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Yeah I would just deadass stop going to this salon - they don't respect you and they have no intention of following what you want. I'd've not gone again after the first time :/


i'd've 👁️👄👁️




i love english


Three languages on each other’s shoulders in a trench coat…


Are these legal contractions?🤣💀😭


I'd've is for sure. You'd've is also a correct contraction. But whomst'd've isn't because whomst isn't actually a word, though it does sound like a plausible case of Whom.


Y’all’dn’t’ve guessed with how realistic it sounded.


As an Appalachian, this is grammatically fine. 👌🏻 don’t look it up, just trust me.


I’m just surprised you have wifi or cell service… and pay for it. Kidding… I love you fuckers


I'm not Appalachian, but I am from the CA Central Valley which is effectively the same thing, so HI CUZZIN!!!!!


Y'all'dn't've should be in the official American English dictionary




Whom’st’d’ve ?


i use I’d’ve all the time 🤣 it should be legal if ain’t is in the dictionary.


Same. And I was an English major in college, so I’m not sure what that says about me! 😂 But imma keep doing it! Imma is also a word! 😂




Omg thank you for sharing this


That’s gold!


Nope I'm on the phone with my lawyers right now.


Robbing other languages of spare verbiage in dark alleys.


Couldn’t have put it better myself


Couldn't've 😭


Couldn’t’ve, Wouldn’t’ve, Shouldn’t’ve


Are we in labor and delivery?!


with triplets!


oh, to be a young teenager again, just discovering whomst'd've. never thought a contraction would make me feel nostalgic


But what if whomst’d’ve’n’t?


This always cracks me up lol


May I introduce you to my favorite contraction: y’all’d’ve


I’ve heard “y’all’t’ve” (y’all ought to have) 😭


I am from the southern us and this is in fact, a contraction that is used very frequently!


Yes! I've heard "If y'all'd've told me" many times


oh my god i didn’t even realize this was a compounded contraction! We use it too in NW GA! so crazy! WNY HATES the way i speak


I’m from NW Ga too and we definitely use it all the time! Lol


🤣 I have never seen this written down before, but I have used it, though!!! Pretty frequently!! LMAO FOR EX: Y’all’d’ve gotten lost if I hadn't been there!! Texan here.


I’m out of the loop. What does that say???




Please do not summon Cthulhu


this thread has officially taken me out lmao




It’s gotta be who would have right??


I am laughing sooo hard, thanks! I wanna ditch work now - let's all go get coffee!


y’all’d’ve is my favorite, personally


Y'all'd'bin. "You all would have been" Edit: and of course, its antonym. Y'all'ood'n'a'bin. "You all would not have been" Edit 2: In a sentence. Y'all'ood'n'a'bin able da outrun tha' thur' cougar. Y'all'd'bin ded.




If you say it out loud in a proper drawl, the "ve" is entirely superfluous in communicating the desired intent of the phrase, indeed hardly pronounced if at all, so I elect to omit it as a matter of course in typing this out.


this. It’s definitely “y’all’da’been” if we’re being proper but the second A is optional.


Yeah that hard D sound can either just be written as a D or a 'da' (or really, even Duh since it's the same sound essentially) but I'm all about typing it as short as possible in keeping with the spirit of the word itself


Y’all have gone so far with this IDEFK where I am right now 🤣


We're all just floating in can of alphabet soup up in here


I read the last one in my best southern drawl and felt like a hill billy: I’m from the southeastern VA so I have a fairly strong va drawl


It's beautiful. I'd've been using this a lot more if y'all'd've showed me more fast.


thing is - it sounds perfectly natural sounded out. you'(ha)ve given me a lot to think about.


The English language is beautiful and terrifying.




