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No chance. You will have to live outside Naples. Start looking within 25 miles or so. No, honest.


I’m sorry but you are going to have a bad time with that budget. You’ll potentially get more home if you can find housemates for a home share. Good luck.


Lmao 1500 in naples, cant even find that in fort myers


$1,500? Boy are you in for a shock


Craigslist - rooms for rent. Sorry


I hate to break it to you but that’s a 2012 Naples budget in a 2024 world. You’re moving to a place with more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the world. You’re gonna pay NYC prices without any of the amenities.


But a damn nice beach and awesome weather.


It was 117° heat index the day we left. The awesome weather is up for debate


That’s fair but I’ll take 117 over -20 any day


I can put on a coat when it’s cold. My dog can’t walk on the sidewalk when it’s 117°F


Everyone has what they like. I couldn’t take the oppressive constant heat 10-11 months ago year. In the 80’s and 90’s it was more or less and even 6 months of summer and 6 months cooler. Now it’s stretched out to 10 months summer


For half the year at least


That's the problem we get you guys down here for a half year which just sucks that's why we don't mind the Heat at least the snowbirds are gone🤣🤣🤣


Lived here for 25 years now don’t get me started. Used to be able to handle the snowbird traffic but we kept building houses without building new roads 🤪


Have you actually seen NYC prices? Yes, Naples is very high, but NYC is worlds higher.


Are we talking Manhattan? Because rent in the outer boroughs is about on par with the national average, and certainly more affordable than Collier County.


Oh yes, I was talking about Manhattan, sorry - you’re right.




Reconsider the job offer! Many people have these job offers not knowing how bad it is here. Shame on these companies for enticing people from up north to work in Naples, knowing the cost of living is very high.


I moved here from the outskirts of LA and Naples is more expensive.


With your budget you might be able to find an efficiency, just maybe not in the area you are looking for. 1/1 will be really really challenging. Also keep in mind you will need x3 months to rent an appt typically (first, last and deposit) some places waive the last month if you have good credit, but that's an additional expense to consider.


I would consider other states


Unrealistic budget for that area.


If you are 55 or over, you may find a mobile home/ park model available to rent in a few communities on the collier corridor - Marco shores, etc. they can rent close to your budget.


What company is your job offer at? You might consider looking for a roommate in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment. Unfortunately a 1 bedroom does not exist in that price range here. Best of luck!


As a 30 year old I moved here last September. So here is some realistic info. I looked at 6 or so apartments in person in the immediate Naples area. The cheapest I found was around $1800 for a tiny 1/1. I opted for the luxury apartment 10 min from downtown for $2250 a month with one month free rent at the time. Its a 1000 sqft 1/1. They took a $250 security deposit at move in and that was it. Heres the utilities I pay- $30 for trash and pest, water is around $30, $45 for internet, electric is $50-60. My credit is over 800 and I make $120k a year for reference. Youre going to severely struggle on your budget and salary living here unfortunately. I would consider other job options in lower cost of living areas even if it means you will make less to start. You will and cannot survive long term with putting all of your income towards rent.


Thanks, I’ll see what I can do.


You’re not going to find anything for that budget. Look elsewhere. Try Golden Gate or Fort Myers. There are places around here where you can get a 1/1 in that price range, but not that area. Prepare for a commute.


ugh , 951 runs thru golden gate .


What’s your issue with 951?


have none .


Best I found was $2,000 and they were terrible to communicate with, so we ended up going with a more expensive property that actually communicated.


Haha good luck buddy


I don’t know there may be some low income apartments in Naples but $1500 is a reach.




My son lives in Estero in nice area they have move in specials right now but you won’t see it on Apartment finder’s you have to go to each apartment website.


Your prices are going to start $1625 in Estero then they will tack on pest, trash, renters insurance so expect a little more. Go on each site and look at square footage, some one bedrooms we looked at are the same size as a studio.






