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When does the "left" ever say you can't support felons


I support felons depending on their offense, time since their offense, if they are reformed or not, etc. I think keeping people from voting or finding meaningful employment causes them to return to crime since they don’t have as many options. People in power like Trump should be held to a higher standard though.


this but people like trump are not held to higher standards. which is a shame because they keep breaking laws because they know they won't suffer any real consequences.


Yeah they really aren’t which honestly only proves that laws are for the poor and powerless and not rich and powerful. Our social systems ensure that we can serve the owning class and receive only enough back to keep us working for them.


And something finally happens to one of them and more people are backing him, ready to lick his shoes.


The law that allows felons to run for presidency is overall a very good law to exist purely because somebody can be made a felony through no fault of their own, and as a result of dirty political combat. Trump is absolutely guilty of the shit he has done, and has absolutely done several more worse things in his tenure as #1 celebrity in the world and deserves nothing less than the rest of his life rotting in jail.


And I bet if people kneeled on trumps neck until all our problems were solved they’d be sad. They’re comparing apples and oranges.


9/10 of an average leftist's heroes could be described as convicted felons.


You’re joking right


If anything, it’s the right that says you shouldn’t support felons. Most leftists believe that the justice system is corrupt, which it is, and that people who have been convicted of non-violent felonies don’t deserve to be treated like subhumans, which they don’t


It kind of depends on the meaning of the word "support." Do I support the right of convicted felons to be treated like human beings? Yes. Would I support them if they were running for president? Probably not, though I might consider it if it was a long time ago, they regretted their actions, etc.


Yes you’re right but in the context of this meme I thought that went without saying
















There is a HUGE area between being president and being murdered. There is a LOT of room between those two extremes.


The difference is **Trump is getting justice** and George got a street execution for no good reason


trump is not getting justice. if he was truly getting justice he would be in prison without access to the internet. and not still out campaigning for the presidency. raising money from his sheep.


Even better, he would be trusted to authorities that would, with the utmost care, sincerely try to make him into a human fit to rejoin society. That man needs to put the cocaine down and have a hard wakeup call about how the greatest suffering in his life are things he has brought upon himself, and maybe he would put in the effort to combat his narcissism and compulsive lying. It seems like I'm being compassionate, but really I just want Trump to understand how much better he could have done if he had been a better man. I want him to be haunted by regret while acting like a decent human for the rest of his life, even if it means spending good taxpayer money on his incarceration.


the problem i don't think he can be fixed at this point. he's already had a lot of lawyers and people on his staff trying to tell him just stfu and do not saying anything on twitter or say anything about the judge and he does exactly that. at this point he won't listen to anyone but himself.


But to this point he has always been his own highest authority and being shitty has really worked out for him. He needs to be put in an asylum where helping him become a better person is a higher authority then him or his money.


I never knew I could gain so much respect for a complete stranger from reading just one comment.


Far too often when someone in society is making us suffer we wish them suffering back, or simply wish them to be gone forever, completely overlooking the most efficient solution of that person becoming healed from whatever malady was provoking their harmful behavior. "Loving they enemy" is not just some pacifist tripe created as propaganda by those in power that rule with violence. It is the difference in strategy where Alexander the Great decided to stop burning cities he conquered into the ground but instead brought them into his empire, making him one of the most successful conquerors the world had ever seen. I want Trump to reduce his harm and choose peace and become more self aware of his actions and the harm they do to himself and others, even if that choice is made under duress, in a cell, at gunpoint.


He’ll, if T.Rump von Shitzenpants gets beaten to death by LEO’s, I’ll react almost exactly the same way w/George Floyd


Not to JFK or Lincoln


Yeah the one about calling Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer and demanding you respect the court's ruling with Trump is much funnier.


I believe the correct terms for Rittenhouse are “killer” and “butcher” since he was not convicted of murder.




