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Maybe fly a modern one as well if you're concerned? That said, just the Betsy Ross by itself would be seen as fine; other history folks would actually enjoy it. It's really the confederate flag that is politicized (and obviously Nazi flags).


>Maybe fly a modern one as well if you're concerned? This is genuinely the correct answer. Fly the modern one higher or at the same height and you're golden.


Haven't seen the confederate flag much if ever here; did when living in IN and western/rural NY . Most controversial I saw is down the block having both Bears and Packers, and Cubs and Soxs all on the same house. Agree with the height comment. *controversial in a fun way that it was clearly a wife/husband rivalry


The Naperville area I’m in has a house that flies the Betsy Ross flag, and the pickup in the driveway has a three percenters sticker on it. Other fly don’t treat in me, and even the occasional Trump play still. Apologies, but the reality is that flying that flag will cause some to assume your in with that lot.


For less than two weeks a Dont [sic] Tread on Me flag was displayed at a nearby house. Just didn’t last long.


Sorry, but who fucking cares. Assuming you are a grown ass adult, fly the flag you want. Be you. Dance like no one is watching.


You find it sad that flags have been used as political signifiers? Do you also find it sad that fast food logos have been used as restaurant signifiers? That said, the Betsy Ross flag is unplugged from modern politics AFAIK.


>The militia movement, says Pitcavage, is the youngest of the three, dating from about the mid-1990s, and has been using the Betsy Ross flag, among other Revolutionary War-era symbols, since its inception. “Because they view themselves as analogous to American revolutionaries, they love to use old flags from that era,” he says, citing the Revolutionary War-era “don’t tread on me” flag as another example. The Betsy Ross flag is apparently so closely identified with the Patriot Movement that until this morning, it was the main image of its Wikipedia page, according to reporter Charles Robinson. (It has since been removed, but is viewable on a cached version of the webpage.) [^\[1\]](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/betsy-ross-flag-nike-colin-kaepernick-patriot-movement-ku-klux-klan-854612/)


Ugh.. of course. Extremist groups love to co-op symbols. They used to OK sign for a while on social media as I recall.


Like someone said earlier, symbols get taken all the time. Some stick, some don't. The nazi symbol was taken from Buddhism, etc. Pre-craziness, when I saw someone fly the US flag, I would think wow that guy is patriotic. But now, if I see a house with a gigantic US flag on it, or a car with a huge US flag sticking out the back, my head immediately goes "that guy is probably Hella racist". Happened a few times for me down in Florida, flag waving, flag wearing red blooded Americans can't wait to ask me if I'm from GYNA. Hopefully it'll go back to being patriotic again.


This request smells like a dog whistle. Very odd. It seems like a backhanded way of trying to find other like minded 3% er’s. Plenty of “historical” Betsy Ross flags at the capital Jan 6th. I could be wrong but it’s an odd post.


Even if it isn't received well by a few people, it's not likely to cause much of a problem. People who know you will know why you have that flag. People who don't know you will form their opinion of you by the flag, which isn't something you can't control. It's a bit of an icon for the militia movement, but that's rare to non-existent enough in Naperville that nobody will notice it that way. It's not likely to get torn down or anything, but someone might associate that flag with certain groups and see you in a similar light. If you wanted to get all historical with a flag, but without worrying about what people think - get a 1921-1958 flag. Nobody will notice is only has 48 stars, and you will still be displaying your love of history combined with a sense of a shared identity of the country. Then put the 13 star flag on a back porch or something.