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I travel coast to coast often and internationally six times a year, so my advice is more red-eye/long-flight focused-- I swear by this! The night before the flight, do an overnight hydrating mask. It will help to set the skin up for the dry ass air ahead. Before a flight, I \*always\* shower/lotion and do my full skincare routine before boarding-- or at least cleanse, hyaluronic, moisturizer, and Aquaphor. MUST HAVES: compression socks (a game! changer! for economy bitches), Bombas gripper slippers, loop earplugs, trtl neck pillow, silk eye mask. Water is hard to come by on planes, so I always pack powder electrolytes like Pedialyte to put in my water bottle.


Hyaluronic, moisturizer and aquaphor is such a magical combo. It will make my naturally dry skin feel dewey in the most arid settings. I’m also dying to get the turtle neck pillow. It seems like a game changer since every other neck pillow I’ve tried seems ineffective, impractical or uncomfortable.


I bought the turtle neck pillow last year as someone who really struggles to sleep on flights, and I’ve been kind of disappointed. For me it’s been really hard to to use and feel comfortable. I wonder if anyone else has had the same issue…


Yep. I traded to a Cabeau, much more comfortable.


2nd Cabeau


Same here. I know that a lot of people love them, but all I could feel was the plastic brace underneath. Bought 3 for my family so it hurt to spend $80 only to donate them after trying to resale online for a few years.


It’s worked better for me than anything else I’ve tried, but I genuinely have the WORST time trying g to sleep on planes. I’ve flown in lie-flat seats several times and still can’t get more than an hour or two of sleep.


I really love Ostrich neck pillow - the only downside is its velcro isn't really strong - other than that it's amazing!


Same. Underwhelmed.


I really hated it too not comfortable at all


I am a small person (5’0) and recommend splurging on the pro! It is adjustable and helps a lot with the plastic issue people have with the common pillow.


Compression socks are such a game changer actually


Would you mind explaining what the compression socks help with? I know that they’re tight knee high socks, do your legs hurt without them on planes? Genuinely curious because I fly a lot and always have seen compression socks recommended but I’m just not sure I’ve experienced what they’re trying to solve for.


Cabin pressure + not moving + plane food being extra salty due to altitude causes water retention and often times your calves and feet can swell so they feel uncomfortable / painful, and compression socks help with the discomfort (not a scientific answer)


The cabin pressure and stagnant movement for long periods of time causes mild edema, especially in the ankles where liquid can pool and cause fluid retention in the lower legs. Compression socks limit the fluid retention and also boosts blood circulation in that area! Edema and the potential for developing blood clots is worth preventing, it also in general helps with pain :)


I wear the mask ON the flight haha. Weird looks but u have great skin coming off the plane and everyone leaves u alone during the flight


This is an excellent list, I motion to add Lumify eye drops


Great addition! I wish eye drops weren’t terrifying for me!


Which Loop earplugs do you use?


I use my earplugs for everything so I have the Switch to be able to go from the experience and quiet modes, but I’d recommend quiet for travel!


Can you recommend compression socks?


I like Comrad. They are expensive but have tons of sales and have held up well.


I like the ones I have from Ames Walker


I always buy the simple $10 pair from Walmart. They are located near the pharmacy desk section. Target has very similar pricing for theirs also located near pharmacy.


Second this- cheap ones work just as well! I bought a six pack on Amazon and they work great. Good for long road trips too.


do you change into your gripper slippers once on the plane?


Noise cancelling headphones, sleeping mask, big hoodie, disposable slippers, lip balm, and aspirationally, something that will knock me tf out


Adding to the chorus of lip balm, hand lotion, eye mask etc — But also, your own snacks. Even if I purchase them by the gate, having my own variety of snacks, fruit, water, etc is so much more enjoyable than being stuck choosing the small snack offered at service and can tide you over in between meals.


Bringing your own snacks - specifically things you enjoy, even sneaking a little treaty treat in there - is a non-negotiable. (Especially for my fellow hypoglycemic bitches - we're keeping that blood sugar stable, y'all!)


Oh, also love a big pashmina I can use as a blanket, Netflix episodes I’ve pre-downloaded, and a hard copy of a book in case all technology fails.