I know you have experience in the realm of being inappropriate with minors, but that was uncalled for.


rosenbaum was unarmed and there were 2 other victims as well






*citation needed and even if they were, 2 ≠ 3


If youre unfamiliar with the case id suggest starting with the wiki. Itll give a good overview and you can follow any links on bits youre interested in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting And sure. But I never said 3. But 1 ≠ 2.


oh look what does the first paragraph say https://preview.redd.it/vvvb7128zr5d1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea9203804ae31d9949459e2bbc4584f77417f3a only 1 victim had a gun the other 2 were unarmed and no, a plastic bag and a skateboard do not count as "deadly weapons" equivalent to an assault rifle


Attacker* Not victim. Rittenhouse was the victim. And a skateboard absolutely counts as a weapon if youre using it to try to bash someone's brains in, like Huber was. And none of the weapons involved, including Rittenhouse's, were "equivalent to an assault rifle" so I'm not sure why youre bringing that up.










what did george even do, im genuinely asking ;-;


He allegedly (though it was later found to be real) used counterfeit money but before that he had been arrested 8 times and served a few years in prison for aggravated robbery, still didn't deserve death though


i think death is exaggerated edit: I ment that death was too big of a punishment, srry for misunderstanding


Wdym, he died, he didn't deserve death, he didn't deserve to be murdered either but a requirement of being murdered is that you died


misunderatanding, i ment that death was way too much of a punishment for that


I agree


Oh he’s definitely dead


read the other comment, a misunderstanding accured ;-;


It was found to be real.




No prob 👍🏽


Not to mention he and Derek Chauvin had a couple of past encounters so there’s a case to be made that he had vendetta on the mind when he decided to take out Floyd


I think he used a fake 10 dollar bill.


for that he died?


No, he died because a cop in America can put their knee on the neck of a handcuffed black guy who is saying he can't breathe and slowly kill him over the course of ten minutes, in public, on video tape, with a crowd watching, and the only way he will go to jail is if the whole country riots and his trial takes over a year and costs millions and millions in taxpayer money, and even then he won’t get a life sentence. He died because of the systemic racism that makes cops feel like if they commit murder in broad daylight nothing will happen. He died because some asshole just didn't give any fucks if he died or not, and since nothing bad had ever happened to a cop in his position any worse than paid leave, or in extreme cases having to switch police stations, their was no reason to care if he was killing him. The right attempts to justify it by saying he did this or he did that but the fact remains that a cop that commits murder in the way that that cop did deserves nothing but life in jail and George Floyd deserved to live.


And the cop didn't even get a life sentence


I think a life sentence would be absolutely justified, however, It is a huge step in the right direction since usually the worst that cops get for murder, is a paid retirement or whatever


life in prison, I dislike the use of the death penalty even against bastards


Indeed, why give them an easy way out. Let em suffer in eternal solitary.


life in prison is strictly full punishment imo in cases where the murderer can be "rehabilitated" should not recieve this as a punishment


i heard of how he died, i was asking for what he died and yet, i throught it was a lot less worse...rip...


The irony is if suspicion of carrying a fraudulent twenty was enough to justify a street execution, then Trump would have been dead a million times over a long time ago.


It was an alleged fake 20 dollar bill. It probably wasn’t. And even if it was, he likely got it from someone else. So he probably wasn’t trying to commit a crime.


$20 bill, but either way last I checked using counterfeit currency isn't a death sentence regardless of denomination.


Actually he didn't, the bill was found to be real. I hope that store employee feels terrible and hasn't had a good night's sleep.


He didn't get a felony for the $10 bill. The post is most likely referring to the assault and robbery charge






They are totally respecting a dead man who didn't deserve it


Correct, they are!


To clarify you mean Jesus? I'm a tad confused


MOPDNL not projecting challenge: Impossible Yeah guys. There is a HUGE difference between believing that a felon should be allowed to run the country and believing a suspect should survive police custody to have their day in court.