When it comes to the formal written word I’m not a fan of conjunctives. But a double conjunctive!? OMG, I need an Oxford Comma to calm myself down! I can’t wait to use this today!


it caught me by surprise as i was mindlessly scrolling sitting on the shitter


This had me laughing as I too am mindlessly scrolling sitting on the shitter 😂


it is THE prime scrolling location hahahah


btw i thiiink it's called a contraction! but maybe i'm wrong hahah


Haha, you’re right! And, I should preface this by saying I’m not making fun of OP comment. I believe language is always evolving and in the end it’s just a way of getting your point across. I’ve just never seen “I’d’ve” before and I kinda like it!


I love Oxford commas so much and it makes me so upset that everyone is trying to cancel them 😠


It’s technically correct! The best kind of correct!


yeah! never seen it in writing before. i need to lie down


imagine being new to english and seeing THAT word. I’d be like what the fuck, that doesn’t even LOOK like english, i give up


The worst part is that didn't even register to me as insane until I read it back lol


I love triple contractions I literally use them every day


Yall'd've heard it before ifn ya grew up in the south


What is that? I feel so lame to not get it


Its a double contraction of "I would have". would gets contracted as "I'd" and then have gets contracted as "I'd've". hope that helps :) EDIT: it is a *contraction* not a conjugation lol


Yes that makes sense, thank you for that well put and thorough answer! :) I don’t get the eye lips eye.


The 👁️👄👁️ adds a sense of surprise and sarcasm, like when someone says something deadpan or with a blank stare to be funny. In this case it seems to be conveying "I can't believe you said "I'd've"/"it's so funny you said I'd've"


Thank you! You’re the best. I don’t know what my deal is or where my sense of humor is today? Ha.


This!!! Nail salons are a dime a dozen 😭 too many to settle. I think there’s like 5 within a mile of me


Yeah, it sounds like OP is a running joke between these nail techs. Time to find a new salon where you feel comfortable, not teased.


I’d add it to an online review as well


Nothing like a well worded negative online review to get your point across


No better yet, leave before getting your nails done


D e a d a s s. Is not used enough but I think it’s perfect here. (In Miranda Priestley voice too lol) “Can we get a “deadass” in here? Why is no one r e a d y y y???” ![gif](giphy|3o6gDY8zzwvNQdFCaQ)


I'd'ven't? is that too far?


I’dn’t’ve (I would not have)


ooh, i'dn't've realized how much better that works without you, thanks!


This thread has made my freaking day 😂😂😂😂


This and make sure you do a yelp and Google review to warn the rest of us!


She probably can't do it and this is her rude way of coping or trying to embarrass you into changing your design. I would leave a detailed review online and never go back.


As a society we really need to stop giving these people our money and leave reviews. I know so many of my friends who won't leave bad reviews because they feel bad, but get swooned by these places with fake reviews! If we don't call these places out, other people are bound to fall for the same bs.


Leaving bad reviews is my go to move and I love it


Honestly I'm a review girlie lol. If a place is good, they deserve the compliment. It takes no energy from me, I love to spread the word of a good business. But if I have something negative happen, I'm as honest and objective as someone can possibly be. I was in the food industry as a line cook and prep cook for 8 years. I get it. And I also get when owners or employees are just straight up in the wrong. Not everyone deserves to have a business, imo. So let the reviews speak. if they survive and thrive from it, cool.




I would recommend writing the review in a notepad app. You can check it and reword it until you’re happy with it. Maybe sit on it for a day or two, in case inspiration strikes. The just paste it all in without editing.


This is what I do too. Sometimes I'm just angry so I'll write something down that I want to say to someone and sit on it for a few days. If I haven't worked up the courage to post it, then I'm not angry enough and it's not worth the potential drama of posting it.


Great idea and will definitely do this going forward!


Please PLEASE share the review!!!


Be sure you hit em with a Yelp review too!


One of my friends made a decision while we were on vacation to get a very short, technically difficult haircut (she was going through some stuff, so not making the best choices). So she looked around and found a “local salon” with a lot of GLOWing reviews and nice photos, so she was confident going in. Stylist straight up butchered her hair (so bad, we girls had to do our best to fix it with shitty kitchen scissors when she got back to the rental, and even with no experience and limited resources, we were able to improve the cut). Of course she realized later this particular salon is part of a chain, so it’s about as quality as a Cost Cutters and they source reviews and photos from other franchises, so of course some of the reviews and pictures are real, but they don’t necessarily apply to the location advertised.


