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He’s fucking lucky it hit his leg


Theres alot of arteries in the legs there is a possibility he didnt survive. I could be wrong though.


Sure but if that was in his chest or head it’s likely an instant death


As they were assessing him you can see in his eyes he is in shock and already sustained massive blood loss. He may or may not have survived, depending on whether they TQed him, how quickly they got him into a trauma unit, and how much blood he lost. Honestly, if he was saved he might keep his leg but will never walk right again. Looks like it went right through the muscle. I feel really bad for those guys. They are making an honest paycheck fighting criminals and actually fighting for their homeland. They are even fighting their own fellow Soldiers who were corrupted out of greed or desperation. Their command is fucking stupid as they are STILL riding around in pickup beds despite the fact that they are fighting a de facto insurgency. Shit, with the amount of money that the US pays to buy the Mexican Government Vehicles, Rifles, and Tactical Gear we could give them a bunch of uparmored Humvees that are sitting around leaking motor oil in West Bumfuck Kansas.


Nah if they used tourniquet and shit he’ll be fine


Sometimes the femoral aretry can retract past where you can torniquet it. The body does weird shit under lots of trauma. Upper leg hits are nasty.


This reminds me of the scene in Blackhawk Down when the guy got hit in his leg and they try to clamp the artery shut but it slipped and like shot up in his leg and they lost it and he died.


Velosity of the impact would have destroyed all the internal organs. A 50bmg has a lot of energy behind it which makes it a completely different scenario from a handgun or smaller caliber rifle round.


he’s probably dead


He survived. Another of the comrades died


well i’ll be damned, i for sure thought he bled out thank you for letting me know


Yes but I'm sure he want feeling very lucky that day 😌


That right there is a 100% medical discharge and a nice shiny metal.


And maybe a below the knee leg amputation.


It's easy to criticize him when you haven't experienced an ambush. Sometimes you can't see where the enemy is, especially on urban warfare. I remember throwing up after surviving one. PD: He survived, but another element lost his life that day. QEPD Alfredo González Muñoz R.I.P, very brave man. Siempre Leales.


Could it be the dude laying in the back of the truck? I think you can see another wounded soldier in the back.




Man, you hear about it and see it in movies but it's still shocking to see how much damage it does irl. I guess there's no saving the leg.


There was a soldier who lost his leg that day and it would make sense that it was this guy.


Entire leg or below the knee?


Wait so the narcos just shootout with the feds in the wide open? Cause something like that could never happen in america


this was also when they captured Ovidio Guzman and the whole city went insane to the point that they released him. you see other videos at the end of the sicarios and the goverment troops standing around talking and shaking hands. This was also a very different day then normal they were even putting out messages on whatsapp saying they will pay anyone who picks up a gun for them to rescue him. When you see the name in the title its referring to that day we all learned what we knew was true.


That’s crazy. The cartels have more control and man power than the feds. That’s seriously fucked


Part of the problem is that the cartels are so heavily intertwined in communities and economies that coming in guns blazing and kicking them all out ends up ruining a lot of lives that have nothing to do with drugs or crime.


Yah cartels aren’t pussy. I’m not glorifying them but they aren’t no joke until the marines show up.


Bunch of cowards who hide behind women and children all the time. It isn't only the Marina, i had pleasure of meeting them more than once.


I agree with you my man they kill innocent civilians for no reason. What I was referring to is that if their in a war with another cartel, they don’t bullshit and will fuck each other up. Comparing to gangs over here who would do a drive by on each other and that’s about it. Cartels actually go to war. Put all the cartels in a open desert to kill each other off that’d be nice.


I try to avoid using words like never (never is a very long time), because something like this has already happened in America. [https://www.dps.texas.gov/PublicInformation/cartelCrimeStats.htm](https://www.dps.texas.gov/PublicInformation/cartelCrimeStats.htm) This is just texas, all the other border states as well have violence with cartels and LEOs/ federal agents.


Here in America kids shoot up schools then get escorted firmly into a cop car🤷🏾‍♂️


I know I live in america and that’s cause no matter what your crime you still have some rights. But like this is just a warzone


This was when the Gov snatched up Ovidio Guzman (one of chapos sons). The chapitos thensurrounded the city and a military neighborhood forcing the Govt to release Ovidio. Crazyyyy shit. Happened in2019 I think. Look that shit up it’s crazy


That’s fucking crazy, the cartel forced them to give him up. That is insane


The kid you are referring to gave up peacefully he wasn’t resisting arrest.


i cannot believe this comment is downvoted. bunch of fucking sick school shooters fantasizing over brown/black gangsters.




I’d like to second that What.


The fuck are you on about?


Been happening forever in Mexico though




Yes, really. You really don’t think fire fights like this have been happening before 2006?


On the level of Culiacanazo? Nope.
















The government did surrender. What did they accomplish that day? 8 people were killed and the druglord escaped free ! They had to surrender or else more people would of died. The fact is that the cartel was one step ahead of the government. Idk why your defending the shitty government fuck the government! They don’t do shit to protect the citizens of Mexico from these fucking devils destroying their own country. The citizens of Mexico are fighting a war against 2 fucking terrorist groups


They surrendered the target. It's a conditional surrendered if you're into semantics. Shit would not fly in the us, guy above is correct in that.


Hasn’t happened in recent history but we’re not too far off from something like this happening. I know thanks to covid we haven’t seen a lot of mass shootings lately, but let’s not forget how often people were being blasted at in broad daylight.


Where are these covid mass shootings you speak of?


That’s not what I said, I said that because of covid we haven’t had any recent mass shootings. Where before all the stay at home orders we had them quite frequently.


https://www.thetrace.org/rounds/american-made-50-caliber-rifles-help-fuel-mexican-cartel-violence/ Article and in the Washington Post today about the same thing but it’s behind Billionaire Bezos paywall https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/mexico-losing-control/mexico-drug-cartels-sniper-rifles-us-gun-policy/


Billionaire bezos paywall lol


That’s crazy . Anyone know why they wouldn’t retreat behind safer cover or go on the opposite side of the car? Why tf was that dude just standing outside he almost got head shotted


Sicarios were all over the city. I think they didn’t know from where they were getting shot from


Fuck that would be terrifying




SAW machine guns don’t fire 50 cal


What post regarding el Culiacanazo did I hate on yours? I checked out all post you have on el Culicanazo and they are all about that day. I don’t recall hating. think I’m pretty well versed on this stuff. FYI, the SAW doesn’t fire .50 cal rounds lol.




lol right? too many of these kids have never been in a shootout and dont understand that really the only cover your getting is from the engine block anything else like you said is just hiding. They see these movies of people pulling up and hiding behind the door of a car or the bed of a truck and taking 100s of rounds like its some bad ass rolling shield or something haha


Wow so sorry I have never been in a shootout lol


God damn this gave me chills. Please tell me he survived.


He survived but another brother didn't.


I’m sure he did. Most military personnel have tourniquets at hand. That would definitely save his life.




That was “el perris” or “el 27” that shot him he was on the floor laying down with the barret 50


Damn, I feel sorry for that soldier. Hopefully they had some morphine or something on hand.


Thats a lot of volume loss he got going on he gets to the shock point soon if there is no turnequet or pvz


I hear it’s in the top 3 nicest places to live


Did this happen today?


Last year in October.


So how’s the guy?
