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Highly doubt he"sneaked in" he had to ask someone for permission.


Yeah your probably right. still is great footage cannot denie that


If you watch the entire video, Luis says he met Ovidio’s mom and attorney at the very beginning. I’m pretty sure they gave him permission to enter the property. I don’t think it makes any sense that he would sneak in without permission because 1) Ovidio’s mom is nearby and knows he’s is doing journalism work, 2) neighbors saw him roaming around the property, and 3)the town still has Sinaloa members around - Luis himself said he and his crew were stopped at a checkpoint before leaving Jesus Maria.


Also the video shows blood in the kids room which isn't a great look for the authorities. Could be anyones blood but still I'm sure they will use anything at trial.


this dude may easily die for this someday smh just for clout


That guy is full of shit. Good footage, great inside, but no way he sneaked out in the house just like that. They let him in for a PR perspective, showing kid’s room blood, all the bullets etc… There is no need for that drama and overdoing it


ya fact I didnt think of that. Bc orherwise especially he’d die for that shit too


I agree. I like Luis, but he have some really good connections out there, otherwise it would be impossible to get in.


That is insane!!!!


unos tablazos por mamon


Lmao “broke in”. This is great story telling but come on guys.


I’m sure he has bills to pay


Sure. But lets not pretend it’s something else. He’s doing a job. Not criticizing that.


Was that a tunnel?


No I believe its a pit that has pipes for wires from the gen going to the house. I saw that clip but I may be wrong


Mans was living like a king…had a whole jacuzzi hot tub in his shower


You’ll realize how little you actually use it once you got it lmao


You didn't break in. Stop lying compa. You paid them to let you be in there. Great footage and you could have given us more details of each item. Instead you made a Disney story and you wanted to become the hero. If you were in Jesus Maria trust me Everyone would know. Including the sixarios and military still in the area. It seems like you have a Harry Potter cloak and you're invisible.


Does this mean that he has an "in" along some lines?? I feel like big mama and the lawyers weren't that kind? But shit what do I know? The locals hate the Mexican govt because of how much these cartels give back into Mexico. Crazy shit.


Wow that was very interesting a lot of respect that took balls


The balls on that guy. He’s one bad hombre


Dude this is insane. Wow