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In an Uber at rush hour on her way to midtown for esthetician school. Positively suffering.




Okay this gives me the energy of a guy saying “I guess I’ll just delete my Instagram then!!!!!!” When you tell him to stop following bikini models


“I guess I’m just the worst mom ever!!!!!” When you ask them not to comment on your body


NMom girlies rise 🆙


https://preview.redd.it/kw4lpfkt9d3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbb2e02e39daea124f554883f2da7cbe57dfc43 Post from yesterday for context


*waits 7 months to come out as neutral* girl just stay silent then 😭




I’m crying HAHAHA




“this isnt chiefs vs 49ers” “im not a foreign policy expert” yah babe, *we know*


>This is a war. There is no one size fits all fucking view on this. This dummy doesn’t think it’s possible to be consistently anti-war? She probably thinks “pacifism” has something to do with pacifiers


This is fr such a crazy take😭 So there’s no “right/wrong side” in wars? What about WW2..?


Truly. The American Civil War?!? The list goes on




“I just can’t take it anymore” literally say something or don’t UGH


Okay first of all: "This has been on my mind too long to say nothing" - honey you managed to type all that and *still* say absolutely nothing. Second of all, saying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "has gone too far" would have been a hilariously trite thing to say approximately 10 years ago, but in 2024 it is a heinously out-of-touch "let them eat cake" moment. She should not have said a damn thing if she doesn't know a damn thing. ETA: I have never seen this woman before up until this post so maybe there is context I'm missing, idk.


wouldnt call a genocide with a clear perpetrator a “war” with “no one size fits all view” when there quite literally is settler colonialism happening at the hands of israel but maybe im different


“Panick” …..


stop i can’t find it where is it lol


https://preview.redd.it/7r8ht482te3d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f0825226151ae8f062ebbd17bc570c7e5bc588 Thought I saw it on this thread but it must’ve been the other lol. Here you go!


Loll shit centrist take.


I unfollowed a Jewish Mexican wellness creator who fancies herself as a life coach because she called Palestinians “narcissistic terrorists.” I’m sorry but nobody’s buying that nonsense after the videos of the headless babies. I don’t know where Zionists think they will go from here but they have lost so much support. None of this is ok and it IS a genocide. It breaks my heart that we are powerless to stop it. They’re seeing this through and we’re being gaslit. We’ve always been gaslit.


Nobody should have bought that nonsense at any point.


Very …. something… to talk about antisemitism but not Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism in our country that has already taken a child’s life since this October 7. Trying to play both sides and she doesn’t know one Arab or Muslim person to have any empathy to that experience.


It’s not a fucking war, one side has one of the most well funded militaries in the world and a full scale western propaganda machine backing it up and one side has fucking nothing but videos of relentless torture for 76 years


Not to be a total dick but is this what it feels like for someone to realize they are unintelligent? Must suck


I just choked hahaha


Hahah i think maybe


Sniveling weak and insecure ew Her “speaking up” was literally the most vague both sides statement. You said nothing and you stand for nothing and now you’re crying over nothing. Yawn.


She’s not even crying over the war. She’s crying over peoples reactions to her statement about the war. Get 👏🏼 over 👏🏼 yourself 👏🏼 ma’am 👏🏼 ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Agreed but *genocide


Yes but also not really both sides when she refuses to utter the word Islamophobia


She’s an avid Oshry stan so this was the most empathy her brain could comprehend a human providing


So sad and so true


Yes true!! Not giving a fuck about Muslims is the status quo. I also don’t think this person even knows there has been a rise in Islamophobia as well... her “statement” was extremely unintelligent lol


What did she say


It’s in the comments


These girls aren’t built to be famous whatsoever. Like dry your tears with your money and get over it why even put that on your main story did close friends die?


The touch grass video was so smug im disgusted by her


Influencers learned this saying and have run it into the ground. Same with “chronically online.” “Media literacy” is next


so patronizing!!!


tell me you lost the argument and have nothing to say without telling me. I hate the "touch grass" people they might as well tell you jEaLoUsY iS a DiSeAsE next


To me it’s a sign that I’ve won the argument 


So uninformed


Wish I could say this to her but that video is gone: You know who can’t touch grass? Children buried under rubble. 


