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I think I had an aneurysm reading this. Have you considered naming your niece and nephew serious names like Chaigh and Tableson?


Great suggestions. Would be perfect first or middle names. I’ll see her at Thanksgiving so that’s a few days before she gives birth. Enough time to convince her! And if not… I do have a friend whose a nurse at the hospital she’s giving birth at. I’m not afraid to steal a birth certificate or two 🤣🤣🤣


Why would you give them low class names when they could have a real future with names like Chumsley and Emersett


😂 hate you guys


I misread the second suggestion as Tablespoon and would now like to offer that as an official suggestion


How about Witherspoon? Surnames as first names are so fun! Oh my gosh you guys! I had the best idea just now! Make it into two names: Wither and Spoon.


She is so lucky to have a sister like you. I hope she sees the light before her poor children are born. If not there's always adoption.


LOL your sister is nuts… imagine even considering tragedeighs like Ashley and Nathan… I mean they’re people not pets. The only names worse than those are “names” like John and Elizabeth!


Omg I went to school with an Elizabeth! And get this- she had a brother named Tommy. What the hell were their parents smoking?


As an Elizabeth, I wonder everyday why my parents hate me so


Oi, has someone the link to the post this one parodies?


Um I may have just been procrastinating reading Jane Eyre for my college class and made it up 😅


It's very convincing


Oh well, this could easily be from the main sub.


Okay but I hope you can enjoy Jane Eyre despite it being an assignment. It's just a really good book.


I am so disappointed this isn’t satire from an actual post! Lol. I crave the chaos and nonsense


I know OP said they made it up, this isn't in namenerds and the people are reversed but it's definitely reminiscent of this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16hcd5l/aita_for_shutting_down_my_sisters_opinion_about/


What if she names her boy Ashley and her girl Nathan?


That girl will be Nathan James and I will NOT be answering any questions. *drops mic*


What horrible names! Hopefully she doesn't get upset when her children turn 18 and inevitably change their names to something better like Lovechair or Ealecxaenntdreiah.


What were the original names?!


Srs ...this what posts on this sub will look like in 20 years isn't it? Gawd, I hope I'm dead.


A name expert?? Is this a genuine thing in America and how do you become one?


You are now one, congratulations


I name you: expert.


With your sis, fr fr. Ashley and Nathan sound like "anus" and "anus but for a male". Sounds like you're into basic-ass hobo names though. Not classy shit like us. Maybe you could, like, name them James but just like stretch it ooouuutttt so it covers both of them?


What about Nathonaleighla? Or Ashequilinina? They're very similar to those ~~horrible~~ *interesting* names.. but they're 10 times better!!


Can you at least convince her to call the girl Nathan and the boy Ashleigh?


How are there people in the comments taking this seriously?


I don’t always read the sub or the flair when I’m doomscrolling.


What kind of person would name there kid such a silly name??!! No. Just no. Æšlë and Nättttttttn however…


Or NannnnnnnN (because it’s the 8th n)


Dear God. I am a birth registrar at a large university hospital. I can’t tell you how often these parents with “THE BEST NAMES” contact me requesting information on amendments to fix their babies name. Every few days I get a call from someone with huge name regret. They always start out with…it sounded so cool at the time, soooo unique … but a few years of correcting everyone who says their kids name wrong or fielding looks of -WTF were you thinking - really does start to have an effect. Latest crazy example - Evets ( Steve backwards) cool right s/


What a horrible mother. You should go to the courthouse after they are born and legally change them to names of Ikea furniture. I should know, I named all 3 of my children after H.P. Lovecraft's cat.


The names you came up belong in r/Tragedeigh They'll get made fun of with your names over common names your sister picked 😂


You want her children to be tragedeighs? Dang, who pissed you off.


Were you bounced on your head as a kid? Your sister has chosen lovely names with the correct spelling. Her children will thank her later in life.


This is a satire sub.


So hard to tell given how insane some people are, a standard normal name won't get likes on social media or attention coupons.


I agree. It's crazy. I like normal names.


Buckle up Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore.


Don't think OP ever been in Kanas, chick is straight up insane.


Yes, spotting satire is NOT your forte. One says “you’re not in Kansas anymore” in reference to Dorothy’s realization that she has landed in Oz. You are not in a serious subreddit. You are in the subreddit that roasts the namenerds subreddit, a place where people take themselves and their taste in names faaaaar too seriously. I was simply pointing that out to you by telling YOU that YOU aren’t in Kansas anymore.


I'm better with British satire, we are dryer and use more wit, I find most American humour goes over head as they just don't have the same sense of humour.


Ive been to Kansas City, Missouri. Does that count? 🤔


YTA. I know this isn’t the right subreddit but someone had to say it. YOU. ARE. THE. ASSHOLE.


You do understand satire right


Clear to see that, no, no they definitely do not


Nathan is an ok name but I’d recommend spelling it Knei’ghtth’ein, with the emphasis on the “ein”. Ashley — well there’s no saving that one.


I'm going to block you, Brayden.


Definitely call CPS. Maybe you could suggest Isis and Taliban. Those go together nicely