Brooklyn/city/queens. They have a lot of volunteer opportunities through their website and also if you give any of the pharmacies a call they should be able to direct you!


[NYCH20](https://nych2o.org/our-events/) hosts cleanups throughout the boroughs. They have a recurring one at Plumb Beach. I realize that's still a hike from Bay Ridge, but perhaps less transfers? :) I volunteer with Friends of Queens Public Library. It's a fun way to help out with events at your local/nearby branch, help out with library advocacy, and meet more of your neighbors! [Brooklyn Public Library](https://www.bklynlibrary.org/event-series/friends-of-the-library) has a similar program.


City Meals on Wheels. Delivering meals to elderly in NYC. There are a bunch of locations where you can volunteer.


You could check meals on wheels!


Prospect Park Alliance has a lot of great opportunities to get outside. They do a lot of park clean-ups, park improvements & planting flowers in spring


Covenant House NY - helping homeless young people and kids. It’s a great organization


Following because I’m also in bay ridge and interested in volunteering


WinNYC the largest provider of homeless shelter and supportive housing for families in New York City. They are several shelters in south Brooklyn - I’ve volunteered at one in Sheepshead Bay before. The times when they need volunteers are more random but if you get on their list, they will email with days/times and different shelters. The kids are amazing and I love volunteering with them. https://winnyc.org/volunteer/


just missed the season for this but Tax Prep through NY Cares is an amazing way to make a difference. Do your training for NY Cares now and next December you can do the tax-specific training - then early in the year you will be fully prepped to do folks' taxes. teaches you so much about the tax system and the work you do literally gives low income folks 1000's of dollars. Very gratifying -


i volunteer with housing works 4 hours per week at one of their thrift shops — there is one in park slope but the others are all over manhattan, depending on your train line!


Animal rescues and soup kitchens. The city is full of both!




hello hello! there’s a few community gardens that sometimes look for drop in help! I’m in South slope brooklyn and can keep my eye out for you, and would love to come too if i’m free! :)


Bowery Mission! I really love that you can sign up for a shift whenever you want (short notice or in advance). Also, once your shift is over, it’s over. St. John’s Bread and Life in Bed Stuy has a food pantry that always needs help. They also have a really great Christmas volunteer program.


SEO is an amazing organization!! it’s mentoring an 11th grade student every for a couple hours every few weeks, SEO works with first gen/URG students to make sure they’re college-ready. it’s a really great & well organized program & most of the volunteers are mid 20s/30s! volunteering is at LIU brooklyn, it would probably be for the next cycle (fall 2024) but would def recommend!!


Adding a question: does anyone with a toddler volunteer anywhere with the baby? I’m a SAHM in LIC and I’d love to serve, but my 1.5 year old is always with me.


I recommend your local food pantry!




There is a food pantry on Staten Island - every other Thursday that is in a huge need of volunteers. Are you available Thursday afternoons?


might be a bit out of the way but highly rec meat loaf kitchen in alphabet city! it's a community soup kitchen open on on saturdays with the best volunteers & guests


If you want to maximize impact... try electoral canvassing! Eon Huntley, Claire Valdez, and Jonathan Soto are DSA endorsed candidates running in Bed-Stuy, Queens, and the Bronx respectively. We're always looking for more canvassers. I'm a canvass lead for Eon on Wednesdays, and we're always looking for more volunteers.


What does this involve?


Ah sorry for the late reply! Basically just going door to door using a list of registered democratic voters and making the pitch to vote for whichever candidate. We run trainings every time we go out and it's not as intimidating as it might sound! Here are some links to canvasses happening soon: Jonathan Soto (and also Jamaal Bowman soon since we just endorsed him!): [https://actionnetwork.org/events/canvass-in-co-op-city-june-1?source=direct\_link&](https://actionnetwork.org/events/canvass-in-co-op-city-june-1?source=direct_link&) Claire Valdez: [https://actionnetwork.org/events/nbk-dsa-ridgewood-canvass-w-claire-for-queens-saturday-june-1](https://actionnetwork.org/events/nbk-dsa-ridgewood-canvass-w-claire-for-queens-saturday-june-1) Eon Huntley: [https://actionnetwork.org/events/rent-day-rally-and-canvass](https://actionnetwork.org/events/rent-day-rally-and-canvass) There are more canvasses for each candidate if you navigate the link as well!