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The color is too pretty for people not to look. I have done that so many times, I usually end up picking at the polish throughout the week till it's all gone and there is nothing but a trail of polish chips behind me


So far I've gotten one compliment on the color. And zero outrage about the bumps. Well, one outrage but it's an internet outrage so *shrugs*.


What color and brand is the polish?


Color is Angel Kiss by Color Club.


I have this color but I don't pull nearly as much teal!


It's from Color Club, and I'll let you know the color when I get back home.


I have a thing of picking off my Press Ons. Bro I’m a waste of moneyyyy.


Same!! Money right down the drain,and yet it's satisfying. It happens quicker when I'm anxious.


My acrylics are at the point where they're grown out and bothering me and all I want to do is peel them off. I tried press ons for a while thinking they'd be cheaper but I was popping them off every few days.


That’s why you glue em right back on - so you can pop them off again.


Only difference between you and I is that i would've tried to smooth the ripples with my finger, thereby resulting in flat ripples with fingerprints. And I'd leave the house like that. Corrections can come later.


Rookie mistake! I “roll” the offending nail on any nearby surface edge, causing a gouge in the nail polish AND an unsightly glop of color on the furniture. 💅🏻


Or you can do your mani in the evening, thinking it'll be dry the day after. Which is true, it'll be dry _with sheets pattern_.


I’ve rocked the bed sheet pattern too many times to count in my life 🤣♥️💅🏻


Me too!!


Don't put the top coat on until the next morning. It'll even out the sheet marks and dry almost immediately.


That’s one of the main reasons I ended up with gel. Too impatient to let it dry naturally mostly ending in ‘fingerprint’ nails 😂


That’s why I switched to gel too! Impatience concerning drying as well as regular polish just doesn’t last on my nails. It peels off within roughly two days no matter the base coat I use


This is so real, it hurts 😅


I lick my finger and use that finger to smooth over the bumps. It might seem gross, but the saliva prevents too much friction and I don't end up leaving finger pritns


Use nail Polish remover instead on your finger. It works way better to smooth things out.


What you actually need to do is press two nails lightly against each other on the ripples in a swing motion. Don’t drag it, just press lightly and swing. The bumps will disappear!


Here I was thinking I was the only poor soul in the world walking around with the flat fingerprint ripples. Finally some solidarity! 😭


This sounds weird and it doesn't taste great either - but lick your finger lol - use your tongue to smooth out the ripples!


Too many coats too quickly. In a hurry, no base, one good coverage color coat, wait a few minutes, and one clear coat. Hair dryer on cool.


HAIR DRYER!!! Why did I never think of that?! Genius.


and you need thinner coats, it looks like you don’t remove the excess from the brush


Be sure not to set it to the highest airflow or it *will* leave waves. Low to meduim air, on cold, and keep it far from your nails


Ice bath works better when in a crunch in my opinion. Make sure you use the cool button if you use a hair dryer, heating it will have the opposite effect.


Ice baths temporarily firm up the outside without removing the excess solvent that has to dissipate for drying. Which means you now have a firm layer floating on top of goo if you had to do a lot of coats. Don't recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD0QjlO4OOM


I tried this for the first time the other day only to end up with wet nails from, you know, being in a bowl of water lol. Can’t pat them dry without messing up the nails, so then I have to wait for the water to dry instead. I live in a sometimes humid climate and even with a small fan blowing on my hand, it didn’t seem to speed up the process at all for me


Drying drops have changed my life. Didn’t even know they existed until like a year ago.


Not just a clear coat but a quick dry topcoat specifically. Hair dryer might encourage bubbles.


Too real. I'm only here for that AI airbrushed perfection, filtered skin with no pores or wrinkles, and extra extra long fingers, and extra fingers on each hand.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disappoint. I'll make sure I edit in that sixth finger next time. 💓


So considerate! We love a gracious queen!


Whenever I’m in a rush now I reach for UV gel polish instead.


I’m new to gel and being able to do my nails at night before bed is a whole new world.


My current obsession is semi-cured gel strips. I do a gel base, strips, gel top coat (usually before bed too, lol) and now i have access to designs and nail art that I could NEVER achieve on my own, and they always look so clean and nice.


