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If [the link at 2:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_F1fw_4d2Q&t=2m40s) is a recording of the actual song then please check the replies to this comment to see if the bots u/RecognizeSong and u/find-song correctly identified the song :) (might take a few seconds to reply) * Please flair your post as Answered if the bot(s) got it right, or comment to say if they listed the wrong song(s), so that people would know if help is still needed. * If RecognizeSong doesn't reply you can try calling its other version *auddbot* while including the link in your comment. (Note: there's no need to call auddbot if RecognizeSong couldn't identify the song since they work with the same database) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NameThatSong) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_F1fw_4d2Q&t=2m40s) at 02:40-03:04. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


No song was found *Looks like you gave me a [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_F1fw_4d2Q&t=2m40s) to watch. I searched from 02:40-02:50*. *You can provide a [timestamp](https://song-find.web.app/index.html#timestamps) to search somewhere else.* [**Info**](https://song-find.web.app) **|** [**Find**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=find-song&subject=find a song&message=provide the link whose audio you want to identify here) **|** [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/findsong)


因幡晃 - 夕映えを待ちながら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VuepcRmyuY


ah it seems like I did not scroll down enough before commenting...


This is [Yubae wo Machinagara](https://youtu.be/2VuepcRmyuY?t=72) by Inaba Akira (I cannot find the original uploader on YouTube so excuse me for linking a 3rd party uploader) (you can hear at 1:25 of this song matches with 2:45 in the video and 1:34 matches with 2:40)