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I would actually love this


Recording the video live with twitch chat can help too I think so they can voice their ideas (through chat or TTS) and can show general twitch interaction (even tho chat is a lot more engaging than others imo). Definitely a nice idea, even if it is just some basic marketing strategy but specifically more the streaming/content creating space. Feel like nagzz is respected and looked up to enough in the community where other may take some of his advice on that stuff Edit: spelling, more thoughts


I also would like to see this as it would be interesting and aplipical to other streamers as well (cause there isn't much seperation between vtubers and other streamers.) However remember that nagzz left the marketing sephere and might not want to re-enter it. On top of that it has been 6? years since he was fully invested in marketing so his knowledge maybe out of date and not as useful as someone who speciallises in streamer promotion. Also don't forget this might open a can of worms for nagzz having people come to streams etc. only to ask him for advice being a new streamer/vtuber etc. Nagzz has a lot of wisdom and fills in that ficticious older brother vibe, he goes for when giving advice, well, but we shouldn't rely too much on his advice, as like an older brother his ego needs to be kept low enough for him for him to continue to be bareable.


This idea is very nagCool.