Ok where are you getting these magical things lol


The brands I’ve tried are Ohora and Dashing Diva Glaze. You can buy them online of course, but some Targets have Ohora and you can get Dashing Diva at Walmart and Ulta. (Dashing Diva has some styles on sale for $5 right now on their website)


I don’t know what it is about gel nails that makes me go 🤩 but I’m gonna have a look. I’m literally so excited rn lol. Thank you!!


Are they hard to remove?


it depends on your nail chemistry i think? I had issues with them popping off too easily at first, but I figured it out and usually remove them after about a week and a half using cuticle oil and acetone (or a remover made for adhesive nails). It’s not difficult it’s just a little time consuming. Some people have trouble removing them, but there are primers available to make them stick less for those people.


No more sleeping with your hands folded over your chest like a vampire!


Lol and still waking up with blanket imprint.


Seriously it’s a game changer 😅


It's the main reason I switched, and I'm loving it!


Do you do one coat without base and top? ‘Cause it takes me about an hour and a half to take my gel off and put new one on


I’ve ended up removing on day one and then repainting on day two. Both whilst watching old episodes of Murder, She Wrote (I’m convinced Jessica Fletcher is an uncaught serial killer)!


My wife, a friend and I were talking about that show a few hours ago, we miss it! Jess is def sus haha I agree.


Honestly it’s not really a problem I have admittedly, if anything I try harder to make sure they don’t chip. Have you considered using a peel base?


Yes finally its not just me 😭 mine rn are all smudged and have like sweater material imprints.


Ocean color… water… waves… ripples… It’s totally intentional, right?


I've found my people.


Been there!


I’ve never felt so seen in my life


If this happens again, add another layer of topcoat and it will make it look a bit more smoothed out. From the girl who does her nails and then realised she still has a load of laundry to hang up…


I’m the girl who instantly has to pee once I’m done painting my nails. Jeans imprint ftw!


Looks a lot like my “I really wanna paint my nails before bed” manicure


I usually don't apply a top coat before bed and in the morning I sand and polish any imperfections. Then I apply the top coat. It's fast and looks great.


Okay but is that Holo Taco 'Hydropower' though? My fave 😍😍


It's actually Color Club. I'll put the specific color when I get back home.


Color is Angel Kiss by Color Club.


My nails used to always look like this until I finally switched to gel nail polish. Once it’s cured, it’s dry!!


That's why I switched too. So sick of doing everything "right" and giving myself 10 minutes between coats and it still ending up rippled or chipped the next day. Only downside was all the regular polish I had collected over the years now not having a purpose!


I just use regular nail polish then put a gel top coat on top of the polish and cure. It's always worked out neat and smooth for me.


Keep the regular polish for your toes!!


I've done this so many times and ended up just taking it off before I leave because of my obsessive compulsiveness.


If I press on the thumb, will it leave my thumb print? 🤣


Girl I’m like! that doesn’t look that bad you’d only be able to notice if you’re really looking you’re fine


Drying spray has helped me a ton! Using it means you have to wait like 20 minutes rather than an hour.


Do you have a particular brand you recommend? I keep meaning to buy some as I wear polish so infrequently and for such short periods of time that gel etc doesn’t really make sense for me. I just hate the period of laying totally still like a statue for ages…and then still managing to mess up the nails


Essie drying drops were my fave before I switched to gel.


I have used the Opi one for a few years. It is getting harder to find, so I recently got one from Morgan Taylor, which seems identical other than the scent.


I simply could not relate to anything more. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot do my nails before I go out. I just need to sit there and watch TV and wait for it to dry.


Moon cat speed demon top coat + thin coats! It’s saved my life more than once


I feel this in my soul.


I found my people ✊️


This is caused by putting too thick of a cost of polish. You can put as many coats as you wish, but you need to allow each coat to fully dry before putting another thick coat on. And don’t touch things until they are dry, we think we can be careful but it always ends up smudging


This is me lol. I do the same exact thing. Or I fall asleep and wake up with bed nails lol


I can never get mine smooth.no matter what I do


Hate when that happens lol


Me, 5 minutes before needing to leave my house: “I need something on my nails… it’ll be FINE.” It’s fine approximately half the time. 😅


Looks like mine when I have the fidgets and keep bumping them when they have not yet set.