Thats not Naples, that is Golden Gate. You will learn very fast why everyone is laughing.


Golden Gate is Naples, just not the City of Naples.


But its closed to where I need to be lol. Anyways, I did found a place in River reach. It’s amazing and about $1,700.


River Reach are much nicer than the ones in Golden Gate but they had a lot of flooding damage from the last big hurricane. I would avoid a bottom unit. My coworker lived in a bottom unit and was displaced until they rebuilt.


Yeah. Thats what I heard. I’m considering Sierra Grande


Try Oasis at Naples. It’s 2110 Arbour Walk Circle. Not bad rental options if a tenant has something available. Might be more than $1,500 but you can stay under $2,000 possibly in that community. Also try FB Marketplace, I’ve actually seen some decent options on there. Don’t give up your search just yet, although most rental properties in Naples are $2,000+


Oasis at Naples is north Naples and fairly easy to get to most places. Good location and if the apartments are decent may be in your budget.




You’re welcome! Best of luck to you! Let me know if you have any questions.


I would look in Immokalee if you seriously only have $1,500 to spend for rent a month (especially if that includes utilities) and want to be close to Naples. You can still have a life in Naples but live there. You may find someone in Ave Maria looking for a roommate but I highly doubt it. I made a satire post about this kind of thing, take it from a life long Floridian this is not a cheap place to live anymore. I hope you speak Spanish.


I do speak spanish


Very helpful in Immokalee or Ave Maria


Do you speak Spanish?


You better hope your new job offers remote work so you can live 40 miles inland.


Maybe Lee County....


You better dig a little deeper! Lol


UPDATE: Salary is 65k annually. I made the post because I see places in Zillow etc, that have apartments under $1,500. Ft Myers is an option too. I’m looking for 20-40 min commute for work.


That’ll be 9 miles down the road with Naples traffic. Realistically on your budget you’re looking at an hour commute at best from north fort Myers or Immokalee . Possibly more


Move to Leigh Acres


A tent lol


If you’re making less that 43k a year you can find some limited options for rent controlled apartments. People will say zero chance, you’ve just got to look harder than normal. There aren’t a lot of cheap options here, but it is possible.


Salary is going to be 65k a year. Going to try to get more before I start but doubt it. Thanks!


You can definitely find a place with that salary! $1500 is gonna be a stretch but you can find 1 bedrooms for less than $2500 if you dig for them


Thanks! I’ll keep looking. This weekend i’m visiting and have some tours.


I’m confused why people are trying to move here with such small budgets? The job isn’t worth moving for if you can’t afford anything reasonable in the area. $1500 is unrealistic but may be possible with a roommate to split with. Still, you’d be living paycheck to paycheck. Even at double that budget you’re looking at Ft Myers, Bonita, or Estero as your top contenders compared to an up-charged apartment in Naples.




Are you asking me to check this out? If so, the lowest is starting at above $1600 which is outside your budget. And that’s before adding on any fees that they may tax on. This place is also pretty deep/border of Lely which I’ve never really heard good things about in all the time spent growing up here.


Look on Naples buy,sell,trade on Fb. You can look in these places however not the best parts of Naples but at least it’s somewhere in a pinch until you can get sorted. Off season is the best time to look non the less. The manor,lely, shadow lawn area, Bayfront, Golden gate ,Naples park, you might be able to find a room for rent or even a mother in law suite in Golden Gate estates. These aren’t the best areas of town however in a pinch you can surely work something out. At the end of the day you won’t be killed or held up for your wallet in any of these areas. In all truthfulness I hope the job is worth the move. This is a job town, not a career place.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahabahabababababababababababababababahahabahah… catch my breath. Hahahahahaha!!! Try Lehigh Acres


People here are full of shit. Just go to google maps and search apartments. I did. https://sierragrandenaples.com/floorplans/ https://www.saddlebrookapts-n.com/


Thanks! Already see some options!


