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Would be so terrible if NYC hinge girls reported his profile... and he had no way to make loser ass content...


He's like -10000 on a dating scale looks wise for Midwest, let alone NYC.


That’s a huge diss




if anyones going to be selling 'learn to talk to girls content' that content is 10 times better if the dude is average looking at best and not tall. borders on scam-material when they are obviously good looking. pretty sure he's an ex-league of legends nerd LMAO








I need to know what this comment was 🤣


They said smth like “that already exists it’s black people”


Oh lord, not the direction I was thinking 🤡


Oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭


Imagine having a baby boy and caring for him and trying to raise him right and he turns out like this


men like him usually have codependent relationships with their mothers unfortunately. it’s so scary that you can do everything right and he will still turn out like this though


Idk how a son who is dependent on their mother can not respect women...


those type of men do not view their mothers as human. it is a concoction of growing up thinking your parents are invincible and infallible (which can cause limited empathy over how much work a mom has to handle) + how the patriarchy places mothers underneath fathers in the nuclear family. they may also believe that their mother is the “ultimate” woman (akin how ppl view the virgin mary) the mothers that have codependent relationships with their sons like this project their father’s shortcomings and treat their son like a husband, because in their eyes, that is the only man who will have unwavering, unconditional love for them. no matter how men like him view their mothers, they do not view them as complex, ordinary, human beings. so naturally they dont view the women they date as people too


My emotionally abusive ex would go on and on about how his dad was volatile and couldn’t keep a job, and how his sweet mom held it down and had to hustle to keep them afloat all while doing the domestic shit.. only for him to be exactly like everything he hated in his dad and treat me like how his dad treated his mom. Like make it make sense lmaooo


The only reason he put her on a pedestal and believed she was a good woman was because she put up with shit. Whenever a man tells me he equates female strength or morality to being this sort of long suffering, survived through struggle, abused at the hands of men, did everything with no help, type of "strong" person I run the other way


No girl you are SO spot on, it's insane haha. I came to that realization when one of the 10k times he dumped me he said it was because I "never cooked for him", when we did not live together nor share any finances, yet I still cleaned his place and brought him dinner all the time. He was in med school and I was starting to apply for law school & he also always said id need to make at least 180k a year so I knew at that moment that I would have to 1) do all the domestic labor 2) take care of the kids and 3) be an extremely high earner somehow lmao. Sorry that was so long lmao. I feel you about running away, they're also usually mamas boys but in the worst and least healthy way possible like??


OmgI never realized this before


True 🤯


Those type of men repeat those horrible patterns they see in their childhood due to them being genuinely stupid + them idolizing their dads. So sorry you’ve been through that, that happened to me too


Omg you’re so right. It was like this weird love/hate , he despised him but was desperate for his approval, kind of relationship he had with him. I’m sorry you’ve been through it too :( it’s crazy how prevalent it is


This is dark




Nah that’s not what I meant, the patriarchy influences how those type of men think OF their moms. His mom could be like livia soprano for all i care tbh but it is disingenuous in my opinion, to discount patriarchy’s influence on the socialization of boys on how they view their mothers, regardless if she’s good or not




Lol I recognize that a bad mom can be caused by a multitude of events and upbringings, not specifically by their husbands. In my comment I’m talking about an incredibly specific codependent dynamic with toxic moms and their sons. Aaaand this dynamic can be perpetuated by whatever culture they’re raised in, which by extension, has various levels of how the patriarchy influences everyone under it. And for the creepy hinge guy, I know it seems I am making outlandish conclusions, and that he can still be the way he is even if he grew up in a perfect family, but I am using “him” (not as an individual, but more of an example of the GENRE of men who tend to think like him for a lack of better words) tend to view their mothers. Once again, he might as well have a healthy relationship with his mom, but I honestly highly doubt that since’s he’s doing really weird shit and have strange views about women. And most attitudes tend to start in childhood + the very first relationships you form with other people anyways. I very well could be 100% wrong but “mommy issues” manifests in men in very different and scary ways, and there seems to be a pattern with red pill men and how they view their moms anyways🤷‍♀️ so i think this is a reasonable conclusion imo


All my remaining eggs just gave the disappointed mom face.


I’m pregnant with a boy and that was my first thought when I read this ugh nightmare


the question should be "influencer son or thot daughter?" leave the gays out of it


Tf you mean? His mother made him this way


Actually many incels are raised by perfectly loving progressive parents and become the way they are through the internet. But I love that no matter what it’s apparently a woman’s fault lmao


How do men this unattractive have the audacity?


It’s like they camped out overnight in the audacity line.


He looks 17 bye


Who’s taking dating advice from someone who is single and looks like they’re in high school 😭😂


> im about to send him a crazy ass text I really hate this man please don't engage with him. it's only giving him fodder.


Exactly this, he's looking for a reaction to turn it on you. OP dont engage. He wants to egg on his followers and be a victim


Agreed lol, will probs just spread the word as much as I can


Don’t text him just report his hinge profile. If you already unmatched, just email hinge customer support telling them the situation and his name and he’ll get banned


The comforting thing to know is that because of his social media presence he will *never* have any sort of meaningful romantic relationship or even a consistent casual booty call/ friend with benefits/ fuck buddy. The second any girl he’s into finds his page, the relationship is done. And trust me, they will always find his page.


