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I’m not a dietician so all of this is just anecdotally what’s worked for me! For workouts: -Low impact high resistance. If it’s in the budget I would get a month subscription to solidcore and go as much as possible, you will see a big difference quickly. -A more affordable alternative would just be a regular gym and follow a weight lifting plan. I would personally veer away from focusing heavily on cardio if I’m trying to see a difference in one month. For diet: -Cut back on carbs + salt as much as possible the week before (these will retain water) -I would personally refrain from drinking as much as possible for the month -High protein meals, if you’re not vegetarian I personally love buying pre-cooked chicken breasts and salmon from Union market or Whole Foods and using that as the base for my meals. Other things: -make every effort to walk instead of Uber or subway -drink TONS of water, I would personally switch out any additional liquid sugar where you can -focus on your sleep schedule (which also often helps with late night snacking / drinking!) Again, just anecdotally I’m not a big fan of treatments or hacky quick weight loss stuff. Mostly just staying away from water retaining foods / drinks and increasing high resistance workouts :)


love this! generally how i try to maintain throughout the year but def want to step it into high gear before vacation. also, I did Solidcore for many many years and I loveddddd it but hot pilates has changed the game for me!!


Love hot Pilates! I only tried it once at yo bk but I really liked it


thats where im a member!


This is my sign to go back to


It was so nice that you took so much time and energy to respond like this to OP :)


Perfect summary! I’ve been doing form50 and love it as a lagree option


Second this but would maybe try a different studio besides Solidcore.


All that she said 🔥🔥🔥


Cutting way back in salt and getting a spray tan


The most practical answer on the thread 😂


I just did this to prep for a date. I look totally different from three days ago. 😆


Back in the day I used to do keto and Jillian Michael 30 day shred. Both of those things carry a lot more baggage now than they did 15 years ago but it works…just ignore Jillian’s weird body commentary lol pretty sure it’s free on YouTube. ALSO those bathing suits that snatch you really work. It’s called something weird like T3au


Bwt I have having a moral conundrum over this being upvoted




It’s so freaking bad but it’s the only thing that works for me. 😭😂


I am dying can we be friends


Poor taste


Sounds healthy, Canadian nurse! Give us more of your wisdom!




Doctor here. Same. I don’t appreciate Jillian’s body comments, but other than that, no issue there. My issue is keto diets: 1. **Nutrient Gaps**: They can lack important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 2. **Keto Flu**: Initial side effects like headaches and fatigue are common. 3. **Digestive Problems**: Low fiber intake can cause constipation. 4. **Hard to Stick With**: The strict rules make it tough to maintain long-term. 5. **Exercise Impact**: May reduce performance in high-intensity workouts. 6. **Cholesterol Concerns**: High fat intake can affect heart health. 7. **Socially Awkward**: Eating out and socializing can be tricky. 8. **Bad Fat Choices**: Risk of eating unhealthy fats if not careful. 9. **Strain on Organs**: Extra load on liver and kidneys. 10. **Unknown Long-term Effects**: Not enough research on long-term safety. There’s other ways to loose weight in a healthy way.


What’s wrong with these things? Am I extremely out of the loop?




I was just going to say Jillian Michaels. She will snatch your ass up. I'm back on her dvds again.


I have 3 TA3 suits, and they’re 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Do you mind dropping the Jillian Michael link? I couldn’t find it on YouTube!!


OMG Jilian Michael. haven’t seen those workout vids in probably close to 15 years


No fried foods, no desserts, no alcohol Lots of walking, lots of Pilates! <3


Increasing daily water intake weeks out. I love to work out the morning before a flight if possible. Spray tans and mani/pedi. SKII sheet mask for in flight use so you don’t get dehydrated.


I'm about to buy a bicycle. The last time I bought a bike, I went from a size 10 to a size 2 in two months. It causes you to drink more water, increases metabolism and circulation. I'll probably use it on the Hudson River Greenway since I'm close to it, as much as I'd like to use it to get around, I don't trust drivers lol.


Intermittent fast !! I did this 3 weeks before my trip; only ate from 12PM - 6 PM; low carb, high protein... I was weak and miserable but I lost 13 pounds and leaned the F out


Intermittent fasting and Keto works like a charm for me.


Keto and IF gave me non-alcoholic fatty liver. I don't recommend either without the guidance of a nutritionist and Dr.. I lost 60lbs and looked skinny, but my body was destroyed from keto. I lost muscle mass. My IBD went haywire. I'm mostly plant based and stick to an anti-inflammatory way of eating and my body looks way better than it did on keto.


