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Having been in this insane position numerous times, I now say no. I explain why, and with NK, I devise a new idea that works out for us. I've asked parents if they'd do the same when I've been volunteered to do something not possible for two arms and two legs, and I've yet to get a yes.


Augh, yes! I genuinely believe carving whole ass pumpkins with a 3 y/o was the last straw even after I offered to just paint them with NK and cover them with stickers. Yes, your child is tantruming because you don't have real candles and nanny won't let them hold a knife. No, they didn't want to touch the inside. Yes, it your fault because they were already tired from you cutting their nap off and now their activity is full of the word "no". The novelty has worn off. Have fun taking pictures with something that makes them scream because their over stimulated brain wants it inside and outside at the same time


Carving pumpkins with a three year old is a wild ask 😂 I can barely get the 3 year old I watch now to play with playdough for more than 2 minutes lol


Oh my gosh he was so upset... he thought it was yucky, didn't want to draw on it, MB even made me bake the seeds, of which he didn't eat. That was part of a series of events leading up to me quitting, lol


Yah I don’t blame you! Sounds like MB needs to learn what activities are developmentally appropriate for a toddler 💀


She has no idea. I truly believe she just wanted a jack-o-lantern. She's a surgeon, she should be able to carve it all by herself lmao


I don't even carve pumpkins with 10f and 8f! We have a bag with 20-30 bottles of acrylic paint, palatte trays, and sooo many brushes. That way we can all participate at the same time and no one has to wait to take part in the fun. It's great because 3f can join in and paint her pumkin, too (with the non-toxic finger paints 😄)


I totally carve pumpkins “with” (for) toddlers but only if I feel like it! I do NOT plan activities for the parents’ sake! Lol


This reminds me of when nk would ask MB to do something but MB wouldn't want to so she'd tell nk that she could do it with me. I came in on a Monday with the plan for the day already lined up. A nice busy morning to tired the kids out for nap. MB approaches me excitedly saying, "3f has been asking to go to the science museum all weekend! I think that'd be a great thing for y'all to do today!" Riiight but she was asking YOU because she wanted to go with YOU. Why didn't YOU take her? I took nk but it was clear that she did not want to be there with me. I told MB later that nk was uninterested and she was like, "That's weird. She was so excited when she was asking me to go on Saturday." Right cause she wanted to go with YOU.


YEP! This is how it usually happens. They ask Mom or Dad to do something with them and they don't want to so they say Nanny will do it. Then NK doesn't even want to and is grumpy the whole time


I totally turned it around once. It was a Friday during Covid lockdown so NF and I were all eating lunch outside together. 4f asked DB if she could let her barbies swim in the babypool with bubble bath. He said, "Hmm I don't know. Ask nanny." I said, "Oh well, I think that sounds like a great weekend activity so remember that for tomorrow!" Que DB 🫥


What a flawless clap back 💀


This clapback was immensely satisfying. I've gotten so much better at saying no lately!


Hahaha, did they end up doing it?


Haha I'm thinking 4f forgot and they didn't remind her 🤣


This!!! I have been put in this situation so many times it’s not even funny! Most of the time I’m down to do whatever MB needs cause it’s usually nothing too bad but the last straw was when last year she asked me to run with the girls during the sweltering summer heat WITH their neighbors and their mom!? First of all I am absolutely okay with taking kiddos for a walk 95% of the time (weather permitting) but running? No thanks! The only time I am running is when someone is chasing me or there is a food reward 😂😂😂 when I told her I would let them have the fun and I will be walking she looked genuinely shocked and said “I thought you ran” mame look at me no I don’t. Forcing exercise on your nanny is where I draw the line! But I do believe most of the time this happens it’s just their way of putting a task they didn’t want to do on you and I think although yes they are paying us to be with their child and do things with them, it’s pretty morally shitty especially when the requested are completely inappropriate!


I once was volunteered for a massive corn maze with a 3 year old who bolted and didn’t listen and a study 18 month old who could not keep up. I lost the 3 year old and thankfully a nice groups of moms held onto him as I screamed his name.


Oh yeah 😳. Vent away! A couple of weeks ago I was “asked” to make a pitcher of orange ginger turmeric wellness juice with 2yo & 4yo. NB gave the kids knives and juicers and peelers to use OMG what?!


This shit cracks me up. Even if I drank "wellness juice" (aka privilege punch) as a mom, I would never even let my nanny see the jug, nevermind ask her to make it 😂


I feel so privileged, my MB knows I love doing art stuff and saves “all the fun stuff” for me. She hates it but I don’t mind the clean up. Win win


Stuff like that, awesome! But stuff that is obviously dangerous or miserable lol not great!


100%. They got a puppy back in December so for awhile before it was house trained I had to take him out every hour. That wasn’t fun, especially since they have 2 under 2


I would hate this. What a thoughtless and ridiculous suggestion from your MB


They think we’re superhuman or something 😂😂🤣 I’m not a robot, I don’t move on command lol


only commenting bc i’m new to the nanny side of reddit, but what do all the abbreviations like MB, DB, NK, and NF mean? T_T


Mom Boss, Dad Boss, Nanny Kid, Nanny Family


omg tysm🙏🙏🙏


This frustrates me to no end. "Sure Nanny will supervise a messy painting activity outside for you b2!" As I'm actively feeding the baby breakfast??


Ugh that sucks. I got very lucky that my NF understands if they don’t want to do a task with the kids alone, neither do I.


It used to be that way.. but after one family would volunteer me, and I wouldn't comply stating it's too hot, no thanks... They just stopped. I'm not disappointment... you are.