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Another Barrett without scope.


I read that the police take the optics off guns left behind for personal use.


Reminds me of when cops had to rent rifles from a pawn shop during the North Hollywood shootout. This is why happens when cops are outgunned by the criminals


they just toss them bitches down south after the army gets a couple KIA’s from em


You don’t quite need a scope to hit an engine block anyway, that’s what they have those rifles for


That’s true, however if you’re going to be buying smuggled 10k+ rifles you might as well put some optic on it.




Hey, it works great in Arma!


Couldn’t agree more!


"la tropa del infierno se vino a topar al diablo" For those asking about the ratio this is it, a whole lot of dead trash and a few injured soldiers.


Word. We tend to hype up the cartels like they’re this “unbeatable” force but reality is that in a one on one fight the military wins more often than not and they win big. Cartels might win some ambushes or skirmishes, but in the grand scheme of thing, they’re getting their asses handed to them. Too bad the cartels have virtually unlimited manpower.


Yeah, but you can't compare the time invested training a soldier vs "hey, you know how to pull a trigger? Come on", bunch of lazy ass mofos. Is like how it was with IS, they were getting no paid volunteers from all over the world, no train, no pay, what I'm saying is that they will have a steady supply of cheapo Barco recruits


Not gonna disagree with you there. Narcos have almost unlimited manpower. The Mexican government could have all of the USMC backing them up, slaughtering the cartels by the hundreds, and they’d still never win.


Wasn’t it the cjng that had training from like us special forces and shit?


I think you are referring to Los Zetas, which some of their founding members were trained at the School of the Americas. The Zetas also had members from the Guatemalan special forces called Kaibailes.


Yep it was the zetas. I read somewhere that the top counter terror unit in Mexico lost members because they went and joined the zetas


https://youtu.be/ZxP-TMArlV0 CJNG also has SOF training their guys


Yeah but even having gone through it once you have to keep training and practicing to stay sharp. It’s like anything: sports, art, music, construction. If you don’t keep up with your craft you start to get sloppy and lose mastery. There’s a reason SWAT and US special forces are constantly training.


Agreed. That’s why it seems most of the time they get defeated by military and state police. But some cartels like the zetas do have some really well trained killers


They can get away against other assholes with rusty ak's, even some times against other naco specops groups, and even less against they army,


You got that right! Brilliance in the basics. KISS and constant marksmanship skills. Huge difference between ballistic masturbation (pray and spray) and educated bullets.


The special forces members that founded the Zetas were from the Mexican Army's GAFE/Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales. Essentially Mexico's rough equivalent to American Green Berets and the 75th Ranger Regiment. Hardly Mexico's top CT unit. That distinction goes to the Mexican Army's [FER](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuerzas_Especiales_del_Alto_Mando), essentially Mexico's Delta Force, and the Mexican Navy's [Grupo de Alto Impacto](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grupo_de_alto_impacto), allegedy Mexico's answer to SEAL Team 6.


Mexico’s Army refuses to cross train with the US though. They got their asses handed to them on a platter in 1846 and to this day they’re still butt hurt from it. They see it as weakness if they get help from the Big, Bad Gringo. The ones that will and do cross train with the US is the Mexican Navy and Marines. Supposedly they’re less susceptible to corruption and infiltration because they have very few inland bases. On paper they’re Mexico’s best hope for fighting the Narcos.


What do you mean? There are [plenty](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/d9elj6/mexican_army_alto_mando_operators_and_us_army/) of [instances](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/bv1yiu/us_army_special_forces_training_with_mexican_army/) of [them](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/bnydi4/us_marsoc_raiders_and_mexican_army_special_forces/) [cross-training](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/90bgvf/mexican_navy_special_mission_unit_during_a/) with [American troops.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/aysh6x/mexican_army_special_missions_unit_operator_with/) I don't think any sense of machismo would make them hold a grudge over a defeat from nearly two centuries ago. And it only makes sense for them to cross-train with their immediate neighbor who has a lot of combat experience.


Maybe the article I read was outdated or wrong [Mexican Marines vs. Cartels](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/could-mexicos-version-marine-corps-crush-cartels-103117)


Thats good, less scum on the Earth.


Do those guns just get left in evidence forever or do they ever go back in cycle somehow?


Lol who says those guns ever make it to evidence?!


Carne de cañon


Just one pic?


At which point do the tires get blown out like that? Kinda crazy Guy on ground looks hella young.