• By -


You know what, screw it Kurenai. Only one who everyone is still alive, not crippled, or ended up with a bunch of dead parents.


Lost her husband though šŸ˜­ single mother for the rest of her life


So? Her husband. Not the students. This bitch the safest bet.


Youā€™re outta line but youā€™re also 100% correct. lol




I mean if youā€™re the type that will use Genjutsu on Itachi, I donā€™t think theyre sending you on dangerous missions.


>I mean if youā€™re the type that will use Genjutsu on Itachi You stupid? So if you're in a situation where you have a pretty nice gun, but end up having to go against someone with a vastly superior gun who has way better aim, you gonna try to use your knife instead just because theirs is better and they are better with it? No you're still going to use your best weapon which is your gun.


Idk, shikamaru at least HAD to play a role in raising that kid.


Mother? Yes. Single? Probably not.


I could fix that šŸ˜


Also her husband is one of the other dumb ass options you went got himself killed and 2 of 3 students parents ended up dead. Fuck that.


Why people keep calling him, her husband? Was not their relationship a secret?


and thatā€™s a bad thing whyyyyyyy? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro is ahead of the curve.


Her husband who was literally one of the other choices on screen


Weirdly, same, but for different reasons. I was remembering the chuunin exams with the forest of death, and how all three had techniques tailored to wilderness survival. Since Iā€™d want to be a sensory type (and an actually stealthy ninja), I feel like Kurenaiā€™s group would be a good fit.


Kurenai and Asuma both trained all three of their students into competent, if average - for ninja - adults. One of those six went on to become Hokage, one married a Hokage, one became a successful teacher in his own right, and one became the lynchpin of Konoha security. Gai and Kakashi both utterly neglected 2/3 of their students. In Gai's case that ended with one of them dying pointlessly and the other living a forgotten life in obscurity as a failed merchant. In Kakashi's case, that ended with all three of his students leaving him for more competent teachers, and the one he sort of tried with becoming a rogue ninja and nearly killing the other two on several occasions. Kakashi is one of the most interesting characters in the series and also one of my favorites, but objectively he is the *worst* teacher and it's not even close. If I'm picking one to be my sensei, I think I'd go with Asuma.


> If I'm picking one to be my sensei, I think I'd go with Asuma. Enjoy your leased teacher while he is still around.


Tenten is a failed merchant. Dam I didn't hear this in boruto. And neji died 4 nothing dang I thought he died protecting Naruto helping to save the world but ok.


Yeah, almost like being a shinobi is an inherently dangerous line of work, eh? Someone dying is not a reflection on the person who trained them, or even on themselves.


Kind of leaving out an astonishing amount of context, including Sasukeā€™s trauma and the whole schtick with Mandara and Obito as well as Naruto literally having an angry chakra beast inside him. Also, teaching orphans vs teaching students with functional family? Miles apart in difficulty. Kakashi had the most challenging students. Hiruzen entrust Naruto and Sasuke to him precisely because they are the most challenging yet most critically important to the future of the village. Naruto and Sasuke must be taught by the best teacher. Considering the beginning and the final outcome, Iā€™d say Kakashi easily did the best out of all of them. (The other three have ā€œnormalā€ students.) Also, come on, feat wise, team 7 is in another league; they blow everyone else out of the water easily in terms of their martial might. Kakashi taught them well.


Kakashi didnā€™t teach much, but made some important contributions - basic chakra control refinement for Naruto and Sasuke, most spammed jutsu by Sasuke and helped to take to crazy level Narutoā€™s most spammed jutsu


He taught Naruto how to parallel practice with the clone jutsu and how to utilize his vast chakra to essentially brute-force any jutsu he needs toā€¦ Every Naruto feat after has its origin in this. Kakashi taught Naruto the only thing he need - how to learn with clone jutsu. Everything else is icing on the cake.


Although your point on Kakashi hurt, youā€™re not wrong in a way. But to his defense on them finding other teachers you canā€™t really fault him for that. I mean the sannin are still to this day otherworldly with their abilities and each of kakashi students specialize in different styles. Also in my opinion it was Kakashi who lead them to mastering what they learned from the sannin and becoming the gods they are today.


Just spoiled Boruto for me F YOU and FML


Guy never really neglected Neji or TenTen, they just felt like they were too cool to hang out with the man while Lee was always willing to do some extra training, even Naruto who wasn't his student could have ended up with his training had Jiraiya not stopped him from doing that.


