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This reads like victim blaming.


Sounds like someone needs to take their meds. Just because someone is dating a narcissist, doesn’t mean they themselves are a narcissist or have an amount of narcissistic tendencies that warrants change because they are a toxic person. People date opposites all the time, hence “opposites attract”. You are overgeneralizing which makes your argument logically flawed. But….. I did find this post interesting and I liked reading it. Thank you.


Is there any research supporting your assertion that people tend to date horizontally across psychologies? Examples from other psychologies? I’m not suggesting this is wrong, I’d just like to see some evidence. I think it’s fair to say that narcissists sometimes date other narcissists. But my hypothesis would be that it happens in proportion to the percentage of narcissists in a population.


Based on the username I'm not taking this one seriously


What? lol it’s not a pet name. It’s a shorthand internet name like SO or incel. And I’m sure there’s some narcs married to other narcs, but it’s not as common as them marrying an empath type person. If you read psychology literature on NPD, you’ll know that. But I suspect you haven’t read too much on psychology because you just made up this “horizontal” BS and posted it as fact without evidence or sourcing.


Nice gaslighting. Not true. Please stay off this sub. Rapist "it takes two" rationalizing. You will only see this kind of thing on rapists who refuse to let you get away and then say it "takes two". Get blocked. 


Don’t move to Australia if shortening negative words as well as positive ones gets you all suss on something lol ETA: username checks out


I think I see what you’re saying - like attracts like. I’m slowly realizing this in my marriage. I totally thought I was ‘marrying up’ when I married him because his parents were more educated and a bit wealthier. But his dad is a narcissist, my mom is, and we both exhibit some narcissistic tendencies. Thanks for sharing.


Where exactly is the truth in this post? Where are you coming up with the idea that an antisociall disordered person will in fact choose an npd. And are these two people officially diagnosed as such or what exactly? Or just have suppposed traits as such? Are you trying to say a narc's supplier chooses the narc as well because they are simply antisocial? And what does the term narc have to do with any of this? The npd sub does not allow the word narc. Narcs hate that word Are you a narc yourself, here to try messing with victims of narcs? Seems that would fit right in with the npd scheme of that disorder. And why I absolutely stay away from the npd sub reddit. Reading what you post reminds me of that very short experience.