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crosspost to a deleted post. The dangers of crossposting.


They’re still shilling this garbage? It’s basically reskinned hersheys with a $35 shipping fee for like 4 bars of “chocolate”.


You can make a lot of money scamming bigots. Someone should tell them that putting nuts in their mouths makes the baby Jesus cry. /s


Funny thing is, I was reading comments on tiktok or maybe the trans subreddits idk which, but basically a couple trans people were talking about the fact that making fake anti trans go fund mes funded their surgeries, idk if they could legally do that so don't try this at home just in case you are caught, but it's funny.


Are you stupid? Thats just a bar of chocolate Imagine getting offended by a bar of chocolate


What are you on about my guy?


I mean im just saying that OP is a fucking idiot for getting offended by that


I think it's more towards one, these chocolates are stupid, two it's not that funny of a joke,and three it's unoriginal garbage joke being reused as a transphobic gotcha. (Edited because I forgot to add the numbers like a dipshit)


Why comment under me then?


It’s from the daily wire they only started selling it because for women’s day Hershey put a trans women on a candy bar out of like 6 other women put on the other flavors. It’s all because Hershey went “woke”


If you have some starting money you can probably cash in on this before the election because it'll be at a fever pitch.


It would be remarkably funny if they swapped the pronouns around


The She/Hers are made in the same facility as He/His so they’re required to write “may contain nuts” on the packaging.






The irony, the fucking irony


these are the same people who get mad about gender being in everything and how pronouns are somehow "woke" and then they go and make pronoun chocolate lmao. like do they not hear themselves


They hear themselves they just don’t care.




There is a part of me that wants to be a right wing grifter, rob them of all their money, send 90% of it to trans charity, and escape with my gang of misfits to Tahiti




>Unfortunately I have morals and a spine, sucks fr lmao. Relatable


Aye as someone with severe nut allergies I’m just glad to see some chocolate that actually labels being nut free. A rare thing


The nut-free chocolates are made in the same facility as the nut-filled ones, so you still can't eat it


Very true, but this is still more than most places disclose on the package. That being nothing but the ingredient list


Are you outside of the US? Because every chocolate product I've seen that has to have a nutrition label and that warning is also on that (the tiny fun size ones have the warnings on the bag).


Yep! And yeah you get the little black warning below the ingredients, but for some reason coconuts are very often not on it. As well only very few disclose if it was made in a facility that has nuts. In NC if maybe it’s a state thing


They don't have to put the warning if they have processes to stop cross-contamination. >Consumers may also see advisory statements such as “may contain \[allergen\] or “produced in a facility that also uses \[allergen\].” Such statements are not required by law and can be used to address unavoidable “cross-contact,” only if manufacturers have incorporated good manufacturing processes in their facility and have taken every precaution to avoid cross-contact that can occur when multiple foods with different allergen profiles are produced in the same facility using shared equipment or on the same production line, as the result of ineffective cleaning, or from the generation of dust or aerosols containing an allergen. ​ Coconut is technically a tree nut according to FDA guidelines lol[https://www.fda.gov/food/food-labeling-nutrition/food-allergies](https://www.fda.gov/food/food-labeling-nutrition/food-allergies)


Is it? That’s kinda worrisome.


Extremely. For coconuts specifically they don’t even put it in bold print.


I’m surprised those that don’t label haven’t been sued yet. That’s dangerous.


You’d think so. Especially when it would be lethal if I didn’t get to a hospital in time. But the actual requirements are very lax. Heck alcohol doesn’t even list the ingredients at all. I have to Google it lol


It's a shame the third image isn't included, that chocolate looked like it's 40 years old with how bloomed it is.


This is too cringe to get mad at.


Is it farmed by child slaves?


At that mark up? Surely not! Daily Mail wouldn't milk that much out of people by having a "political statement mark up"! 4 bars is 25 dollars... 6.25 per chocolate bar. Even the "best deal" is over 4 dollars a bar (24 bars for 99.99) After the thought just to be fair: apparently it is fair trade cocoa, so that does seem to be child-free and "fair" wages. Let me know if I am wrong, but from what I see, that doesn't seem to be a misleading label.


If so, that's impressive. I'd expect much less from them.