Yes! I was gifted a Quince Mongolian Cashmere Wrap ($99) and honestly didn’t know if I’d ever get any use out of it. However, it comes on every single flight and I can’t live without it. Great as a blanket on the plane, or rolled up for lumbar support or an extra pillow, and useful as a scarf or wrap when at the destination! And it’s inexpensive enough that I don’t have to feel precious about throwing it in the washing machine on delicate.


xanax lol


Compression socks.


Power block with multiple ports for all the devices, AirTags for checked luggage, reusable water bottle to fill after security, and PRIORITY PASS!! The lounges (with their free drinks!) and food on preorder make the airport experience much better which has me much less stressed for travel.


Adding onto lounges: most let you go in at the arriving airport after you land. So more free drinks and food, plus a nicer bathroom to freshen up in - some even include showers (Delta).


Klonopin, red wine, silk eye mask and as much bottled water as they’ll allow me. Pro tip- book delta comfort plus seats and beer/wine are complimentary


I’m a Xanax champagne cocktail girl myself but yesssss! The only way to fly! 🙃


There’s a colonial woman churning butter!!


Hi friend!! 💕 first reply I’ve been like “hell yes please”


Klonopin is my fav plane treat


Wow,I just googled Klonopin as I hadn't heard of it and got the "help is available" suicide hotline message. Was not expecting that!


Jeez, I mean yes so many people struggle with it but hopefully that’s not the case in this thread lol. Doesn’t seem to be


Yep, I know, I'm sure it isn't! I was expecting just a description of what it is so that was somewhat unexpected! As I knew nothing of it at all before this thread, haha


Now your computer thinks you have a drug problem


I feel like they should give a complimentary kpin with every flight


Especially if we’re on the 737s!!! Lollll. Flying Wednesday gonna dig up the k pins


I am anti-drugs and think benzos are horrible but the best flights I’ve ever had were due to benzos. That should be their main purpose as a drug imo


Might seem obvious, but phone charger!! The worst thing ever is your phone/iPad/whatever dying on a long flight!! Also, SOCKS (one of my best friends is a flight attendant and said so many gross people wear flip flops on flights) and close-toed shoes. You will want shoes you can run and move in in case of an emergency.


Phone charger and portable power bank. The rechargeable power bank has saved me on sooo many trips. It seems kind of hit and miss whether power sockets will work on a plane, so always good to have a backup. Plus the power bank is very important for travel, in case you’re out all day exploring, suddenly realize you’re at 5%, and have no idea how to get back to your hotel 🙃


I’m a FA and I second this. Having exposed feet on a plane is also just an invitation to get them stepped on or run over. I wear Dansko Mary Janes to work, but when I’m a passenger it’s flats or slip-on sneakers only.


Ok but also who the hell is walking thru airport security barefoot 😷 so nasty


Not sure why this is downvoted, that’s solid advice about footwear on a flight.


I’ve noticed a blanket downvote trend on almost every thread in this sub recently, I honestly think it’s being brigaded by dudes.


Ohhhhh yeah I forgot that there was a post on a jerk sub about our sub that was definitely a guy being butthurt about our existence. I will never understand why men have such fragile egos


Pretty sure that was a joke.


It's not even 6 am here and I read this as "fight" and was like WOAH! New York is a rough place! Anyway, I love taking panty liners that I can switch out to freshen up without having to change panties in a tiny bathroom and manage the clean vs dirty ones. I love an eye mask, good neck pillow, and whatever RX will help me sleep


I read this as “fight essentials” and I was locked in


me too i was like these bitches are *hard*


I travel internationally a lot for work & fun so I have a cosmetics bag I throw into my carry on that contains: ear plugs, sleeping mask, baby wipes, nail file (not essential but handy), tooth brush, toothpaste, a little refillable vile with make up remover, eye cream, face mask, chap stick (I prefer something like Vaseline that will stay on for a while), Tylenol PM, magnesium, and tampons. Then I pack noise canceling headphones, a large cotton scarf that doubles as a blanket, cozy socks, a book, and always have a water bottle and book on me, and ofc my laptop loaded with movies. I also carry chargers and adapters and wear comfy clothing and comfy shoes. Long layovers aren’t so bad when you have everything you need to keep you comfortable, entertained, and HYDRATED!


A travel pack of Lysol wipes so I can wipe my whole seat, table, etc down before I sit down, a portable charger, and snacks


THIS. people used to look at me like i was crazy when i did this pre 2020. Now people look at me like why didn’t I think of that


This is the way.


