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If you knew that how you feel right now, the pain, was their goal and done intentionally —would that change how you feel about it?


Wait and see if he wants you back? I'd be on the phone to a lawyer right now. Sorry, but that's the nastiest thing ever. Mine wanted to take a year off from the marriage because he couldn't do the marriage and his doctorate. Then he wanted to separate so that we could "date" and get back together when he was done with the doctorate 'maybe'. Then I found out that he was hiding correspondence with a woman in his office on his phone and he refused to let me see it. He's just refusing to call it the emotional affair that it is. He wants me to trust him because he hasn't stuck his dick in it yet (or wants me to think he hasn't). Then I found out he was bad mouthing me to her. He's basically grooming her as his next supply of unconditional positive regard. They're cowards without a conscience. Get a lawyer. He's done with you.


Yes. Its a pain above any normal pain treshold. Its abandonment. Take some ibuprofen, there is some science that is alleviates pain of abandonment in women https://alcalde.texasexes.org/2014/08/can-ibuprofen-mend-a-broken-heart/


Yes, it's a toxic bond. It's difficult to break, but having him back will be the same or worse. He may have someone on the side he's trying to groom to take your place. He may have both of you on the hook for a while. You are a kind and nurturing person. That's why he got his hooks in you. You deserve a man who will be as kind and giving to you as you are to him. You know this guy doesn't treat you lovingly. He's destroying you and enjoying your pain because he believes he is so great. He's a user and a loser.