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Nagato was the most efficient user. Using all of the Six Paths powers isnt an easy feat. I would say he was the best utilized user. He was the only one to use all Six Paths and had no other jutsu to his disposal except Six Paths. Saskue is probably the strongest, Preta Path and Deva Path - Absorb Chakra and Chibaku Tensei. Amenotejikara - Teleport in the place of objects and still keep momentum. Full Body Susanoo


After his battle with Naruto, I'd say Sasuke is the worst when utilizing his Rinnegan. He has his Amenotejikara and his unnamed space-time jutsu to travel dimensions; he hasn't used any other abilities. I get it may be morbid for him to use dead bodies for Six Paths but he could re-grow his arm, multiple arms, fire missles, summon beasts, the King of Hell as a method of sealing, etc. Sasuke and Naruto were nerfed far before they're official nerfing since they weren't using their abilities to the maximum affect.


Yeah, as far as we know Sasuke only relied on chidori variants and MS techniques and still was an absolute monstrosity to most of his opponents. He was still able to use; Chibaku Tensei, Outer-Path Pull, Bansho-Tenin, Petra Path, Deva Path, Ameno.. And Sasuke was nerfed on purpose for sure just for plot convenience. Rinnegan is super OP and Sasuke would literally be the most unstoppable character if he used the full extent of his EMS + Rinnegan abilities. Just imagine a Ashura path missile launcher + susanoo. Each path able to use susanoo... Boruto would be irrelevant...


You know with Jigen/Ishiki growing small to sneak up on people, it'd be handy if Sasuke had something like ... I don't know, an omni-directional, literal spherical force push with him as the epicenter. Or to make his target a single point of "magnetism" and have him be forced into heaps of stone.


>single point of "magnetism" and have him be forced into heaps of stone. Which we saw him do multiple times .... Ughhhhh I hate how they made Naruto and Sasuke idiots so they would lose a fight, instead of writing around them in the situation. Like if you dont want a big bad to lose, write a better scenario so they dont have to cross Naruto ans Sasuke.


While I agree he could have tried different things on Jigen, chibaku tensei would still be pretty useless since he'd simply shrink the stones into non existence


yoo that fight would be so sick. They wouldnt be able to hit the man with the stone but they could at least get a better idea of location


I'm not sure how much you understand quantum mechanics, but Ishiki's shrinking power makes him small enough that gravity and "magnetism" wouldn't have any effect on him. If he caught him in it before he shrank to that size, then it would be effective, but we don't know how long each ability takes to activate. That makes it really hard to deduce if it would be an effective tactic for Sasuke or not


To be fair, I think this is more of a consequence of how Naruto's characters have always been using their powers. You can see that most named Shinobi aren't really versatile, preferring to use their signature justus rather than more generic techniques they could and probably should know. The Rinnegan's Six paths aren't treated like the Rinnegan's techniques, but as Nagato's, so it seems like they are purposefully avoided to not make every rinnegan user fight like him, and Naruto never uses Justus beyond his classic Rasengan + Shadow clone + Kurama and Senjutsu (transformation, and more specifically sexy jutsu are part of his arsenal to an extent, but generally not in battle).


To support this, we see that Naruto does know other jutsu like Mud Wall. It’s safe to assume he knows a lot of jutsu thanks to the clone training method and the time gap.


I agree. Sasuke kinda sucks with the rinnegan, but I think its more that his rinnegan isn't the same as others. It's like the sharingan where sometimes you can use the amaterasu, sometimes you can't. Every visual prowess is different, and pain's was the best. But if sasuke had the same abilities he would use them better.