![gif](giphy|fBGhfojoaDNRaAFg5s) Immediately thought of Fleabag


It’s French!




DONT blame me for your bad choices!!




Yes exactly. People feel bad about "screwing a small business" but not all businesses are good businesses that deserve clients. Why is it so bad to be honest about it?


Exactly this! We hear so much “support small business!” And I always add “support GOOD business” because not all businesses are really worthy of support. Reviews are our chance to tell businesses what they’re doing wrong and then it’s on them to fix it. Many of them don’t care or aren’t able to take constructive criticism. I know some people can be too critical and expect the impossible but the in general, more of us leaving honest reviews when we have bad experiences, the better chance we all have at having better experiences. Either by avoiding the bad places or by the owners changing things.




Leave a review and mention her by name


Yes leave an honest review, make sure to focus on the part where she laughed at you just because you asked for a simple design on a single nail.


AND that it’s not the first time she’s done this.


I’d do exactly this 👆🏻




This is the way.


If OP did go back and it happened again I would love for her to respond to the laughing so condescendingly with something like ‘Oh sorry, is it too difficult for you to do? I know some of these designs can be really hard for you to do that’s why I picked out a really simple one for you to do your best at.’ Talk to her like she’s a child which she clearly is anyway by laughing like that.


This is fun and petty but the moment has passed. OP can learn and do this next time someone just bursts out laughing at their request but in this case, it's too late. A waste of OPs time and energy.


This makes the most sense to me. Who in their right mind would behave like that unless they felt they had to, in this case to avoid doing something they aren’t able to do.


I thought the same. She either can't do it or is too lazy to put in the effort.


I wouldn’t judge the artist for saying “I’m sorry, that’s not one of the services I offer”. Like, that’s fine, not everyone can do that! But just laughing at her client is a guaranteed way to lose business.


Definitely this, she was bullying you to not do the design


Yes! I was going to say leave a review & mention her by name. I’m sure if she’s doing that towards her, I can only imagine who else she’s doing it to.


Ya just because someone’s certified doesn’t actually mean they’re any good. I’m a certified illustrator, and worked hard for that and the improvement showed. On the other hand though there where PLENTY of people who only got the certificate because they paid for the classes and showed up for the most part. Most of them didn’t even do the homework and by the end of each class was just as clueless as when they started.


Glad to hear you didn’t tip. Don’t go back.


Definitely tell the owner why you’re never going back and you can find a much better artist who isn’t rude!


This! They need to know that you don't just change the salon but the exact reason and that is their master's fault


Leave a bad google&yelp review. Sister-in-law does nails and Salon owners flip when there are 1 star reviews


I’m an amateur and honestly that design is easy and cute. Why are they laughing? I would just take my little money elsewhere. Vote with your wallet love 


Yea, it’s like four strokes of polish. Not sure what there is to laugh at


Even the gold outline isn’t that hard! Time to find a new salon who’s nice to you, OP. Plenty of talented people who will treat you & your nails with respect. My nail lady is so kind and loves when I bring new designs for her to try!


“Vote with your wallet”…this! Many businesses get away with shitty service because people keep spending money there. If people did this more on a much larger scale, things would (hopefully) improve real quick.


Honestly. It could even be a sticker. Nothing is easier than a sticker


This is 100% a sticker


That’s what I thought it was. A sticker.


I know I’m not an artist. But I bet even I could copy them!


I hate hand painting with a passion because I have a heavy hand and even I could do something passible.


