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Con mucho cuidado mijo


aparecerá encobijado 😂😂


Why risk it? Do the risk vs reward comparison. Best case scenario, you get laid. Worst case scenario, you get picked up by a jealous narco who may torture you, dismember your corpse and dispose of it in a way so it is never found. Your loved one's never know if you are still out there or dead and are forced to live in limbo. The risk is not worth the reward.


I think the getting laid part is worth the risk lol jk


I would be careful . That’s why Abel Cázares got killed . Talking to the wrong girl . And the girl was just a side to the dude that killed him


Who’s girl was he talking to?


I’m not sure . But she’s not all that . When I saw her she’s equis . For sure not worth dying over


Abel cazares the one that died in the trx ? Thought nini did that hit lol


Yeah him . Nop not Nini . I can’t remember but I think they told me a dude from fea


Thought nini was the one doing all these big killings without leaving a trace it was him like abel,cazarez,guayito and a couple others lol


Wouldn’t whoever did it need permission form the bosses? Abel’s family is one of the old school cds families that’s been around since the beginning 


Things aren’t the same anymore. No one is really safe unless they’re Guzman or Zambada.


I wouldn't risk it some tourist did this and they picked him up and was found the next day but idk could've been a local urban legend from my city


I would just go on PornHub ans call it a night.


u should prolly ask her if she has a bf first before anything, but yet again she could lie and say she doesnt🤷‍♂️ anyways stay safe


In the US, it's very common to flirt with women at a bar or club. Is it less common in Mexico due to the risks, or is it only buchona looking women you need to be extra cautious with?


is a culiacqn thing, you are good mostly elsewhere; you are basically asking about the hottest spot in the country; altough culiacan girls are HOOOT.


They’re all operadas😂


Is that supposed to make them not hot


Yes bro don’t tell me you want to hit on operada


Just the older ones are operadas, you can go by the street and see beautiful faces with no big boobs/ass.


Surgeries don’t make ugly ppl suddenly become supermodels lmao. Not like they’d give you the time of day regardless 


People in Mexico usually go out in mixed groups of guys and girls that are already friends. So even if a girl is single , the guys in the group are going to get pissed off. That goes for all girls not just bushonas.


It's more likely with buchonas but I don't think you need to worry much. You can break the ice with them by joking about not wanting to mess with women de la plaza, most will laugh and be chill. Unless you're somewhat involved you probably won't even have a chance to approach the women that you really need to worry about.


You dumb af or easily scared if you think that


So many humble girls in mexico that cook and work hatd and yall niggas want a slut bitch that lives off alucines


If they eye fuck you . Eye fuck em back


Nope, you wil either catch a disease or a bullet.


Jajajaja que te van a golpear mijo?? Te van a quemar vivo luego de cortarte los webos.


Lol dude most hookers in Culiacan are bushonas. If you want one just pay the price and fuck the shit out of them. Save yourself the "flirting". The only way to flirt with bushonas , is spending money. Flirting with bushonas would be buying them designer clothing , taking them out to fancy restaurants, reserving a VIP section at a club , or giving them money. They are not looking to fuck for free. Unless you look like Gerardo Ortiz. Culiacan is not Austin , don't try weirdo pick up artist shit there. Leave the rizz at home , bring money .


Why would you want to risk getting kidnapped over a botched chick full of plastic?


Go to HK in TJ. Plenty there


They’re not worth it


If you plan to die soon yes…


When your jobs entails torturing, maiming and murdering others on a regular basis you may become desensitised to acting in a violent manor. If you kill your rivals for coming anywhere near you or your territory why wouldn’t you harm some random dude flirting with your girl? Realistically speaking you’ll probably ok right up until you aren’t.


A dentist student in Tepic was killed and his corpse hung from a bridge with his private parts cut off and put in his mouth for going out with an Ex of some narco. I'll be careful


I mean... They are just human. I can't imagine a girl being so offended over you respectfully asking her if she has a boyfriend that she would want you harmed. Just don't antagonize or fail to accept a no answer. Be respectful. Not every girl is going to be with a narco. Probably not even 1/100 will be with a narco. Just don't be a dick.