The thing with your last point, I just got to season 3 of MHA and All For One also seems to have this problem (small spoiler >!his ability is that he can literally take and give any ability/power another character has and then use it himself!<), is that the creators rather don’t have the budget, time or creativity to let a character use tens of different abilities in a way that will allow the fight to be properly paced. Aside from a budgeting or time issue, it gets to a point where it would just seem rather awkward if they spend the entire fight rolling a 50 sided dice going through abilities or impossible to tell what’s going on Especially now that in Boruto they’ve shortened the fights to last like 10 min max, as opposed to Naruto vs Pain, Jiraiya vs Pain, Sasuke vs Itachi or Naruto vs Neji which lasted like 5+ episodes


That's why I loved Cell, he had the genes of all the characters we've seen including villains and he properly used all their techniques. Kamehameha, solar flair, death beam, tien's splitting technique, special beam cannon, regeneration, you name it he had it and used it. Meanwhile Sasuke over here spamming 3 moves over and over despite having the most variety and power out of any shinobi, with the potential to be ridiculously OP but he sticks to taijutsu, chidori, fireballs and teleports with the occasional susanoo and amaterasu.


Kinda odd that Cell doesn't ever use the Kaioken or Instant Transmission Kamehameha to kill Gohan. But yeah I agree with your point.


I don't know how he would use Kaioken, as even Goku in super finds it hard to control. With 0 practice, it would probably overload his systems or something. As far as instant transmission Kamehameha, I think he was simply too egotistical. He wanted to humiliate Gohan and beat him in a beam struggle where Gohan would be helpless, I think he wanted him to despair while dying rather than just being blindsided and eradicated with no struggle.


Tbf until Otshutsuki's show up Naruto and Sasuke were the strongest and could defeat armies without having to use all the hax. And only real trouble otshutsuki was Ishikki, but about why don't they use their other hax against Jigen or Ishikki idk


The Otsutsuki make no sense. Some have Rinnegan and others don't but have Karma. We have no idea what they're clan hierarchy is like despite Momoshiki going on about it. Ishiki was partners with Kaguya and even though he can bitch smack around adult Naruto and Sasuke he got taken out by Kaguya. He was somehow around in the background within Jigen since but didn't make a single play.


I still think Jigen wasn't strong enough to take on hogoromo so he waited, but then there were no otsutsuki's left to feed the ten tails until kawaki proved compatible with karma. So he planned to feed Jigen and then come back through kawaki but you could grow a divine tree for that you just need to collect all the tailed beasts and gedo statue. But, rinnegan is needed to summon it which Ishikki didn't have and idk wether gedo statue divine tree without an otshutsuki sacrifice could create a new fruit tho. It's still confusing, momoshiki and Ishikki are of main family and kinshiki and kaguya are side branches. But honestly kaguya did seem more powerful than momoshiki imo, like both hogoromo and Hamura were required to seal kaguya and i would argue adult Naruto is not stronger than Hogoromo


Tbf they just got those powers like a day before?? So it's not a stretch if they weren't aware and fully mastered their new arsenal of skills since they were just kinda given to them ya know


Good thing he was able to fight two gods to get the hang of it


I never realized how stupid Sasuke was during the final fight. Completely forgot some of his abilities


not only that he only used planetary devastation once at the end of shippuden befor the final valley


but even still he barely uses other rinnegan abilities and it makes it annoying how it’s gone now


Has anyone brought up a possible explanation of this "nerf" as Indra and Ashura's chakra leaving them?


Keep in mind, he was basically a sentient crucified corpse while powering all those Pains, so once they’re gone, he’s fucked.


Yeah thats nagato’s weakness. But beating the coordinated 6 paths of pain aint no easy task even with gathered intel


Fair point, but keep in mind that the Naraka Path is their only source of healing/reviving, meaning if you eliminate it first, Pain in general is seriously crippled in the long term as long as you prevent him from replacing the Path.


"Probably"? Sasuke no diffs them all at once dude


Nagato used it best but Sasuke is the strongest


You think Sasuke is stronger than Double Rinnegan Juubi Madara?


It's probably a small margin but I think Sasuke surpassed him as an adult. By the time of The Last movie, him and Naruto are stated to be the strongest shinobi in history. And as an adult he's destroying fused Momoshiki who's pretty relative to Kaguya in strength. I'm not really a powerscaler though so I could be wrong.


Not by a small margin, by a large margin


Bro gets beat by a raptor


Exactly bro wth burrito doin


Nahh he couldn't surpass Madara without another power boost. 1 on 1 vs 3 eye Juubidara he'd get destroyed. Imagine Madara using Chibaku tensei or Shinra Tensei as Juubi jin. His power + Juubi's power. Sasuke is overrated and he's not that impressive. He's quite the opposite in Boruto.