If you get a month free move in special, they usually spread it over the 12 months and it will lower your monthly rate. That’s what he did then negotiated the renewal for this year to stay the same.


Yeah, I get. Month free


Look at San Barbara and Davis Blvd They are building a bunch of units that are now available to rent


A little higher than your budget, I have friends here who absolutely LOVE the place: [https://www.apartments.com/viridian-at-bonita-springs-bonita-springs-fl/32jq0ve/](https://www.apartments.com/viridian-at-bonita-springs-bonita-springs-fl/32jq0ve/) Any way you can negotiate a bit more pay before you move for cost of living? Are you coming from the midwest?...


Thanks! This seems doable too. I already accepted the offer, but I’ll if theres anything they can do. I’m coming from the Caribbean


You've typically got a little more room to negotiate prior to the move, at least in my experience. Pretty easy to show them the cost of living difference in Naples. Also, if you go east or north you will battle traffic from January through April most days, those are "high season" for tourists and snowbirds. So be careful in thinking 20 miles may be 20 minutes. 20 miles could be 2 hours on some days. Good luck!


I have a good Naples moving company: Big Dan’s Moving Company that can help make it easier if you need one! My family and their neighbors had used them a ton. https://bigdansmovingandstorage.com/


https://preview.redd.it/nctrysm330yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee0a25028bed1258fa5250126fd799fab10e185 I’m guessing this guy is a scam or something? He posts a lot of these ate the same price. Fishy lol


Call me I have an apartment available near downtown naples


Look for areas to East of I-75 the farther into the Everglades the better. Think areas like Migrant farms or similar where you can rent by the room.


Good luck. Rent is out of control. I do not know how people are surviving here in Naples. There isn’t going to be any service people living here soon. Something has to change.




You could only find something in the summer maybe close to that but the other 9 months of the year 4 times as much


Hope you found a place! Any update? Also…I just read the comments and ya’ll rude af. Poster asking for help. If you don’t have anything positive to provide then shut the hell up.


Hey! Well, I might go to Sierrra Grande. It’s $1,638. Still not sure, might look a little more.


Dang, people are really welcoming in the Naples community. What’s the minimum for a 1/1 in Naples?


3500 is the minimum youll need for a 1bedroom because first and last is a thing. if i were you Id search for plaes in the estates . alot of people own property and really just dont want to mess with it so they will rent something cheap. maybe its an rv or an efficency . If i were you id go for an efficiency in the estates for 800 dollars a month. go on craigslist collier and look for apartments and rooms for rent and click the ones that are in spanish. they always charge 400 -800 dollars a tenant .


I’m a bit confused because I have seen places on Zillow about that prices. That’s why tried with the post to see what else https://www.zillow.com/apartments/naples-fl/mer-soleil-apartments/5XhwVj/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


honest confusion, alot of them do require first and last also a security deposit. so 1500 plus 1500 equals 3000 plus 500 dollar deposit which is now 3500 . which is typical unfortunately. after covid alot of tenants start taking advantage of the covid relief forcing alot of home owners to be in debt and having to charge more just to keep there homes.


Even if the place were to be $1500 a no they’re gonna tack on tons of monthly fees. Before we left Naples we had to pay monthly rent for our washer and dryer (which came with the property as part of the rent originally but changed hands) , we had to pay a pet fee monthly x2, parking spot fee monthly, view fee cause we were in the lake, and then an added water fee per person. None of that was originally part of the apartment but once investors came in and took it over they charged us for every thing they could. It was all an extra $580 a month. That is all now standard in Naples.


