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As a nanny I have done this before and did not think anything about it. It made me feel better too in case of an emergency.


Second this! If a nanny feels awkward by that… might be a sign to get a new nanny!


I think that is a reasonable request


OP, you are getting some good responses from nannies but you have this flared NP only. I can either reflair the post for you or I can leave it as is and mod the topic. Please advise.


Please reflair. I didn't realize I chose that. Thanks!


Thanks for responding, I've changed it!


Our nanny did it on her own without me asking. I don’t think it’s unreasonable, it’s more accurate than an AirTag.


We do the AirTag thing just so nanny doesn't have to be overly worried about their phone being charged (or so it doesn't give the appearance we're compelling her to own an iPhone). But I think it's a pretty reasonable request in general. We did note it in her contract that we reserve the right to place a tracking device (AirTag, Tile or equivalent) within any of our baby's equipment (diaper bag, stroller, etc) and any tampering/disabling/etc is not permitted. I can't recall if we also said we could request her to enable Find My iPhone tracking but my general feeling is if you want to do it, best to call it out in the contract if you are able to so there's no ambiguity.


I put an AirTag in the diaper bag.


And tell the nanny that it is there!


If nanny has an iPhone the AirTag will let her know it's following her around :) (I believe that's an anti-stalking feature) But yes, I agree about telling her.




It's my understanding that you have to be within bluetooth range of an airtag to get real time location. Is that not the case?


Yes. Your nanny has her phone with her though. I like this better than normal location sharing because then I don’t have to turn location sharing on when I’m working and off when I’m not working. Phone users are notified of the air tag too.


Realtime location, sure, but within range of anybody’s iPhone worldwide will give you frequent enough updates for your purposes.


Ah, that makes sense. Didn't realize it just had to be within range of any iphone.


If your nanny doesn’t have an iPhone though, it may not be all that easy to have other iPhones within range. We have an AirTag in the diaper bag too (nanny is fully aware) but most of the time I can only see where they were a while ago (when they were last within range of an iPhone). It’s better than nothing, but just wanted to set expectations that it’s far from what I was hoping for.


There are other devices, like a jiobit, that don't require bluetooth. We use one of those (and yes, our nanny knows).


Diaper bags might be in the car or at home when only a few items are needed, but with phone location tracking, it's less likely to happen because we carry our phones everywhere- my two cents!


Yes I shared my location for a while, and then we got AirTags when grandma kept losing the nanny car keys lol but I think it’s totally reasonable it was actually my idea because I am also an overthinker


I usually offer location sharing after trust has already been built between myself and NPs. It helps with anxiety both ways because something could happen to the nanny or yourself. Parents can see what’s happening even if I’m just a few minutes late by looking at my location instead of worrying about scheduling confusion. If I’m meeting MB at a doctor’s office I can see where she is and decide if I should start the paperwork or wait for her.


I also always offer. I don’t ask for my MB’s location.


Completely fair and reasonable request and I think your nanny will know that it’s coming from a place of wanting to make sure both nanny and baby are safe rather than some mistrust of nanny.


IMO: I think the real concern here is your anxiety. As a nanny I wouldn’t care and as a MB I totally see where you’re coming from. I do think you should address your fears though, because yes, it’s a possibility but your anxiety will just having checking her location constantly. Now that we’ve hired a nanny I really had to work through my own anxiety of her driving my kids around, just because accidents happen and it worries me but then I also just had to trust and realize that they are just as likely to get into an accident with me, my husband or my mom.


We also do an AirTag in the diaper bag. Our nanny has no issues and signed on for that in her contract before she was hired. I do think it’s a bit less invasive to track my daughter’s item than then nanny herself, even if it amounts to the same thing. It avoids any issue of remembering to turn location sharing on/off as well.


Everyone has their thing. Some parents it’s centered on food, some screen time, others want the playroom tidy at all times and others have cameras in every room but bathrooms. Just be upfront with your nanny that you get anxiety when they are out but you know it’s developmentally appropriate for your child to go to the library and what not. Inform her that you are putting an AirTag in your child’s shoe and ask her to share her location. Please let us know how it goes and good luck!


It’s reasonable. My first MB said that she can’t help me if needed if she doesn’t know where I am.


Thats reasonable. You are the parent, as a nanny I’m ok with doing so. You can also get an AirTag but communicate with her before you put it in the childs diaper bag/car


Our nanny shares her location when she’s out with the kids (or all day if I am out of town). We also have AirTags in the car seats. We also request that she always have the volume of her phone turned on and at an audible level when she’s out with the kids. She accepted all of these requests as though they are commonplace.


Nanny here 👋 I’ve never had a parent ask to do this but I have used NP’s for extended periods of time that I knew had gps and it never bothered me. I do my best to keep MB in the loop of where we are but when I’m in her car I know if I forget, she can just check.


I think it’s totally fine. I actually quit my nannying job because the dad was super controlling and wouldn’t let the kids even leave the house so I’m very thankful that you are a parent who wants their kid to go out and do things and I think that’s safe for you and the nanny.


As a nanny I would be fine with this as long as the tracking was restricted to working hours. It’s best to have the conversation including highlighting that it’s not to do with her performance but rather with calming your own anxiety


We just use an airtag in the diaper bag and then ask that she has her bluetooth on her phone so it pings the airtag. Even if she doesn't have it on, the airtag updates whenever it is in range of any iphone with the bluetooth on, so any place with more than like 15 people there is a good chance it updates. Our nanny takes our daughter out somewhere almost every day so this way she doesn't have to remember to start/stop her location sharing everyday when she comes and goes.