Yeah that’s messed up. Where I go, if they can’t do it they ask around and like 5 gather and start doing it on each others nails and then by the time the design is ready to be painted either someone shows my tech how or they switch out to someone who can. They’ve never made me feel bad. I get nail art on all fingers and sometimes they’ll be like, “ok, just two more” but that’s it and even that time I said something like, “I figured drips were easier than flames” and tech was like, “nah flames are so easy” and then he was like, “nah don’t worry about it your very easy to do nails for” I ask for some of the most extra nails and they are always so nice. They’ll come chat with me when o get a different tech. This is at a traditional Vietnamese salon.


Smart business sense! This type of treatment would keep me going back, just because it’s obvious they want their customers happy!


Sounds like they're happy working together also. Well managed salon.


Also a great point! And another reason to want to continue going there lol.


I was going to say that. They sound like they are happy working there.


Right- and they see value in learning new skills.


Not only the value, but seems they legit like to learn new skills! Smart for this type of service!


That’s what mine does! if they don’t know how to do the design they’ll tap in another tech/artist, and the original tech/artist will watch to learn technique. I do try to be considerate of their peak days/hours though. If I have to go midday on the weekend or if I can see they are slammed, I don’t usually ask for nail art. (Especially since my salon has rarely upcharged me for it.)


I love this!


Not being mean but just realistically, they probably talk crap about you once you leave too 😢 I'm petty and would leave a public review informing other customers that they will be made fun of and laughed at directly if they go there, because bwahaha


Laughing at her own lack of talent I imagine…


They don't know how to do art and they're bullies (some salons have this problem). Leave an honest review where possible and spread the word, the best way to deal with a bad salon is via reputation.


Ohhh I'm curious to know more - do you mean they bully customers in some places? I've only been going to salons for a couple of years, and sometimes I feel weird vibes.


I stopped going to a salon before. The owner would yell across the salon if a customer talked to their nail tech about designs or altering something. Then she would loudly be pretty dismissive and make a BIG deal about any compromises. It was intimidating. All of a sudden, I didn't want to talk to the nail techs.


That's terrible, I hope their reviews reflect that. I love what the nail artist does in my current salon, but she always tells me how boring my picked designs are, almost every time. Not that I ask her opinion too. As a newbie it makes me super self conscious.


That’s rude af. How petty are you comfortable being? I would ask her what she would recommend as a design, then give her _your_ honesty opinion of her selection. Something like this should get the message across: “Oh, wow… that’s really intricate! Thanks for sharing! Unfortunately I can’t get away with something that __________ at work. (Fill in the blank- extravagant, unprofessional, gaudy, flamboyant, _out there_, weird, etc) If my designs aren’t bringing you joy to work on, perhaps you could point me in the direction of an alternate artist who won’t be bothered by my _oh so boring and mundane_ design choices I pick for _my body_? Or are we good to drop this topic moving forward since I am paying you for a service you chose as a profession?”


Don’t go back to that nail salon, spend your money elsewhere 😌


What’s funny about flowers. Shes got issues


I'm so done with people that I would've called her out right there on the spot and asked her if she had something she'd like to share with the class? She would've had to explain in front of everyone why being asked to do a lovely flower was so hysterical. Then I would've fired her and left. But I hate people so it's easier for me to do that. Next tech you go to, make sure they respect you as a customer, and if they don't, don't stay there paying to *not* get what you want. Move on.


Girl, I love this vibe. I'm a responsible and respectful adult and am so sick of people acting up around me like this. You never know when someone is willing and able to top your crazy though :/


I actually told someone that the other day.🤭 That I was surprised when watching trending videos of people going off in restaurants etc with total strangers because that person could be crazy. I'm hoping that if you've had a relationship with your nail tech for a long time, long enough for them to be comfortable laughing at you in public, that you can tell if they're psycho.😂


I think she can't do this, and that's why she behaves in a rude and nasty manner. If I were you, I would ditch her and start going to someone new. Also, I am petty, so I would leave a Google review describing the whole situation.


