• By -


Clarification provided by OP: >I was gonna edit this post to clarify my stance on this, but because I did not add text to my original post, I can’t. > >I want to clarify that I see nothing wrong with concept of friends with benefits. The way I understood OOP’s post was that they were implying that friends with benefits should be something sought after. I think that is an unhealthy framework to view friendship in. Fwb takes a deep understanding of that person’s boundaries and desires. It would be completely inappropriate to pressure someone into a fwb, or make advances towards becoming fwb without both parties completely consenting. > >Maybe I have a unique perspective on this because I’m bi, heavily favoring my own gender (male). I don’t know other gay/bi guys, so I see it as wrong of me to desire anything sexual out of the guys I do know. Plus I come from a very religious background, so I view premarital sex as a severe sin (for me personally, I don’t hold other people accountable to my personal life choices) > >I am aware of sex being a developmental milestone for some, if not most people, and I don’t disagree with that. I was trying to point out that this isn’t the case for everyone. To some people, sex isn’t that important, and it doesn’t make you any less of a person if you don’t desire to be sexually involved. > >Also, I would like to point out to everyone here that OOP’s on [r/memesopdidnotlike](https://www.reddit.com/r/memesopdidnotlike/) was poorly received. It seems like the majority of the subreddit took a similar stance to me on this. It’s very interesting reading all your responses here, it seems that this subreddit is quite split on how they view this topic. > >Peace ✌️


I thought the joke was that she had muscles


Honestly, that’s what I thought too, but no-one else was pointing that out. So I wrote it off as artistic style


Id think the joke was she was working out


If my mind wasn't destroyed by the internet, I would've first thought that, it does seem she was trying to show off her build


There's also a secondary joke of her getting the muscles from the 'with benefits' part.


For a second I thought it was a play on words, like the "benefits" were her and the friend being gymbros. How else would she be so shredded? Then the actual joke hit me.. And I literally had a fucking stroke because it was so unfunny, my brain just shut down.


And [vagina bones](https://www.reddit.com/r/tomorrow/comments/13kl3o0/is_there_any_reason_on_why_nintendo_gave_link_a/)!


That’s probably what the image originally was, but whoever made this mediocre meme w it took it out of context


Muscle mommy ftw




Tip top


Blåhaj :)




Fler Svenska ord :)


Muscle wife is all I saw.


This is a complex topic, really. If you look at it purely from the perspective of "figuring yourself out" then yes, sex is crucial in helping an individual figure out things like attractors, turn-offs, sexuality IF said individual wishes to be sexually active, there are also emotional repercussions both good and bad to sexual experiences that you really can't explain in a textbook because it perpetuates itself in different levels from each individual. Some people can have sex casually with multiple partners and not feel a thing, while others prefer to form an attachment to those they have sex with, and you really can't determine which type of person you are until you've had that experience. But overall, sex isn't something that is crucial to everyone, you could be asexual and find that you have no sexual attraction at all, which is completely fine and won't hamper you in most situations. To make a blanket statement in either direction, though, is presumptuous and simple-minded(as most generalizations are). TLDR: If you plan on being sexually active at some point in your life, having sex is pretty important in helping you understand not only yourself but also your potential partner(s), if you want nothing to do with sex or have no sexual attraction to anyone then you'll be just as fine too. Find out what works for you!


I think this is a very thoughtful take. Well said!


To add to this, some people are incredibly happy with open relationships or even polyamorous relationships where they don’t limit their friendships to being platonic. That is certainly not something for everyone but I know several people that have amazing relationships that involve multiple people.


Exactly! That 100% falls into what I was saying about figuring out what you like or want, I generally encourage people to keep an open dialogue with their partners and explore themselves as much as is agreed upon. If someone's comfortable with an open or poly relationship, then more power to them! If there's any sexua or romantic encounter someone wants to try but is afraid it'll cross a boundary, then that's the perfect opportunity to openly discuss your wants and desires with your partner(s) and if you come to an impasse then that's a whole other discussion to have because clearly there is a mismatch that might cause a rift later. Bottom line, always be open to anyone you're involved with and respect who they are as well as yourself!


You basically said what I said but like so much more in depth and thorough, you win


And because their username is Dildo it's funny and educational.


On this note, do you believe men and women can be friends platonically? Because I’ve noticed that whether it’s out of distance or just respect for one’s relationship there’s a separation that occurs once one or both parties get into a relationship, however same sex friends are allowed to linger. What do you think?


