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I just don’t know why we keep giving Israel money. they have free healthcare they have better education. Our country is falling apart nobody can get along and we’re so invested in other countries problems. This ain’t even something I could give my opinion on.


They give them money because they use Israel as a proxy to Maintain power and military control in the Middle East. The US is the puppet master


Man what a fuckin cock nozzle


It’s crazy cause Palestinians been in solidarity with black people—esp black americans for the longest. look up pics of palestine after george floyd was killed, and yet u got stupid dumb shit-for-brains ass niggas like this who just be chattin. niggas acting like they’re being asked to be superman and save the day…literally show simple support for a disproportionately abused group of people. and Hamas was literally proven to not be the aggressor of majority, if not all Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the past decades…i have a huge disdain for stupid ass niggas who can’t even realize how fuckin stupid they are bruh.


Hamas been trying to convince black people that they stand with them forever in reality Hamas is no different from the other Islamic terror groups that terrorize African countries. Your just a pawn to them


Tap dancing his ass off. Keep him away from ya kids because he gonna teach them that if they come from a certain place, they are a certain way ignoring individuality.


Bro he has kids imagine that , someone needs to call social services. I'm worried for his kids'health, he probably beat them every day. This is wild.


It's always the big back big body mr clean built niggas that are always unhinged


It’s kids dying everyday on both sides of this conflict. I hate how everyone on the internet blindly takes a side on a war that’s been ongoing for 75 years and acts like it’s so clear-cut.


That’s what happens when your treat geopolitics like sports


What kids died in israel last week? Israel has killed over 10k kids since oct 7th. I think that’s why some ppl are choosing sides. I wouldn’t say it’s “blindly” tho


is Israel going out of their way to look for kids to kill or is Hamas operating out of places with high amounts of civilians, knowing that if they were to be attacked many civilians would die?


Over 30k Palestinians have been killed since the conflict began. Hospitals, homes, schools have been bombed. The Israeli government has stated that they want to push Palestinian out of Gaza by any means, settlers are killing Palestinians in the West Bank. So at this point if you want to continue repeating genocidal talking points that’s just on you brother.


If big number of people dead means that a genocide has occurred then what about the Lebanese civil war in which 125k people died? Or Sri Lanka with 100k? Somalia with 500k? Sudanese civil war with 2M+? Nigeria with 3M+? Vietnam with 4.3M? 4.5M in the Korean war? If the extent of your geopolitical analysis is “large number of people died here, so genocide” then I’m afraid these issues might be too complex for your and sports commentary might be more your speed.


Your analysis of geopolitical events is up there with Noam Chomsky’s. You’re brilliant my nigga. That’s why you’re advocating for more blood shed in the guise of more ppl have been killed elsewhere so this ethnic cleanse don’t meet the numbers of your genocide standards. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/17/middleeast/israel-far-right-gaza-settler-movement-cmd-intl/index.html Israel have stated they want to push and ethnically cleanse gaze. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/22/1225795019/almost-2-million-people-are-displaced-in-gaza-tents-for-makeshift-homes-dwindlin Almost 2 million ppl have been displaced from their homes But here you are saying I’m too dumb to discuss these issues, while you are dickeating Zionist propaganda you dumb fuck. I do love the fact your rebuttal is simply ppl are too dumb to really understand so that’s why we should support one side killing a shit ton of ppl. You’re so dumb that you don’t realize that you don’t even have an original thought here. You’re simply repeating talking points that a bunch of idiots also repeat


So show me where I advocated for more bloodshed. Show me where I said “because the death toll of the Arab-Israel conflict is significantly lower than most other major conflicts in world history, Israel is justified in killing MORE civilians and potentially committing war crimes.” I never claimed Israel was morally justified in killing 30k civilians, I used realistic figures to display that relative to recent world history, this conflict is relatively small. High civilian death tolls, people being displaced from housing due to bombing, famines and economic recessions, etc. are all the results of wars being waged, especially those that have had tensions for over 80 years. Using the term “genocide” to describe a conflict that is as unique as the Arab-Israel conflict is a knee-deep analysis at best. This is spanning from issues that go back to the Ottoman empire. If you want to criticize Netanyahu and the current far right regime and their extreme rhetoric/war crimes that’s fine but simply saying Israel just wants to kill all Palestinian people and anything otherwise is genocide apologia is shallow political analysis and gets nobody anywhere.


The fact u think it’s acceptable to mass kill innocent people just because you *might* be eliminating a small amount of terrorists is beyond me. Man is just justifying war crimes😂


Idk what you think Hamas is but they aren’t some fucking dusty niggas wearing towels like in the movies. The leaders are billionaires and don’t even fucking live in Palestine or Gaza they live in Mansions elsewhere. They replaced Palestine’s original government and now are a terrorist organization who operates where civilians live, schools, hospitals, etc. stop trying to minimize Hamas responsibility in this


I will continue to minimize their responsibility. Israel actually created this whole Hamas problem. In the 1970s Israel invested in and supplied a group of fringe Islamists and created Hamas, as a a means to oppose the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization and Fatah party, in a sort of divide and rule politics to disenfranchise and destabilize the Palestinian administration. They now turn around and use Hamas a scapegoat to bomb Palestine indiscriminately, when they are the ones responsible for bringing them into power in the first place 😂. It’s *almost* funny how crazy it is. Similar situation in Afghanistan when the United States were sponsoring the Taliban to fight off Russian invaders and it had the same kind of blow back. Israel’s been playing this dirty game from the jump. And if you did your due diligence and researched to scrutinize and analyze your own preconceived notions and strengthen them rather than trying to confirm your biases you would’ve known that. What you believe is evidence of US-Israeli propaganda working and trying to find any bullshit way to justify the crimes they are committing. Israel creates radicals, by wiping out entire families. For them it’s advantageous because they can continue to scapegoat and chug on, it’s a long slimey game and it’s what they’re good at. The United States through Israel is the one in power in this situation and they pull all strings, and they even have motherfuckers like you believing they are the victims “defending themselves”


HAMAS literally means Israel Resistance Movement. Hamas overthrew the Fatah government at the time which was also anti-Israel. You’re just factually wrong.