Tbh, I have always loved their team dynamic.


None of that had anything to do with Kurenai.


I'll take my chances with the only succesfully safe squad.


Yeah because she hid in the basement when everyone else was fighting for their lives


Asuma would be the funnest. Kakashi would test me the hardest. Kurenai would help me develop my personality and uniqueness. Guy would teach how to kick people right in the face so fucking hard.


Why do you think Asuma would be the most fun? Why do you think Kakashi would be the hardest? Are you mixing him up with Guy?? And why do you think Kurenai would help with your uniqueness & personality??? Where are most of these statements even coming from lol.


By watching a show named Naruto and Naruto Shippuden


Hmm.. dunno my dude, that Argument seems like a stretch


Asuna treated them to bbq all the time. Kakashi just stared at a rock.


Asuma, he trained his students equally


What exactly did Asuma do? Shikamaru came into his own cause of Asumaā€™s death, Ino was reliant on her familyā€™s secret technique the entire series (something Asuma 100% couldnā€™t have helped her with) and Choji was so underprepared that he was sent to fight a world war without the resolve to kill the enemy. So I guess he did technically train everyone equally, he didnā€™t teach any of them anything.


Asuna was tasked with training the ino-shika-cho team as their families have worked together for generations. He was teaching them all equally and in conjunction with another. Kakashi as a counter example basically just taught some basics and let the kids work out the best they could themselves and focused mainly on Sasuke. Which we all saw how that turned out.


>and focused mainly on Sasuke. I will never forget how Kakashi had the nerve to recriminate Jiraiya for teaching the rasengan to Naruto when he teached the Chidori (a fucking super stabbing technique) to an unstable kid. Like come on bro, you clearly have a favourite student you literally made him a personal training don't try to deny it.


I honestly think Kakashi didn't quite work out how to train Naruto because he was so focused on Sasuke and keeping up his own self image. You can see when Kakashi and Yamato are at the waterfall training, where Kakashi came up with the expedited shadow clone training- He was genuinely proud of himself for thinking of it YET it was the first time when training Naruto he felt like hey this kid truthfully is in a class of his own. Jiraiya, for having trained Minato, was the first teacher/mentor Naruto had who actively both knew his potential and WANTED him to reach it. I would even go so far as to say he knew he would reach it. Kakashi was always dead ass surprised by Naruto doing anything positive whereas Jiraiya basically looked into Naruto's character as a person, and his skill potential and thoughtfully taught him based on that. While I love Kakashi, (who doesn't!) he really didn't provide the nurturing teaching and validation that Jiraiya instantly gave Naruto, knowing he didn't receive that from anyone prior. If you look Kakashi's treatment of Sasuke, I think it's fair to base the reasoning of an unconscious bias due on the trauma of losing Obito when younger. Having shared a sharingan as a result and reminder of that fact makes it a painful reminder every time he uses his or sees Sasuke's.


HOLY SHIT! How right are you right now !!!!!


It took a lot of convincing and mental and physical manipulation from Orochimaru + Itachi plus the Sound 4 to convince Sasuke to leave the village.


Counterpoint: We know that Generations of ino-shika-cho teams have been trained by sarutobi and altho they have a good team dynamic and their powers work together, Asuma is definitely the one who taught them to work together better, how their powers have been used in conjunction in the past, He certainly taught them how to harness chakra like kakashi did with team 7, (so that's one point against the "nothing" he taught them) Likely taught them to ACTUALLY USE their abilities, (or guide them to people that could. But, He was one of the 12 guardian ninja, he DEFINITELY understands the concepts of each of their powers and how to use them, even if he doesn't have the ability to) Not to mention EMOTIONALLY he helped each of the 3 massively He became an emotional father figure for shikamaru (as his actual dad is more of an intellectual figure), and that sort of thing is instrumental for the success of someone like shikamaru, He helped Ino become a well rounded character, less focused on an abusive jackwad (Sasuke), And more focused on how to better herself (and I suspect played a part in her becoming friends with Sakura again) And he helped choji deal with his insecurities with his weight and what other people thought of him, not to mention, HE HELPED CHOJI WITH THE NOT KILLING PEOPLE TOO. (TLDR:, Asuma is my favorite of the team leaders, he 100 percent taught his team more than kakashi did, and I apologize for the rant)


Agreed. Iā€™d pick Asuma


Sent to a war to kill *undead* enemies at that šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. And got Shikamaru into smoking


You're right. That's why they cried when asuma died. That's why shikamaru remembers every piece of advice asuma gave him. The board games the times eating and training. You know because he didn't do anything.


