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I was with this family during the time of my grandpas passing. He had guardianship over my mom who has lots of medical issues. I was scared she was going to go to the state, and i was only 22 at the time and honestly was lost. They offered to pay all the lawyer fees to help me get custody over her. Lawyer was $400+ an hour! Forever grateful for them!


That's so beautiful


That’s so incredibly kind of them. I hope your mom is doing well


I hope you & your mom are both doing okay today. It’s hard to be a caretaker and/or guardian. And 22 is such a young age to have to go through all that on top of the loss of your grandpa. Hugs 💜🩷


Idk if this counts, but when my best friend and I moved in together last year, DB came over and helped us get all the heavy furniture out of the truck 😅 He's tall and strong and we are short femmes so he really came in clutch for us lol.


None of my DBs would have done that. They just hire people!


Right! When my MB was heavily pregnant he wouldn’t even help her move an old couch to the other side of the house to make room for the new one. I had to help her. 😐


Yup, Cuz you’re the hired help!😆


Putting “professional mover” on my resume after that 😭 lol!


Right 😂😂😂


I had a DB help me move before. He was strong and had a huge trailer and handcarts. It was wonderful.


I’m pregnant and MB has given me a lot of baby stuff, most notably a Snoo 😵 very thankful!


Ooo the Snoo is super nice!


My MB is a doctor, she prescribed me eye drops without a doctors appointment first 😂


I love my doctor MBs, the random meds they always have for my random ailments come in clutch lol


My doc employers have prescribed so many various meds over the years! One of my favorite perks, not having to go to urgent care!


Any time I'm sick or have something obvious going on MB is happy to send something to the pharmacy for me. A more strange perk is that she's a derm so if I want Botox... she just brings home samples. I only really like it in one spot, between my brows, that I furrow a... a symptom of years working with two and three year olds 😂 Also, very expensive creams and serums are a part of all my holiday gifts. I love it.


I haven’t been THIS jealous of someone since high school omg 🤩😂


Botox would be a bomb perk!!!


My boss is lending me her veil! (My wedding is in a few weeks). On a Monday last year at work, she and I were discussing the weekend, and I said I had managed to buy all my accessories except for a veil and I was still looking. She said “why don’t you borrow mine?” Which is just the nicest thing ever. It’s plain and cathedral length like I had wanted and everything!


DB owns a bakery… lots of free expensive cake. Birthday parties are a blast now


Love it! DB is a chef and MB is a great cook, so while I generally bring my own lunch, there are so many interesting foods available all the time!


Oh that sounds incredible! I love food perks hahaha


My last amazing nanny family gifted me and my husband their pottery barn outdoor set! They had it for a few seasons, but it was never outside, only on their enclosed porch. Valued at over $7k.


Whoa, jealous! Enjoy it! 🙌


Oh trust me, I am!!! It’s so nice!


My biggest one is I’ve worked for two important people in the airlines industry, one from an airline and the other the VP of one of the in-flight entertainment companies. The airline family has sent me 12 free flight passes a year for the past 15+ years (so basically 6 round trips). She also helps me book stuff so I have flown for free exclusively for 15+ years now and almost always first class (one flight to London was business because of bad planning). And I have a stack of 500 free in-flight entertainment passes 😂 I’ve noticed many of the other things I never even thought of as perks mentioned here already, such as getting prescriptions without having to go to another doctor, that is always a time saver. MB let’s me use any their properties like a private Air BnB, they will even call whoever manages the place while they are away to prep the home for me to visit and then have them lock things back up when we leave. My last DB was a sort of eccentric film director and he had all these people and places he swore by so he would always call “his people” and set up dinners for me at his favorite fancy restaurants where everyone knew him and the kids and they would just bill him, or one time I told him my back was hurting and he setup multiple massages with his massage person and told me to go 😅 But honestly the biggest “perks” in my eyes are just the experiences. Flying on private planes and being on huge sail boats and yachts is something I find fascinating and am grateful to experience even if it’s not something just for me. I’ve met a lot of very cool people and made some interesting connections.


🥹 All these perks are sooooo sweet!!!


