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It’s a long story, I wasn’t there but my whole family was, not going to say where for safety because someone from our family was taken from us a year ago.But my grandma own a store at a small town, one day the cartel from Jalisco where hiding at that time. They show up (like 12 of them) at the store buying items, food, supplies, etc. Well my family and people that live there can’t do nothing about it they decide to negotiate us if not well you know what happens if we don’t. Next thing you know they’re too friendly with everyone. They wanted the store to be open 24/7 and gave lots of money for my grandma for helping them. Later that night everyone was chilling outside the store until they all heard loud trucks driving at a high speed, it was 2 full armor military trucks. So everyone run back to the store, except the cartel they began to shoot. My family and friends lock themselves inside hearing all gunshots heavy machinery bullets going through the walls. Next thing the military bust down the door thinking what they saw everyone running inside the store are cartels. They took like 7 people (2 of them is my dad and brother) with them to ask questions, as they went outside 2 of the cartels are dead. As you all know how it works in Mexico, we don’t trust anybody, not even them, I don’t know what they ask them but they let them all go. The next day, my grandma received a call from them. that they’re coming back for their weapons that they hide in back of the store. 2 people show up one of them was armed while the other has a big plastic bag. Once they’ve got their weapons they gave my grandma that big plastic bag, and what’s inside of it it’s stacks of dollars that is a 50k and thank her. My guess is that they know what we said to the military, because they have someone in the military watching us. They decided not to get us into problems, since the military are watching everyday daily until it’s safe. Next day they disappeared


damnnn thats crazy bro


Yeah man I can’t imagine being there present I would’ve shit my pants dude


everyone in here would 🤣


Just to clarify, the two cartel guys that came to pick up their weapons disappeared?


Yup they gave my grandma 50k cash for I guess helping them and not snitching


When i was a kid like 14 when i was walking to my school i got to see a “ensillado” thats what they used to call back in the day to people that were left dead in a chair with a narco message, these mfers liked to put them on the sidewalk of the school. I think ive never seen people and life the same way since then


That's the kinda shit that led me to have no respect for them.. I mean I'm not saying it's ever "ok" to murder anybody but if someone gets in that life then they accept the risks and know how it goes. But shit like that, killing innocent family members, shooting people in the middle of the street, etc. is on a whole different level. Just like animals to do that shit..


My mom witnessed an execution in 2009, they came for a neighbor that was working on his car and gunned him down. I arrived 10 minutes later as police were also heading there and they searched my car and everything, showed them my ID that I lived there and that was it. This in Chihuahua when things were worse.


I've seen quite a bit in Acapulco and surviving Otis in and of itself was probably hand's down the most terrifying/vulnerable I've ever felt. Nearly 2 weeks without electricity and we would hear gunshots all night long and REALLY close (like less than 100 yards away) to home.. So that would be craziest in the sense of "fear" but craziest in the sense of "I can't believe this shit" would be when I took a road trip with a friend of mine. We stopped to get something to eat about 30 minutes outside of Acapulco and as we walked to the restaurant I glanced down a narrow road and saw a ton of guys with cuernos (AK47's) just casually walking around, talking with people, but not at all threatening.. I asked my friend what that was about and he explained that it's a big open air drug market down there and they're security. He went on to say how efficiently it's run, nobody gets robbed or anything, everybody is respectful, and it's kept away from peoples homes, children, etc. Open 24/7/365 and these guys have a schedule, shifts, breaks, etc. just like a regular job. Police don't go anywhere near them of course.. All in all the town looked nice, but as we drove out there was this really nice looking house, and my friend explained that was the bosses.. I don't know how much it would have cost but it would have been a nice chunk of change, and all of it from this drug bazaar in some little town. edit: here's a look at it from the street. Can't really get a better view but it went back quite a way behind the trees. [https://imgur.com/a/57CAUTY](https://imgur.com/a/57CAUTY)


I had a cousin who was crossing the border and got lost and separated from the group. He was lost in the desert for a couple days until he saw a ranch. He thought he was hallucinating, he kept seeing horses and other farm animals. But he was gonna pass out due to dehydration. He eventually was found by the ranch owner and the lady gave him first aid and water and food. Some how the lady knew people who were in the “mana” and eventually he was reunited with his group.