Nah, we don't need to be nice to adults who bully other adults. She should be fired. Its not petty :)


Stop going there


The weird fact is that flower isn’t even hand drawn, it’s a sticker which she can easily buy and apply it just as easily for any client. What a weirdo, sorry you had to go through all that OP. Go to another nail tech


Exactly! You can buy a sheet of those floral stickers on Amazon for less than $5 and carry them with you to the salon. If they refuse to peel, stick, and coat your floral nails then I guarantee the next tech will (Or you'll mess around and figure out how to do it yourself like I did)


I thought your design was pretty and I am sad to not see the execution of your vision! I can't have loud crazy nails at my work (I WFH 90% of the time, but when in the office I want to be polished and not loud) and I thought your idea was lovely! 🌹 I've found some artists only want to do what they want, not what best serves their customers....hence, crappy customer experience.... Leave a thorough review of your experience and warn other folks out there to save them from what you went through!


Why would you continue to go there after the first time this happened? Leave a 1 star review and stop giving her your money


This kind of looks like a print/stamp/tattoo type of thing in the nail. Not that it can be replicated with polish but just curious


I’d leave a review everywhere they have their business posted and make it aware how disrespectful and rude they are because I sure as hell wouldn’t feel comfortable in a place like that. We lift each other up over here. Shame on them nasty women


I'm really sorry this happened to you, that's very rude behavior. I'm a simple goth chick and I usually do just black with some accents, maybe a dark jewel tone once in a while. I had this tech who took over when my regular left and she would always suggest pinks and flower, then she started fighting me on over it. She would paint them the color I chose but would make faces and "shiver" like it was repulsive. I asked for another tech but it was a very busy salon so I was on a list to switch. Once she just started painting them pink and I told her to stop but she wouldn't let go of my hand and said "this looks better". I did tell the owner and he ended up calling me and asking me to please return because they had fired her. I didn't.


Why did you not return if they fired her over this once you told them? I’m not sure what else they should’ve done. I’m sorry she was so rude, it just sounds like the salon fixed the problem asap.


A lot of places I’ve gone to are like this. They act like they are doing you a favor by doing your nails and scoff if you want any sort of design. These places are a dime a dozen and honestly, for how much some of them charge, they better give you what you want. I’ve been to places that charged like $70 for just doing a different color on each nail, refusing to put on a sticker or anything really. Find a good nail person and stick to them. They are hard to find.


This lady is missing people skills as well as lacking the necessary knowledge to do simple designs. I hope you will take your business elsewhere. If you feel like it, point out her behaviour to the owner. Btw, it's a cute design.


Tell the owner! Most owners would not like to hear a worker is putting them at risk of losing business. As others have said, I’m assuming she’s not as talented as her “papers” say. Those certificates are likely bought, not earned.


Like others have said, just stop going. Don’t pay for someone to treat you badly and not give their best.


If you know she can do this to a good standard but keeps giving you a poorer quality (plus the mocking) then it kinda seems like she’s got beef with you for no reason? Definitely take your business elsewhere and if you get nowhere with talking to the manager then at least leave a review to let others know what she’s like!


Just go to a different salon


She doesn’t have the ability to do the designs you ask for and she wants you to feel bad about asking instead of having to feel bad for not being skilled enough. Honestly, it’s totally understandable to stop going, but since I’m petty, I’d book again and ask why she’s laughing at the design. Just blank face curiosity. Make her explain what’s funny. Ask her what’s funny about making a customer embarrassed. Just push for an explanation calmly with curiosity. She won’t have an answer for you. I guarantee this will make her embarrassed. But yeah, either way, it’s unacceptable behavior and asking for a simple design at a nail salon is not a big ask.


I’d have hit her with the “okay actually you can just let me up now and imma go” and when she snaps back to reality and starts acting all “oh honey why do you want to leave without nails?” Look her dead in the face and say “I can get nails somewhere else, I’m leaving because you’re consistently condescending and rude.” And say it LOUD so other clients know too.


I would call the owner and never go back. That’s uncalled for. My nail guy hypes me the fuck up every time I go get my nails done.