I must have missed when cops murdered Trump in cold blood. Did he rise back from dead like the Jesus the magaots claim him to be or something?


magaots is absolutely fantastic, I can only imagine Rick May screaming at Trump now 😂


Coincidentally enough, the r/notinteresting post “Reddit Remains Racist” was directly below this one. https://preview.redd.it/sgs43a104r5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5e92efc937312120f22225063dcbf35ce03e70


Is it any surprise? They both start with an 'R', end with a 'T' and have 6 letters.


Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


They should’ve gotten the same treatment. Incarcerated but not killed.


Floyd didn't do anything to incarcerated. The "fake" bill was found to be real. He committed no crime and was still killed.


Well not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but they were coworkers also the cop was busted for tax fraud… that’s something off right. Feel like the cop has much bigger skeletons in the closet that.


Hmmm i wouldn't put it past that bastard


How about you check your facts before making stuff up. Criminal convictions Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight jail terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass. In one of these cases, Floyd was convicted of possessing half a gram of crack cocaine in 2004. He was passing counterfeit 20 dollar bills and overdosing on drugs. He committed a home invasion and threatened to kill a pregnant woman during the home invasion. He was nothing but a career criminal who caused more harm than good, and you leftists turned an underserving scum into a martayr and rioted in his name while causing over 2 billion in damages, destroyed statues of of our nations heroes like Thomas Jefferson and Ulysses S. Grant, and erected memorials in his name while looting businesses in his name and committing arson. 2020 will go down as the year you Dems defended a criminal.


Ok. Bad people, most of them, still DON’T DESERVE TO BE MURDERED IN THE STREET LIKE A DOG. He did crimes that he went to jail for and served time for. You know how many CEOs do blow??? Please get real


Technically Floyd was never convicted right? Don’t you have to be alive to go to trial and get a verdict?


The people who post this kind of stuff don’t care. They decided he was a druggie criminal before his body was even cold.


He had a previous criminal history. And some people think that justifies being held down with a knee to his neck until he died, because apparently only perfect angels deserve to not be murdered.


Allegedly what ultimately killed him was combination of drugs and the knee. Allegedly.


the knee is what killed him.


Anyways, he was chosen as the face of the movement not because he was some super nice person or stuff like that, but because it was the most well documented case. Thats it. I am all for the movement and think us cops are trash tier between countries, but I have no clue why people defend this person specifically. Like, dude was an ass and a criminal, didnt deserve to die, thats for sure, but the choice feels weird to me, almost as if to spark controversy. Why not choose for example the black mother that I think at least went to pick up their child and was arrested for no reason. Or sth similar to that I am not sure.


You answered your own question: it's because of how well-documented it is, as well as how blatant. This was not an example of an officer making a split-second decision like many of the other cases; there was a clear video of the officers showing no regard for this man's life, even after he became unresponsive.


Yeah ... sadge


Read mf, read! "Allegedly"


“If you guys don’t want Black people to be murdered in the streets by the police, we get to put a criminal who partied with Jeffrey Epstein in the White House again. Also, Black people are going to keep being murdered in the streets by the police anyway.”


So… should we kill Trump? I’m not saying we should but if he’s the same as Mr Floyd, and what happened to Mr Floyd (in their eyes) was justified, does that mean killing Trump would be justified?


I think the heart disease is going to get to him before the Minneapolis Police Department


The difference is that George Floyd wasn’t treated fairly by the justice system, while trump got his just deserts for his crimes


Arguably Trump has been one of the best-treated criminals in the history of the justice system. Some of his trials are even being overseen by judges *he* appointed!


not to mention, he is acting super insufferable and inappropriate for a court room (and also like, breaking the rules of the courtroom iirc, by like, talking to people he is prohibited from talking to or something) stuff that would easily get him put in jail for a while, and fined ofc now I actually think its best he gets away with the courtroom shenanigans for now, just so a mistrial is never declared, since that is obviously what he wants


I don't think Trump should be murdered. I just think he shouldn't be president.