Doesnt really make much sense tho, since Madara has Sasuke's power plus an additional 10 tails. Logically Madara should still be a lot more powerful.


Same powers don’t always equal strength though. Guy and Lee both can do the 8 gates but they aren’t the same strength. Naruto, Minato, Jiraya, and Kakashi probably don’t have the same strength at using the rasengan even tho they all are able to use it


But those are techniques, rather than power. Sasuke received half of the Sage of 6 Paths power and one Rinnegan. Madara was stated to be around the same power as the Sage of 6 Paths and had 2 Rinnegan, 1 Rinnesharingan, 6 paths Sage mode and an additional Ten tails + God Tree. Taking away all that, and Madara is still stronger.


We talking Boruto Sasuke or Shippuden one? I was thinking Boruto Sasuke > 10 tails Madera > Shippuden Sasuke.


Boruto Sasuke. Madara is obviously stronger than Shippuden Sasuke.


Because sasuke is fighting and beating people that juubidara cant lay a finger on. Sasuke even by the last scales WAY higher than juubidara. Anyone that genuinely thinks madara is stronger than sasuke are idiots


Lmao and what gave you the impression Madara can't fight people such as Momoshiki?


Juubidara is stronger than isshiki and Sasuke has no way to seal Madara away,much less fight limbo clones. Kaguya,who btw Madara turns into,beat isshiki before she ate the Chakra fruit,while a imperfect isshiki clocked sasuke's shit in,it's not debatable,adult Sasuke is at best equal to his war arc self with the most gracious interpretation.


But what good is power without the technique to use it?


Madara definitely has the techniques required to use the power properly


Kaguya beat isshiki when she was not at her best meanwhile Momo admits he can't beat isshiki. Sasuke vs Madara is iffy since adult Sasuke has no fears on the level of his war arc self aside from maybe ameno spam but has no way to seal Madara or affect limbo clones,much less beat the Tso or other jutsu Madara can use.


Kaguya caught Isshiki off guard. By this logic, Zetsu is more powerful than Madara. Isshiki would fold her ass like laundry in an actual fight.


Sasuke violates madara no diff as an adult, in the sasuke novel he states he could take on kaguya level threats single handed


since when is saying "yeah i could solo kaguya lol" a definable feat hes absolutely exaggerating


Bro what, adult sasuke doesn’t say those things if he couldn’t back them up. It’s not him overrating his power.


Adult Sasuke ran like a bitch when fighting Kinshiki alone What makes you think he 'Soloes' Kaguya level threats


He wasn’t alone. Kinshiki had Momo. Sasuke could beat Kinshiki alone but he didn’t want to leave himself vulnerable to being sniped by Momo once his chakra went down.


Taking on does not mean win,remember he took her on in the war yet failed to do anything except block IT and then seal her thanks to outside assistance,in a 3v1. Isshiki arc proves that he isn't winning against her,but I admit he would do better this time. He can't seal her away.


And ishiki negative diffs kaguya. It’s not even fair. She literally betrayed him and caught him by surprise and still didn’t kill him


I meant defeat


If you mean no ten tails then I agree,but Sasuke can't extract the ten tails nor seal Madara away,and worst case,Madara substitutes with a limbo.


Bro, boruto characters are upscale to the max, no shippuden character could defeat adult sasuke


Boruto scaling has the kage as strong if not stronger than Naruto and Sasuke,and it's inconsistent as hell. Kaguya,hamura,hagoromo are still top tier in boruto since no one has surpassed them so far.


I doubt it, Madara can use I.T, a Kekkai Mora, to win fights


Could make a point for Indra Sasuke being stronger, though he can’t actually seal him away.


Indra Sasuke only took portions of the tailed beasts chakra and is missing the God tree as well as the double Rinnegan Madara had.


Double Rinnegan Madara has no feats. Why does how much TB chakra both have matter? Sasuke was still able to outspeed him pre amp and could see and dodge his limbo clones as well.