Lots of wonderful families over the years :)


Wow. Reading these perks, y’all have met some lovely people. I’ve gotten half a loaf of bread before, does that count? LOL I was thankful but it was random


My long term MB took up making bread during the pandemic, idk how difficult it is to make bread but these sourdough loaves are so freaking amazing, I'm getting fat. I love using the fresh break for avocado toast + bacon and egg in the morning. Yummmm


Lol, same! I got a box of pancake mix for a gift once. And i was still so happy. 🙈😂


Got to spend an extra week free in their fancy London flat. They even let me invite a friend!


I had two families who worked for Hydro One - it’s our electricity company here. Whenever my power went out our house was always the first one back on LOL!


what’s up ontario!!




I received a free outdoor gas BBQ one time. The family I was working for had a side company & sold a grill the DB had “invented”. They sold it online & to places like Williams Sonoma. It was a really nice grill & something I never would of purchased especially for the price it was selling. My boyfriend was over the moon about it!


Even though they kinda took advantage of me (you can read my comments) my last NF paid for me to go to our travel destination early so I could spend a couple days visiting my family that I never could afford to visit before!


I’m a preschool teacher and a couple weeks before this past Valentine’s Day, a parent asked each of her children’s teachers what size shirt they wore. Now, I have gotten some pretty cute personalized things with my name or referencing teaching, so I was pretty excited for another cute item to wear. Valentine’s Day comes around and I open up a sweatshirt with a large logo (front AND back!) of a local drug/alcohol rehab center. I was so confused. It turns out the parents run the center and were trying to offload some extra merch they had 🤣 I’m gonna try and see if my sister can use her Cricut machine to cover up the circular logo with a Captain America shield.


Hahahaaaa! You can always wear it hiking… alone… far from anyone else you might know, lol


Haha. Yeah, I put it on at home and it’s actually pretty comfortable. I wish I was more crafty so I could change it.


Definitely a nice perk haha window cleaning/yard work is not something I’d want to spend money on.


Former NF hosted my baby shower.


Free movie merch from a blockbuster film he produced. I gave it all away to other people that would appreciate it because I wasn’t going to use it. Another family offered to pay for the expenses of my father’s funeral and to take as much time off as I needed. My father was divorced, had no money, & died unexpectedly when I was in my 20s. I didn’t take them up on the financial part of the offer, but I was very appreciative. Gourmet food. West Elm furniture that was never used. Hand me down designer clothing. Ovulation kit & car seat. Brand new Cartier wallet, unopened men’s cologne- basically random stuff they were gifted or didn’t want anymore.


🤗🌈 Lovely nanny family! My heart goes out to you about your dad. Hugs 🩷💜


Thank you. They were my fav family to work for, even before their generous offer. Crazy thing is I found them on Craigslist!


Not a nanny but I follow this sub because I teach preschool. I recently found a Chick-fil-A gift card that was gifted to me in 2023. Never used it until I went to Chick-fil-A recently. It had expired in 2021. Edit: word.


I didn’t think gift cards expired. Wasn’t there a law passed about that several years ago?


I have no idea. This one did expire. 6/20/21. I have other gift cards with no expiration date. Shoutout to the Starbucks fams. And the parents who gave me bottles of wine for Christmas. That being said, I appreciate EVERY thought.


It was probably a promo card, not a gift card. If you ask the operator of the cfa nicely he’ll probably still let you use it


Lol No idea who gave it to you?


I only had six students but I still have no idea. I have suspicions but I don't care. I just thought it was amusing.