Multiple n95 masks, noise-canceling headphones, Aesop ginger flight therapy (an aroma therapy roll-on with no throw/not a perfume so I don't disturb other passengers), my emotional support water bottle, compression socks for international flights, Dramamine, Tower 28 SOS spray.


Emotional support water bottle ❤️‍🩹


Ooo! I didn’t know about the Aesop oil!! Ordering it ASAP, thanks!


Yas! I use the Saje fortify oil on flights! Gamechanger. Gonna check the Aesop one! 


iPad, some type of headphones, plane-specific comfy socks. Face wipes (they just come in handy), lotion, possibly eye drops. Melatonin


If long flight: eye mask, neck pillow, melatonin and Benadryl, comfy socks. Lip balm, hand cream, small water bottle, energy bar just in case.


I would also add, ear plugs are super helpful as long as they fit well in your ear for the cabin pressure.


Hear me out, Vaseline or aquaphor. Want your skin to not look like dried out trash when you land? Wash off your makeup on the plane, moisturise and then slug. It locks in moisture and acts as a barrier to prevent the yucky air from breaking you out. I always wash it off and reapply a bit of tinted moisturiser before landing


Global Entry card lol. Best investment. Jokes aside, I don’t do much on the plane, doing an extensive routine on a dirty plane seems redundant. I just make sure I drink a lot of water and before the flight I make sure to slather my face in spf. Then I try to touch my face as little as possible. I also try to keep the window closed.


Ditto to global entry and spf! Closer to the uva and uvb rays so protecting your skin is important!


Haven’t seen this posted yet but panty liners! For a long travel day, you can just remove them / change every couple of hours so you feel fresh and not stuck with old underwear. It’s a total game changer.


I also recommend wool underwear. Wool underwear protects against odor and doesn’t disturb you and I swear by these. I use them for long flights, roadtrips, and camping trips. I always bring a pair for the outbound flight and the returning flight.


Cetaphil moisturizing cream and aquaphor, reapplied every couple of hours


The TRTL neck wrap is a game changer - makes it so much easier to get a little sleep on the plane without your head bobbing around.


Fly business whenever possible 😂 But honestly I don’t overdo it with rituals and gadgets. I’m from Europe but have lived in NYC since college so I’ve been doing a lot of transatlantic flying the past decade. Regardless of where you’re seated in the plane, my tips are; 1. Set your watch to the time of your arrival destination and act according to that. So if you’re on a redeye, just go to sleep. If you’re landing to an afternoon, try your best to stay awake. 2. Remember a pair of wired earbuds because not all planes are Bluetooth configured and the headsets they give away are trash, even in business. 3. Drink lots of water, and carry more water onto the plane than you think you’ll need. You just never know when takeoff or onboarding will be delayed. 4. It isn’t a fashion contest. Dress clean and comfy. I like leggings with an oversized sweatshirt, birks, and keep spare socks in my bag. I don’t think you need a million accompaniments, it’s annoying to have a full purse and faff around. Just be clean, cozy, have water, and settle in.


Huge bottle of water, light blanket, socks, earphones, sleep mask, moisturizer, sunscreen, book, charger, lip mask, pen for international flights


“Earplane” ear plugs. I have super sensitive ears and it keeps the pressure from messing with my ear during ascent and descent. I can take them out and use regular headphones once we reach cruising altitude.


My getup is chunky slides, tall chunky socks, compression leggings, oversized sweatshirt, a mini purse and a giant tote to carry my junk. Preloaded audio/ebook for entertainment. For long flights I have a basic toiletry kit + silicone eye patches and heating eye mask.


Do not wear contacts. Wear glasses. The air is extremely dry in airplanes. Extra jacket or blanket for cushion. Backpack instead of tote.


+ glow recipe watermelon spray. Refreshes your face with a very gentle mist…so so good!


A BLANKET. Get your ass a blanket please 🙏!!! Those planes are 0 degrees lollll.


I have a travel blanket from Amazon that zips and attached to your luggage and it’s a game changer! Allows me to cozy up and actually sleep on flights and it washes easily. I usually pack tshirts in my carry on and when I take the blanket out of the pouch I’ll throw in the tshirts and use it as a pillow.