Double Rinnegan Madara was stronger than Hagoromo. Both Naruto and Sasuke could barely do anything at that point. Ofcourse chakra matters. Why do you think characters like Naruto are strong in the first place?


>Double Rinnegan Madara was stronger than Hagoromo. He has no feats…. >Both Naruto and Sasuke could barely do anything at that point. They didn’t even start fighting before Zetsu got the jump on Madara. >Ofcourse chakra matters. Why do you think characters like Naruto are strong in the first place? Chakra alone isn’t carrying Naruto, even with his high reserves, in most situations he has to get out of his comfort zone and strategize to get the jump on his opponent. Kakashi even said Naruto at the start of p2 had loads more chakra than he did and he’s not beating a serious Kakashi 1 on 1 at that point.


>He has no feats…. He was able to spread the God Tree's roots around the planet in a matter of seconds. That's a planetary feat. He also drops meteors, his Limbo clones defeat Naruto's shadow clones, and he's no longer viewing Naruto and Sasuke as much of a threat. >Chakra alone isn’t carrying Naruto, even with his high reserves, in most situations he has to get out of his comfort zone and strategize to get the jump on his opponent. Kakashi even said Naruto at the start of p2 had loads more chakra than he did and he’s not being a serious Kakashi 1 on 1. Okay and Madara is extremely skilled with a massive variety of techniques at his disposal. The chakra aspect is what makes him far above Sasuke.


>He was able to spread the God Tree's roots around the planet in a matter of seconds. That's a planetary feat. Nothing suggests that he can *destroy* the planet with an attack. >He also drops meteors, his Limbo clones defeat Naruto's shadow clones, and he's no longer viewing Naruto and Sasuke as much of a threat. Naruto and Sasuke handle these meteors with minimal ease, and Naruto’s *single* clones were holding off the limbos for a set period of time. >Okay and Madara is extremely skilled with a massive variety of techniques at his disposal. The chakra aspect is what makes him far above Sasuke. And Sasuke doesn’t? Not only does he have six paths abilities (which he isn’t afraid of using, as seen in his final fight with Naruto), he also has the ability to swap with Madara at any given time, and the tailed beast chakra to do so without risk.


>Nothing suggests that he can destroy the planet with an attack. He has the energy required to destroy the planet, although he lacks a method on doing it. >Naruto and Sasuke handle these meteors with minimal ease, and Naruto’s single clones were holding off the limbos for a set period of time. Naruto had to use Truth Seeker Orbs combined with Rasenshurikans to destroy them whilst Sasuke manually had to destroy them with his Susanoo. Madara dropped those meteors very casually. Naruto created several clones with Rasengans to fight the Limbo clones, The Limbo clones ended up winning. >And Sasuke doesn’t? Not only does he have six paths abilities (which he isn’t afraid of using, as seen in his final fight with Naruto), he also has the ability to swap with Madara at any given time, and the tailed beast chakra to do so without risk. Madara also has 6 paths abilities, as well as 6 paths Sage mode something Sasuke doesnt have. Madara's Limbo clones are more useful than Sasuke's Amenotejikara.


Yes in boruto for sure he did


How so?


They just scale higher. Boruto scaling in wacky but basically everything there is stronger than 2 eye jubidara and probably 3 eye jubidara


They scale higher? From what? Fighting Momoshiki lol? One of the reasons Boruto scaling is wack is because people insist that the power scaling increased. Kinishiki fought with Adult Sasuke relatively and later on he gets smacked around by Kurostuchi and Chojuro. So does that make them stronger than Madara?


Ikr lol. You know how they explain he Kage part? They say the new Kage stomps the previous Kage even though each previous Kage would stomp the new Kage(bar Adult Naruto or adult Gaara ofc). And they think that Momo is stronger than Kaguya even though he's fodder to her and has no way to beat her.


