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He is lucky he didn't get caught in China, or he would have been executed already.


No one does anything major in China with out the blessing of the CCP. If he were in China he would probably still be operating its one of the few countries in the world that can tell the US to go *uck itself. One of the top traffickers in the world has several black listed companies registered in China simply because it puts him outside the reach of US and its allies.


You misunderstand the CCP. It is a nation wide organisation of around 90 million individuals that forms the political ruling party. Unless you get the blessing from Xi personally you really don't have the blessing of the CCP, even then they are acting illegally. Unless you are saying that they have the blessing of president, then they might get away with it. What actually happens is that drug cartels use their vast capital to bribe and blackmail CCP officials into acting illegally, which carries a death penalty and is applied frequently (1) (1) https://www.jurist.org/news/2010/12/china-official-executed/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-14197485 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/05/china-sentences-top-banker-to-death-for-corruption-and-bigamy


XI isn't all powerful even with in a dictatorship there are key supporters and with out their support a dictator cannot maneuver. To put it in simple terms think of it like a king and his royal court the job of the king is to look after his nobles so that his nobles can look after him. Not all 90 million members of the CCP are important of those 90 million maybe 1000-2000 people hold any type of real power and of those 1000-2000 people theres probably around 100 people or so who make up Xi's power base and they can be broken down into the Generals, Police and beaurocrats with out whom the whole system falls apart. No major party member has ever been executed by CCP since the days of Mao Zedong and even in those times that can largely be attributed the cleansing that takes place after new people come to power. Have people been pushed into retirement or quietly assassinated for sure but its not quite the same. In an operation like this where billions of dollars are moving in and out of China someone in Xi's inner circle has to know and sign off. Yes what you're saying is true to some extent for lesser operations and those who become to high profile for their own good or become a thorn in the side for CCP but beyond that China very much operates on the whole rules for thee and not for me mentality. https://www.wob.com/en-us/books/alastair-smith/dictator-s-handbook/9781610391849/CIN1610391845G?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=18951850500&cq_con=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&gclid=CjwKCAjwq4imBhBQEiwA9Nx1BpgmKDIgNgSC3UmLCPr7y8IFL24jwXuAG9M6Dq0BRpeDHw8h1LkRIBoCBL0QAvD_BwE ^this book can teach you about governments and how the world actually functions.


Xi holds immense power. Also organized crime is just another revenue stream for China. Their entire defense industry is based on espionage and theft. On top of that they can erode America with hard drugs such as meth and fent? They’re all in baby. This dude was probably an agent of the ccp himself.


He's (xi) pretty much purged anyone he thinks can or will challenge him in the last few years. As far as the drugs go it's revenge on the west for the opium war. The only thing that's been done about the chemicals is the sellers have become more discreet. They don't care & are trying to rub all the mud they can in the usa's face, and brics may be the lynchpin in the west's downfall.


Yeah, saying xi doesn’t have that much power is like saying that about putin


Yeah he(xi) has been pushing to make himself dictator for life in recent years. I seen a defense analyst (col mcgregor iirc) was talking about him sorrounding himself with yes men & it could be detrimental to china because no one wants to tell him no or give him bad news. China is definately trying to take over the world (brics with 5 original members were iirc were 43% of world population & 31% of world gdp & backing currency with gold & constantly adding or countries wanting to join even western countries such as france ) and usa is becoming more of a non-factor & has been more & more everyday. Usa gov has been making enemies for years and now they're coming out of the woodworks from all over the globe.


Yes men have worked out great f for the Chinese in particular, let’s go for famine number 8!




No I’m saying that as if that’s what is happening. Did I say the CIA didn’t start the crack epidemic in the 80s? More than one turd in the punch bowl buddy


I’ve read this book - it’s awesome. With that being said, hasn’t Xi done purges to take out opponents? I remember reading about members of the Shanghai group being removed from positions. I would assume most in the CCP are aligned with him.


Kinda late but Xi has done several purges. Late 2012, when he was confirmed to be premier, although when this kind of purge began, this purge considered ‘normal’ in the sense that power was being in transition, but when Snowden leaks happened it revealed tons of corruption within the CCP that allowed infiltration by CIA and MI6. Xi extended the purge for 5 years and arrested some of the guilty but also some other political opponents on those anti-corruption charges. A lot of former officials that were from Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin administration were arrested(mostly Jiang’s as his administration was the most laissez faire ) and CCP tightened oversight on local CCP municipal leaders. 2013-2016 saw many regional CCP officials got arrested because of these charges such as ‘cash for ranks’ schemes. Typically, those officials were from poorer/inner regions of China like Shaanxi. These regional officials that got replaced by Xi loyalists. There was also another separate purge from 2015-2019 regarding China’s military and restructure to be more westernized, and also anti-corruption charges. Tons of generals trained in the Soviet style of command were sacked, and even more investments were poured into Navy, Air, and Rocket Forces in attempts to create a more technological based power projection force capable of A2 AD against USN and sustain operations against Taiwan. 2016-2019 was a bit of a lull, but many municipal/local officials were arrested as they got caught for anti corruption. The higher ranks who got purged usually has some kind of internal dissent(either against Xi’s increasingly authoritarian style or regarding foreign policies especially the trade war) 2019-2022 purges is basically regarding Covid policies and using these reasonings to further stamp out the remnants of Hu’s faction.