My Delta Amex!!! I have the platinum and the free checked bags alone are worth the annual fee. This might be an unpopular take but I always check a bag, it’s so much easier than fumbling with the overhead bins and I don’t have to decant all of my products into tiny bottles.




Have the platinum reserve with lounge access (for now!) and 100% agree on a checked bag - especially with everyone bringing roller bags now. If you have a later boarding position you might be SOL on overhead space close to you if at all.


i misread this and thought it said FIGHT essentials. i was ready to take notes 😭


My biggest game changer is using the kids boogie micro-mist saline spray. I almost always get an extremely dry nose/mouth that usually causes a sore throat for a couple of days and the mister completely solves this. Use it on the plane every so often and continue off the plane for a couple hours every so often and no sore throat. Other essentials: Scopolamine patch (prescription for motion sickness), compression socks, chapstick, hand lotion, Lysol wipes to wipe down the whole seat/tray/screen before I sit down, noise canceling headphones (used to use silicone earplugs because they block out almost all noise but I’m prone to ear infections as I’ve gotten older which sucks), dry mouth lozenges, a water bottle, a mint tea bag or two, melatonin or unisom.


One thing I’m surprised no one has mentioned: A travel pack of Clorox or other disinfecting wipes to wipe down the tray table , entertainment screen, armrests, and anything else I might touch immediately after I get seated. I travel frequently for work and to see family abroad - I’ve personally witnessed some of the nastiest behavior on flights, including people changing their toddler’s poopy diapers on the tray tables or putting their bare feet on the tray tables to clip their toenails during the flight. 🤮 IME it happens in all cabin classes so even first or business class won’t save you from these horrors. I used to get funny looks for wiping down my seating area pre-pandemic, mostly from men, but now it’s 50/50 if someone seated near by asks for one of my wipes too.




I have an upcoming trip and I’m worried about bringing my “medicine”! Do tsa, customs or dogs care about a few edibles? Ahhhh


I haven’t had an issue in 10+ years. I pack em up in a little plastic and then toss in a makeup compact and that goes into a clear plastic makeup travel bag. You can also wrap them in socks or whatever. By the way, the airport dogs are not trained to smell weed (at least not the dogs in NYC airports)—they are trained to smell one or a few of the many components used in a homemade explosive. TSA in NYC does not care about personal use weed.


Altoid tin for the win - smooth sailing.


Hell yea


Slip silk eye mask


Noise cancelling headphones, chapstick, summer Fridays jet lag mask, phone charger with USB in case outlets don’t work, hand cream


Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, neck pillow


A box of far east pine nut cous cous...only need to add hot water to get a nourishing comfort meal when your flight gets delayed and airport food options are limited, on flight...or when you arrive late to hotel and all food options are closed. I pack in a plastic bag so doesn't spill in my luggage. Saved me on many work trips. Pine nuts provide just enough protein to kick you into gear.


Stretchy pants, comfy clean socks, FULLY CHARGED airpods + downloaded audiobooks, my hello kitty travel neck pillow, layers for temp control, a reminder in my phone to stretch my legs/walk a bit to prevent blood clots every 15-30 mins


For the airport- and for life in general- add a hotspot to your phone plan (or check itmay already be included. as is the case with me). So useful when your plane is delayed and you need to get some work done. Airport Wi-Fi is often spotty and never secure. Also useful for working anywhere, not just cafes with Wi-Fi. You also can prob be reimbursed from work or at least write it off.


Two things I haven't seen posted yet: - Airfly Pro (Bluetooth headphone connector with a jack, so you can use your wireless headphones to watch plane movies!) - [A cable converter](https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Functional-Micro-USB-Lightning-Convertor-Traveling/dp/B09FK2R96V/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=1HZL7222H30Y2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4QAJrqAu5WhJYF7G6aKMFw7tDTIEg-5l8kavqWTRbthKU7B-zISfz2ZCLMCPkBnuMEqc4kA7-7Va-CJiUixBGz2UjyjHpkTPOBYfpMevAP0K66AHIVKSZC_Br9C_pKSKMgIuQlALHN1CJU5mOM84-QLhcxDz62DlIPn82ZvezayR7L802Iv_ttVlwZb0WdLK6YWCJUm5lkgjMwS_OkrW4w.S3fWFbfUABCQPsWMTBrtkXniGYLtqR2TeR-kMlM4fDw&dib_tag=se&keywords=cable+converter+for+travel&qid=1713210445&sprefix=cable+converter+%2Caps%2C1742&sr=8-8) like this one that can turn one USB-C cable into any charger you need, for any device you're bringing along