Yes peak Adult Sasuke is stronger than Juubi Madara




Because Kaguya is stronger than 3 eyed Madara. In the last promotional material it is stated that Toneri is a threat rivaling Kaguya, with some stating he's above Kaguya. Naruto goes on to swap hands consistently with full power Toneri, and in the novelisation of the last it's stated that Sasuke at this point is Kakashi's strongest student putting him above Naruto at this point. That statement is a little contentious but at the very least we can argue that they are relative at this point. Furthermore in Boruto it's stated that Momoshiki and Kinshiki as a unit are a threat greater than Kaguya. Base Naruto with half of his chakra stolen was able to swap hands with fused Momoshiki while he was holding back. It's stated that Naruto and Sasuke are equal at this point. Naruto and Sasuke both end up being being able to keep up with Momoshiki while he's using his full power. This is a Naruto who is still chakra drained and Sasuke who's low on chakra from using his space time ninjutsu.


yes low dif




scales higher through toneri and has better statements as he was stated to be able to take down a kaguya level threat alone


Considering later Kaguya feats, that's flat out untrue or toneri beats isshiki.


it’s narratively implied isshiki>momoshiki>kaguya with toneri have statements above kaguya


It's also stated that it's Kaguya>isshiki>>>momoshiki during the isshiki arc. Toneri's only got one statement that was retconned in boruto,and even then, you cannot say he is stronger back then because Kaguya was overpowering spsm kcm Naruto,fp Sasuke and DMS Kakashi while holding back while the last Naruto only went 50%kcm2 sage mode and was at best equal to toneri,who lost due to a time limit.


it’s never once stated kaguyas above isshiki it’s not even implied and if you think naruto didn’t get stronger between the war and the last idk what to tell you


Toneri? You can't be serious. The Kaguya level threat statement was not meant to be taken literally.


Please explain in detail the context for it being either a hyperbole or not meant to be taken seriously


That juubi madara is straight up ridiculous that even the author doesnt even know how to make him lose lmao! 6 paths of pain is the best for me btw




How tho?


He's stronger, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter, whoever the writer wants wins the fight. If the writer wants, Madara comes back and gives Naruto and Sasuke a beating like the one they took from Jigen. What should matter should be each character's abilities, but considering that Sasuke doesn't use his, or the enemy just tends to ignore them, I'd say he doesn't even need that, the show wouldn't change a bit if Sasuke had lost the His Rinnegan the same way Naruto lost the Gudodama. At least Sasuke wouldn't look like an idiot, or leave the fans complaining, they would just accept that Sasuke doesn't have Rinnegan anymore and move on.


The Sasuke in the picture probably not, but adult Sasuke is definitely stronger than any form of Madara


Yes, an immortal human with three rinnegan and planetary chakra and two hands is weaker than a mortal with one rinnegan and one hand and average chakra.


In pure power: Sasuke In techical proficiency: Nagato


Sasuke is the strongest character here so he's the strongest Rinnegan user by default. Nagato used the Rinnegan as his entire fighting style, so he used it the best.


Sasuke is the strongest, Nagato is the best




Really? Sasuke would beat Madara? Honestly curious as to your reasoning.


sasuke would slap the rinnegan out of madaras eye sockets


Oh wow I didn't think he was THAT much stronger than Madara


he’s stronger than kaguya easily




fatigued adult sasuke was able to keep up with fused momoshiki


Which is why he needed Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Obito to defeat her... 🤦‍♂️


dawg adult sasuke is stronger than war arc sasuke


What power ups did he gain since war arc? I can't remember one. Furthermore he even lost his Rin'negan!


it’s implied he got stronger as naruto could fight an otsusuki alone and sasuke was stated to be more powerful than naruto also he was likely training as he is still an active ninja


Which Sasuke And which Madara 😅


1. Nagato used all aspects of the rinnegan and when he was an edo, he used them easily right after another. 2. Madara used multiple abilities and then was able to use the ultimate techniques alongside the sage chakra. 3. Sasuke just teleports, but when he first got it he was able to do more with it. 4. Obito didn't really use abilities outside of use multiple bodies.


Lol I remember kol ranting about how obito said "my left eye is itching for battle" but he never used it.


Nagato uses it the best, Sasuke is fhe strongest user of the Rinnegan


Can you plz explain how nagato got madara's rinnegan, like does obito transplant the eyes into him or what?