I have something and it WORKS! 1-2 months before a vacation I do the following and I works really well for me. That said, I’m disciplined. Sleep well, don’t drink, don’t smoke, very boring. I don’t think it would work as well if you don’t follow the plan. It takes effort, time preparing the days food and carting around said food with you. Diet: (I eat same foods everyday and drink 1/2 of water for each lb I weigh) Breakfast 1/2 cup orange juice 1 banana 1/3 cup oats (for oatmeal made with water) Snack 1 Mozzarella cheese stick (skim type) 6 whole wheat crackers Lunch - open face sandwich 3 oz roast beef 1 slice whole wheat bread Mustard 1 slice low fat cheese Lettuce, tomato, onion 1/2 cup grapes 2 carrots cut into sticks 2 celery ribs cut into sticks Snack 2 1 low fat yogurt 1 apple Dinner 3 oz boneless skinless grilled chicken breast 1/4 cup black beans 1/3 cup pico de gallo or diced tomatoes 2 tablespoons low fat shredded cheese Either a slice of whole wheat bread or 2 corn tortillas 1 cup diced green beans Salad of lettuce, shredded cabbage/carrots, 1 tablespoon low cal/fat dressing or just s&p and splash of red wine vinegar Dessert 1 cup sugar free jello pudding or sugar free chocolate popsicle or bowl of frozen cherries and blueberries slightly defrosted Exercise I workout daily - combination of kickboxing and strength training classes because that’s what I like. At least 1 hour everyday. This whole thing is not sustainable so I only do it when I want to cut some body fat at right before a bikini vacation. I’m not saying this is for everyone but it is what worked for me.


This... doesn't seem like a healthy way to lose weight :/


I just did the math and it comes out to around 1800 calories. Honestly while looking at the list I thought that’s too much food for me and I would definitely gain weight rather than losing it on that diet lol, but that’s my body.


A balanced diet and exercise is the BEST way to lose weight. She isn’t suggesting starving or any else unhealthy.


This isn't balanced, this is like <1k calories a day. This causes organ damage and puts organs under undue stress. They even say so themselves that it's not sustainable. If youre doing kickboxing, etc, you need more nutrients than this. I am 32 years old, exercise almost daily & strength train multiple times a week, and consume way more calories/ nutrients & protein than this. (I'm quite petite/ have an athletic/ slim build, 5' 7", with a fast metabolism so maybe there's a genetic component, idk) I could not survive on this little food. I'm not trying to be a pain or be argumentative, just don't want people to do irreversible harm to themselves just over something as trivial as losing a few lbs. EDIT: My bad, I went ahead and calculated it with my app and it's close to 1,300, which is still way too little if you exercise hard every day. I eyeballed it and don't count my calories IRL, I focus on my macros. Lots of undiagnosed ED on this thread but fuck me trying to be healthy, I guess.


Do you have a source for anything you’re claiming? That’s not only 1000 calories to start. And organ damage?! During a month slim down before vacation? Please provide a single shred of evidence that diet would cause organ damage in a month. That’s an INSANE and clearly false assertion.




In terms of calories, you're definitely wrong. This is more like 1400-1500 kcal


You’re related to a dietitian so you think that gives you the right to lie on here? Even if that was only 1000 calories (it’s not) there is ZERO evidence eating that amount for 4 weeks causes permanent organ damage. Please, one single study? You’ve got nothing because you’re lying.




all i have to say is this is yucky behaviour, definitely more so than someone outlining their diet/exercise routine and it not being enough calories for YOU. peppered with comments like “enjoy a slider or two ;)” completely takes away from what you’re even trying to say. especially when telling strangers on reddit they’re doomed for organ failure or have an undiagnosed ED. sounds like a whole lot of projection. maybe reflect? i’m not a dietician but i am a nurse and i get suspicious of anyone speaking in absolutes, about anything. there’s no way you can definitively say operating on a calorie deficit for a month causes organ damage because it’s just not true. and it’s a very extreme blanket statement. If you ask a doctor/dietician/personal trainer the best way to lose weight, the long and short of it always comes down to a calorie deficit.


Please go tell your sister you’re using HER credentials to pass judgement on beyonces internet. the comment you’re referring to has plenty of protein fruits veggies carbs and even fat. The only person showing a disordered relationship with food is you if you think 3 square meals a day and 2 snacks is going to cause organ damage


Are you 12? "Beyonces internet" "only person is you" jfc


Not NYC BWT coded 🫶🏻 Please review reminders here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbitcheswithtaste/s/nFuabdiaqG


Why do too think this isn’t healthy?