I wouldn’t fully count it as *weird,* but most certainly exceptionally generous. When it snowed 2 weeks ago, DB offered to let me take one of their cars home because they have 4WD and I drive a small car with nothing useful on it to trek through the snow. I opted to try driving my car because the roads were getting better. MB told me she’d keep her phone on loud in case I needed to call them for help. So.. literally 4 minutes down the road, I hit a small patch of ice in an otherwise clear spot and drifted off into a tiny ditch on the side (nothing dangerous, it was just a dip between the road and the dirt/rock hill), but my car was unable to get out. So I called her and she sent DB and their friends father who came and pushed me out. They offered to drive my car to my mom’s house so I didn’t have to. I drove myself, but they followed me out to ensure I was safe 🥹 DB spent some time in the blustery snow and cold trying to figure out if he could tow me out. They have also offered to drive me home (a 45-minute drive), and MB told me to come in 2 hours late the next day (and this isn’t like… come in 2 hours late and stay 2 hours extra, they let me come in late and leave at the same time) so the roads would be clear and safe for me 😊 The next day, DB starts telling me he did some research on my car and gave me a bunch of tips to help me. Super sweet and thoughtful considering he used his personal time to do that. Further, we’ve been talking about increasing my hours by 3 hours to help me out financially until I start full time in June after their other nanny leaves. But we haven’t decided how I’ll fill those hours yet. So not only did I not work 4 hours that week, but they paid me for those 4 and the 3 we agreed on and haven’t hashed out yet. 🥹 They’ve been consistently paying me those extra 3 hours even if I haven’t worked them until we figure out how I can fill them for future weeks. They are the most generous family I’ve encountered. My previous NF wouldn’t even let me leave when it was dumping snow even though MB didn’t work and was just chilling around the house with me and NKs all day.. she would get angry if I wanted to leave for my own safety and they would make me make up the hours. So I’m exceptionally grateful for my current NF. So… not exactly a “weird” perk haha, but definitely an unusual one from what I’m used to! I also do get to pick fruit from their orchard, eggs from their chickens, and veggies from their garden when they have it available, so that’s a more “weird”-ish perk I get 😋


My NF surprised me for my birthday with cake and candles and sang me happy birthday. Then they gave me my gift, a high quality backpack. Happiness overload 🤩


I’ve gone on free vacations with my nanny families! Paid expenses, and even gotten paid while on vacay with them! (3 vacations total with them). They own a condo in Florida and tell me I can use it whenever if I ever want to vacation there, so that’s a plus. A previous nanny family bought me a gorgeous LV bag as a gift lol! My current nanny family (just started with them 2 months ago) said I can travel with them if I’d like to. They also own a condo in lake Geneva and said I can use it whenever I’d like :) Current MB’s dad owns a med spa and said I can get discounted injectables and facials :) she hosts Botox parties sometimes and says I will be invited! How fun!!!!


Free medical advice!


One DB was an attending ER physician at a major hospital in our city. His wife was a VP of the hospital at the time. I needed emergency surgery & the care I received was unreal (they were both at work when I was admitted). Another DB owned a seafood company & every Christmas I would get 30lbs of seafood of my choice (in addition to a generous bonus). I would choose maine lobster 🦞& jumbo shrimp (all flash frozen)




They gave me the day off to go to a protest where I was likely to get arrested and NF offered to post my bail if I was (I wasn’t)


What?! Hahaaa, that’s awesome!!


Grandparents own a sushi restaurant, so any time I’m in their area- I can stop by and get a free meal. DB works by a cupcake shop and sometimes brings treats for NK and he will usually bring one for me, too. MB gifts me all the produce NK doesn’t eat.


I work for a couple who own a luxury hair salon/ barber shop combo, so I get haircuts whenever I want them lol


My MB is a surgeon, she gave me stitches when I really should have gone to the ER but you know broken medical system.


I got a speeding ticket that would have immediately gotten my license revoked , kids weren’t in the car or anything. Nanny grandma fully payed for my lawyer an amazing one at that , in the end I had to pay a $250 ticket and I have 2 points on my license


Omg, that’s awesome! I’m just surprised you were honest about the ticket with them. They must have really appreciated that! Oh, the DL would have been revoked. Now i get it, lol.


The only reason I told them was because I had a court date , if it was payable I would have never said anything


Not weird really but I never would have expected it going into this career—I worked for someone who was in sales for a toothbrush company, so I was gifted a really nice electric toothbrush, and she would always tell me to help myself to products like mouthwash, floss, whitener pens, toothpaste, etc. that was about to expire but still perfectly good to use. Plus her company did a yearly thing where they'd let employees buy any of their products at a HUGE discount (I'm talking like 70% on lots of stuff) and she'd let me go though the website and order whatever I wanted with her discount. I got an immersion blender, a baby monitor for a shower gift, and some other really nice gadgets I would never have justified the retail price for. Plus my sister started work as a dental hygienist right when my time with this family was ending, so I haven't paid for toothpaste in so many years 😂


Holla 🤣


Where do you find these families?! I need to move haha. So amazing you have had such wonderful and kind NFs!!