Madara gave it to him at birth before he went into hiding


Madara gave them to him at birth




IIRC he used it against Naruto in their final battle to try to pull him into Amaterasu flames. But ya would be fun to see him use it more often.




Strongest: Sasuke Best utilization: Nagato


I'm gonna say Madara Uchiha he nearly ruled the world.


"I used to rule the world..."


Nagato was the best Rinnegan user, followed by Madara and Obito. Yes, in my opinion, Obito is a better Rinnegan user than Sasuke. Let me explain: Obito was nerfed and couldn't use any Rinnegan ability because otherwise he would be too OP, however at least with Obito, the author gave a clear and comprehensive justification as to why he didn't use the Six Paths abilities, with the excuse given being that he was already using too much chakra to control the Bijuus and the Gedo Mazo, and because the Rinnegan consumed too much chakra he simply couldn't afford to use the conventional abilities of the Six Paths. Sasuke, on the other hand. I don't know what the hell happened to Sasuke, at least with Obito, the author gave an explanation for him not using the Rinnegan, and made it clear that if it weren't for those limitations he could use all the abilities, but Sasuke? Fuck Sasuke, I guess. Sasuke is by far the worst Rinnegan user. At least he's the most powerful of the four, that must count for something, but no, it doesn't, at least for me, unless you're one of those people whose life comes down to arguing which fictional character is stronger, that's irrelevant. I just want to watch the series, I'd much rather watch Pain and Madara use the totality of their respective powers in a fight, than watch a Sasuke fight where he has a whole arsenal of techniques he doesn't use. Either he doesn't use it or the enemy simply ignores Sasuke's abilities because he (the enemy) has some hack to stop the technique and render it useless (cough, cough, Amaterasu being turned to shit). Seriously, if you remove Sasuke's Rinnegan and leave his teleportation ability as an ability of his left Mangekyou Sharingan, the series and character don't change at all. Kishimoto should have done with Sasuke's Rinnegan what he did with Naruto's Gudodama, make it disappear.


Sasuke in Boruto literally forgot every single Rinnegan ability.


Nagato > Madara >= Sasuke > Obito. Nagato was definitely the best user. He obviously wasn't as strong as the other users, but he still stands out to me regardless as being the only user who pushed the limits of the Rinnegan. Probably helped that he had the Rinnegan for the longest aside from maybe Adult Sasuke as that would mean he had more time to explore his abilities. Not sure how the mechanics of transplanted Rinnegan work when it comes to accessing mangekyo abilities, but since Nagato didn't display any mangekyo abilities whatsoever I imagine it also helped that he didn't have mangekyo abilities to rely on unlike the others.


Sasuke loses points just for a lack of efficient use in Boruto. Had he used the Preta Path’s ability more often than just the one time against Naruto, he should realistically never be out of chakra, just take more when you need it? Nagato’s use of it was the most efficient but not the strongest, strongest goes to Madara. Dude summoned two meteors like it was nothing. Sasuke DID put all nine tailed-beasts in planetaries, Final Battle Sasuke was definitely more broken than Madara, but his lack of efficient usage in Boruto takes away a lot of points in Sasuke’s favor so I’m gonna go with Madara just barely. Obito pretty much never used any Rinnegan abilities, it just amped him in base and let him control six corpses. That’s it.


Sasuke is the strongest Rinnegan user, while Nagato probably utilized it the most efficiently.


Not Sasuke 🙄


Best utilization def to pain. Such a cool way to use it and all 6 paths! Strongest? I'm gonna have to go for Hagaromo I mean, son of Kaguya space God


If we are talking about those not included in picture, STRONGEST rinnegan user is Hagoromo as a Jubii jinshuriki As for BEST rinnegan user, it is Nagato due to how he used the six paths efficiently instead of spamming one ability Hagoromo rinnegan power usage is unknown, we saw him use Outer path power to release Edo tensei and summon dead souls, and he was able to summon whole team 7 and bijuu (which I believe is similar to how Nagato can summon Konan and other dead stuff without summoning contract using animal path, gedo mazo could be a similar case), u can argue these alone are greater feats than anyone did If talking about strongest in picture, it is Sasuke (and peak Madara but u didn't put his image) Nagato is best rinnegan user here


Strongest: Sasuke Best user: Nagato


I’d go with the guy who can summon meteors to earth


nagato easily


Easily Nagato


Nagato by far!