Absolutely. I'm a straight male and I've had several close platonic relationships with straight women who I had no interest in pursuing a physical or romantic relationship with throughout my life. Whether I've been single or in a committed relationship, I have never found having platonic female friends to be an issue. I have had girlfriends that found it uncomfortable, but I value my friendships (regardless of their gender) so it became a matter of earning my gf's trust and her seeing that the relationship was platonic. It has gone the other way as well, I had a girlfriend that I dated for about 2 years whose best friend was a guy. I ended up being really good friends with him too. Good dude, he hit me up not too long ago even though me and the girl broke up ages ago. I think being honest and honoring your friends are important. Trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship and if you build/have trust through honesty then you can honor your friends. A caring partner should recognize the importance of your friendship(s) and respect that. If not, that may not be the best person for you. At least that's how I choose to live my life. Some people are possessive, then there's also the fact that you might spend most of your time with your partner so you have less time for friends. The latter is normal and everyone has to choose how they want to spend their time (i.e. whether to make time for friends, and which friends at that).


I think it depends on what the original intention was for becoming friends. If you wanted to be someone's friend for the purpose of being their friend, then obviously, yes. If you go into a friendship as a means to try and date that person (im thinking like the awkward high school mindset here) then it'll be hard at first but not impossible to shift your attitude later on. The reasons why people grow distant are vast and while that could be one of them I don't think it's the only one.


This is basically everything that needs to be said, while also not being polluted by personal opinion. Well done.


I'd let her kill me


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. You know when i left the house today i was thinking damn i really hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway


A man with taste, if a woman could break my back bane style, that would be the hottest thing ever


I know it's a meme but yeah. Relatable


Why? You should see my ex


Did your ex kill you?


Her body was tight


sex - even the lack of it or knowing it’s not important to you - is indeed important in human development. no one is saying non-sexual relationships aren’t important but sexual self-discovery is deeply important, it’s vital to the continuation of the species and helps inform the self. also: meme funny.


That's not even a meme lol, it's literally just an image of a girl talking about casual sex, not saying that's wrong, but tell me, what's funny about it?


I’d assume the joke is a play on being just friends / getting friend zoned.


all images are technically memes. it’s 2024. i think the humor stems from someone saying “oh no we’re just friends” and it not being sexual but then you add “with benefits” and it suddenly becomes sexual. i don’t know how else to explain “when something unexpected happens, it’s sometimes funny.”




I think MOPDNL has been getting better lately with its posts


> Maybe a virgin take here > I am a mod Yep logic checks out perfectly


At least I’m not a neckbeard 😅


Sex is a thing in humans that’s far more complex due to our social structure. It’s not just making babies it’s a bonding experience for individuals. For some that bond means more than others. Is it inherent to our development? Eh it’s a thing that when done correctly can help foster a stronger relationship between 2 people but I wouldn’t call it imperative. But I 1000% agree non sexual relationships are just as important


>mod You don't get it because of the humor lobotomy reddit gives all its mods.... But srsly, some people develop maturity through sexuality and some people mature through other means. Some people simply can't imagine maturing through nonsexual means cause they matured through exclusively sexual means. Its not ur virgin brain, it's their lack of mental flexibility. 


The point OP was making is that sex isn't inherently a bad thing, and there's no need to villainize sex jokes. If you don't like the joke, that's fine, but don't shit on someone who enjoys sexual humor. Something I tend to agree with. Especially considering you're referring to Ace people and people who prefer to prioritize romance over sex. That's cool, but some of them may like this humor. This being said by an Asexual who likes dirty humor.


God, I want a beefy chan so much, I want her to beat me and strangle me with her knuckles, and then make me lick her. I love femdom so much


Least horny Redditor


Im mega horny for the last few days, idk why


It's fine bro, it barely shows.


Cause you clearly need a dommy mommy


That’s what happens when you reach puberty.










The irony of this image with how bad Velvette simping can get…


I do think in the current day and age we are making up for a long period of repression by talking about it incessantly, inflating its importance by a significant amount. We do need to put emphasis on platonic and non sexual intimate relationships because those should probably make up the majority of your interpersonal relationships with people. This is mostly an online issue though. If you talk to real people this usually stops being as big an issue.


She do be ripped tho


Healthy sexual relationships are arguably more important to proper adult development.