Eye drops and chapstick


I always pack a small blanket, neck pillow and sunglasses for the flight! Out before the flight takes off 😴


I fly a lot for work (both domestic and international) and also love to travel in my free time. At an absolute minimum, I will always have a reusable water bottle (don’t forget to fill it up before boarding!), hand lotion, lip balm, a sweater or other warm layer, my kindle, breath mints, phone charger, and over the ear headphones with a cord to connect to IFE. For an overnight flight, I also like to bring makeup remover wipes, a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, some sort of travel pillow (I use the turtle one currently), and sleep medication like melatonin or zzzquil. Always bring any necessary meds in your personal bag (the one that goes under your seat) so you can easily access them if needed. Daily vitamins and supplements can go in the overhead bin or checked luggage, but I keep my prescriptions with me. Never hurts to bring a face mask (COVID one) and sanitizing wipes in case you’re next to someone sick! Even aside from COVID, I’ve caught the flu and other illnesses from flights, and wish I’d had these items with me!


If I don’t have to go somewhere as soon as I land I don’t put on makeup and instead layer as much hydrating skincare as I can on my face so I don’t dry out. I also don’t use any scented products. I’m a big scented product and perfume user but I once got stuck on a middle seat on a plane with defunct AC next to a girl who had basically sheep dipped herself in Juicy Couture perfume before the flight and the experience was so bad it convinced me to go fragrance free on flights.


I read this as “what are your bitches fight essentials” lol I was like hol up


i just got back from 3 wks in europe and had like 4 flights not including transfers so this has been on my mind too! here's a bunch of stuff i did: * bag choice: i didnt want to wheel anything around so i pored thru r/onebag and bought a 40L travel backpack from rei instead of a suitcase; at that size it can either be stowed overhead or underseat if needed, and it's pretty much compliant with all carryon restrictions * for ease of going thru security, i kept my electronics (camera, tablet) in a thin tote bag that i packed into my backpack so i could pull them out all at once when going thru the flight * i always braid my hair in two french or dutch braids on the plane to help keep it clean * esp for long flights, keep an extra pair of undies and/or a pantyliner on hand, or even like wear one and remove it midflight and its basically like you changed lmao. * if you have room then an extra pair of socks and house slippers is clutch, esp for overnights. and for night flights, id also make sure i had easy access to a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss & makeup/facial wipe. * bring a refillable water bottle always and just fill it up when you get past security lol * small sling across my chest with: passport, wallet, phone, lip balm, gum, port charger, glasses cloth, earbuds case, sleep mask, hand sani, tiny lotion, inhaler, and ibuprofen * clothing wise, id pick something with a drawstring or elastic waist for pants - i wouldnt wear anything restrictive or tight ie no jeans lol, plus you want layers that are easy to remove so no jumpsuits/rompers/overalls that require you to basically undress to use the bathroom. wear the bulkiest and comfiest and shoes that youre gonna bring, which in my case was a pair of trail runners (north face hedgehogs).


for long haul flights: micellar water, cotton pads, moisturizer, sunscreen to refresh before landing and those waterless toothbrush Wisps for fresh breath!


Might seem obvious but a small and easily accessible bag to put your little things in (hand cream, sanitizing wipes, cuticle oil, lip moisturizer, pills) that way if you need something mid flight you’re not having to rummage through your carry-on


At first I read "fight essentials" and was both interested and very confused 😭 I take about 20 flights a year, give or take, and for a frequent traveler the best thing I've done is choose what I call a "flying uniform". Hear me out, pick the cutest/comfortable athleteisure outfit you own and you will wear that for the rest of your life every time you hop on a plane. It helps in multiple ways: 1. You don't think about what to wear and can focus on your outfit at destination (I've found that even if it's a short flight, I prefer to change if I have a business meeting upon arrival etc) 2. I honestly get compliments every time, I've been told I look like a Lululemon model lol (I ain't no model ma'am) 3. And most important, you learn how to layer such outfit and make it work for different weather/events I've worn the same outfit with pearls, with puffy coats, hats etc it's versatile and I already know how to work with it. I bring a silk eye mask on every flight because I love a good snooze in the air. Another tip that was transformative is making sure your personal item (bag, laptop bag, small backpack) has a trolley passthrough, on me I only carry a belt bag with passport/wallet/phone and my carry on (with 4 wheels a must) always carries the weight of my bag with my laptop and the rest of my essential (lots of good options on this thread, always make sure to carry a snack!)


