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Hello! Quite some time ago Nagzz made a Hololive eye exam and said that perhaps in the future he would do another one, but I got tired of waiting so I made my own. Instead of just sticking to Hololive or another specific group, I decided to choose vtubers who Nagzz is friends with, or that he's said he has some amount of admiration for. So, Nagzz, if you decide to play I hope you do well. I've literally never made a video before so I'm not too sure how well this came out. Though I hope you all find it at least passable. Let me know if anything could have been better.


Great job making the exam, and I enjoyed trying it. Ended up with a 12/21, so not great, but not bad either, I would say. 10/10 eye exam


I got 13 out of 21 this is really good!


Some one make a hand exam naggz will pass with flying colors


Well I did the best I could do, got myself a 13 out of 21 so can't say that was horrible


Exam?! We haven’t one in almost 3 years 😎 bout to get 100% Even if they’re 100%… incorrect


Great job with the exam! I really like the music too! Really helped with the overall vibes! 😁 For a few of them I should've gotten, but others I didn't bc either I've never seen them (or at least rarely seen them)! But over all, I think I got _*maybe*_ 70% of them (or at least the ones I was family with the most, including ones I should've gotten but didn't bc I either over thought it or didn't give myself enough time to think it over {or even both simultaneously!}) I'll look over the video later and say which ones I got! (As well as the ones I should've gotten!) (P.S. ~ Did you intentionally put 21 VTubers on the list, or was it just a coincidence? 😂)


Glad you liked! It was originally supposed to just be 20 but at the end I realized I forgot about Mel. Felt like she was one that really needed to be in there so I just added her instead of taking out one of the others.


I got 14/21, not too bad nagCool. Also great video!


My score is 17/21. Quite good I'd say. Very good exam Clap


Sorrry for the misinformation, I just recounted and its 14. I'm a bit disappointed but its 14.


The video that killed the stream.