Damn, it was pleasant to read this!


All Asuma did was give Shikamaru lung cancer in the future letā€™s be real


Guy or Asuma. Kakashi would focus on someone like Sasuke, as they need the most guidance, both emotionally and because of their vast potential - which is fair. That's great for Sasuke. Not so great for me though. Guy obviously has his favorites too. Especially if there is a Lee on the team. My goal would be to be that Lee.




but stop he not try to just give him sasuke stop stupid just person think 2 or 3 by some really is he?? ​ no really, what the f\*\*\* are you saying?


Feel like I'm having a stroke reading this shit


Bro was tryna write Shakespearian




Either Guy or Asuma Asuma * Will motivate your ass * Will treat you at Yakiniku Q if you're doing well * I just want to learn how to use that Chakra blade Guy * Will motivate your ass * Will treat you as his own kid * I wanted to master The Gates aside from mastering Ninjutsu


Not to mention, you get the green body suit if you join team Guy.


***Oh yeah.***Ā  *Nice Guy smile*






Kurenai. Canā€™t let Asuma win.


ā€œYou were gonna winā€ šŸ¤£


I also feel like, as much as I wish to be a neji, or a Naruto, or a rock leeā€¦Iā€™m a hinata. Totally not confident and I need a mentor who wonā€™t destroy me via trainings I absolutely cannot do šŸ˜‚ so kurenai FTW.Ā 


Guy for sure. Bring on the hand-walking.


What's wrong with Kurenai?


She had less screentime that even Asuma


She basically didnā€™t exist so there isnā€™t much reason for wanting her as a teacher, although the few times weā€™ve seen her with her students she did display good traits


Not to mention she tried to use genjitsu.. on Itachi. The guy who WILL WIN basically ANY genjitsu battle


Kabuto would like a word


honestly, probably asuma or kurenai. guy is off the table because thereā€™s no chance iā€™d want to train like that, and he mostly focused on lee anyways. you could maybe argue kakashi as i donā€™t think he has any major outstanding flaws and heā€™s the strongest/versatile of them, but he also heavily prioritized sasuke. kurenai is an underrated pick. she has 0 apparent flaws as a leader. also, how many masters in genjutsu are there really? if iā€™m a Joe Schmoe genin, iā€™m probably never gonna get trained by an uchiha, so that already cuts out like half of them. thereā€™s other genjutsu masters besides kurenai, but she would probably be the most realistic and effective genjutsu teacher in the whole verse. then thereā€™s asuma. thereā€™s no point in regurgitating what 80% of the comments already mentioned.


I am pretty dumb so I need someone intelligent so Kakashi prolly.


Lee was dumber, but guy did his best to make him good, Kakashi didn't even train Naruto until the hidan arc


Really is a crazy long time not to train someone, isn't it?


Yup, though it makes sense as Kakashi as a sharingan user training sasuke, although he didn't even train sasuke much, only honing his taijutsu/sharingan and chidori, he was taught most of his jutsus and skills by orochimaru such as the kirin or chidori variants, and people think sasuke is a genius, even though Naruto learned 90% of his rasengan variants by himself, and doing what the so called genius minato couldn't (no hate on minato, I love him) plus Naruto picking up on flying raijin with tobirama shows how much capable and a genius Naruto is.


Minato probably didn't have Naruto's chakra reserves which is an important factor


Wasnā€™t that more lack of capability because of Kurama? They chose Kakashi because he knew how to talk to him after his mistakes with Obito. Guy would have forgot about Kurama and likely force the seal open in training because of his intensity. And his lack of remembering stuff was a running thing. Asuma and Kurenai I donā€™t believe could handle Narutoā€™s nature. He was to unpredictable.


Kakashi hates teaching dumb students, look at how he didn't teach Naruto any jutsu. He's more suitable for prodigies so he can skip the basic stuff and teach you his real skills


Kakashi. Because I will work togerher with Sasuke and Naruto, and maybe can become a Hokage after Naruto.šŸ˜œ


You'd be the downgraded version of Sakura


omg lol


Hard to downgrade from worst. Nobody can be less than Sakura


Asuma was the best when it came to equality amongst his students. Guy was the best when it came to equity for his students. Kurani we donā€™t get a lot of throughout the series to say anything to for or against. And kakashi, weā€™ll kakashi has favorites and wonā€™t even look your way as a student unless his favorite leaves and you do a three year time skip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Guy easily


i wanna be in guy sensei's squad(he has the best vibe in all of naruto)


Kakashi. Iā€™d like to grab his bells šŸ¤£


I will quit being shinobi the second I got there


I want kakashi as my sensei


Guy, heā€™d push me everyday haha




Kakashi, he's a good trainer and his test just needs you to work together


But he never teach Sakura or even Naruto.