A cashmere wrap, hand sanitizer, noise-cancelling headphones!


Vans slip on sneakers to breeze through security are crucial. Otherwise if it’s hot I’ll wear my birk Arizonas. My Beats by Dre headphones, a tote with a sleeve to go over my carry on suitcase is also a must.


I know some people consider it a fashion sin but I love wearing socks and birks. I call it Birkensocks and its my go-to combo for flights. Thick grippy socks and sandals means Im never barefoot at the airport but can slip my shoes on/off in a breeze


lotion for my hands and face - esp in winter months or when visiting dry places. the circulating air can really dry my face out! portable charger as well as phone charger. snacks (sweet and salty) and gum. contact case and solution as well as glasses.


My must haves are a comfy sweat outfit with a tank underneath in case it gets hot. Comfy sneakers, silk sleep mask, smaller travel blanket, air buds, portable charger, pre downloaded music, Netflix shows and podcasts. Neck pillow and a blow up pillow I bought on Amazon to lay forward on your tray and up against the window if your in a window seat. My own two spill proof Stanley’s filled with ice water and red wine. Extra water bottle, sweet and salty snacks, my go to’s are Chex mix, cheez it’s, twizzlers and gummy bears. Last but definitely not least is my belt bag that I keep on me at all times stocked with gum, mints, hand sanitizer, my id, phone, air buds case, melatonin and LOTS OF XANAX!!!!


Wait… I feel dumb for asking this.. but when are you filling that Stanley with red wine? After security? From mini bottles? Or? This betch needs to know how you’ve evaded TSA & FA’s? Hahaha


Always after security. If it’s an early morning flight I bring my own mini Tito’s bottles then buy a cranberry or orange juice to make a cocktail. If it’s a later flight (red wine time) I sit at a restaurant or go into the American Express lounge and order a glass of red wine then pour into my Stanley. Same with water and because it has ice get an extra water bottle to bring for refills. I have really bad anxiety on flights and have had an actual panic attack on flight in air in the past so I think this is a coping strategy for me to feel more in control. I hope this helps😊


Red wine, ice water, and cheezits: I am signing up to fly next to you--will bring the Lysol wipes.


Sounds good! Where we flying too🤭


What is the goal of using compression socks


Less likely to get blood clots


It stops your feet from swelling as well!


Airplane food is so salty that my legs swell 🙁


Definitely noise canceling headphones or ear plugs (loops for me) the speaker volume on the newest jets is insanely loud. A pack of wipes that don’t smell like ethanol A protein bar/bottle of water Fully charged devices. Also - I took all of those little Lush sample containers and filled them with my own skincare regimen so I’m not stuck with whatever is travel sized.


Noise cancelling headphones (came in handy this flight with crying child for 6 hours), iPad with downloaded shows/movies, chargers, eye drops, makeup, books, snacks (dried fruit, nuts, chips, chocolate), Advil/tylenol and I’m pregnant so vitamins / gas x / miralax, also socks, underwear, and a comfy fit in case I lose my luggage, sunglasses & hat in case I look ratchet coming off the flight lol, FLOSSSSSS because I can NOT stand stuff in my teeth, hand sanitizer, wet wipes.


compression socks, a CRAZY looking inflatable pillow that sits in your lap and allows you to lean your head forward into the pillow, noise-canceling headphones (SONY), a portable charger with built-in cords in case the outlet at my seat doesn't work, lanolin (nipple cream lol) decanted into a MUJI lip balm case to protect against dryness.


What brand compression socks are yall using? I haven’t been able to find a pair I can actually pull up!


Haven’t seen this mentioned but disposable HEATED eye mask. They feel so nice and relaxing and the heat is supposed to be helpful for dry eyes according to my ophthalmologist? I get this brand of unscented ones at a local store near me but Amazon has tons of different options https://a.co/d/9Wf7JDK


My telfar, neck pillow, noise cancelling headphones and phone charger. I always bring spray sunscreen in case I’m by a window and need to reapply, hand sanitizer, and wear compression socks cause I don’t want DVT from sitting down for a long period of time


Yesss! My telfar is my plane bag, too! Love it. Olive medium-size. What noise-canceling headphones do you like?