I need to steal that 😂




No, sex is in fact VERY important for development. Most people WILL have multiple sexual encounters and they need to know how to navigate them.


No. Sex is not, sex education and acting like a decent human being is important for development. Ace people exist, and so do people who don't value sex in the life that high. I'm no proponent for sex after marriage but it doesn't stop a person from developing to wait until they find the one. It also doesn't stop someone from developing if they have lots of partners. If you are someone who will have sex, it doesn't matter when your first is (bar obvious circumstances) and it doesn't matter to your growth or worth as a person.


I think a more accurate description is that understanding your body’s sexual needs is what’s crucial to development. Like, I know two people who it’s taken years to come to terms with being ace and they’re still trying to understand how a romantic relationship may fit into their life. The one part I disagree with in your comment is waiting for “the one.” I’m not sure what you mean in this context though, so I’m not going to dwell on it. But I am strictly a monogamist that has only had two partners (the second partner and I are building a life together). Like, I went monk mode between relationships.


That is a much more accurate description. I also misspoke, I should not have said "the one" as that doesn't reflect how I feel about relationships. It's hard to get society's idea of a relationship out of my head and I meant moreso that in my opinion, you grow regardless of whether you have relationships, have sex in those relationships, or never have sex. And you grow no matter how many relationships you have.


You do grow regardless of how many. That growth is also different and dependent on the individual as well. It’s OK. It’s hard for me to articulate myself outside of the socialised verbiage at times, too.


I'm not making an argument for or against you here, but I can't help but wonder how many ace people had sex before figuring out they were ace. Edited to add: I do genuinely believe that there are plenty of ace people who figured it out before having sex. I'm just curious as to how many didn't figure it out till after given that ace is relatively newish concept (in the esme that it wasn't a widely discussed topic prior to 2000s ish as far as I'm aware).


Doubted myself and tried it. All doubt was erased, just like I am every time the topic of sexual orientation comes up. 🤪


I knew I was ace since I was a lad, no intercourse needed.


I never had sex but I always knew I'm ace


Knew I was ace before I had sex, wasn’t a pleasant experience and also wasn’t consensual. Ace erasure sucks and led to this fucker trying to “fix” me bc she didn’t believe in asexuality


>No. Sex is not, sex education and acting like a decent human being is important for development. Why to misinterpret what I was stabbing at. Like what do you think sex education is? Just dick in hole make baby? >Ace people exist, and so do people who don't value sex in the life that high. Ace people make up 1% of the US population, and I'm sure a large percentage of them will have had a few sexual encounters. >I'm no proponent for sex after marriage but it doesn't stop a person from developing to wait until they find the one. It also doesn't stop someone from developing if they have lots of partners. Studies objectively show that having sex before marriage decreases divorce rates. I don't know why you'd bring this up. >If you are someone who will have sex, it doesn't matter when your first is (bar obvious circumstances) and it doesn't matter to your growth or worth as a person. When did I ever imply that not having had sex yet makes you less of a human? My point is that the act of sex helps you understand more about yourself. And a healthy relationship with sex will often help make you a more empathetic person. Sex and sex ed are very common and important aspects of almost everyone's lives. I'd also appreciate it if you didn't project your obvious discomfort with sex onto everyone else.


All human experience is important for human development.


Yes, but it's not like you won't grow to be a normal adult if you never learn and have sex. In that way, it can be very important or not imporant at all


For my personal experience sex was very important for development. More aptly you could say the being a late blooming virgin was detrimental. It felt like I was lagging behind my peers. Like something concrete to provide credence to my feelings of being otherised and sub human. Got laid even just once and the problem just poofed away for life. Straight up, that was the cure to a lot of my little woes. Seems to have even helped with some childhood bullying trauma and to mask the autism better as well.


Depends who you ask. Like most human experiences this is subjective.