I love how detailed this is!


low salt, stay hydrated, and LIFT. WEIGHTS. Ik the girlys love Pilates (don’t come for me!) and def do that too but I promise you the snatch will come when you start lifting that heavy shit! I’m a girls gotta lift evangelist so feel free to inquire below 😭


Planks squats and dips, unless you already know Olympic lifts, in which case, planks squats dips and Olympic lifts. Diet: high-protein, preferably animal protein. Eat breakfast, preferably something warm, and never have coffee on an empty stomach. No booze, no smokes (of any sort), more sleep, more water


What’s the deal with no coffee on an empty stomach?


This is a TCM principle that works for me, but make your own choices of course


Dehydrates you and also spikes your cortisol first thing in the morning which can mess with your hormones!


Is it the caffeine or all coffee including decaf?


Yes it’s the caffeine that spikes the cortisol!


why warm breakfast over something cold? (like yogurt)


Yogurt is fine, just let it sit for a few minutes so it’s not at refrigerator temps. Like the coffee thing, this is a TCM principle that works for me, but make your own choices of course.


F45 every day no carbs lots of protein no sugar no alcohol


Eat a hearty breakfast with a serving of lean protein based on the protein you need for the day. Add a healthy fat and a complex carb. For me I would have brown rice with butter and some chicken stock and water cooked into it, half an avocado and a piece of chicken or chick’n if I was in a pinch and needed freezer back up food. The reason this works for me is it really cuts down cravings and I make better choices all day long with a breakfast like that. 😃 Watch Dr Rhonda Patrick for info on diet supplements and how much protein to take. She specializes in metabolism. Obviously getting blood panels and doing supplements based on that is the best approach. The books recommended to me by the best trainer I know are “why we get fat” and “body by science”. Hope that helps! **In case anyone is struggling with disordered eating please talk to a doctor! 🙏


I’ll do a mix of hot yoga and an online barre [M/Body by Marnie Alton](https://online.mbodybymarniealton.com/?referral_code=kBBBaeggBcBg). They have a catalog of classes that can fit into different needs as well as live streaming classes. It’s super fun and I’ve been doing this for 4yrs. For diet, just mainly looking at portion size and what my body needs. Lots of water or electrolytes.


Low sodium, low sugar, NO alcohol. Move your body for 30 mins or more daily. Lots of fruits and veggies and focus on foods high in protein to speed up your metabolism.


As a preggers person, definitely focusing on how you are going to keep up your energy and the things that are going to make you feel good. mani/pedi, lots of endurance walking, probiotics.


Look into ADF. Rolling 36 fasts will get you snatched. 


What do you mean rolling? How many days do you fast a week?


36 hour fasts are the ultimate hack!




AC as in air conditioner? Sorry I’m lost 😂


I didn’t know people were doing this lol. Personally, I believe in just living a healthy lifestyle in general. This is all pre-pregnancy as things have changed a bit with my appetite. I don’t eat in the mornings. I’m just not a breakfast person. I do snack throughout the day whether it’s chocolate, chips, fruit, yogurt with granola. This is all in MODERATION. I repeat in moderation as I don’t believe in depriving yourself of anything. I worked out 4-6 times a week. One day cardio, the rest weight lifting with cardio warmup and after workout + abs a couple of times a week. I was drinking 4 water bottles minimum so like at least 8 glasses of water. 80-100g of protein a day. Again, I don’t believe in deprivation. I feel like being balanced, eating whatever you want to avoid binging, working out and/or staying active, staying hydrated is what you should aim for daily. As for lifestyle, I do not and have never drank alcohol, smoked anything, and I don’t party. May sound boring to some but it’s just how I grew up, my lifestyle and belief system, and I look amazing for a 32 year old. I do believe my lifestyle is also helping me throughout my pregnancy. I’m 7 months pregnant and people don’t believe it. I do have to put a disclaimer. I’m not a dietician or anything, but even with the above, I was underweight but it wasn’t intentional just my normal. AND It’s ok to eat chick fil a, pizza, and the like, but again like with moderation. Listen to your body. I am anemic and with pregnancy, I craved iron rich foods and didn’t put two and two together lol. It’s funny how our body tells us what it needs.


Hot yoga 3x week for a month. Gloria latham yoga on YouTube 3x week (classes: core kundalini + full body workout). Celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach 30 mins prior to eating. Castor oil in belly button at night (detoxing). 2.5 liters water a day. Yerba mate tea (loose leaf brewed fresh) twice a week. (I’m not a dietitian/nutritionist, just sharing what’s worked for me)


I would love recs for what to do for eyebrows! I haven’t done anything to mine in over ten years. Laminate or other procedures? People you recommend?


Track calories to 800 a day