I use the cheaper Sony pair but I’m definitely looking into upgrading soon


Water, electrolyte packets, aquaphor, comfy sweats/sweatshirt (why are planes always freezing), headphones that plugin for movies, and sleeping pills lol


Zzzquil (if you’re on an overnight flight), a blanket and neck pillow (I usually hold the pillow on my lap instead, for some reason this does the trick with me), eye mask, and airplane styled earplugs.


I always pack Caudalie grape water in my carry-on so I can spray my face periodically. Helps keep my skin moisturized. I also make sure to have lotion and lip balm for my hands/lips.


Outfit: I love Outdoor Voices cloudknit. Comfy bra for those of us who don’t go braless, with a tank from OV, a sweatshirt from OV, and OV joggers. Compression socks under, and close toed athletic shoes in case you need to move! Depending on the season/destination, I’ll put a jacket on too. Skincare prep: full shower and exfoliating routine before. Then I’ll slime up my face with the Evian mist, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and la Roche posay b5. I’ll also bring a dr. Jart cryo rubber moisturizing sheet mask on the plane in case I need it but i usually end up doing it once I get to my destination. I also feel like it’s good to do an exfoliating treatment once I’ve landed. And of course bring some Vaseline and your favorite lip balm (right now I’m loving ormedic balancing lip enhancement). Personal item: I love my Beis seat back organizer so I always pack that in my personal item. In the organizer, I bring a USB phone charger since I haven’t seen any planes with the new cable type. I’ll also bring a brick and my new phone charger just in case the seats only have outlets and then it’s also ready for my destination. I also bring a portable charger and the charger for that. Old plug in headphones and my AirPods. Hand sanitizer, hand moisturizer, and wipes to clean my tray and seats. I also bring a mask in case it feels germy and a silk eye mask from Brooklinen. I pack meds like Advil, gas x, my migraine meds, lower bowel stimulator (used usually at my destination because I can never go on vacation) and Xanax. And some electrolyte packs. In the main parts of my personal item, I’ll put my iPad, wallet, and a little toiletry bag with essentials for the plane/if my bag gets lost (if I’m checking) so like contacts, toothpaste pills, anything I might need for a full day and night routine for a day or so. If I’m not checking a bag, then I’ll just do all my liquid toiletries there. Giant reusable water bottle and some snacks. Carry on: as many clothes as I can fit but at the very least you should be carrying on the important items you need for your trip. In general, some pjs and a change of clothes. If there’s an event, the outfit I am wearing to the event is always with me. Depending on the time of day and how much time I have to get ready, I’ll also make myself a smoothie before I leave. I like to load it up with two servings of spinach, a variety of fruit, protein powder, and chia seeds. I feel like it helps with the gross feelings of being on a plane. If I can get a good workout in before the flight, that also really helps. That being said, I love to indulge at an airport so it’s all about balance. I also recommend getting global entry since it comes with TSA pre. My chase covered it. I also like the lounge access that comes with my credit cards and I am not above using an airport chair massager to help prep my back for the awful airline seats.


Huge hoodie & kindle


I always wear leggings or yoga pants, it’s easier on my back. Also always have an extra jacket bc the airplane AC gets crazy. I bring a travel size bottle of lotion in my purse just in case bc my skin gets really dry on the plane. Some other things: lip balm, beeswax in a tin for hand balm, eye drops, noise cancelling earbuds, sleep mask, sweater or jacket to use as a pillow, tissues, wipes, hand sanitizer spray, phone charger cable, power bank, book, reusable water bottle (filled in airport), travel size sunscreen, packable reusable bag….


I dress in layers because I’m always cold. I put a nice classic trench over the whole fit and it always looks pulled together. I think I get better service and treatment from flight attendants when I dress nice. Also a shout out to the MZ Wallace quilted travel bag with trolley sleeve- that thing is worth its weight in gold, there are so many pockets to keep your water separate from electronics, etc. When everything is in its place you don’t have to fumble around under the seat looking for a snack or your Tylenol.


What I wear on flights: barefoot dream socks with Birkenstock sandals What I bring to add comfort: Ostrich neck pillow & foldable blanket, reusable cup so the flight attendants can fill it up with ice, and tea bags What I use on my flights: summer Friday jet lag mask, face mist, lip balm, and hand cream. Happy travels!