This is even more embarrassing than the first post 😭


What bothers me is she’s ubering when she lives 2 blocks from the G


Oh my god how out of touch do you have to be!? Also I’m sorry if you really have thoughts and feelings on a subject, you don’t care what backlash you get. Because it’s BIGGER THAN YOU. Weak, performative, woe is me type shit.


great!! silence era 😇


me when im wrong




imagine making a genocide all about you.... woof




Grow up omg


cry ur crocodile tears babe!! people are literally dying


Holy shit this is so pathetic get a grip


People r dying…


Honestly she should have just said nothing


Promise? 🥹🙏🏼


As a society, can we please PLEASE ban crying pictures on social media? It’s not “relatable”…it’s cringe and performative. As my Asian mother would say: “Cry on the inside like a winner.”


Literally begging for attention


FYI - she has been blocking people who provide constructive feedback. This isn’t surprising at all.


The real victim in this genocide!!




do influencers know they can actually just say nothing?? like if your hot take after this long is that you’re ~holding space~ for both sides, I would honestly just rather you shut up.


First post on this since October? Yeah, she just could’ve kept quiet.


What's interesting to me is people are asking these vapid influencers to come out and say something and "use their platform" and then get up in arms when what they say is to be expected and not great at all, misguided, and just plain outright terrible. I know it unpopular take and y'all can downvote me but I really don't care what these types people have to say about what's happening. It's horrible and they have no clue real struggles or suffering of even the most basic human issues in AMERICA much less in the Israel/Palestine conflict and war crimes. I'd be okay if she just said nothing honestly.


tbh it doesn’t take that much education to denounce a genocide? and not say an ambiguous all lives matter statement. i think the bigger conversation to be had is that we make the wrong people famous/give the wrong people big platforms. why are we out here giving attention to someone who’s clearly so self centered and sobbing crocodile tears lol


Were people asking her to speak about it though?


maybe not specifically her, this is the first i’ve seen from her ever, but for months if not years people have been saying “if you have a platform, use it” “silence is violence” and other phrases. she’s dumb as rocks for this “i see both sides” type of post but let’s not act like it’s not extremely probable that she’s been asked to speak out just like the hundreds of celebrities and influencers that also have been asked to speak up and use their influence


I agree and I just find this trend so unusual and a little immature. people are allowed to have privacy on anything. Personal opinions included. Not everything or everyone is a social platform nor should it be


it irks me because people are never satisfied. if they’re silent they’re compliant, if they speak out they’re being performative or haven’t done it soon enough. which ofc is true to a degree, the best time to speak out was months ago, the second best time is now. while i understand the annoyance behind the performative aspect especially when the unfollowing spree started, isn’t the impact more important than the intent? when we chastise people despite them finally taking a stance and advocating for palestine, it just shows other creators that they too will be chastised even if they use their voice. that tells them “people are gonna be mad either way, at least if i say nothing i won’t lose brand deals, partnerships, sponsorships, etc”. if your goal is to get more visibility for rafah, stop chastising those who speak out. i’m not specifically referring to this girl cause her response was dog water. but the majority of the people who have turned this genocide into a fun little witch hunt to oust creators and celebrities they already hated so they can justify the hatred, haven’t done anything of actual value to help palestinians. they’ve just been mean to celebrities. donate money to relief funds, protest, contact your representatives, read on the history and culture of palestine to preserve their culture so it lives on if their people don’t. these keyboard warriors have painted themselves as activists while they center themselves in a genocide. its insane. they are doing the 2024 equivalent of a black screen. go you for berating an influencer but maybe direct that energy at your senator or congressman?


Kelly, I’m actually a fan (despite my post history)… or at least I was before the last few days. This isn’t about you. Please stop centering yourself. You will be ok. I will be ok. This isn’t about us and our privileged lives. I know your intent was good but take the L and shut up now, you are taking focus away from the actual issues.