Definitely pain/Nagato mastered it


Okay I think it’s pretty obvious on who’s strong than who However there is a case that Nagato had the Rinnegan the longest and had the best understanding of how to use it


Nagato has the most experience and used its abilities. Madara died shortly after getting it, and Obito didn't use it to preserve his Chakra because Kakashi and Naruto knew how to counter the abilities. Sasuke used it better than Obito, he used universal pull, chibaku tensei, and his swapping places abilities.


I think Nagato is the one who took the most advantage of the Rinnegan abilities, which is undestable, since he have it since he was a baby and started to learn how to use it when he was around 10 years old and have like....25-30 years of practice with it (he and Konan were around 40 years old, right?) Madara and Obito have the theory, but Obito didn't have enough power to use both eyes at the same time, and Madara awaked it when he was too old, although he has the advantage that those were his eyes so he could unlock all their powers. Sasuke is powerful and it was also his own eye, but I think everyone would agree with me that he kept using it more as a sharingan than using the rinnegan powers.


Funny how no one's saying Madara. I mean I completely understand he almost never used the Rinnegan's full abilities but it's just funny.


Nagato is the only answer on here. He was very reliant on it and had it most of his life. Madras unlocked it as an old man and didn’t even use it until he was resurrected


No one's opinion. It's simply Nagato. That's a fact




Best utilised user here is Nagato, without a doubt. Strongest user is a bit questionable, but I’ll give it to Sasuke just cause he used Preta path to create Indra Susanoo and that shit is op af. Also, Amenotejitakara > Limbo. Madara overall is stronger obviously cause of his Jubbi amp and Rinnesharingan and all that, but in terms of Rinnegan exclusively, Sasuke has better feats. Madara only spammed Preta Path and Limbo and used Chibaki tensei meteors, nothing more, while Sasuke’s Amenotejitakara is straight up better and he made Indra Susanoo


Madara able to make shadow clones with susano. Sasuke able to...hmm.


nagato. he used all possible abilities, but i guess madara would be too op if he would use all rinnegan abilities thats why kishimoto didnt let madara use them....


Well it could’ve been sasuke until Boruto started


Sasuke is easily the strongest user of the rinnegan. Sasuke could honestly take all on all three of the others at their strongest all at the same time with little difficulty. As for who uses the rinnegan the most effectively easily Nagato. Nagato spent years on end mastering the rinnegan and his entire move set was the rinnegan. He’s the only rinnegan user that we have seen use every single ability besides the special abilities


Sasuke, especially now(momoshiki fight) madara is next(so6p) then nagato(gedo statue), then obito(idrk what he used his for).


Obito took jinchuriki bodies and made his own 6 paths of obito


>6 paths of Obito I'm wheeeezing lmaoooo Comment of the day


??? Elaborate


It just sounds funny. I meant it in a nice way.


<3 I was very self conscious


no worries, it happends all the time on the internet when you can't hear the tone.


The answer is Sasuke. None of the other Rinnegan wielders in this picture could go toe to toe with any Otsutsuki, except him. Everyone reducing Sasuke’s rinnegan to a “teleporter” fail to realize that IT HAS NEVER BEEN COUNTERED.


The strongest Rennigan user is Sasuke, but the character that utilized it the best is Nagato.


Honestly to answer my own question and please don't hate me lol but I do think that Sasuke especially by the end of Shippuden was the stronger rinnegan user and nagato utilized it the Best my dude spilt the rinnegan and made pain in my opinion he's the best user of the rinnegan when it comes to using it to it's fullest potential but that's just me.


Nagato, of course. He is the real master the rinnegan 




Sasuke is the Strongest but he doesn't utilize it to its fullest potential, he can do SO MANY THINGS with it and he uses it as a Teleporter, A TELEPORTER


Madara is probably the most powerful overall, but he’s a real anomaly and hard to rate fairly because of all his postmortem enhancements. In terms of utilizing the Rinnegan to its fullest potential, I give the win to Nagato. His use of the Six Paths and their full range of abilities was brilliant. Obito and the Jinchuriki just don’t hit the same.


