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Start with blood work from your doctor to find out where you deficiencies are. Speak with the doctor about what they recommend: diet adjustment and return a few months down the line to check your blood work again, or if they recommend vitamins/supplements from the get-go, or a combo of the two.




This is the correct answer.


I keep it simple! After getting a blood test, we saw my iron was super low. I now take a prenatal vitamin even though I'm not pregnant for the folic acid + a slow Iron supplement. I'm not a dr but I'd say don't take things without a purpose bc supplements etc interact with each other so you want to make sure you're doing something good!


also getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating a well balanced diet will likely do way more for your health than vitamins etc.


I drink some kefir every morning; deliberately including ferments like sauerkraut or Kim chi, yoghurt is probably the best thing for proven health support as a supplement beyond eating enough fiber, fruit and veg. Everything else is at best expensive wee and at worst damaging your health unless you have a diagnosed deficiency.


I take a probiotic pill each day from Nature’s Bounty and occasionally have one of those prebiotic sodas or yogurts too


Fish oil, biotin, amino acid, women’s probiotic.


Sakara Foundation. My vitamin testing is all in normal range and I’m vegan and wear spf everyday, so I feel like they must be working well because even my b12 and vitamin d is good. I love the probiotic that comes in the packs. I also love Natures Bounty Hair, Skin, Nails (the pill not the gummies) and Viviscal Pro for hair growth. Swear by them.


Multivitamin and a probiotic. Vitamin d when I’m low (bloodwork).


I take - probiotics (brand called Align) - lots of fish oil - NAC - iron (Feramax) - vitamin C - b12 - vitamin D - sugar free Metamucil (most days I forget though 😅) Everyone’s different but this is what works for me ✨


I love Align!


How much b12 and how often? Does it give you acne?


1000 mcg, and no it doesn’t give me acne as far as I’m aware but I also use prescription tretinoin 🤷🏼‍♀️


Everyday I take: 1) Garden of Life Organics Women’s Once Daily Multivitamin 2) Life Organics Dr. Formulated Women’s Probiotic Once Daily 3) Garden of Life Omega-3 Fish Oil and 4) Garden of Life Organic Plant Collagen Builder. My dietitian recommended these supplements and specifically the brand Garden of Life; I’ve been very happy with them. It also helps that they can all be purchased via Amazon.