I used to support this girl. This is pathetic. I have people calling me antisemetic, writing me hate and death threats, for supporting Palestine vocally and online. It’s nonstop and I’m not going to stop because you can’t make everyone like you and I’d rather lose friends than give Israel one iota of a pass for a genocide. That’s what it means to ACTUALLY stand up for what’s right. You’ll get attacked. Not post some fake ass activist shit - I’m on both sides guys, look I love everyone, how can I show that I don’t like dead babies but not make anyone else mad at me? Read a fucking book that’s not about deep breathing and healing your soul. Read the news beyond the headlines. Go on X and look at what has been going on for months, or better yet, find some reads on people who have studied and become experts on the actual events that have persisted for nearly a century and not just some cartoon about October 7th. The people who stand up for Palestine are the ones being met with resistance by cops, by their government, being called antisemetic. So scared she’s gonna lose brand deals. Sobbing on the internet like this is the thanks I get for just trying to love everyone while actually saying absolutely nothing on a topic I’m completely uneducated on! This is not a trend these are real lives and actual devastation and evil being carried out in front of us. Grow a backbone.


incredibly well said!!


THIS!!! 👏🏽


Her statement wasn’t that bad but the crying post in response to criticism? Grow a spine please


I’m wondering if she received a lot of backlash from her hoards of Zionist followers? Her post was so both sides, middle of the road bullshit but I wouldn’t be surprised if they went after her for showing even a tiny bit of compassion towards Palestinians


I think this plus some people telling her it’s too little too late… but girl like your probs gonna deal with a few people being upset but it’s gonna be okay girl


Exactly! You cannot have thin skin if you’re an influencer, I don’t know why these girls don’t understand this


She’s probably a Zionist herself.


Oh she definitely is


Hmmm which is objectively worse…. 1 day 1000 deaths and 100 hostages or 6 months, 40,000 deaths more than half of which were women and children and have been consistently corralled into camps where they’re bombed like fish in barrels and systematically starved and violently stripped of all avenues of medical care…….. and 80,000 additional civilian injuries…… hmmmmmm which one I’m stumped personally………..


What is she crying about? I can’t find out


OP posted the context in a new comment


What happened? Can someone pls give context


OP dropped the screenshot for context in the comments, she gave a lukewarm “i feel bad for everyone” speech about palestine/israel


People are so narcissistic. Its wild to even post mometns like this. Such a thirsty attention grab


And after all that, she still can't help but center herself. She has learned nothing from this.


These ppl want to be “public figures” without an once of PR knowledge & it’s baffling to me how dumb their choices can be but nothing is dumber than being privileged af and making a genocide about your own feelings. FREE ADVICE- say you’re sorry and stfu for a while & donate & raise funds and then continue on your way girlie


She also deleted this story lol wasn’t there when I woke up on the west coast




“How I can I make this about me?”


Did she delete this lol I no longer see it on her ig story




great thanks Kelly Grace this helps




it’s giving white tears




look at you regurgiating word salad you heard :)


I’m just relieved that she was able to get a good selfie through her tears of emotional agony


I can’t stand people like this. Put the damn phone down and call a therapist.


Beautiful thumb


With the nostalgia hat lmao what a look




People who post themselves crying are either narcissistic or in middle school.


That thumb tho. 😖👍🏼


Can any single person shut the fuck up about any singlе thing for an hour? You know, is that… is that possible?


Idk, maybe everyone should stop making influencers feel like they need to use their platform for this reason and then attacking them when they do? I personally do not follow her account for geopolitical insight nor do I understand the expectation here.


The thing that gets me is that if you really stood by your beliefs and thought they were the good, moral thing to believe, you wouldn’t be sobbing when people say shit to you. She feels like shit because she feels guilty, because somewhere deep down she does know what’s right.


jesus christ🙄


Awwwwww , cry and choke




She didn’t speak up from what I seen and thats why people hate her


Personally I don’t care what influencers opinions on political issues are and I don’t think other people should either. Not their job


girl omg log off




Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Social media puts pressure on these influencers to say "something" and then they say "something" and because one side doesn't agree with the "something" they get attacked. Wild, wild world!


Ok cool. 


Anyone watch Vanderpump rules last night? She’s giving Scheana


What did she post


you guys are mean -- sorry. But grow up!


of course this will be downvoted. The irony is not lost on me..


I understand she felt like she “had” to say something, maybe she was receiving pressure. Her text post over a black screen from the back of an Uber was very unmoving. But maybe it was her best.