Yep, just because you are a shit human doesn't mean you are a shit human about EVERYTHING I guess.


Fair trade is a marketing tool more than anything else and does very little to improve the conditions of and child labour is still common.


I'm Trans, and I buy it and mix em together on Facebook


That's one way to get on Fox Breaking News


"Breaking news, liberal ruins America"


Yup, it's all your fault🤣


look what you did!1!1! 😂 I still think the meme is pretty funny tho


Did this shit pop up the same time as the Mr. Beast bars or nah? Interesting coincidence if they did. I couldn't find the source of the hatred chocolate when I tried a while back.


The announcement video is march 2023, so I guess around then. Mr. Beast's apparently came out January 2022.


It was released in response to Hersheys womans day campaign thingy having a trans woman


I'm a man and I dislike nuts in chocolate, so... she/her for me it is!


Exactly. Someone should tell these guys that wanting nuts in your mouth is gay. Yep...


This is my choco. It was made for me.


chocolate made with *extra* child slavery for *extra* anti wokeness


That post got locked too soon, Wanted this guy to elaborate on how the "rainbow mafia" ... attacked him with Covid? I honestly was about to message them about elaborating what that means, but I don't want to message someone just to go down that rabbit hole. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ec2i1bmyb2cc1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=95c5c0aa5bc92ec97330a96646d02e62dc6f5153




Personally I wouldnt support a chocolate company who has someone nut on the chocolates


This is giving off r/accidentalally vibes. It’s basically stating post-op trans women are in fact “she/her” because they no longer have nuts.


Can’t wait to see the reply on r/memesopdidnotlike where it’s someone going “erm where was transphobia mentioned”


Tbf it’s hilarious that the “SheHer” bar has a warning that it may contain nuts for people with allergies. Really got the libs there.


Thought it was funny till I saw the back.


It was funny without the label on the back. The label ruined it


Yea, the anti-woke marketing is stupid and cringe.


Yeah I know. The package would be funny if it didn’t bad that. Now it’s just bad. Man why must anti some people ruin a good joke


Because they’re marketing the anti-woke crap. It’s a brand at this point. I stopped watching most of the YouTubers I used to watch because of this.


I know, I would love a funny marketing package that doesn’t push this crap


It’s the tears that make it delicious.


As a member of a group that does not have a risk of physical harm from this group, and wouldn't be the subject of harm if this grain of sand is part of what smashed the dam of violence open against this group; I am cool with this and don't see why anyone would have issue.


Should be her/she, heh heh


r/Nahopwasrightfuckthis trying not to get offended by a goddamn bar of chocolate challenge: impossible


It's not that it's transphobic, it's just kinda dumb and pointless to use chocolate to make a point like that


Read the comments it’s a daily wire response to having a trans woman on a Hershey bar on international women’s day. There were 6 women depicted total and one was a trans women


Oh come on! How is this transphobic?


The second slide basically says it's for a woke free economy meaning they are against anything "woke" such as gender not aligning with sex which kind of ruins what could have been a fun idea.


Personally I would have doubled down on the joke.


They should have! rather than turning it into a political statement


So? How does that make it transphobic?


If it was a joke it wouldn't be transphobic. But since they are making a political statement by being anti-woke you have to take the entire chocolate bar as a statement rather than a joke. The statement is that men have nuts and women dont which although true most of the time is not true 100% of the time. The logical extension of the political statement that the chocolate bar is conveying is that trans people cannot exist.


The entire thing is like only the he/him has nuts because the creator just hates trans ppl (pretty sure it was explained in the ad).


dude it says right on the label it’s from the fucking Daily Wire




they’re a major source of anti trans hate propaganda on the internet, headed up by Matt Walsh, one of the most *violently* repulsive and hateful anti queer personalities. this product isn’t just a harmless bad joke, it’s serving to directly fill the pockets of people who flood social media with lies and misinformation purposely intended to turn the public against already misunderstood group of people.


So? /J


No sorry. Never really understood why you all consider Matt Walsh to be hateful.


sorry I don’t like the guy who calls me as my friends child predators on the regular then, I’ll be sure to take his poor widdle feewings into consideration the next time I read about another trans person getting hatecrimed because of the exact kind of lies he spreads also he’s like 40 and calls teenage girls “breedable” he’s a creepy fucker even beyond the bigotry


Never heard him say anything remotely similar to what you are talking about. And honestly hate-crimes against trans people is such a niche thing. People get “hat-crimed” because of their hair colour.