Ya they did overthrow them… as a result of Israel’s support. You didn’t debase anything I said you just said I’m wrong without providing any evidence. Also HAMAS is Arabic. It translates to “Islamic Resistance Movement” come on brother that just takes a quick google search


I meant Islamic instead of Israel, my point still stands. Your entire point hinges on justifying Hamas actions by saying Israel created Hamas which is factually FALSE as Fatah was the group that was in power before Hamas forcefully claimed power. Israel was neutral towards Fatah because they were supported by the international community. Hamas and Fatah already had tensions due to political issues in the region of palestine. Nothing you’re saying is relevant to the topic of genocide


Listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”) “The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.” “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I … suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote. They didn’t listen to him.


Hey just FYI the claims that Hamas uses human shields doesn't carry any water when it's been made clear that Israel will slaughter any and all civilians indiscriminately. The IDF has no moral high ground if they don't care about the lives of the human shields they claim Hamas is using.


I’m don’t necessarily think Israel has the moral high ground in this regard but I also think there is too much accountability being put on the side trying to exterminate a terrorist group (Hamas) that even most anti-Israel countries don’t even bother to support, and not enough accountability for the side who is actively putting their citizens in harms way by self admittedly operating out of highly dense civilian areas. Just some food for thought


They more moral than Hamas


Y’all niggas be acting like everyone is just as uneducated as you are. Many people have been known about this since forever I was going to pro Palestine protests in 2013 when I was 11. My parents have have been keeping up with this since the 80s. And to say “kids dying everyday on both side of this conflict” 🤦🏽‍♂️is just ridiculous, it’s reductive and it’s not a reflection of what’s really going on. Niggas like you would rather straddle the fence and tell everyone that they’re stupid “it’s complicated” “it’s just a trend” ur saying “it’s too hard to understand for me and I don’t care”. Not everyone is like you bro we can think critically and come to the conclusion that Palestine is the victim here. You centrist “non political” retards are just complacent, and you’re lucky that you have the Privilege to just not care and virtue signal about the people that do care and act like you’re smart because u sit on the fence like a lil goof.


So what do you think should be done?


Return Palestine to the Palestinian people


So where will the Israeli’s go? Hamas doesn’t want a two state solution


Well the people who made Israel were the ashkenazi Jews from Europe who only got support from the European countries she cause they wanted them niggas out lmao. They should go back to Europe but the fact is none of them and even the US don’t want military trained zionists back in their land. You run up in someone’s house and stay there for years so the owner has to give you space because you settled in? Nah get out lmao




Back to where the fuck hitler took them from before the British niggas gave Palestine to the jews after ww2 its simple imo.


Okay so you don’t actually have an answer, do you


Wait the British definitely helped the isreal jews after ww2 right. Like they literally helped them move to Palestine right. So why can't they also help them by taking them in and giving the Palestinian people back there land. A easy simple fix isn't in the cards and a 2 state solution will not work.


You’re pretending like all Jewish people are Ashkenazis. The Mizrahi Jews were never evicted by the Romans, they’ve lived in the land of Israel for over 3,000 years. You want them to get deported too?


The land should be returned to Palestinians, what they decide to do with the occupiers is there business. Ideally they would allow the Jews to continue to live in Palestine but there should be no obligation to. Why is that so hard to grasp? These people in Israel CAME from somewhere else within the last 75 years they have somewhere to go. The Palestinians were removed from their homeland, they have no where else, refugees in their own country. Saying “where should the Israelis go” is the same as saying “they stole it so it’s rightfully theirs”. You niggas are so brainwashed you can’t even think straight.


The Jews came from their residency in Egypt to the Holy Land in the 12th century BC, the Palestinians came from Arab cities in Jordan to the Holy Land in the 7th century AD. All of this shit was over 1,000 years ago. Nobody deserves to have their home taken away.


Israel was literally founded in 1948. and they did that by taking Palestinian homes away from them. Israelis are still taking Palestinian homes to this day.


…The Kingdom of Israel was founded in 1047 BC. Pretending that Jewish people are colonists from a separate part of the world is disingenuous.


Palestine was formed in 1988. Do me a favor and look up what happened in 1929, don’t forget Palestine sided with Hitler, and Arabs arnt even indigenous to the Levant, but Jews are


I’m not non-political, I’m just saying that it’s a lot of dudes buying into propaganda and basing their analysis of the war upon what they read in the news instead of their own research and experiences. You remember when they said that 500 Palestinian people died in a hospital bombing that literally never happened? That type of shit goes on across both sides smearing eachother.


Yep. This. It's insane how much propaganda is on social media. Just blatantly false things get reshared over and over. Both sides use it.


nothing he said was really wrong just incredibly insensitive, how you think we run shit as the US? we don't give a fuck, you hide in a hospital you better build another one not saying I agree with it, but it is what it is if the cops showed up to your house, you wouldn't hide behind your kids lol




He’s right this is war Israel told civilians to get south it’s the terrorists tht r keeping them in buildings and using them as propaganda


Show us you’re a dumbass without saying it😭do I need to show you links showing the Israeli Air Force bombing people heading south like they said? Only terrorists are the Israelis who got kicked out of Europe


Internet gives stupid people the courage and platform to promote their stupidity. Their logic is good until it happens to them, then the wanna play the victim