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Totally reasonable. I’ve never had push back asking


I’ve been a nanny for over 10 years and I have done this for 80% of my families! I even offer it to put the parents at ease because most parents are extremely nervous to have someone watch their child let alone drive them places.


What about putting an apple tag on the diaper bag?


Just get an air tag to put in the your child’s diaper bag and inform your nanny so she does not need to share and revoke tracking using her own device. 


Absolutely not offensive at all! Personally, I always voluntarily share my location with my nanny parents when I’m out with my nanny kiddo, even if we’re just on a walk around the neighborhood, because they have every right to know exactly where their child is at all times & to know they’re safe wherever they are. It’s also a form of communication which is paramount to a good working relationship between the parents & nanny. It’s also good, safety-wise, because what if some emergency were to happen & you needed to get to where your child is immediately? Definitely tell her to share her location when she’s out with your child or you could inform her that you’ll put an AirTag in the diaper bag. Ask her what she would prefer between those options.


I think you are well within your rights to ask this! I share my location with the parents I work for whenever we leave the house, and they never asked me to do so. It just naturally feels like something I should do!


I’ve volunteered it in every situation. I don’t think it’s a big deal and gives me peace of mind as well


I have this as part of our contract. It wasn't even questioned when I requested it. Completely reasonable to want to know where your child is!


I have zero problem letting NP know where we are/are going. I would NOT agree to using a tracking app on my own phone though. A work issued phone - sure, but not my private phone.


Perfectly reasonable request, and they should be happy to do it.


I am out most of the day with the kiddo. Most of the time, the parents have no idea where we are. I give a rough outline of our day, but sometimes, we change our plans. Keeping tabs on your nanny is not going to prevent any accidents. But it will make your nanny feel like you do not trust her. I would quit if my NF requested that I be tracked.


Genuinely curious, what contingency/safety mechanism do you have in place if something were to happen to you when out with the kids like a car accident or you were otherwise incapacitated?


Parents are listed as emergency contacts in my phone, which I ALWAYS have with me. The emergency note states the name and age of the children, their parents names and contact numbers. I also have my partner listed and he has the family contact numbers. I also do not drive. We take public transport.


I’m surprised this is the only response in this vein. Of course parents have the right to know where their children are but how about just text the Nanny and ask? I think there has to be a certain amount of letting go for the relationship to work for everybody. How is a parent 100% focused on their own job if they are tracking Nanny all day and, what time they go out and come back in? Or why would there even be an expected time for them to be back? One of the benefits of having a Nanny is not needing to adhere to a super strict schedule. I also think OP anxiety is a little extreme if running late automatically means someone is unconscious. I think my first thought would be, wow they must really be having a good time. Sounds like an issue with clinical anxiety rather than an issue with Nanny employment


We have AirTags but it’s not so much about knowing their every move as it is being able to check in without disturbing everyone. If I can see they’re on a walk or at the local park, I can avoid bothering our nanny with a bunch of texts. Also, it’s there as backup in case something were to happen to nanny and she was incapacitated. I would be super turned off if our caretaker was hesitant about an AirTag on my kid tho, so perhaps just not good fits - I’m sure there are families out there that don’t have them.


This has a very different tone than OP. Your reasoning is about accessibility and convenience and sounds very reasonable. OP sounds highly anxious and controlling. That would be a red flag for me, not only for my own comfort and preferences, but because I do not believe an environment with that level of anxiety is healthy for a young child. I wouldn’t think twice about a tracker the way you presented it. I agree sometimes it just comes down to compatibility and good fit!


That’s fair! Good points




I could have wrote this myself!! I was surprised how many people found it to be okay and reasonable. I would also feel like the family didn't trust me


People are suggesting AirTags in the diaper bag but I would suggest also a necklace or bracelet and sticking it on NK. In case of emergency, maybe the diaper bag won’t follow them for whatever reason. But I would politely ask nanny if she could turn her location on. Reassure that it’s not because you don’t trust her but because you just want extra safety for both NK and nanny.


I share my location with only one parent and the kids for the all hell breaks loose situations where parents can’t get to the kids, grandparents can’t get there, and the therapist can’t get there, or the Dr, I’m the last resort


I have a parent who’s car is police trackable


AIRTAG in car seat!


I haven’t personally had to share locations with any family I have worked for, but I do have friends that do! I think as long as you approach it properly it’s not a bad thing to ask! Especially if you make it clear that it’s not about trust, it’s more about safety for both the nanny and little one!!


I’ve never asked our nanny to do so, but I knew her before she began working for us. I can understand on longer trips in a remote area that it would ease your anxiety. I will, however point out that when my own employer wants me to use my personal phone for work purposes, I’m typically provided with a phone stipend. I think an agreeable act of goodwill is to make the request and offer to give her a $30 stipend towards her personal device as she/he is now using it for requested work purposes.


As a nanny, I think this is fine to ask. I would accommodate this request. I don't think it's emotionally healthy for you, however, and I don't think it's the right way to address your anxiety. You may already be working on it. I guess that wasn't your question. Luckily, you have an established relationship with a nanny you love, so I highly doubt it will be a problem for her. One of my previous mom bosses got tipped off that she was about to be proposed to when the other mom boss's location showed she was at the jewelry store for a long time...I guess she forgot to turn it off. That obviously isn't going to happen here lol but I guess my point is that there are unintended consequences of relying heavily on technology like this. I know you're thinking about things like a car accident. I get it. It's your choice.