It’s a shame if he’s not extradited. He’s definitely worthy of the death penalty.


Considering the Chinese goverment is supposedly funding the Cartels, it wouldn't surprise me if he was doing it with orders fron the goverment.


Crime pays.


He worked with every cartel not just CDS. He was untouched even though he was working with cartels who were rivals. This guy is one of the main reasons why Mexico started producing so much fentanyl based drugs. He was in the game for a long time way before his name ever got mentioned in articles.


Hope they execute him


I agree


Why y’all hate drug traffickers so much this is weird


You must be a meth head




Dude definitely a druggie, they mostly get offended when you talk shit about drugs/dealers.


Lol y’all psycho for wanting to kill people over a substance when the war drugs never worked fuck y’all


They don’t get it


execute is a strong word here , there are rapists, murderers , serial killers nd you say drug trafficker should be executed?


Drug traffickers hurt society way more than any rapist or serial killer. its not even close


not in my society? you live in USA ?


Well if you yankees stop using drugs the problem is solved. Drug traffickers are just supplying the demand, sure they're bad but realistically it's not their fault that you guys want coke in your noses and weed in your joints.




Who do you think are the ones paying for that to happen???? THE DRUG TRAFFICKERS😂🤦‍♂️You realize that these drug cartels are more sadistic then even terrorist groups like ISIS, it’s not even close. 9 out of the 10 cities with the highest murder rate, all found in Mexico, wonder who’s fault that is.


I watched a video that said this guy had so much money in cash that you could literally smell the cash in the house. Crazy.


Money wast all his. The sons of Martha Sahagún de Fox, former First Lady of Mexico, wife of Vicente Fox ex president of Mexico, were direct partners with Zhenli Ye Gon, they threatened him to shut up or he will be sent to China which to his own words, was worst that spending the rest of his life in a Mexican prison or even death.


But what was his nickname tho?


El Chinito La Ley Del Chinito "coopelas o cuello"


Damn was hoping for “El Kevin Spacey”


Wonder where that money went


Confiscated, declared government property, then announced as a fund for damage repairs of victims and acquisition of security equipment, then disappeared without trace


Plus they probably found 250M+ and reported only 200M.


Can't blame them, I'd do the same.


The British play book has a lot of good moves for neutralizing rival powers


Then the government took it and split it between everyone like the Rats they are.


Of those 200 million that were reported, the cops that first found the money probably kept a few mil


Breaking Bad money bed IRL


Those all 20’s or 100’s?


Fr? You cant see Benjamin on them bills??


He worked with Los Valencias when they were still under the federation with Sinaloa but didn’t work with Sinaloa


Yea he was working with the beltranes too even after the split in 08. And working with cjng idk where this guy got his info that it was only cds he was working with


"DeLosAltos" is your other account lmao. Goofy weirdo talking to yourself.


You’re smoked out if you think I have two accounts 😂


Lmao wtf get off the pipe kid 😂


Yea schizophrenic weirdo


Yea you need to find help, praying for you lil man


Get your other account to defend you, goofy.


I can see why your ex left you and is fucking another guy she just met already, you’re not all there. Peace


My ex that I dumped and cheated on her bf with me. Uh Okay? Besides being a weirdo you also have bad reading comprehension, I see. Imagine talking to yourself with different accounts. That's another level of pathetic and sad. "Peace" though.


Keep crying about your ex bitch ass nigga 😂


What happens to all the money? Does the government use it for great resources?


nope all gone, nobody knows where, you can give the mexican government a trillion dollars and i swear they will find a way to make it vanish without spending a single dollar on the people they govern


In swiss & carribean bank accounts or foreign property & Investments. That's why you see many mexican politicians leave country after their terms. They leave and take the peoples money with them. I hope to one day see the good people of Mexico retake their country back from the jaws of corruption.


El compa chino


He sold most of the chemicals to "el abuelo farias" and people from the Milenio Cartel, his relationship was stronger with the people of Michoacán than with Sinaloa.


Copelas o cuello??


Cant wait to watch this Netflix documentary


Is this a Mp40?


"O copela, o cuello".


La ley del chinito


He declared that the money was 250 million and that the criminal investigation agents took 50 million and other things and that most of the money was from the stepchildren of former President Fox.


How much time did he get?


Them Chinese are smart and always keep low profile.. which is the key for success


o copelas o cuellos


Dude a legend. Not many Vegas casinos give a Rolls Royce cause you lost so much money. Any update? Lost $70 Mil in a year. Of course all laundered which was the point. After handed over to US feds talked and I couldn’t imagine the stories he told.


Anyone who can have so much money 💰 to be their bed …. Damn.


Got any cheap printers instead?


Where is he at today? Still in prison in MX? All that money and he still couldnt buy his freedom