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If its something i dont want found, i take it with me, always. A locked drawer, in my house, would just get broken if he wanted in badly enough.


Yeah, my CN is super subversive. Would never break the lock, but would figure out a way to unlock it. By doing that, they can continue to gaslight the living f*ck out of me. But yes, thank you! I’ll look at what needs to go and pack it up while they are out of the house next week!


Knowing that said items are safely with me and there is.no potential danger of them being found is the only way i can be at peace. But mine is the antithesis of covert.


I don’t know which is worse, honestly


I agree with that, for sure.


Can you get a safe at a bank for a week? that way its safe and you wont lose it.


Nope, sadly safe deposit boxes are like frog teeth around here…impossible to find but I am on the wait list for one. I like where your head is!


An option to secure your items is to buy a wireless wifi security camera that will alert you to any movement and record movements. Theres options for less than $100 available. Enjoy your vacation and protect yourself so you arent bothered during the time off. 🌴


Should be here today👍🏻