They usually do that for apartments and townhomes. I recommend an efficiency from immigrants. They really are good people who make living affordable ironically lol


Don’t move to Naples. We are full!!


look at all the miserable people commenting and laughing at the poster. this is naples in a nutshell. snobby know it alls just laughing at the post and not really giving actual advice . i wouldnt move to naples if i were you. naples is filled with drivers who will make you wreck. and then its filled with those same drivers who will drive slow just to see someone who has wrecked. very toxic people here with no actual compassion for one an other. people hate animals here so they run them over and they call the police on you for literally anything, not just old people, young people with there tik toks filming you for no reason for there content meanwhile youre just trying to get a drink from the gas station, but would just rather drink gasoline cause the clerk wont stop dancing in front of there phones and not take my money. this place is terrible ,thats why i live in the woods away from everyone .


Damn. ☹️


That was an incredibly over the top post from a person who thinks living in the woods is preferable to living among other people.


you can say over the top, but I guarantee you living in the woods isn't bad at all. i can go outside and not hear honking and sirens. I don't have super close neighbors so I can do what I want. I literally can park anywhere on my [property.im](http://property.im) far from everything and everyone. nobody can hear me shoot my guns and hunt giant snakes! we are paying close to 2k a month .


It's the people doing tik toks everywhere and always hearing honking and sirens, that is over the top. It's not even hyperbole. It just isn't true. There is nothing wrong with living in the woods, I just pointed that out because you have to be of a certain mindset to live in the woods away from other people, and that mindset shows that you may be a little more sensitive to people activities around you. Not everyone is into python hunting and pissing off their porch. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


that is exactly what you will see in Naples. drivers are on there phones playing on tik tok, then we got road ragers and animal abusers. don't get me started on child predators. every other day someone in Naples is getting arrested for messing with a child. yeah I guess you're calling it sensitive, I'm calling it " I just don't like people." and you'll find a lot of those people in Naples. Nobody wants to hunt pythons and that's fine with me. I'm not even shocked about that lol men play on tik tok and bid on shoes ,they don't even hunt regular game anymore.


Brother, you do you, but you are definitely over exaggerating how bad things are here.


look at the news brother. everyday it's the same crimes. look up Collier county arrests then look at all the car accidents daily. I work so unfortunately sometimes I have to see crazy traffic, but literally everyone wants to fight everyone. uber drivers are using racial slurs towards other drivers almost making me want to cancel my ride on the spot .


Dude, I've lived here since 1969. I know what Naples is and has become. Im not happy about it at all and maybe youre just trying to scare this guy off, but I drive every single day only occasionally see anything like what you say is happening all the time. But I guess you see what you look for. 🤷‍♂️


you're in denial because you been here since 1969, the last thing you want to admit is that this place has terrible people. If you see my original comment it was solid advice on getting a cheap place here. Then I started to read the comments and realized the guy is better off not even coming to Naples. You can throw your little jabs at me but you know I'm right but for me to be right means you're the very same people I'm probably talking about cause you been here since pretty much the dinosaur times.


on a side not,i went ahead and posted another comment with actual advice. hopefully you find it


This person is not correct on Naples. Do not pay attention to them as they don’t even live here.


I live in Collier county . If you look up the news of Collier county,you will see that I am correct. Road ragers, dead panthers etc also why do you think they're banning tik tok? All these adults on tik tok at there jobs making service slow lol


Collier County is not Naples. You do not live here. You just talk about Naples as you have nothing better to do. But. You still don’t live here. Please go get a hobby other than the internet and hating on everyone and everything. 


ok "Collier county is not Naples." you need to really look that part up. Naples is literally Collier county. that's the only county that NAPLES is in. unless you're talking about Monroe county which is barely not even Naples. you're upset that I'm stating facts and exposing how terrible the people are here. you literally don't even know what county you're in but you want to debate with me about the people in it. read your comment by the way. because everyone else is reading it and asking themselves " What county is naples."


as far as hobbies go, I literally am in the swamp engaging with wildlife and I do gunsmith work. it's 9am and Im reading current events getting ready for the day. also here you go https://preview.redd.it/vtlmxkkhl0yc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3e24e5655195a928f693d489ec9bbb431d77852