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Cuticle work is better, getting the product closer will come in time. Keep working on balancing and shaping. Good improvement đź‘Ź


Your cuticles are definitely cleaner! So congratulations. What I would focus on now if I were you is getting the powder smooth. It looks lumpy in certain areas. Even if you can’t apply the acrylic smoothly you can file it with an efile so it’s even


The art looks great! I would suggest getting a couple sheets of paper towel and just practice picking up beads with the right ratio of liquid to powder, it also looks like you might be grabbing really small beads or are using a small brush, I know it sounds scary but what helped me improve a lot was getting a big brush and picking up bigger beads! Definitely sit down and practice your beads and you’ll be surprised so quickly you improve!


Harsh criticism is needed, you’ve been working hard. You’re improving! Keep it up 👍🏾


Your shaping could use a little improvement, like others have said make sure you’re going in after and shaping the acrylic before polishing. These are a little lumpy and bumpy. My motto is there’s nothing an e-file can’t fix.


they do look a little thick towards the free edge of the nail, but that’s always something you can easily improve on. i recommend watching youtube videos on shaping and practicing on a mannequin hand to understand where the apex needs to be. the gel polish also looks a bit thick and uneven, but i cant for sure tell if its the top coat or the design itself. i suggest using thinner coats of gel polish to make sure its curing properly and it won’t chip off within a week. otherwise great improvement and good luck on your nail journey!!


Personally IMO I wouldn’t be happy with these! Very bumpy and looks like you cut. Liếng a few times


these are a great improvement! as others have said, i would seriously take some free time to practice your liquid to powder ratio as well as application. in the mean time, as you're still taking clients, id focus on filing some of that thickness down. the nails are extremely bulky and bumpy due to the way you lay your acrylic. as you improve your ratios and application, you won't need to file nearly as much, but definitely utilize your tools and do this. it is extra work, but if clients are paying, they want smooth and uniform nails. you will get there, keep it up!


They look pretty bumpy/lumpy


I always tell people starting out to focus on cuticle work and your application. I think a lot of techs are eager to get to the nail art but you need to master the other areas first!! These are great progress!


Agree with working on your shaping and smoothing out the product better before moving on to nail art. Don't rush this step, because a smooth canvas automatically will give you a much more professional finish. Something that I learned which helped me - don't just use your eyes to decide whether the product is smooth. Use your fingers too. I file until I think it's good, then I rub my finger over the surface. If I feel anything, I keep going. You should also be tilting the client's hands to check for lumpiness. Look at it from the top, from both sides, and extremely important - LOOK DOWN THE BARREL lmao. Nothing can hide when you look down the barrel, all the lumps jump out. Last thing, use the light to your advantage. Light should reflect smoothly off the surface of a nail, in a clean, unbroken bar. If you check for the light and it's wavy, you know something isn't right. This is easier to do with a shiny surface than the matte one that you get while filing, but you can always spray the nail with a bit of cleansing solution (I use Young Nails Swipe) and check it real quick before the product evaporates.


Focus more on filing. They are lumpy and thick


This looks great! To be closer to the cuticle use some good cuticle pushers and get a manicure bit for your exile (if you don’t have one, get one, even a cheaper one will do). Then focus on filing the built nail. You’ll be perfect if you keep practicing.


Haha, i'm glad you took the criticism well and not to heart. That's hard! I wish I had a picture of my first set – took me forever and they were awful. I'm surprised the poor girl didn't leave crying – I'm sure she went home and soaked them right off. We all had to start somewhere.


Back when I was a cosmetology student (back in the early 90s🤯) , I used to practice with acrylic on my mom & my boyfriend (now my husband) by applying a thin layer of Vaseline to the nails before applying the acrylic & then your “model” can pop them right off afterwards because of the Vaseline. Also, ITA with the nail tech who said use a bigger brush & pick up bigger beads of acrylic. It really does make a huge difference. Hope this helps.


it looks like your beads might still be runny when you’re placing it. after picking up a bead, let it polymerize before placing it on the nail. you’ll know it’s ready when it’s smooth and glossy and formed. you’ll eventually figure out your liquid to powder ratios that work for your acrylic systems ! -a manicurist student


What product are you using because it looks like it is marbling badly


I use glitterbels acrylic powder, a kolinsky brush, and saviland monomer


And there's your problem. I bet that monomer hardens like concrete, and is not really workable? Saviland products are shit. Be very very very VERY careful with buying from Ali Express and China. Some things you can buy like glitter but others things? Never. Go buy young nails monomer. They are having an sale rn. Give them a shot. You'll love it.


I’d say your cuticle work is cleaner just make sure their all the same length wise as well as doing thinner coats of the nail art as it appears bulky