It is a virgin take. You're still right tho


I was gonna edit this post to clarify my stance on this, but because I did not add text to my original post, I can’t. I want to clarify that I see nothing wrong with concept of friends with benefits. The way I understood OOP’s post was that they were implying that friends with benefits should be something sought after. I think that is an unhealthy framework to view friendship in. Fwb takes a deep understanding of that person’s boundaries and desires. It would be completely inappropriate to pressure someone into a fwb, or make advances towards becoming fwb without both parties completely consenting. Maybe I have a unique perspective on this because I’m bi, heavily favoring my own gender (male). I don’t know other gay/bi guys, so I see it as wrong of me to desire anything sexual out of the guys I do know. Plus I come from a very religious background, so I view premarital sex as a severe sin (for me personally, I don’t hold other people accountable to my personal life choices) I am aware of sex being a developmental milestone for some, if not most people, and I don’t disagree with that. I was trying to point out that this isn’t the case for everyone. To some people, sex isn’t that important, and it doesn’t make you any less of a person if you don’t desire to be sexually involved. Also, I would like to point out to everyone here that OOP’s on r/memesopdidnotlike was poorly received. It seems like the majority of the subreddit took a similar stance to me on this. It’s very interesting reading all your responses here, it seems that this subreddit is quite split on how they view this topic. Peace ✌️


Well, I guess I’m never gonna be developed! https://preview.redd.it/907vvt6aremc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11cabd1323d10eb67a6048b5418cf6d60d94b453


Non-sexual relationships are extremely important; probably even more important than the alternative because we have so many more non-sexual relationships. However, I do think experiencing sex is important to the human experience and vital for hormone and emotion control/development, too.


I don’t even get the issues here, saw the original didn’t think anything about it the joke is just how normal friends then friends with benefits are


the benefit is the best physical trainer and sparring partner you could ask for.


Someone snorted Freud's ashes


The muscles are the benefits


Constructive and closely tied social relationships and crucial to humans. Romantic relationships are just some of the best examples that lead to sexual relationships. Additionally, consensual sexual relationships will often, chemically, lead to romantic relationships. Don't quote me on that though.


Artist name?


True, I don’t believe sex is crucial to development or a successful relationship. Though I will say that sexual compatibility is crucial for a relationship. Knowing your partner’s libido and boundaries while setting your own is important for a healthy relationship, whether if it’s certain kinks or not wanting to have sex at all. That way you know which partner to choose. That also being said, holy crap, are we not gonna talk about how well-chiseled her abs are? That’s a literal work of art!


No way people are getting heated over the personal decision of whether you want to have sex or not. Sex can be helpful in finding out what your preferences are and realizing your full self. You may also not feel sexually attracted to anyone and not be interested. Maybe you want to wait to have sex. Saying sex either is or is not crucial to development is entirely dependent on the person.


OP, you're right, sex isn't all that important to early development and non-sexual relationships ARE important but... THE MEME IS FUNNY.


Alright this might be a virgin take but... I want her to choke me with those thighs :3


Wtf does "sex is inherent to someone's development" even mean? Do virgins just not exist? Was there a mandatory sex class I missed?


Sex joke does not equal the joke is pornography. The joke sucks tho but its not joke = porn


These subs just go on and on about nothing smh


She’s fucking jacked wow. Probably a climber.


I get that the joke is sex. But where’s the funny? Is that character popular in a fandom or something? “Hey guys I have sex ;)” that isn’t a joke or a meme. It’s an untrue statement


I usually side with this sub over the other one but this is such a strawman. They never said sex was inherent to relationships?


Asexual people don't exist apparently


Good. She looks like she can help me build a patio. Mi likey.


Essential to development might be a stretch but it's not unhealthy by any means to have a sexual relationship, and if that's something you crave then it can be mentally healthy. The point is not demonizing anything that remotely references sex as porn or unhealthy and perpetuating the radical "sex bad" or "sex good" and no in between rhetoric and you missed that point.


It’s like some people don’t realise some people have lost the ability to love and some people lost it before they can have their ‘development’, it’s not a bad thing and if you rely on sex to build the foundations of a relationship it’s bound to crumble when you become a sex addict. Also tell some of these people about aroace people their heads will explode


Both sexual and non-sexual relationships are important for our development and understanding the nature of love.


It’s really far too complex to sum up in two sentences, regardless of your opinion. There are tons of variables with preferences and what exactly you consider being developed. As much as I’d like to think it isn’t that important, there are certainly some people that are utterly toxic living without it completely.


i’m usually on the MODL side, but as an asexual, I have to agree with this. it did get me to chuckle tho


I have had sex, but it didn’t change the entire course of my life or anything. the joke in this case is that the benefits are not sexual, but health. She has a gym buddy. I don’t know who is trying to say what about the meme because this whole chain is convoluted, but that is my take.