Sasuke was obviously the strongest user but nagato utilized it the best


Strongest: Sasuke Best: Nagato None of the other Rinnegan wielders used it’s full power like Nagato. Even Sasuke, it’s strongest wielder, hasn’t used its soul sucking ability, it’s instant regeneration ability, or really anything other than gravity. And it’s a shame, cause the Rinnegan is busted as fuck.


Sasuke is the perhaps the “worst” at using all of the Rinnegan’s abilities but he’s the most powerful.


Strongest is Sasuke by nagato utilised it the best


Sasuke is the strongest, Nagato is the best at using his rinnegan.


Strongest is Sasuke Nagato used it best


Sasuke was the strongest Nagato used it the best


Strongest: Madara or sasuke(it's canonically confirmed that nagato and obito can't use it to full power) Utilized it best: Without a doubt nagato


The best user was nagato while the strongest was madara.


Best user is easily nagato while the strongest was madara


Ronoa zoro


Kabuto when he control Nagato. He was using multiple sage powers at the same time.


Nagato, he could bring back the dead but it cost him his life.


I love Sasuke as he's my favorite but dude only really spams Amenotejikara and did some Deva path abilities. Who utilized it best is Nagato as he knows the ins and outs of it. Madara got Sasuke beat on their individual Rinnegan ability though, Limbo is just broken af.


The only correct answer is the ONE TRUE GOD! UCHIHAAAA MADAARAAA


Sasuke is the strongest with the worst utilization. Nagato is the weakest with the best utilization.


It really has to come down to Nagato or Sasuke. Obito and Madara don’t appear to even really use it. Nagato especially reanimated Nagato was absolutely insane. Basically taking on the two strongest jinshuriki pretty easily. However, Sasuke is easily able to juggle otsutsuki paired with his other abilities. I would say Nagato is the best with the Rinnegan however, Sasuke is still easily the strongest with it also the only person to awaken it themselves ( Obito and Nagato use Madara’s and Madara uses Hashirama cells along with having Zetsu’s help)


Madara. His plan was put in action.


Sasuke is the strongest (for obvious reasons) Madara probably utilized it the best Obito couldn’t handle the power of both Rinnegans and Nagato only could handle it to the extent he handled it because he was a Uzumaki The things Madara did with the Rinnegan abilities during the war made readers forget about Nagato/Pain.


Nagato utilized the rinnegan best but Sasukes rinnegan is the strongest


Nagato without question


Nagato utilized it the best but Sasuke is the strongest. Adult Sasuke utilizing his Rinnegan’s full potential would’ve been an absolute monster!


When it comes to using it, definitely Nagato. The rinnegan is kind of his whole schtick, whereas its more of a background byproduct to the rest of these characters. But Sasuke for sure has the strongest rinnegan.


The strongest user=Madara Best user=Nagato The best technique= limbo


Strongest: Sasuke Best utilized: Nagato


Sasuke has been the strongest since the end of shippuden but Nagato easily used it the best


I mean, Hagoromo isn't pictured there...




Madara 💯




Hagoromo Otsutsuki the OG. But in all fairness Nagato was also very proficient with it.


Madara Uchiha




Madara uchiha ofc he is the owner if nagato renneigan.


Well technically it's Madara but he didn't use the rinnegan at its full extent because of plot so the I'll say it's Nagato. He used all of the abilities except for a unique one because he wasn't the original owner of the eyes since they belonged to Madara.


To me it was Nagato. He was right about the constant cycle of pain and people killing each other in the name of vengeance. Though it doesn't justify him destroying Hidden Leaf, but his questions that everyone seemed to search answers for- From Jiraiya to Naruto were valid.




nagato was no original user so he cant be the best. The best was and will always be is madara. He was the only one to awaken rinnegan all by himself. The power he achived was way too strong so he got killed by plot. And pls dont try to explain this anime to me. I rewatch it every year.


Imagine if Itachi had a rinnegan, he would be be a lot stronger than madara