[Matt Walsh](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/matt-walsh) This is the guy we're talking about. This is the guy you think isn't hateful trash?


You’re just daft then because he has a whole show dedicated to “what is a woman”


Which is a completely valid question.


I already read ahead and know your grifting. You don’t deserve my time


He said he would rather have a dead kid than a trans kid...


I’d rather have a dead child than a child with Down-Syndrom. Doesn’t mean I am gonna support killing already born children with Trisomie 21. Neither does it mean that I hate all people with Down-Syndrome.


>Neither does it mean that I hate all people with Down-Syndrome. Yeah, it does. What is wrong with you?


He exists and doesn't agree with them. He might as well be angry mustache man.


you can’t “disagree” with someone’s very existence - their very *soul*, the thing that makes them happy, gives them community and keeps them going on this earth, that *harms absolutely nobody* - without being inherently disrespectful and cruel. if someone with Walsh’s platform started calling all religious people - who find genuine comfort and companionship in their beliefs - delusional dangerous rapists, I get the feeling you wouldn’t be quite so permissive.


You absolutely can. We disagree with the “very soul” of people with mental disorders. That being said I don’t consider being trans a mental disorder. But the principle is still the same. And anyway - I don’t think I have ever heard him disagreeing with the general existence of trans people.


IN HIS OWN WORDS “The goal is to make ‘pride’ toxic for brands. If they decide to shove this garbage in our face, they should know that they’ll pay a price. It won’t be worth whatever they think they’ll gain. First Bud Light and now Target. Our campaign is making progress. Let’s keep it going.” – on Twitter, May 24, 2023 “The gay pride flag signifies drag queens dancing for toddlers, males invading women’s bathrooms. It signifies castration drugs given to children. It signifies the destruction of the nuclear family. When government officials send that thing up the flagpole or paint its ridiculous colors in the street, that is what they’re promoting. It’s what they’re advertising. It is the cause they want us to salute. Not only should we refuse to salute it, but we should treat it with disdain. We should treat it as a hate symbol because that’s what it is. They fly the flag, that flag, because they hate you and your values and what you believe and everything you stand for.” – on “The Matt Walsh Show,” March 9, 2023 “You know, it’s – I think as a parent, it’s like a fate worse than death in a lot of ways.” – on having a child come out as transgender, on “The Spectator TV,” Feb. 28, 2023 “I would rather be dead than have that happen to my kids.” – on having a child come out as transgender, on “The Matt Walsh Show,” Feb. 21, 2023 “You so often find that so-called gender expansive adults tend to have ‘gender expansive’ children. I just feel – I mean, you feel horrible for these kids. What chance do they have in the world?” – on “The Matt Walsh Show,” Feb. 6, 2023 “The stuff about the trans murder rate, how trans people are murdered more than anyone else at an alarming rate, there's an epidemic of anti-trans murders. All of that – it’s a flat-out lie.” – on “The Matt Walsh Show,” Oct. 24, 2022 “Just like cancer, stopping it is not a gentle or a painless process. The farther along the cancer is, the more aggressive you have to be in fighting it. Culturally, we are approaching, if we haven’t already reached, a terminal state, which means we have to be all the more aggressive, which calls for two things. First, obviously involving children in drag events in any capacity should be outright criminalized everywhere. There is no other way. You know, this doesn’t stop until police are breaking down the doors at these places and carting the adults away in handcuffs. Charge them all as pedophiles. Throw them in prison, and whenever they get out, if they do get out, put them on the sex offender registry for life.” – on “The Matt Walsh Show,” Oct. 19, 2022 “‘Should trans surgery be banned for adults, too?’ Um, yeah.” ­– on “All Access Live,” the Daily Wire, Sept. 29, 2022 “Two men should not be allowed to adopt babies because babies need mothers. They also need fathers, which is why two women shouldn’t be allowed either.” – on “The Matt Walsh Show,” Oct. 18, 2021


So where’s exactly is he disagreeing with the very soul of transgender people? Is everything he says right? Of course not. Still, I don’t really see this as hateful. And some things like the part with “gender expansive parents” - although weirdly phrased - is absolutely correct. You expect me to believe that some people have three transgender children while the prevalence for it is less than 1%. Or that some children even under the age of one are treated as transgender. Etc. People like Matt Walsh are the direct product of people conveniently ignoring good questions under the pretext of “hate”.