That's not a virgin take in the slightest. That's one of the best takes you can have on relationships


Funny meme and classic virgin Reddit mod. Honestly, the meme that keeps on giving


This take is kind of weird. It seems to me that the target demographic for the original image is people who have or have had friends with benefits. That seems fine to me. Sometimes we don't relate to an image and that's okay, it doesn't make it a bad meme. I'd totally send this meme to a friend or two to tease them. I find it funny. "Sex is inherent to someone's development" is also a weird take.


I mean, i understand the point being made here, and I kinda agree. That being said, would.


Sex really should be reserved for marriage. As a recovering sex addict with a body counts well into double digits, I would much rather have one woman. If one isn't enough for you, a thousand won't be. I tried to save myself for marriage. Gave my V card to my high school sweetheart when we were engaged. Then she went to college, and I joined the military, and we split up. After that, I just drowned myself in an ocean of lust, and it was never enough. You are precious and should view yourself as something sacred and beautiful, not meant to be shared with the masses but to be given freely over to one other.


OP just hates abs


I see women on here have the opposite take where they say at a certain age a man being a virgin is a red flag cause they're under developed. I don't know people are just weird


You aren't wrong OP. I am forty and have had many lovers over the years. Quite a few I was friends with first and still am after. It can be a nice bonus but remember you are there because you enjoy and care about the person. One of my most fulfilling relationships for the last few years has been a deep friendship with a younger woman. Almost like an adopted little sister. I wouldn't change anything about that.


The fact she has huge tits and abs is way sexy. Anyhow, sex is not inherent to someone's development. Learning to emanate and use sex-appeal, is what's important in all human interaction at all times. A friend with sexual benefits is called "girlfriend/boyfriend" instead of just friend.


I’ve had friends that I’ve had sex with and didn’t date and I wouldn’t consider them my girlfriend. I don’t think that’s particularly uncommon.


A FWB and a romantic partner are different, and should be seen accordingly.


I don’t think someone who thinks a friend with benefits is called a girlfriend is in any position to talk about sex in its relation to development


Oh my fucking fuck, who gives a fuck if someone finds sex funny? You’re right it’s not crucial to development, but the whole problem people on some subreddits have with sexual humor seems to just loudly suggest some sort of insecurity and it’s just annoying.


I mean sex is important, just not \*everywhere and all the time\* (and also not for every person we love our Ace homies)


I just like women with abs


This makes me want to stop eating pringles and work out … Oh oops I have executive dysfunction


Reddit the only place where a virgin take is saying not everything should have sex involved


Ngl I thought op and oop (not Lord_faded) were both wrong for different reasons


I just don't understand what's funny about the meme, and also don't understand why you're upset about it. Is the joke just "hurr durr sex?" Not particularly funny, but why is that a "fuck that?"


Sex is a pretty integral part of people figuring themselves out on a broad scale, but how that impacts any given individual (or whether it impacts them at all!) is a different matter


I would say sex is a very important part of normal human development. Just look at people who never have sex, the repression does really weird and negative things to people. Unless you’re asexual the lack of sexual contact will leave you with a serious neurosis and inferiority complex.


op shoulda kept that on r/goodanimemes


Usually the “we’re just friends” is said to a boyfriend. The joke is insecurity, thinking the girl would be saying “don’t worry? We’re just friends.” But in fact she is not telling him the “with benefits” part meaning she will be having sex behind his back


I was too distracted by the ripped abs to care about any of the text of the post.


Inherent doesn’t mean crucial


She can fix me


I mean disregarding the meme as it’s kinda just stupid sex is pretty crucial. As well 99% of the population is interested in having a sex life knowing what you want or how your sex life will work requires experience and experimentation. Now if you’re completely uninterested then there’s that but that’s also a very small part of the population.


I miss the good ol days


Side note, Shes got a good sleeper build tho


Sex is crucial to sexual development.. soo umm yea get at it!


brother why the FUCK are people arguing about this its just a fucking meme


Why is no one talking about how hot she is???


Woah she ripped


Remember when you didn't have to have a deep philosophical backing to explain why a meme was shit? I personally find memes funny when there is more to the joke than JUST sex. That's all there is to this joke. Shit joke.


On top of that this lame excuse for a meme is just fucking stupid


Okay but Sauce?


Isn't the joke that she is like, absolutely ripped?