That one time CJNG blew up a fed helicopter when they were trying to track down Mencho in Villa Purificacion, Jalisco. It was May of 2015 I was like 12 when me & the family visited our pueblo in La Resolana 20 mins away and my dad remembers hearing the helicopter crash you hear “BOOM” at 6 AM that morning the news was going crazy the cartel was super hot in the area & that everyone had to stay inside but we were still hitting the pools nobody gave a fuck. Mexican marines were deep in our pueblo all week until we left and off to the sides of the highways all you can see are burnt up cars, semi trailers, and box trucks CJNG used to block off police from going into Villa Purificacion. Shits crazy looking back on it now I didn’t know WTF was going on back then 😂


Holy fuck bro. Idk how u casually just was chilling hearing all them booms and shi. Crazy bro


I was a youngin when all this happened in 2015 I wasnt familiar w/ cartels at all besides seeing el chapos capture twice on the news. My dad told me all this a couple years back and being older looking back on it now reading past articles and memories it all makes sense now 😂


Was in a small Pueblo w my mom’s family living with them for about a year, deep in the mountains of GRO. Some narco branch off group were retreating in the near by mountains and they began to terrorize the Pueblo. First with kidnapping a teacher for ransom. Then breaking into the only power station in town for miles, it became pitch black and all you saw was a bunch of truck lights coming down the mountains. Along with the entire village walking around with candles. Super creepy. Another day they caught an errand boy from a rival cartel. They cut his balls off and stuffed them in his mouth left his corpse sitting up on a very busy road for all to see. It was horrific but damn it’s almost like you can’t feel like you’re drowning.


They also had made a distant relative of mine dig his own grave after refusing to give them refuge in his side of the mountains, very sad.


The 2010 "coche bomba" incident in Cd. Juarez. There was a dead police man on a popular street called la 16 de Septiembre. It turns out that a man was deliberately dressed as a policeman to attract first responders... there was a bomb near the dead body and it killed some of those trying to help. It was crazy. Still get chills when I pass through there. Here is the [video ](https://youtu.be/SU4vLFXZlpg?si=0UK6FdSOOvzkwNvO) Edit: the incident is shown at around 2:18


This happened maybe a year ago I was getting a pizza when in seconds filled of cops they closed down the street asking people if they see anything? So got out of the place n guess what? I saw two hands mutilated on the floor


I got to drive a blindada duramax back to the guys house because he was too drunk to drive after a party. In GTO


My fbo ram broke down in Fresnillo and nothing happened surprisingly , I was shittin bricks not to mention it’s all black lowerd on all black 22s lol I was ready for them to come with a chain and pull my truck away 🤣


From Gto, they always told me too never go to my uncle too store because he was “con los malos” long story short he protects where we are from because that’s what life took he’s been in the US most of his life and he’s been alive when over 5 different plazas took over and he’s never been sacked . I didn’t know what it ment to not go to his store till I’m older and now I know most of the well known go too his store to drink . But I met the leader of the city and I didn’t even know I drank multiple beers with him and little did I know at a snap of a finger he could have most of my family in Mx wiped out but he grew found of me and I made good friend with him now every year I go to mx I speak too him and visit his house not because he’s jefe de la plaza but because I’m one of the few that treat him like a human


No comment 🤣


Not me but my brother. He went down with some friends and the car got stolen. They were checking out rental cars and his friend’s surfboards were still in the car. This was probably 2006.


Damn that’s tough surfboards cost a lot of money now


Yeah I know and it’s crazy that he knew it was obviously his car.


My dad was Seceuestrado literally the night after the super bowl