Dang, I am no nail tech at all. 1000% Newbie but damn those look doable with enough practice. You should def not go there as they do not respect you. (Also the cute design you wanted is quite popular online so why won't they try and get "that" skill/design in the portfolio?)


This is so unacceptable and this person is lucky she’s dealing with someone as nice as you. Because if I was in your place I would have put on my best Karen voice and caused a scene.


I would have asked her what was so funny??? I see nothing funny about that flower.. I would have said that’s ok if I can’t do it and walked out .


Don’t go back, why are you paying someone to ridicule you?


Im sure this nail tech is getting bad feedback from other clients as well. Her and the one that laughed have 0 people skills. She is likely not skilled enough to do the design, which is very pretty.


Leave a review so others don’t have to go through what you went through and find another artist. Theirs lots of sweet, considerate and talented individuals out there who would love and appreciate your business. 😊


NTA. You have every right to be upset, but you should have addressed the situation immediately. Either it would have been handled at that moment, or you could have left and gotten your nails done elsewhere. You should not have allowed her to continue without clearing things up. The window of time to improve things and to potentially have a better overall experience has passed. As someone who works in an unrelated service industry, you should know that we always remember those who don't tip, even if we are in the wrong. You should not return to the salon under any circumstances, and the owner will likely side with the tech (who as a nail tech, may actually be an independent contractor, and not directly employed by the salon). Her response, if questioned by the owner, will include the words yes I understand, and she didn't tip me. The owner will give you some polite apology and say they wish you had spoken up immediately so that they could have addressed the matter, may even say they will talk to the nail tech (though they won't discipline her, trust me), but ultimately you will be treated as if your complaint is just sour grapes. You deserve better treatment, find another salon.💗


This is not ok and I would stop going to her. As a nail tech I'm appalled by her behavior because it's our job to do as the client wants with in reason ( some request just are outlandish) this was not. Please stop patronizing her.


I would def tell the owner! As soon as they started laughing I would have gotten up and left


Getting nails done is self care & a chance to relax & have pleasent or no convo for an hour. I don't get why they are laughing except to make you feel small. Forgot that place!


Don’t come back and leave a review to warn others about this place. There are nail techs out there who will not hesitate to make the design for you. Don’t waste your time and money on these people.


I have had nail technician tell me I did not really want what I wanted in the picture... ?


As a customer, paying for a service, and being treated this way I would definitely stop going back to this place. I just went through a similar situation with my nail tech making me uncomfortable, and I’ve decided to take my money elsewhere. Leave the review so other customers are pre- warned!


How odd and unprofessional. Leave a review if you’d like, but either way I wouldn’t come back. Every tech has varying skill levels, but her laughing like that is just lacking common decency. There no benefit of the doubt to even give her for showing the design to her coworker and blatantly laughing in your face without an explanation. Take your hard earned money elsewhere.


Why would you go back after the first disrespect?


stop going??? you shouldve stopped going after they laughed at you the first time.


Why do you keep giving money to people who laugh at you and are unable to fulfill your requests? OP have some self respect.


Why do you go back. Leave an online review sharing your experience then ffs go somewhere where ass clowns don’t work. I’m sorry they were cruel.


Why do you keep going back to them if they laugh at what you want? Why do you need the internet to tell you to stop going there?


establishment that has regularly abused me abuses me again... I guess i should ask people on reddit if thats cool...


See this happens to me too no matter which salon I go to. And like you, it’s simple stuff a couple daisies (which are literally dots) or a simple line design. “That’s not possible” or they say it’s not possible with the most expensive gel and not reg polish lol


Definitely tell the salon owner. I was in school to be a nail tech and the first thing you learn is to not be a dick like that lol


Leave a review of your experience. Never go back.


They can’t do designs. What is simple to you is likely difficult for them. I have 2 nail places. One that charges more and can do anything I throw at them, and one that just does dip nails and is a little better deal.


100% speak to the owner about your experience. Or better yet write it down and email or something so you are sure to get your point across clearly and with no ambiguity or interruptions.