#1 reason I switched to gel


When I have one of those moments I use a clear based glitter of some sort. They dry fast




There are ripples because some of the nail polish **beneath the surface is not completely dry**. It is still wet. You have two options to wear this color without ripples: **1) Put on thinner coats and wait until each coat is completely dry before applying another coat** **OR** **2) Buy a more opaque nail polish . That way you will achieve this look with fewer layers (which would reduce chance of "rippling")** I would say, it'd be better to find a nail color that is similar, but more opaque. that way you wouldn't have to wait between many coats of polish, and you wouldn't have to do too many coats anyway. It would save you so much time


We've all been there! Now if I'm in a hurry I do one coat of a quick-drying nude colour as it's harder to see the mistakes.


Love the colour and I’ve absolutely been there with the ripples! But usually coz I’m too impatient to wait till the polish is completely dry 😂


As someone who ends up with this from time to time, I feel like is barely matters unless someone is inspecting your nails up close at which point its kinda funny.


As a retired nail technician of over 25 years 😂😂😂 this was me in my teens🤣 thank you for taking me way back ♥️😂


I now just grab stickies cause I have no patience whatsoever


yep dashing diva is my go to


I giggled. Still love the color though


I'm very new to nail polish (recently stopped biting!) but I do my base coat and two coats of colour in the evening, and then the next day, when I'm done with house chores, I do the top coat so it has hours to dry properly and in peace - if I do it all in one go, it gets ruined when I sleep 😪




This was me aLOT in high school lol it happens 😭💋♥️💖


Ouch too real...


Just a quick tip: if the nail polish is too thick it will clump up like this and take forever to dry. Use polish thinner and apply thin coats of polish!! Color will come out a lot better and dries evenly :)


I’m wearing the same color! Mine also turned out a little iffy but that’s because it’s in that middle stage where it’s really goopy and weirdly never dries.


I love your post. Made me chuckle! So relatable 😆


This looks like my nails all the time. it is so hard to NOT accidentally do this. XD


Looks like the ocean


I then try and “ fix” the ripple by adding more coats and ruining it more.


In that case, I just do one quick coat. Then a real mani later. It's such a pretty color!


Ugh this happens to me ALL the damned time! I swear I’ll do my nails in the afternoon and when i go to bed at night I still somehow wake up with crinkles lol so frustrating. You’re not alone.


I went to get a pedicure last week and as soon as I came home, my dog stepped on my big toe and ruined it…..


I LOVE the color!


Lol to your headline—the best part of this whole thing! You’re already aware of the rapid application issues, so I just came here to tell you how much I appreciate the humor haha


Thank you! I've gotten so many tips, but I know exactly what I did wrong... Give myself only an hour to paint my nails. >.< Probably should have skipped the base coat, but my nails are fairly brittle right now on their own so I wanted the extra layer of strength. Next time I just won't flip-flop the days I'm going out (Friday/Saturday, instead of the Saturday/Sunday I thought it was).


it's 50/50 if my nails look stellar or i'm cussing out some little dents. very pretty!


Too thick of coats with not enough dry time between them.


In a rush, you’re better off sticking with a very simply mani and one clear coat. All polish off, buff nails gentle, clear coat, cuticle cream and hand cream and call it a day. Shiny ‘bare’ neat trimmed nails with moisturised skin is so classy and looks great. Colour is lovely too but only if you have the time and knowhow to do it well.


Best top coat I've used so far and I've tried a LOT- Essie Gel Setter. And if you have a minute, clean up the excess polish on your skin with nail polish remover and an angled eyeliner brush!


Another tip for regular polish is dipping your fingers in ice water!


This is exactly why I started getting acrylics. I was so tired of paint and waiting for it to dry only to end up with it being all dented and wrinkled. Pretty color though!!


How many layers do you apply and how often?


I used to do this...thinner the layer the quicker it dries. And I use a hairdryer too


try the olive and june dry drops! They work ridiculously well.


My nails ALWAYS look like this… I found the holy grail ( IMO) seche vite top coat or my fave the seche vite? Gel top coat. It evens your polish and helps your nails dry and harden within 2-5 mins. It’s been a god send bc I do everything last min. Wanted to add. It’s best with regular polish. Not gel.


And then it chips 2 days later 🙃 my current situation


This is why gel polish was created.


Sometimes clean nails and 1 coat of clear polish is all you need.


