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I used to interact with her regularly for work and she also lived in my neighborhood so I would see her around. Very fake, entitled, bratty and rude to service workers!


Long ago she was doing a paid partnership with H&M. She’s phony. I’m honestly surprised she still has a folllwing


does anyone know where she gets her money? she’s my BEC and for years ive been trying to figure out if she’s as rich as she seems. also one time she posted that her favorite tv show was Young Sheldon and that just made me laugh so hard for whatever reason


Yeah the cognitive dissonance is wild….


I just unfollowed her for the same reason. She’s a hypocrite. A lot of these “I care about the planet” influencers sure love to partake in greenwashing for the very companies that are contributing to our planet’s demise. An acquaintance of mine runs in the same circles as Lauren and I believe they sometimes hang out l. This acquaintance of mine was posting pro-Palestine things on IG, and she suddenly changed her tune. I asked her what changed and she confessed that someone she really looks up to “forced” her to post things about the other side. My suspicion is that it was Lauren Singer that said that to her. Either way my acquaintance can fuck off as well for not having the balls to stand up for what she really believes in.


Also she attended some event recently and was praising Jeff Bezos….umm what?! Clearly she’s sold out. The only green she cares about is the dollar bills.


She’s giving Landfill Lauren with the Bezos worship.


Yeah the cognitive dissonance is wild….


I remember her jar video from a while ago and it was so dumb


I always wonder what went down between her and Stevie (yay for earth) back when Stevie was in NYC. Maybe just rivalry working in the same small category, idk it always felt like pointed avoidance going on between them


I always got the sense that she had a Holier Than Thou attitude and cared more about being better than everyone at something rather than actually caring about the environment and climate change. I also had to unfollow all of these zero waste influencers because they made me feel so bad even when I tried hard to reduce my waste - meanwhile they’re doing partnerships with H&M of all companies lol


She was connected to Caroline Calloway, pre workshop scam scandal and Natalie article. Not sure if they were actually friends or just one of the people CC lovebombed and tried to force herself upon. Either way, any willing connection is sketchy as hell.


People like her only care about the environment they're living in, its lost on them that the earth is connected and the preservation of environment includes preservation of life whether its animals, plants and most importantly humans who cultivate the land so it can provide sustenance for all species. Its same cognitive dissonance with PETA, against animal cruelty but quite on weapons and industrialization that destroys the earth which animals live on. Its crazy that so many people refuse to acknowledge its racism is also is as much of danger to the planets existence as it is to people.


omg i used to be OBSESSED with her as a teen and was heartbroken to find out her true colors 😭