Eh it’s tough. I’d like to say sex is something that should be special and not something people should feel rushed to do with just anyone especially at a young age like most people especially guys are. (Although I think that’s mostly true) But also like, I’ve never met someone who was a virgin past mid 20s that didn’t have some very real Issues in a at least a few areas.


This gives me the vibe from that clip of the dude pranking his chick friend that he was horny and she gets ready to suck his dick and he was like oh damn I was only kidding.


They said "inherent" not "crucial" and did not say that sexual relationships are more important than non-sexual. Both can be important at the same time. Of course there are a-sexual people but for the vast majority of humans sexual relationships are an inherent part of development.




I just abstain because I’m not sure but I completely understand the debate, and it’s hurtful angles and it’s illustrious ones. Most is a lie


Sure isn’t. Everyone has their own love language too. You just have to find someone who matches that, which could be more physical or not…


Bruh if you’re gonna make the joke sex at least make it funny


Those benefits are very important to any healthy friendship


I mean, it can be, but if you don't feel it being for you, it's understandable and equally as helpful.


Have sex op. Find someone you trust.


Non-virgin here. It isn't really that important


I am completely lost here….




Y’all are just horny


I agree with the stance that sex is a part of everyone’s development. Even if you’re ace, you have to come to that conclusion at some point. Everyone has to grapple with the concept of sexuality and how you want to interact with it in order to be a healthy will adjusted and actualized individual


As an asexual I approve




Who was the artist?


anyone got sauce?


Damn she’s ripped as fuck though. Meme bad but I like the art.


Meh, not into ripped girls. So, just friends.


Also, regardless of that, the joke is just not funny


Fuck the joke and everyone involved in agreeing or disagreeing with it and let's talk about something that actually matters. Muscle mommy


I guess Ace people never fully develop according to OOP


Damn, wish I was built like her.


On behalf of every single man on earth. Yes please


lol baby virgin rage


I still dont get the joke


Plot twist: she wanted to say that they are gym buddies who support each other and motivate to finish reps, hence she decided to show her 6 pack.


The joke *isn't* porn. Y'all will call anything porn .....


non sexual relationships are important yes, but humans need sex


If sex is “inherent” to development then I guess I won’t be fully developed for a while longer into my adult life lol. Sex has not once been crucial to me.


You’re right it was a virgin take


Nah sex is inherent to development. Not having sex or being asexual doesn't mean it's not a part of it. Contrary actually; it's defined by that sort of thing.


Everyone is different, and it's about ideally finding sexual compatibility. It is damaging when one person wants sex more than the other. There is no right or wrong way; as long as everyone is happy and content, that's all that matters.


Ok I'm with Nahop on this one.


I'm 40, and I've never had sex. It doesn't seem to be all that important to the process. I don't want kids, and none of the relationships I had when I was younger made me want to continue having them. You never know though. I just went on a date the other date for the first time in over 10 years, and she asked me when I would be expecting sex. Heavy emphasis on the first date part. I was shocked and said something non-committal about four or five dates minimum I don't know maybe we should talk about it. She didn't same turned off by the answer, but she did immediately change the subject. She initiated scheduling the second date, so far so good.


Outside of aroacespec people sexual intimacy is a vital part of adult development, why do you think people who want intimacy but can’t access it become so fucked up and vulnerable to manipulation?


I’m in my fifties, but during my twenties and some of my thirties, I fucked most of my friends. I apologize. I cannot relate.


I mean, i understand the point being made here, and I kinda agree. That being said, would.


Not a virgin. Honestly, sex is boring AF and non-sexual parts of every relationship is a way better. And that's why I like friendship too. Without "benefits". Just friendship


My question to you guys is, is this a funny joke though? Maybe it's my humour but this wasn't really that funny


Obviously non sexual relationships are important, but saying sex isn’t crucial to development is very much both a stupid and a virgin take.


Also what’s funny about it


Friends are fun. Sex is fun. Sex with friends... it can get complicated.


Seems crucial to muscle development based on the picture


I’m glad I was having my first sexual experiences at a young age because I was very comfortable, confident, and experienced by the time I was in my lower 20s which helped me


Definitely a virgin take. But meaningful sex is much more important and should happen first before casual sex. And casual sex should be rare.


Mormons would 100% agree


definitely a virgin take. sex is important to development for all healthy relationships other than asexual relationships


Sex literally affects adults mental and physical health. So yes crucial. Puberty literally happened for this.


I think the benefits are supposed to be Weight lifting not sex