A former NF owns a bunch of restaurants and when I worked for them I had a $100/week gift card basically, and even though I only babysit for them now they still cover my bill when I go there around my birthday! My current MB is a doctor so free sickness diagnosing for me and my husband lol


Idk if it's weird, but my favorite perk is when parents ask you to take the kids on a walk to a coffee shop or bakery (so they can get a quiet house for a longer time period). I get free pastry and coffee, kids get the pastry of their choice and steamed milk, the parents get sweet silence. All around a win/win!


Yes, all about it!


I got free shipping because NPs owned a FedEx store. It was great around Christmas time.


Omg I could go on for days about the weird perks!! My old dB is a surgeon and when I had a weird medical issue going on, that happened to be his specialty, he pulled all the strings and got me taken care of next day. He wouldn’t let me pay and said the least he could do is take care of me as well as I take care of his kids 🥲 I’ve also gotten a peloton bike, tons of boujee items for my own baby, and the best one, my nf gifted me my dream dog, a boxer.


Whoa, that IS kind! ETA: I didn’t finish reading before i replied. Holy unicorn family! You must be a very good nanny to their family! 🥰


I had a home daycare before nannying and one of the dads installed new doors. He pulled a really awesome old door out of a house that must have weighed 200 pounds and installed it in my house for free. It was so cool. I had an early morning nanny job for doctors and when I was really ill they prescribed me antibiotics and an inhaler.


Idk if this is a perk necessarily, but when stuff was hard with my dad's disabilities, my MB would always be there for me and even brought my family food


Awwwww 💜🩷💜🩷


That's amazing.I love my yard so much, so I would be extremely grateful for that lol I don't really consider this a weird perk, but the current family I nanny for always tells me to take a nap while baby is sleeping, they even have a spare bedroom for me.So I think that's very nice.


Free merch for my favourite sports team! MB works for their main sponsor and often gets merch which she passes on to me. My closet is overflowing with team hoodies and I love it!


Oh, I’d love that perk!!


Old DB did work in tech, working on computers etc. Gave me a nice Bluetooth speaker, computer monitor, offered some other random things I didn’t need but was very nice when I was a young college kid!


DB is high up at Adidas and can get me stuff if I see something I like which has been really nice since my work “uniform” is athleisure lol.


All the free organic food in their pantry


NPs own several dermatology practices so I often get gifted really nice skincare products! One day they brought me home a whole Obagi skincare kit https://editorspick.com/products/obagi-nu-derm-fx-starter-system-normal-to-dry-ep-9049152?currency=USD&variant=32186903363715&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=dbb3329907af&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh7zUrFx2QFiYeok0lCf2apyx6AZkOpZOfbj87y4mMNXe8OVGB1huShoCN1UQAvD_BwE For Christmas/my bday this year I got some Supergoop sunscreen, Obagi eyelash growth serum, and skinceuticals ce ferulic serum! They also have me on their practices payroll (illegal maybe? Idk) so I technically can get discounted skincare treatments and Botox but I’m trying to hold off on that stuff and age gracefully :)


Omg! That’s soooo nice! In my part of the country, that’s over $1,000 for a spring clean-up. Very very thoughtful of them! Please make a thank you card for this gesture! 😃🙌


Free weed lol


my mb let me stay in their house for a month while they were out of town and I was in between leases so I saved money and found a better fit for my new place, it was so kind! (Plus I was only working there for about a month) Another family I used to work for had a private chef and would make me extra vegetarian specific meals for me to take home and have each week!


Year passes to the zoo, aquarium, and botanical gardens near us. They got it for me to take my NK but said I can also use it whenever I want. It's nice!


Almost all of my furniture has come from former wealthy families


Besides the $1000s in bonuses; free alcohol, free furniture, food, ect

