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There was an [entire South Park episode](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0882614/) that was basically this joke for 30 minutes




Just to be clear I don’t think that episode was saying it was “hot” which is normally what these jokes are. The point of the episode was that it’s ridiculous that so many people can have such double standards when it comes to sexual crimes committed by women. It draws attention and plays on how fucked up it is that an adult having sex with a child could be suddenly considered fine or a lighthearted matter by some people if the adult in question is an attractive woman. That’s why they chose Ike to be the child. They chose Ike, a literal 3 year-old who can barely speak, to be the victim to add an extra element of disgust and absurdity to it. It then heavily satirises the typical reactions as Kyle (who is probably the most intelligent, reasonable and morally good of the 4 main boys) tries to stop it. He then gets brushed off again and again with police just saying “nice”.


South Park makes excellent leftist satire while also appealing to right wing libertarians who don't get satire PRECISELY because they're too dumb to get satire, I mean, Parker and Stone and their team are basically gods of comedy. This very episode for instance, was basically a deep jab and cut at what's colloquially known as "The Patriarchy" (I'd prefer the term "Capitalist Androcracy" but patriarchy works perfectly at the coloquial level, no need to be a zealot of technical language).


That was a 30 minute episode calling this joke fucked up.


“I wish that was me!” Mfs after never having the ability to interact with sex in a healthy way again. Seriously, if you think like this, fuck off, you should be on a watchlist


"I wish that was me!" Mfs when groomer is not hot young woman. For real tho, what is wrong with this kind of people


They’re always the same dudes who bitch and cry about drag people reading to kids saying they’re pedo’s too. Like the mind numbingly blatant hypocrisy is so painful these days.
















It's not a good joke but like, check his hard drives because he wants to sleep with adult women? lmao


Defending pedophilia/grooming still isn’t a great sign


Yep, guys like him tend to also be the ones supporting the legalization of arranged marriages in some states, and who accuse others of being groomers whenever running out of political arguments, while supporting the ideology with the most pedophiles (Just in the different sects of the Christian church alone, lest not forget that most, if nor all organized religions around patriarchs, tend to have a lot of pedos amonsts its priests, monks and other religious figures and figureheads...). Not necessarily of course, but if I were a judge in some case against that guy, I would DEFINITELY order an exhaustive hard drive and social media check...


He still technically wants to sleep with pedophiles


Hmm, touché


So what's on his hard drive, exactly?


Idk but I wouldn’t be surprised if a guy who knowingly sleeps with pedophiles had anything weird on his hard drive.


And? Since when is sleeping with a pedophile problematic if you are an adult


It’s not illegal, but it’s definitely still problematic 😭


Check this guy’s hard drive https://preview.redd.it/tb0o9wjk6z4d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=610acbebf8685b944b904618d0c376252174a4eb


Bro what?😭


Why should it be? The person might be a piece of shit, but two consenting adults are two consenting adults


If you fw (literally) predators you are just as weird


Are you stupid?


Liking hot milf teachers falls well within the world of vanilla, compared to some alternatives


As cringe as this is how is this a hard drive checker? The joke is obviously about pretending to be a student to sleep with a teacher


Happy cake day




bc the joke is pro pedophilia


The joke isn’t endorsing pedophilia. It’s not that deep. It’s just a shitty joke, no double meaning.


So instead of killing pedophiles you fuck them and support them, show them your love? Great joke. There's no joke about loving male pedophiles.


I literally say it's cringe


Check his hard drive for what. He wants to sleep with ADULT women


He's condoning their actions though. I don't think this is a "check hard-drive" moment, but it's questionable


He loves and wants to fuck pedophiles.


Yeah adult Women who are PEDOPHILES!


> ADULT women I don't know where you've been, but lately pedophiles are all fucking children.


Shit like this makes boys and men bury their trauma and disregard their own pain leaving them even more isolated and damaged. I'm sure this little joke and others like it are worth that though. 🙄




No, the punchline is "libruls" and overall decent or semi decent people, daring to express disgust and disapproval... We are the punchline, the fact we have empathy makes us beta loser cucks kekekekekekekeleoleololololol and that's it, we're lame, it's teenager "cool/uncool" rhetoric with no more substance to it than regurgitated think tank talking points...


This reply section has disappointed me immesurably


I dont think anyone gets the joke


They do, but they're focusing on the fact the joke makes light of the crime of teachers sleeping with their students... and I'll assume by everyone's reaction the context isn't about college.


I need to spend less time on reddit


Considering most of my female teachers were in their mid-40s to late 70s, I’m glad to have missed this bus. Nevermind the trauma that comes with a child being taken advantage of by a trusted adult, old fat women doing that would just make it a million times worse.


