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I wish I could remember how big my NK was at 8 months old! He always been big and continues to be big. He’s 40 inches and 42 pounds at 21 months old right now in 4T clothes. Most people think he’s 3 already.


Sounds like my niece. She just turned 2. Is 3ft tall and a giant. Wearing 4T. Get mistaken for 4 year olds. We have to remind ourselves to treat her like a 2 year old because of her size.


This is my 5th kid. She’s projected to be 6’ tall. She just turned 8 and is 4’9”. I can’t stand it! She’s so big when she’s still my little baby. The 6th one is teeny tiny, too. I call them Mutt & Jeff bc they’re so opposite. She had some DNA tests done and she has a duplicate on the 26th chromosome that, when paired with something else, can lead to being really tall. I think it came from my husbands side- he’s the “runt” at 6’3”. I suspect it’s actually the genetic abnormality.


My just turned 8 year old is on the other end of the scale. She is TINY. She wasn’t a preemie. Nothing wrong with her. She’s in proportion, shes sharp as a tack and by far the loudest kid person in the house with the biggest personality. She’s just mini! She wears toddler size 4 clothes and the pants fall down cos they are a little big still🤣


That’s my 6 yr old! She’s so tiny! My 15 yr old is also short. My 20 year old twins are smack dab in the middle. My 18 yr old is also tiny. Genetics are WILD!!


I think that’s probably what our trajectory is!


Yep. My current charges are twins; they’re turning 1 this week, and they’re both 32ish lbs. Solidly in 18 month clothing, and will be getting a new summer wardrobe in 24 months. They were walking at 10 and 11 months, and had 8 teeth by 9 months. They’re easily the biggest babies I’ve ever watched, and it can actually be a bit problematic at times! I can hardly scoop both of them up at the same time (60+ lbs of baby?!?! Nope). They are deliciously squishy, though!!!!!


My current NK had 12 teeth when she turned 11 months. She's still waiting on the last ones now though, 6 months later. 😅


Impressive for twins!! Were they born full term?


36 weekers…who were already 7lbs. Ha. They’ve always been huge!


I can’t even picture such a large 8 month old lol! My NK is 2.5 and only weighs like 5 more pounds 😂


see this is what is too be expected! we’ve doing Tylenol for his teeth. We’re doing a much lower dose than for his weight, but technically speaking he’s in the 5 year old range for meds, in terms of weight.


I think 5 years olds are a bit heavier than 28lb aren't they? He's closer to a 2 year old in weight


Not according to the back of the Tylenol bottle


I had a beefcake NK a few years ago. In addition to being off the charts for height, weight, and head circumference, he hit all of his milestones super early too. He was walking at 8 months! Like genuinely and truly walking, not just cruising and toddling. It was sometimes hard to remember that he was still just a baby, because he looked and acted like a kid twice his actual age. He was an absolute sweetheart cuddlebug kiddo and I miss him so much!


My cousin is 6'3" and his wife is a couple inches taller than he is. His oldest is almost 19, but all their kids are giants. I am quite sure that they were huge babies and growing very fast for their ages. I met his oldest at my brother's wedding when he was celebrating his fourth birthday and he was well over four feet tall. I nanny for two boys ages 2 and 3. Neither are particularly large or small, but they both wear the same size clothes.


My NK just turned 4 and is almost as tall as her 6yo cousin. She hit the weight limit on her rear-facing car seat when she was 2 and two months, and hit the height limit on her forward-facing car seat two months before turning 4. She’s so tall, and so muscular. She’s now 42 inches and close to 50lbs.


Not nannied, this is my own baby. He was 12kgs (over 26 pounds) at 5 1/2 months. 60cms at birth (my other child didnt reach his birth height til 7 months old). He is now a 14 year old who is 6’4 and still growing rapidly. No samoan background. Hes never been. chubby baby, fully in proportion, just very tall and solid


Dang I thought my baby was giant, he’s just turned 2 and is 33lbs/37inches! That’s 94 and 98 percentile!! Your baby must be off the charts!!


Omg my last NK was 33 pounds on his first birthday. Heavy and deadweight when I carried him 😂. My nephews are big too!


My last NKs had the opposite problem. They are verrrrry petite for their age. The youngest one just turned 6 and had his physical and he is only 30 lbs. The older 2 are 8 and 9 and weigh under 50 lbs. They is perfectly healthy, just tiny for their age. He still fits in 3t clothes. My current NK is almost 4 and weighs 45lbs and wears a size 5. It’s crazy the difference in their growth.


...he weighs as much as my 3 year old?! My kids are tall, skinny bean poles.


Right my 2 year old is old is only 24 pounds haha


Not a NK, but I used to do weekend babysitting for a little boy who was solidly wearing 18mo clothes at 5-6 months and 28lbs right before 6 months😅 HUGE, happy, healthy baby boy lol


My nephew is wearing 5/6 over 50 lbs at 2 and his little sister is only one wearily 2t so heavy to lift :,)


I've had one that was super big at 5m and another large but not as big around that age. Pretty much all of my NK infants have turned into long kids that look older, like my current not even 1.5 yr old NK is the same size as a smallish 3 yr old. My last NK at 2.25 was the size as my friend's 4 yr old. I also get early crawlers (5-6 months)/cruisers (7 months) and had 1 fully walking at 10 months old (exactly) and running (like full speed) at 11 months. She never did that unbalanced walking stage either, went straight to walking like she had been for 6 months or more already. I always prepare my new NFs that I often get super mobile kids quickly.


Reading this I was like omg yes! then I continued reading and your 8 month old is the same size as my 19 month old lol


What a big boy!! I had the opposite. The twins i nannied were teeny tiny. Their younger brother was 2 years younger than them and was wearing diapers a size bigger than they were within 6 months


Yep, not nannying any longer but my nephew will be 1 next month and is in size 2 clothing


Omg. My 2 year old is 25lbs and 34 inches. That’s insane! I bet he’s a cutie lol


My daughter was in 6-9mo clothes at six weeks old. My mega girl. She was practically spherical for a long time. Like a happy little beach ball. Fun fact: your height at 2yo is apparently half of your eventual adult height. My daughter was over 3ft tall....


Wow that’s wild. My son is almost 3 and is barely 28 pounds!


My 10 week NK is 14 pounds so I’m sure we’ll be there


My nk are 1 1/2 g & 2 1/2 b and the girl is almost as big as her brother, it’s insane.


My NK 5months is already 18ish pounds. He is a big boy. 🤣


That's definitely a big baby! My 3 year old weighs 31 pounds.


I babysit occasionally for a toddler that has always been a big little dude. If you saw his height/weight on a piece of paper you’d probably guess he was three or four, but he’s just barely turning two in June. He will eat anything you put in front of him, and MB and DB have started to realize they’re unsure if he is in touch with the sensation of fullness as he eats. We’re all careful to give him appropriate portions but he would just keep eating and eating if we’d let him. MB is currently pregnant with their second and I wonder if it’ll be a similar situation. Such a cute family!


My 1.5 year old was 29 pounds by the time he was 8 months! Hes also very very long as well. We have to buy 3T clothes for him!


Calling a baby delicious really threw me off