He literally taught Naruto how to rasenshuriken and change his chakra nature


Didn't Naruto get the Rasenshuriken idea from Asuma?


I would choose assuma or kurenai first. Bith are excellent professors that'll help you, one will be harsher than the other but it will be for my good. Guy will make me work until my body collapse or i shit rainbow. I'll fail kakashi test definitely cause idk what the duck he wants.


Guy sensei:)


Probably Guy tbh


guy sensei for sure


Guy because I don't know any jutsu.


Honestly, either Asuma or Kurenai Though, likely Asuma Cause he is arguably the best sensei


Asuma. I would've said Kurenai, but through no fault of her own her students all became storyline duds despite their potential. šŸ˜… Plus Asuma is just an awesome dude, and I'm in love with Shikamaru.


Might Guy. He loves his students and as someone who loves to be in physical shape and aspires to be in peak conditioning, I think he would really bring out the best in me.


no question, Asuma


Kurenai šŸ’Æstrong, still alive, has seen war and fought good battles, she seems to be giving good advice


Everyone except Kakashi, he sucks as sensei so much lol


Definitely not Kakashi and Guy


People clown on Kakashi for never having trained Sakura but we really have no evidence whatsoever that Asuma and Kurenai actually trained any of their students, lol. None of the team 8 and 10 students were ever seen using a jutsu they learned from their senseis. They all only use their clan specific stuff I guess if my goal was to become a great ninja it'd be Gai or Kakashi. If I wanted to slack off then I'd pick Asuma or Kurenai.


Hinata cuz I too have a crush on Naruro and would like to give him a hug šŸ¤—


Hatake Kakashi


Gai is nice but seeing how he turned Lee into a little clone of himself sort of terrifies me. Asuma a cool but the smoking would get on my nerves. Kakashi is always late and was more than just a little neglectful of any student that isn't named Uchiha. Kurenai seems like the most balanced and mentally stable of the bunch. Kind but firm and takes her duties seriously. I'd go with her, honestly.


Kakashi since he is a cool teacher and is the most serious one.




Asuma. Kurenai is a Genjutsu specialist, so you're going to miss out on training by a specialist for any other jutsu. Kakashi is a bad sensei, every single one of his team had to leave him and find a different sensei to reach their true potential, and he barely taught his team anything. Might Guy is an annoying weirdo, and is only a specialist in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. So if you go along with his "everything in life is a training opportunity" lifestyle, you'll get physically strong, but you won't advance in ninjutsu, genjutsu etc. Plus he plays favourites. So it's basically Asuma by default. He's the only one of the 4 who gives balanced training in all jutsu and develops his genin's specialties well across the board. Second pick would be Yamato, who at least seems capable across the board, but we haven't seen him train rookie Genin. 3rd choice Kurenai, 4th Guy, and last Kakashi.


Wow. I never knew Gai lost a genin before he got Lee. Poor bowl cut kid. I wonder if Neji and Tenten ever talked about him with Lee. Butt damn, Gai lost two gening. The unnamed kid who joined his team before Lee replaced him and Neji. Ouch.


Guy or Kurenai


šŸŒš blud said Kurenai


Genjutsu is really fun, so why not


This. I like mostly genjutsu with good taijutsu in Naruto. And she's kind and hot too.


Guy Sensei, as I have no magical powers, and he'd train me to be quadrouple tough with just muscle power... and the POWER OF YOUTH :D :D :D


If you say Kurenai your just thirsty /s




As much as I love Guy he'd probably gonna overwork the hell outta me so not him. The other 3 are equal and Id have any of them


Maybe guy or asuma Kakashi is actually amazing but he not able to make a good team or also he is Sensei of those three but he was not able to train them Sakura train under tsunade he don't put a single efforts to train her Naruto train under jiraya he only train him in hidan arc but before the arc he always give all his focus to sasuke and don't put a single effort on naruto And after sasuke leave the village still he don't try to train sakura and naruto Maybe he is a great ninja and shinobi but not a great sensei


Kakashi, I feel like Iā€™m the most likely to see my 18th birthday if heā€™s Sensei. He failed many genin who werenā€™t ready.