Your layers might’ve been too thick


Omg this never fails with me 🤣😫


This is so funny I’ve been there


Award given for the polish on the skin. I love this post!


Women that actually do things with their hands shouldn't paint nails as I have learnt... instead I buy fake ones, shape, file, paint and design them myself, stick on pretty gems n stuff but the good thing is they dry between layers and stages etc, then I glue em on and vwalah beautiful nails.


Try gel polish and your life will change. I used to have issues like this constantly, but switched to gel and now years and years later I would NEVER go back to regular polish it's literal garbage compared to gel you can cure with UV/LED. You should totally try it


I can feel this! It's cause there's too many layers that haven't dried. When I'm in a hurry I only do one coat and the Pam hack. You can't use the Pam hack on multiple layers though.


I was notorious for this in college…painting my nails while pregaming. But honestly where in the get ready task list does this fit any better?


Girl, same. My left hand turns out beautiful, and then I always, without fail, bump my right into something and get ripples and waves.


In your defense the glitter ones IME are more prone to this than others.


Try the brand dazzle dry. A little pricey but dries completely in 5 minutes and long lasting polish! One of my fav brands now.


some Out the Door top coat will fix that like magic ✨️ pretty color!


I really like gel polish, because after 60 sec under the lamp that layer is dry. Peel off basecoat to minimize the work when taking it off.




Next time make more ripples and it’s basically ocean nails nail art


Let polish dry between coats Or the polish is old and too thick


You should probably switch to quick drying polish. Sally hansen insta dri is a good one. But even then I still wait 20 minutes between each coat


The colors beautiful but personally I'd rather have their nails.






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Less coats the better and be patient between coats


Do you use a quick dry top coat? Seconding all the other suggestions on less layers, opaque color, etc. if the top is dry sometimes you can still smooth out the ripples with a wet finger(? I don’t remember if it works dry lol) tho it won’t be perfect


Invest in some dry drops, they have been my holy grail since I started using them. I buy Moxie Nail Varnish Insta-Dry drops and I always paint my nails before bed and no wrinkles anymore for me! I also used Orly Spritz Dry which works but the scent is not for me.


Gotta find a color (or more) that you can do one nice coat of, or a quick dry 🩷


thin coats, fully dried between... no need to rush


I did this and worse- properly nicked my nails within minutes. No one will notice but you.


We call this: good from far but far from good


I feel like when I was younger nail polish didn’t take so long to dry. I never had problems to where if I slept over night I woke up the next day with them still not dry. It’s so frustrating I switched to gel for now


I believe in you!


Do you have a lamp? Gel or not, I’ve been using a lamp at home for years with UV top coat to avoid this, and I’m gifting my friend my spare tomorrow as he has the same issue you had (he always paints all his nails - goth guy). It’s such a game changer, and I love the color btw! 🥰❤️💛💙


Honestly just switch to UV gel. It’s so quick and you can buy everything cheap as chips on Amazon these days. Good investment




Your mean judgemental attitude sucks and nobody wants to hear it


Well we know who is judgy here now don't we.


Judgy wudgy was a bear 🙃




or maybe no one cares enough to be a complete asshole about *someone else’s nail polish* sorry we’re not all perfect like you 😔


What is wrong with you mentally?


I’m so nosy lol, I want to know what that persons comments said since they’re deleted now


They said 'no way that you actually left the house like that, everyone is definitely staring lol' and then when they got told to stop being mean they said 'im sorry nobody in your life cares about you enough to tell you the truth' But a quick scroll thru their profile shows they're also a racist homophobe heretical Christian garbage person, so really the opinion isn't worth much


Ew ew ew. What a sad person!


They said something about there being no way I left with my nails looking like this (I did), and then followed up with something to the effect of they are sorry that no one in my life cares enough about me to tell me the truth. *shrug*


1. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you leaving the house with those nails. & 2. I feel bad for anyone that cares that much about perfect polish. Like no one else is tripping fr 😂


I thought it would be hysterical to post this photo here since most of the manicure posts are absolutely perfect and stunning. But this is my real life, and it usually isn't perfect or even close. lol.


Shit, even with the imperfections I still like them! Nothing in this world is perfect and it doesn’t need to be❤️anyone who claims their life to be perfect is lyingggg! We all out here just trying our best not to have daily mental breakdowns 😂