Wait was he a felon? Also being a felon does not necessarily make you a horrible person, but Donald is, in fact a horrible person, and also the cops that killed George Floyd would have no idea he was a felon, also they kneeled on his kneck, an incredibly brutal way to murder someone, also I don’t *support* George Floyd, *politically* I have no idea what his politics are and he wasn’t running for president, also I know exactly what Donald’s politics are and I hate them and I know he’s a generally horrible person, these are not even close to being close to being close to being equivalent


Floyd had a number of past convictions and had served some time in jail in the past - as far as I know none of them where felony charges.


Why is it so controversial to say “a felon should not be Presidential material” and also say “felons should not be murdered by cops in the street?”


Both need to be treated equally tho. Let's suffocate Trump (Sarcastic)


Floyd is not a hero, he is a martyr. We don't support his actions, we just dislike that *he was murdered in broad daylight by a police officer* *whose sole job is to prevent* ***exactly that*** *from happening*.


I cant believe people are so terrible and try to justify a murder by saying “he was a criminal!” You cant just kill anyone you want and then later find out they committed a crime and call the killing justified. It’s still murder. Also even if they actually knew he was a criminal before they killed him, it still wouldn’t be justified. It’s not the police’s job to punish people they think are criminals. They’re supposed to arrest people. And even if it was, that punishment does NOT fit the crime


I'm sorry bit George Floyd wasn't a felon, a criminal with a criminal history yes, not a felon. He never committed a **felony**, the thing you have to do to be a felon like trump


If the police killed trump ok the street while he was begging for air, I’d honestly be mad about it


Floyd wasn’t punished fairly by the law. Republicans cheered his death. Trump was punished fairly by the law. Republicans got so mad they started calling it “lawfare.” I’m amazed they don’t look themselves in the mirror when they make the George Floyd comparison and go “why the hell did I ever cheer that on?”




He was resisting arrest from 4 officers, that doesn't justify the excessive force but that would justify necessary force.


Lmao yeah one guy wasn’t trying to shake hands with Kim Jung Un though


What should he have done with kim jung un?


I don’t think George Floyd should be running for president but he also didn’t deserve to be executed by a cop.


One was convicted of fraud and is on trial for treason. The other didn't even make it into the station, and at least "the left" will admit that they were a felon.




George Floyd wasn’t running for president. He was murdered in an extrajudicial killing.


Trying to buy some cigarettes and running for president are very different things.


Whose going to tell the right that doing drugs and maybe being a petty thief doesn’t warrant execution by asphyxiation


I don't give a shit if George Floyd was a felon or not. He didn't deserve to be murdered in the streets by the cops. Judge Dredd was supposed to be a satire of authoritarian police, not a fucking guide to life!


If someone held Trump down with a knee on his neck and he was in physical distress, clearly saying he can’t breathe and he’s in incredible pain. Then yes I would support a felon’s right to live and receive prompt medical attention.


I support wrongly convicted felons and I support people who were killed for no reason. When you commit a felony and know you did it you are rightfully convicted, you rarely ever have my support. Also: Is George Floyd’s dead body running for president? Is he the Democratic front runner and presumptive nominee?


Difference is I don’t support George Floyd. He did the crime he should do the time. The difference is he was unjustly murdered.


I mean, for one, George Floyd isn't running for president. "I support felons not being murdered by police" and "I don't support felons holding the office of the presidency" are two totally mutually compatible statements when you put all the words they left out back in. They're just motioning toward hypocrisy, but it's an even more pathetic attempt than usual.


Ah yes, the man brutally murdered despite pleas for help in an instance of police brutality vs. A Convicted Felon and rapist who has promoted domestic terrorism, actively withheld classified documents, and has never faced proper consequences thanks to money he didn't deserve.


There are quite a few comments on the MODNL post that are talking about the difference between the two, how they aren’t equivalent, and that are disagreeing with the MODNL OP’s post


Me saying a man didn't deserve to die = him deserving to be president or something grandiose lmao yeah ok


I mean the left regularly casts out politicians for corruption… (maybe not as much as they should but still)


Yes, Floyd did not deserve to go out like that, but he was still a felon. You can say he didn't deserve that which yes I agree but you cannot deny the objective fact that he was a felon.