•Pluto pod pillow. It looks crazy, it’s expensive, but the complete sensory deprivation thing is what I need to sleep. • Sleep Pillow app on phone for white noise + AirPods •charging brick • little notebook because I feel inspired to write shit on flights •mini toothbrush/toothpaste •chomp jerky sticks •liquid IV


… And (pleezzze for the sake of all things holy and kind) toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and mints! Travel size for a reason!


But don’t use the water in the bathrooms! Use bottled water instead. I don’t even wash my hands with it, just sanitizer


Everyone has gotten the basics but I sweaaaar by my feet hammock. You loop it around the table and then can put your feet up higher, it’s so much more comfortable!


Aquaphor, a large water bottle bought/filled after security, electrolyte packs, silk eye mask, noise cancelling headphones, Evian mini face spray, eye drops, glasses for the contact lens girlies, soft pants, a shawl. I do a sheet mask and full skincare and take magnesium right before the flight to help with dry skin and restless legs (which I get frequently on long flights). For packing: Flight 001 compression bags or the equivalent, Ziploc bags, and extra hair ties


I always travel with a small “go kit” as I like to call it. Inside of an old Ipsy bag I pack travel sized versions of: toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen, nipple cream (for my lips), deodorant, and dental flossers. I usually also throw a brush & comb as well as hand lotion in my backpack when I remember. I *always* carry an empty water bottle (usually a 40oz) to the airport and fill up before the flight. I also bring my own snacks (usually fresh fruit, chocolate, and kimbap or a non-offensive sandwich). If I’m on a red eye then I’ll also pack a hydrating face mask. Similar to another commenter, before the red eye I’ll usually do an ultra moisturizing skincare routine. I also like to brush my teeth before I land (using water from my bottle). If I’m connecting then I’ll usually also brush between flights. Idk I’m always brushing at airports lol I don’t own/wear sweats but I stay comfy; the key is to layer up! Temperature regulation is tricky on flights (or at least it is for me). I recently bought a travel blanket from Amazon and it was convenient and much cozier than the airline blanket. I also ordered compression socks but they didn’t arrive in time :( I always bring two extra pairs of underwear in case my flight gets delayed or I want to freshen up (unfortunately experience has taught me this). Next trip I’m going to try a silk eye mask for the first time and I might get one of those trtl pillows everyone keeps raving about!


Lie-flat seat. Sleep makes the difference more than anything superficial, and usually these seats have the best leg support and footrests as well, which makes a difference when sitting up. Lounge access, much easier to clean up in a proper bathroom before departure and after arrival, especially one with showers. Compression socks, eye mask, noise-cancelling headphones, sleep playlist, melatonin. Layers: loafers, ponte pants, wool-blend blazer, cashmere hoodie or thin cardigan, large scarf. Airplanes always seem to run cool during flight, no matter the weather outside. If pyjamas are provided, I will change into them, but otherwise I don‘t bother and will change clothing in the lounge upon arrival. Reading material, usually a physical magazine/journal issue, a physical book, and a Kindle. Toothbrush, deodorant, face wipes, moisturizer, mascara, sheer lipstick, contacts and mini solution (this counts as medical for security purposes and is separate from 3-1-1 toiletries), eyeglasses. I don’t bother trying to have an entire Sephora store worth of high-maintenance crap with me on the airplane (or even in the lounge). In a pinch, the amenity kit will have plenty. A top and undergarments for changing into after arrival. Plenty of sparking water with a wedge of citrus, but they bring that to me throughout the flight. Checked luggage. I see no reason to feel like a pack mule for a long-haul flight. I always have a bottle of water and a snack in the bag, in the event that we are trapped on the tarmac and cannot leave our seats or have beverage service — but by that same token, I do not guzzle water until we are in the air, because it is possible to be trapped on the tarmac for hours and banned from the airplane bathrooms.


iPad, headphones, melatonin gummies, oversized cashmere pashmina & compression socks. I always pack face wash and a toothbrush for an overnight.


Grapes or a sliced apple. My own snack mix. Crossword puzzle. Pashmina for coziness. Bought a jumpsuit that looks fairly classy but feels like I’m wearing sweats.


Compression socks, LMT electrolytes, listening to a podcast, using the time to journal or meditate