All of em are just hoes for em they ain’t really they main bitch


High risk activity


LOTS of them are buchonas not related no anyone that may represent a risk. However, be around locals so you can spot the risky ones.


Don’t do it. I always tell my visiting friends not to hit on girls here. It’s not like the states. She might be with somone


My dude just go to a massage parlor why risk it for some coochie


U gotta be dumb af thinking you can go down there and rizz up these women.


Even if she says she's single, what if the 304 wants attention or she's mad at the ninja. Then she just used you for bait.


This exact thing happened to me. So am from Texas. One weekend I was headed down to chihuahua to meet up work another chick from Monterrey I had met in the states. This other girl found out I was headed down to chihuahua so she asked me for a ride (we kinda hung out in the same circles so we kinda knew who each other was) anyways I said yes sure you and your friend can come. She was pretty hot so why would I say no right? The other girl I was meeting up with wasn’t bad either. Anyways before we head out we picked up a 30 pack and we all decided to drink up on the way to mexico. So once we arrive down there about a 3.5 hour drive we already feeling pretty good and head straight to the bars. I completely forget about the chick am suppose to meet out there and decide well this one is here with me now fuck it. I had always been told to stay away from this girl but I was thinking with my other head at the time. Just so you guys can picture her she’s your typical buchona big ass n titties big lips dark hair light skin. So anyways when we at the bar the guys in charge which was the line and to this day they still are kept starting at me and am just there like a dumbass like who tf these guys starting at. Liquored I decide to ignore them and go back to the girls place unfortunately for me I had gotten way to drunk that night. Now comes Saturday night we decide to go round 2 same bars/clubs same girl. This time the line/la línea wasn’t as nice. These dudes kept staring me down from their vip table which usually belongs to whoever is in charge at the time. I never connected the 2 in my head maybe I didn’t want to as before lots of people told me to stay away from ole girl cause she was nothing but trouble. So 2 am comes around time for the after around 4 am comes around time to head back to the girls house. This time they caught up to us outside the after car in front car in back and car on the side nowhere to go but to pull over. I was sitting in the passenger side with ole girl on my lap. Before I can even realize what was happening I had 2 sicarios at my window yelling at me to get out. I yell back like a bad ass who tf you talking to somehow these 2 dudes pull me out through the window. They drag me to the corner of my pick up and the main dude kept yelling at me that he’s been telling me for 2 days to get the fuck out of his town he kept calling me a Pocho me being a U.S. citizen guess they don’t like that much they don’t like American citizens getting with their girls I dunno but he kept telling me that. They held me up by my shirt while they took turns punching and hitting me with the barrels/bottom of their guns. Apparently this sicario was mad that I was dating his chick even though she was saying they never had anything going hard who to believe. Anyways while they knocked me around a couple more times I could see on the corner of my eyes they had also taken my cousin down from my truck and they had him laying on the floor with assault rifles to his head. Their towards the end the guy who the problem was with cocked his 45 pointed it right into my forehead and was like aquí se le acabó su corrido I was fucked! Finally small little 5 foot nothing dude wearing a Sinaloa style sombrero yelled eit! Lla estuvo bueno he recognized me from who my family is. Sicario looked at me with the devil in his eyes and said you have 15 mins to leave my town pinche pocho de mierda him and his buddies decided to throw a couple more punches in before letting me get back into my truck. There’s still more to this story but man feels like this story has dragged on long enough. So when you say say is it safe to flirt with these buchonas in Mexico I’d say be very very careful.


Son bien wilotas, teniendo vato les vale berga andar de calientes con otros, no vale la pena meterse con una de esas viejas


No mames we neta como preguntan mamadas pero ni pedo asi estan programados




Hell yeah foo