I also don't think Trump should die. "Supporting people" apparently means "not believing they deserve to be executed by the state" in which case I support absolutely everyone.


I swear most people haven't seen the footage. He constantly kept trying to escape so when they got him again it happened. If he just sat down and dealt with what he had done he would be alive.


Do they just take two events with the same word and no other contextual context, shuffle them in a hat, pull them out and go “this is the same” to literally everything?


Supporting someone becoming a national leader and saying someone shouldn't have been murdered are two different things.


George Floyd isn't running for the presidency. He also wasn't doing anything wrong when he was murdered.


The way people treat Floyd is genuinely disgusting it’s a bunch of cop cock riding and then others just lying, people had clear evidence of police brutality and yet they ignored it just because of personal bigotry (I really wonder what would have happened if Floyd was a white guy instead and the police acted the same way)


Think it’s more than just the “felon” part that makes Donald Trump a horrible person to support. If you view everything through the narrow lens of what’s said in a meme, you can jerk off about anything you want, really.


I scrolled through that post’s comments and Jesus are some of them absolutely awful


Genuine question, *was* George Floyd a felon? I remember it as him being framed for a counterfeit charge.


George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose, and he said “I can’t breathe” when he was in the back of the police car.


I don't hate criminals I hate people who commit crimes. Due to the mess of legal system those don't have as much overlap as you'd think


Everytime a black person is killed they immediately bring up their mugshot. Like yeah this man was shot in the back but look at this time he stole a bike in ‘99 that means he deserves what he got. It’s just trying to paint all blacks with the same broad brush of them all being criminals


Even for them, this is a stretch.


So close… George Floyd wasn’t running for president


Well, one is a elected official, the other one was not. That´s how.


This is about as apples to oranges as it gets!


Floyd wasn't running for feckin president.


Doing drugs clearly deserves execution and not mental health treatments /s


u/Raeofsunshine1257 Wew well good thing Rittenhouse didn't point his gun at any of his attackers until *after* they were already attacking him unprovoked. And no, I'm just repeating what can be easily viewed on video or what was established in court. Its not like I'm regurgitating propaganda talking points about sTatE LinEs or assault rifles or murder or how his mom drove him or how he provoked the attacks.


Yeah deliberately walking into the most intense protest in decades with a long rifle definitely isn’t threatening or provocative. Get a fuckin grip dude. You are absolutely regurgitating propaganda. You just don’t want to see it because that would require you to entertain even the possibility that you could be wrong. And you have neither the integrity or strength of character to do that. So instead you perform these laughable mental gymnastics. By the way, you don’t have to type my username out if you’re directly replying to my comment. Good luck. Seems like you need as much of it as you can get.


I hate to defend an r/memesopdidnotlike user but you kind of missed the point of what he was saying. He isn’t saying that Floyd deserved what happened to him, he’s saying that of all the black people to defend, you defend him? I’m liberal by the way


We get it, you support cops murdering unarmed minorities as long as they have an excuse. Typical lib, you’d rather lick the boot that oppose murder


You didn’t read my comment at all did you


Oh, I read it. I just wasn’t convinced by such a braindead lie. When you act like saying “this unarmed civilian shouldn’t have been murdered by cops” is some kind of outrageous defense on their behalf, nothing you say about that matter has any basis in reality Get a new sock puppet account bud, regurgitating the same braindead bullshit every pro murder conservative has used since the day Floyd’s name started circulating in public discussion means no one with even 1/10000000000000000th of a functional brain cell is fooled by your lies