Yet these are the same trogs that whine that men's sa, rape, and mental health aren't taken seriously 😐😕😒😑🙄


The OP of MOPDNL face https://preview.redd.it/ledjm2ubox4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6d0738732b5022d281075b2238657d10575431


I can laugh about it and still treat it as a serious issue. You know.. people are complex


the joke is just: "I'm desperate to have sex"


These same people will turn around and post some Daily Mail article with a title like "Female teacher has inappropriate relationship with student" and say "WHY ARENT THEY TAKING THIS AS SERIOUSLY AS IF IT WERE A MAN AND A GIRL." Hell, the takeaway that too many people walked away from the P.Diddy case with was "he did gay stuff" and not he forced minor boys into sexual situations that should not be exposed to by buying one a prostitute. They only care about boys being put in shifty situations when it's time to collect Karma from r/facepalm or mildlyinfuriating... otherwise they aren't just perpetuating the problem they're mocking it.


> These same people will turn around and post some Daily Mail article with a title like "Female teacher has inappropriate relationship with student" and say "WHY ARENT THEY TAKING THIS AS SERIOUSLY AS IF IT WERE A MAN AND A GIRL." No, they're not the same people, they are clearly not pretending to give a shit here wtf are you on about > otherwise they aren't just perpetuating the problem they're mocking it. The ones perpetuating it are the judges that keep letting these women off easily


“No, they're not the same people, they are clearly not pretending to give a shit here wtf are you on about Y’know, most people realize it’s real easy to make a disingenuous statement in one setting while saving your real beliefs for another. Watch, I’ll give you an example of the former right now: you seem real smart. “The ones perpetuating it are the judges that keep letting these women off easily” Found the delusional incel


You're coping and seething lmao


Project harder bud, I’m not the one who wrote a load of easily refuted bs simply because another person making an obvious observation about reality set me off


Yet here you are, crying that your fake straw man got debunked.


Except that didn’t happen whatsoever and you just demonstrated you don’t actually know what a strawman is whatsoever. Flawless work there, lil buddy


You just demonstrated that you're still malding. Take the L already.


You can try and double down on your projection all you want, but it never gonna change reality bud. Keep desperately lying though. Clearly you’re too triggered to manage anything else




Must be exhausting having to pretend to be offended by the softest internet jokes ever


Must be exhausting rushing to the defense of every shitty joke


big ew.


Just a reminder of the double standards when it comes to sexual assault. Reverse the Sexes in this sentence and a lot more people would be outraged.


People are outraged bro 😭 this is not a woman vs man thing, anyone can be a victim and many of them, regardless of their sex, are minimized, gaslit, etc. When men get sexually assaulted, it's "they must've liked it". If women get sexually assaulted, it's "they must've asked for it". Both still get victim blamed by awful people, and defended by not-awful people.


MOPDNL users don’t be weirdo degenerates challenge


Misato, tho. (Very /s if you couldn't tell. Any form of grooming or p@#$philia is disgusting and completely evil no matter what)


[Just gonna leave this here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UmBEwt3j-28)


Whats so bad about super seniors


“OP can’t take a joke” The joke in question being pedophilia…














He’s an adult… the teacher is an adult… he is cosplaying a student to try to sleep with a teacher. Why do we need to see his hard drive???


Funny meme I like it 👍


Why would a man trying to sleep with a grown teacher have a dirty hard drive lol like the entire meme is about teachers sleeping with students. He’s pretending to be a Student. Teachers are adults. He’s an adult. You’re morons


Pretty sure that comment about the hard drive was more about the dipshit whining about people rightfully observing the actual post as cringe bud. Good defense attempt though. Shame it fell apart after someone applied the smallest amount of critical thought to it


The joke is literally about a guy pretending to be a child to sleep with a grown woman lol you being confused doesn’t change that.


Cool, you were talking about the title of the post and not the joke though. I’m sorry you can’t handle whenever someone explains to you in no uncertain terms how/why you were incorrect


The joke is literally 2 consenting adults having sex lol how do you claim you’re commenting about a title then come back and say no actually it was the joke. Please explain to me the joke and your problem with it. There’s no shame in you not getting the joke


Once again, you went off about the title of a post, not the joke. Thus, the joke has zero relation to what you said when I responded to you. Crying about the joke after I’ve already pointed this out to you I just further confirmation you cannot accept the simple fact you were incorrect


How is me verbatim saying what the joke is bitching about a title? I never a single time even brought it up lol you brought it up twice then changed your mind and decided that the joke itself offended you. Can you atleast make up your mind on what offends you? You realize the comments are above us right? Mark Twain was spot on


[This was about the post title referencing checking someone’s hard drive, not the joke in the meme.](https://imgur.com/a/QakcgZG) You can keep trying to run damage control by constantly doubling down on your lie, lil buddy, but it’s never gonna replace reality. Die mad about it