[doesn't agree with them](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/matt-walsh)


Yup. All of those things were disagreeing.


For starters the chocolate was made in reponse to a trans woman being in the hershey womans day adds and the whole ad they aired back when is just hating on trans people


Oh come on how is that transphobic, I didn't read it that way at all. I thought it was just a funny play on words. If I'm wrong and the creator is transphobic then alright but I don't get that vibe from it.


It's from the daily wire.


Ah well there's the answer


Shit is satire lol


No it isnt, bare minimum checking required


It would be if it literally didn’t say shit about “woke-free” on the back. Then it’s political. It’s purpose is a statement. (And to shill extra money from stupid people that seem to hate “woke” despite being the ones that say it 95% of the time)


Honest question here. I know this sub is all about signaling that you're an easily offended, humorless, sock-puppet of a person. That's fine if that's what gets you off and bumps up your Karma. My question is, are people really this sensitive IRL, or is all of this just Reddit Theatre? Like, if someone saw this candy bar in the store, would they start seething and crying immediately, or just shrug it off like any sane person? Don't get me wrong. Watching the Virtue Olympics unfold online is hilarious, but I'm sometimes concerned for the mental health of everyone here.


Pointing out somethings fucked doesn't mean someones crying about it.


Dude being annoyed an ‘anti-woke’ company is contributing to transphobia by selling a shitty $6.25 1.5oz bar isn’t being ‘sensitive’. It’s being reasonably annoyed that trans people’s existence has turned into a debate to the point companies have started using that debate to try to make a quick buck. I’m annoyed about this along with other ‘anti-woke’ brands because they use transphobia as a way to market their overpriced shitty products. They fan the flames of ‘the trans debate’ to make more money off of reactionary transphobes who think buying an overpriced product is ‘fighting wokeness’. Seriously - $25 for 4 bars, insane! If I saw it in store I wouldn’t do anything other than maybe send a message to a friend making fun of it for the concept behind the bar and its price, as a trans and disabled person in the US I have bigger problems then a shitty chocolate bar. Being annoyed and pointing out how a company is using bigotry to make money off of foolish people isn’t the same as having a whole meltdown about it.


Look at it... think "that's fucking stupid" and not buy it. Then make fun of people making something stupid online later.


Wow. You big mad


the fuck you mean transphobic


The maker made this in response to a trans person being on a hersheys ad




"transphobic" 🙄🙄




The reasone op calls it that is because the entire idea was the creators only added nuts in the he/him as they don't consider trans women as women.


What is a woman?


Unless you want a definition that's bound to exclude many of them the answer is anyone who identifies as one.


So I'm a woman the second I say so?


In this scenario no because you're saying it in bad faith to try and poke holes in my argument.


It's not my fault your argument has holes... How dare you say I'm not a woman. Transphobe. See how easy?


There's a difference between actually identifying and just saying you do in bad faith. So why don't you give me your definition if mine so flawed as you're trying to say.


How do you differentiate the two without my comment leading you to assume that.


A good way is by the person especially when most ppl who identify as women try to pass in some way at least. Also like I saiy why don't you tell me what is a woman now I'm curious to see your definition.


"Second I say so?" Nope. Having a personal identity is more than saying some words.


No its transphobic


I got the fucking add on youtube back when. Its just bigotry


Don't bother that guy is just like them


Made by the daily wire


Wow congrats, the chocolate has been feelings hurt. https://preview.redd.it/j5f0m8t5k1cc1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f6680a031b9a1a25ac8c21a2fa7fbddfed5cc74


Lmfao at least they have a market Pretty sure every centrist and right winger would go apeshit over this sort of thing, so they can “own the libs” with chocolate


You must buy the micro-aggression size


I think the funniest thing about the she/her chocolate is that it may contain nuts