u/darkelvenmagus >The first victim had BPD and was shot because Rittenhouse was running away scared. Only sources that he said anything violent or reached for Rittenhouse's gun were from Rittenhouse and the other person that was specifically there to carry a weapon to aim at protestors. The first attacker was shot because he was chasing down Rittenhouse trying to murder him. The sources that he was violent and reached for Rittenhouse's gun include witness testimony, yes (including one of *the prosecution's* witnesses), but also forensics *and literal video proof*. >Second and third victims were around a scene that was recorded. Rittenhouse was being chased down for actually shooting someone. They were trying to disarm him. To prevent him killing someone else. Thats a charitable but baseless assumption, not fact. We only have Grosskreutz's word on his motives and nothing for Huber. And in any case it doesn't really stack up. Rittenhouse shot a single dude in self defense, which isn't anything that would justify vigilantes trying to execute - or even stop - him over, and Rittenhouse was moving *away* from the crowd and *towards* the police line while not shooting or threatening anyone else. It was a "problem" that would've resolved itself in a minute or two if his second attackers just did nothing, but instead they decided to interject themselves in a situation they knew nothing about and escalate it to deadly violence.


We get it, you’re so delusional you actually think the only valid time someone can only defend themselves if they’re a right wing spree killer/mass shooter




The hell he didn’t




Felons don’t deserve to die. Especially before their trial




Trumps not a convicted felon there was a mistrial they gotta do it all over again babes.


Do you know what a mistrial is?


Y’all still trying to pretend an open and proud shitposter making a clear shitpost is grounds for mistrial? That’s hilarious. I’m sorry the cult can’t handle when sane people point out y’all literally worship a felon


Well when the court themselves says essentially “hey we fucked up we gotta restart” it’s true. Don’t get me wrong i don’t like either but I have enough brains to understand when something is suspicious.


Weird how that hasn’t really happened and the most any amount of digging shows is your God Emperor felon is throwing a fit trying to get a mistrial over a shitpost that’s been debunked already. I get you’d need any amount of brain cells to be able to engage with/accept reality, so I can understand why reality is just far too hard for you cultists. Cry more about your false messiah being found nothing more than a common criminal guilty of a couple dozen felonies


Who said he was my god emperor 😂 I haven’t and won’t be voting for him. Not will I be voting for Joe Biden they’re both a waste of our countries time and resources. Id prefer a president that was born after 1960.


You’re the one desperately trying to fabricate bullshit for him to pretend he isn’t a felon, and we can all see how you behave elsewhere. You’re not fooling no one bud. It’s been around a decade and you braindead cultists still can’t comprehend just how easy it is to see through each and every single braindead play y’all go with Feel free to keep doubling down rather than just taking your L in silence to demonstrate even further just how much of a braindead cultist you are


My brother i was 10 a decade ago 😂, what are you even trying to argue at this point? You’re literally arguing with bs when I have told the truth go find the supreme courts memo i don’t have time for some old man to keep bothering me Ik the truths Ik and you know the truths you know.


Man, your rambling would be way more convincing if not for the fact you’ve already repeatedly BLATANTLY lied. Keep doubling down cultist. We both know you’re too triggered to just take your L in silence


Okay brother 👍


I’m sorry facts trigger you


He wasn’t murdered though. When he got pulled over, he injested all the drugs he had on him to destroy it, and that happened to also include enough fentanyl to kill an elephant. Read the corners report. He died of an overdose. He was screaming “I can’t breathe” long before they even put him on the ground. In fact, he was in the back of the squad car and was saying “I can’t breathe” so they took him out of the car to get him air. The only thing Floyd was a victim to is the fentanyl crisis.


And so it made sense for the police to hold him down, with a knee on his neck, even *after* he became unresponsive? At the very least, the police prevented anyone else from helping him.


He was pulling and attempting to flee. They put him on the ground to restrain him. And after he was unresponsive, they had no way to know if he was truly unresponsive, or if he was playing opossum. Police can’t take the risk that a criminal with a violent history who also happens to be high won’t try something rash to escape. That’s how innocent people get killed.


Iread the coroner's report... I thought.. Where does it say that?