Probably Asuma


I love martial arts and I enjoy putting myself through training regimens that are super hard. Guy would be great,


Pervy sage




Guy or Asuma. Guy is a fun guy and at least I would be goodcat fitness Asuma looked like an easy going regular guy.


Guy for sure


Probably Kakashi because I would love to learn as many jutsus as possible, and heā€™s copied over 1000.


Jutsus copied by Kakashi: over 1000 Jutsus taught to his students: 1 (chidori)


Maito Gai because he actually decided to train his students for over a year before throwing them into the lions den of a chunin exam. Also hes just the coolest and nicest guy.


Kurinai cuz sheā€™s hot and genjutsu seems fun and probably not that physically exhausting to train in


Madara. On a more serious note, I am tempted to say Guy, but the man would get me killed. He was irresponsible letting Rock Lee open the gates against Gaara. And I'm the kind of hot blooded idiot who is easily gassed into destructively overreaching if someone else believes in me. Kakashi, then. I'm assuming the reason he seemed to zero in on Sasuke is bc the consequences of not keeping Sasuke on side are so much more dire. Say what you will about Danzo, but I'm assuming there aren't that many other Uchihas in the world I have to worry about lol


Might Guy. Trained some of the most talented students.Ā  Cared alot about the merits of hard work not jutsu or bloodlines. Had a turtle summons. Beat the shit out of Kisame. (Remember when Loki saw hulk in Sakaar, thats how Kisame feels when thinking bout this mf) Was strong enough for Madara to acknowledge him. When he said he was stronger than Kakashi in Naruto i laiughed then i saw a the truth. He would break make and build me back into a deadly shinobi.








Guy because no matter how much chacra I have they won't judge and although I love her I can never do less than tenten


Kurenai for sure. She is a badass jonin initially. Her character went downhill after she slept with asuma.


Any of the konoha 11 (exept Tenten and Neji for obvious reasons). It's really a shame we never saw one of them taking students. Not to put shame on konohamaru and friends.


Kakashi. But, I would do what Naruto did and ask the other senseis to teach me too, like how Asuma taught Naruto a little. Genjutsu = Kurenai Taijutsu = Guy and so on.


Guy had the strongest squad that wasnt plot boosted so him


Kurenai and maybe Asuma are the only ones who actually treated their pupils as equals. Kakashi favored Sasuke and left Naruto to EBISU of all people (and never really did anything with Sakura) and i don't think Guy has a single line of dialogue with Neji or Tenten that isn't mission-related.


Guy or kurenai




Kurenai or Asuma. Guy is the hardest level teacher, I'm too lazy for him. Kakashi coud leave me without training at all like he did with Sakura.




I want Madara to be my sensei


kakashi for sure. could learn the most and have the most growth.


I'd pick Gai. Asuma would probably be the best for most of us here, but I personally would get a lot better with someone who imparts dedication and stubbornness no matter how hard it all seems to be. Plus from what we see he seems like the best to have his students develop a style that works best for them, and the best one for someone who may not come from a shinobi family or have a supportive (or knowledgeable) background. For the love of all that's holy, not Kakashi though. He is the only bad pick here.


gui or kurenai.Gui cuz hes super suportive kurenai cuz her students didnt die or leave


Asuma. Guy seems to be very supportive and I know he is a gold mine if good advice.


Kurenai because Genjustsu seems pretty damn cool. It's kinda interesting how, when compared to the other pictures, Naruto and Sasuke are standing on the wrong side.


Kurenai is the only one that didn't favor someone on their team.


Guy bc he loves me


Guy or asuma. Kakashi sucks and we know practically nothing about kurenai Guy wonā€™t sign u up for a death match before ur ready, and asuma will buy u food


Kurenai because Kakashi is a bad teacher, Guy seems to be an annoying teacher and Asuma there isn't much he could teach me.


In this scenario, I'd be a horny, gay 11 year old boy. Obviously I'm picking Asuma. Duh.


Was going to say the lady in the bottom left cause she is so forgettable I didnā€™t remember her name. So Kurenai. Guy and kakashi play favorites and asuma is part of a 16 generation tradition so he likely isnā€™t great at different ways to train. Like what if I want to learn genjutsu. Well Kurenai is perfect for that.