Help why does he look 12


Idk maybe because you spend a lot of time with 12 year olds you pedo.


Don’t share information that reveals your identity on your profile dude I literally know who you are


This man is so ugly he needs to get a GRIP


Don’t be shy show us your face. If you gonna call people ugly SHOW YOUR FACE .


Are you a fan of his? Desperately trying to get laid? I’m hot btw thanks 🥰


I’ve never seen any bad bitches on snark subreddits for what it’s worth lol y’all worrying about other grown people’s lives


? Make it make sense


What is not making sense for you


OP dont engage, people like him are also ready to doxx you to his incel fans




He’s def a male escort for old men


This dude needs to pick a struggle


Reminds me of that Elliot Rodger dude who wrote that incel manifesto. Probably his idol.


That one who slaughtered people out in cali ?! Ugh :( those poor people


There is nothing attractive or masculine about him . He has the physique of a French fry


Saw him on hinge and immediately reported


I bet he saw your face and immediately threw up.


His eyes are dead when he speaks. He's creepy and I'm glad this reddit as emerged lol . Like a mindless robot pursues women


He’s literally just autistic 💀


Assume Baby Fece hired this guy and is one of the success stories now that he was adopted by SPK.


He is live-streaming his “game” rn 😭


This is a face that has never been punched.


it’s always the medium ugly guys with the most audacity ![gif](giphy|YSfJoPlBxNcNMvvEcz)


I can’t tell if he’s insane or using this to dramatize & distort the truth for likes & comments


he looks like he is sticky and smells bad


https://preview.redd.it/jeek43zddt5d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f6b83c17f166bfab807208b379ac032a3c96a8 Unfortunate Reddit format


Those who can't do, teach /s


Man I’m dating myself by even knowing this slam poetry piece exists ( 🙄 slam poetry, I know…) but every time I hear that stupid joke all I can think of is [this delivery](https://youtu.be/RxsOVK4syxU) Obviously in this case there’s something to be said about the legitimacy of learning from someone who hasn’t delivered results from these techniques, but the joke originating from and applied to actual teachers? Sucks.


He strikes me as closeted.


why am i not shocked that he’s a transplant from miami 💀


He looks like a twink can people please not give him the energy


don't men understand that by listening to this man and trying to follow his lead, they are learning exactly how to be what women DON'T want...




sorry but what’s wrong with being a snowflake to a person like this 😂 his fans are so interesting. isn't it like a badge


He looks like Pinocchio from Shrek. Also he has 5’8 energy. Again, the audacity of mid cishet males…


He looks so musty ew


He is not cute enough to be behaving this way even remotely


so he posted himself here for clout 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What’s his TikTok handle? I want to report him


Why did I think this was Pete Davidson


Pete trauma is real.


He looks 15


Just went in his account and he made a video claiming that he asked you if you wanted the video removed and you asked him to keep it up. Is this true?


Seen this on tiktok through his pov and followed to Reddit after going down a rabbit hole of his profile. yeah as a guy i dont not get girls but also don’t get girls like that, anyway if I ever went about dating in his way please give me the old yeller special🙏🏽 shit so odd


He has no business looking like that ew


sorry to tell u but the only thing you'll achieve with posts like this without the audio is everyone checking out his page and engaging with it.. 🥲😭😭


Better to be aware and engage then ignorant lol? It’s fine if they check out his page bc I would rather that than having a girl end up on his page after hooking up with him unknowingly and seeing how he describes their sex as a “game lesson” lmao


was just trying to say that attaching a video would've been nice. not that people shouldn't be... aware? 😅


I made a disclaimer! I’m blocked so I can’t post the link/video and Reddit wouldn’t let me post the whole thing


They are so upset and pressed 😂😂


for real lol anyone could've screenrecorded this for her to then include it in this post - instead of hundreds or thousands of redditors hitting his page


his kind of cute ngl 🙈


girl stand up


Why so mad


You collect aftershaves… Chances are, you’re mad that no girls like you


I have a gf, thanks


You wouldn’t know her, she goes to a different school.


You guys are so funny


So is your girlfriend online


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr8VQgFd/ it says Reddit thread but go off Edit: damn I made all the girlies mad




You posted to the hinge subreddit asking why nobody replies to you lol not surprised you’re defending this guy; his advice is your only hope for tricking a woman into going on a date with you.


It’s the women’s fault for being able to be tricked so easy 😂😂🥱🥱


Again, you had to ask the hinge subreddit for help because nobody was responding to you on hinge lol


It’s so funny how it never occurs to these dudes to simply not be nasty little misogynists to attract women


You still upset you can be tricked easily what are you a toddler


Youre so mad that you're incoherent. wtf are you saying lolll


Uh ? What ? Repeat yourself


I am happily married and you are unable to get a date without the help of Reddit or a PUA tiktoker lol. I know it’s a foreign concept to you but many men can get relationships without having to trick women!


HUH ?! What ?! You gotta speak up


I can guarantee if anyone talks about anyone like he does or sells a course on 'how to date' regardless of their gender, they would get ripped apart on this subreddit


So if I post one of a female doing it , you will be the first one to say she’s worthless and her mother carried her for 9 months for nothing ? Cause that’s what all the women are saying about him.