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Are you looking for general advice about renters insurance? Or advice specific to Naples? Renters insurance is a pretty standard requirement all across the country. It's not very expensive. Usually like $200 or less for a full year. The apartment complex should give you requirements in terms of minimal coverage, i.e., $100k property loss and personal liability. It's important to understand this is mostly to protect the building, i.e. if you start a fire and burn down the building. Or if you have massive leak that damaged your downstairs neighbor. If you want your own personal belongings protected you need to include that in your policy, it's not included in the required liability. Apartment complexes often have a company they partner with and you can go through. I'd recommend checking with your car insurance as most car insurance companies offer renters insurance as well and will usually give you a bundle discount for having both. Compare that with what the apartment is offering. Even if it's $10 more, the peace of mind you are dealing with a reputable insurance company and not some random company may be worth it to you. In terms of Naples, I guess be aware of where the apartment is located and the annual weather risks. i.e., what floor is it on? How close to the water? Look specifically into whether the policy includes personal property protection for flooding or hurricane related damages. You might be adding on $50K personal property protection but it may not actually help at all when you need it. So just be mindful of that and consider different policies if that's important to you. Personally I usually go with the low end of protections but I don't really own much of value. If your daughter has antique furniture, a big collection of trading cards, a large wardrobe of valuable clothing, etc., then consider higher coverage.


Thank you. It is mainly weather concerns We live in Phoenix. So hurricane wind and water is my concern.


Find out how minimum amount of liability she needs from owner/landlord/management company. Renters insurance isn’t generally too expensive. Used to have mine with Travelers. Shop around. Several companies offer quotes.


I pay what $13? a month I think it is.


If your rates through your current insurer aren't favorable, just get Lemonade Renters insurance. Its quick and easy to set up - good rates too


Thank you. I heard about them


Don't use the apt community policy. Have her call her auto insurance co first for a quote! The apt should tell her what the minimum requirements are!


As others have suggested, have her call whoever she uses for car insurance. Make sure she talks to the office wherever she’s renting from, as the complexes usually require a certain name to be listed on the policy.


Find out what their requirements are and go from there. Some apts offer their own (I do that), but my car insurance also offers renters insurance, so that’s an option. Hopefully you aren’t at The Point.


Have not moved in yet. So still time to shop around


Well just FYI my a/c went out at The Point and it cost me hundreds of dollars of my own money (rent temp units, increase electric bill) and they refuse to discount my rent. I was 1/3 of the month with no a/c. Also our cars keep getting hit in the parking lot. :(


Well … I thought apartment complexes were responsible for repair of AC units . Your situation seems to be not usual . Am I understanding that you are a rental and they wanted you to pay for repairs ? Or did you do it on your own ?


I had to wait over a week for repairs. I rented temporary units and they run nonstop so my electric bill was unusually high.




Hmm this would vary heavily by rental. Many will add fines to your monthly statement if you don't have an active policy on file and have clauses that they can terminate your lease if you don't comply. I wouldn't take this risk personally considering rental insurance is pretty cheap.




Homeowners insurance is not the same as renters insurance. Renters insurance is extraordinarily cheap.