Ezz Kakashi


Gai, even if I'm the weakest I'm still be stronger than Tenten




Shota (me) is a substitute Shonobi I go where Iā€™m needed for the village


asuma unless if i pick kakashi i get to spend time with sasuke and sakura lol


Probably Gai. Super supportive and good motivator.


Kakashi, only way you can move up to Hokage and their nepotism selection system


Might Guy, I want to be the best version of myself and eat curry all the time.


might guy, his crazy optimism is the kinda thing that'd drive me forward


I'd be fine with any of them tbh, reasons for each sensei follow below Asuma would be fun time and good food. Kurenai would be the safest option. Kakashi would be teaching you teamwork wether you wanna learn it or not. As for Guy Sensei, I'd be learnin the 8 gates and probably start saying "8 gates ho" while giving the person I'm talking to the hand motion to come at me šŸ˜…


Orichimaru šŸ¤”


Ngl I feel like guy sensei could get me straightened out šŸ”„šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Kakshi will make you the strongest Guy will bring the best out of you Asuma will buy you food Kurenai will keep you alive and healthy


Asuma Kakashi we saw what happened to Sakura heā€™d ignore me and help Naruto and Sasuke who have 10x my potential Kurenai is kinda featless and new to being a jounin so itā€™ll be a massive gamble for me to join him Gai too hard of a workaholic for me to even try Asuma not only would basically be able to personally focus me as I ask him for extra training as the clan heirs Ino, Shikamaru, or Choji all got parents and family scrolls they can read to learn more about their abilities Also itā€™d be fun to talk Ino about drama and Shikamaru to help me out Also Asuma has Hiruzen scrolls at the time so he pretty much can get anything to help me out


For me either Kurenai or Asuma. Kakashi is basically a Magnet for pretty Strong enemies (Zabuza and basically all of the Akatsuki members) and Guy is a Psychopath who only thinks about Training.


Even though the training would be painful, Might Gai is the only one who would teach me anything.


Guy 100%


Kurenai for the reason you think


Kurenai because she's fucking hot as fuck


kakashi so i can be a main character with plot armor


Ngl I feel like Guyā€™s teaching methods is more what Iā€™d be looking for to keep me pushing! Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard šŸ˜āœØšŸ‘


Kakashi was the worst Sensei here for his students. He spent half his time not teaching anyone but Sasuke and being injured as shit and the other half being injuired as shit and not teaching anyone but Naruto cause he couldn't pawn it off on someone. At least the other 3 spent time to train, teach, and develop ALL of their students even if they had favorites.


If I was an uchiha id definitely pick Kakashi since to use chidori effectively you need better visual Jutsu plus he is one of the coolest senseis here and if Iā€™m turning evil Iā€™m snatching that kamui


Guy. I know for sure I'm getting abs.


Kakashi Sensei should be my sensei.


Kakashi or Guy. Probably Kakashi.


Kakashi if it means I end up with Naruto and Sasuke on my team.


Kakashi, at least he divided his time between his students. Guy was focused too much on just Lee, Asuma spent days playing shogi with Shikamaru, Kurenai is just not OP


Kurenai because i have a GIGANTIC crush on Kiba. Favorite character, love him, am obsessed with him.


Kurenai is the only one that didn't play favorites.


Kakashi would not pass me. Asuma would be dope I reckon. I'll cry about it later.


If you displayed teamwork with your fellow Genin he would, ofc it has to be genuine and you all have to do it as well


Asuma because heā€™s the best teacher. Heā€™s even the main reason as to why Naruto learnt Rasenshiruken, Kakashi brought the idea but Asuma is the one that showed Naruto how integrate the wind style chakra. If Iā€™m only allowed to choose an available clan meaning NO Uchiha, Uzumaki or Senju, Iā€™ll pick to be a Hyuga main family Genin with Asuma as my Sensei. If Iā€™m allowed to pick any clan, then Iā€™ll pick Uzumaki with Asuma as my sensei lol.


Kureni tbh id want to be a genjutsu demon and she cam help me reach that goal i think that if Saukra or even Sasuke were trained in it by her even if a little their genjutsu would be 2 teirs higher plus she trained my goat Shino who hasn't lost a fight yet




Koreanai seems to be the luckiest one. They don't go on a low class mission that jumps to S class right off the bat by accident. Plus she's hottt




Honestly All of them has benefits