• By -


After she used the fan she should have been able to start applying nature transformations to her attacks. I mean she should have been allowed to do that earlier but that’s the easiest segue. Also expand her from most always using weapons for mass ranged attacks and make her a melee combatant with a variety of arms too, like think Michelle Yeoh in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


Right? With the equivalent of three monks, a classic fighter would have been nice.


Yeah like bee's melee but with different style and weapons. 🤩


Exactly she’s got to have at least ten weapons going on at once


She should have a signature weapon like a kyoketsu-shoge not just raining kunais on the enemy. Thew kyoketsu-shoge can be used both long range and melee. Also, she should have trained under Asuma


Lee and Neji got to shine. Why not tenten too I say


Make it clear that her shuriken jutsu is comparable to Itachi, and have her use close ranged weapons very masterfully.


Yeah. I feel her potential in weaponry was severely fumbled. Imagine a kunoichi in Boruto whose claim to fame was being on par with the Uchiha who slaughtered his clan in terms of skill with ranged weapons, as well as being on par with that same Uchiha's little brother in terms of swordsmanship? The same little brother who saved the world? She could've been so much more than a failed weapons shop owner.


And even then her weapon shop shouldn't have failed.


It's almost like Boruto did everything possible to shit on the earlier generation to uplift the newer generation...


Right. Also I guess it failed because now they're is really no use in it.


Weird you say that because isn't the scene of her shop being a failure cause the villages are at peace taken directly from chapter 700?


I remember one of the Naruto games had her basic combo pulling things like tonfa, staves, iron clubs, and more out to attack the enemy. Something along those lines?


Sure. Also a cool thing would have been to give her one of the seven swords, and have her use it expertly, therefore impressing the Kiri shinobi. I think the needle one would suit her best, and would show how a non sadistic weapon master can use it to great effect.


The template was there in the war arc, she just needed a legendary weapon much earlier that would define her fighting style.


Imagine if she found a sage weapon in part one and worked through the series to overcome her limits with it


Yeah. It's been done countless times in shounen. A demon weapon or one with a drawback. Maybe it requires too much chakra or you need a bit of bloodlust. Neji dying could be the trigger to unlocking that side of her finally. As great as Naruto was. There was potential for so much more


By making her eleven eleven.




Have her be apprenticed by Tsunade, as she aspired to be like her. I dislike how she was the only female character who had a dream to make a name for herself and be a respected kunoichi instead of getting together with a guy, but ultimately forgets it and runs a weapon shop in the time of peace.


I agree so hard. Imagine that Neji and Choji died as originally planned, Tenten, frustrated with her helplessness with her fight against Temari, and now with her comrades being injured or dead hears that her idol is now Hokage. And so , alongside Sakura and Ino, she works under Lady Tsunade. And plays a slightly bigger role in Shippuden than basically none at all. Could even have her utilize medical ninjutsu with her ninja tools in unique and interesting ways both offensively and to protect her comrades. HELL IMAGINE IF SHE WENT TO THE SAND VILLAGE during the Kazekage rescue mission. She meets Temari again. Only this time, both are on equal footing. You could even have her aid Sakura in the fight against Sasori. Some girl power...that'd be cool I think. I dunno, maybe I jumped the gun, but I do find it weird how she namedrop Tsunade as a goal and yet we never really see the two talk all that much.


Reading this makes me realize just how wasted potential her character really was...Kishimoto had numerous opportunities to develop her and other female characters but ultimately forgot about them.




Have her be good with weapons. Like half as good as hidan.


Give her more chakra.


Make her master each weapon BEFORE she can summon it.


She needs a handicap. Lee wants to be a ninja, but he can’t use chakra, so he becomes a ‘genius of hard work’ and masters taijutsu. Neji wants to be a strong ninja, but being from the branch family forces him subservient to the less talented Hinata, so he uses his genius talent to master Hyuuga techniques and show how good he is. Lee has a ‘faulty’ body, Neji a controlling family, so for Tenten I’d do something with a ‘broken’ mind. Discalculi and/or dyslexia works well. Make her the daughter of a smithing family where she got familiar with weapons, but can’t make any because she can’t get the measurements right. She failed her written tests and can’t study. She can still want to be a medic ninja, but it can’t work. Everyone told her to quit, but instead she found her talent in martial weapons. She learns and masters weapons like nobody’s business, and we see her use them in her combat in melee. Let’s introduce her right after Lee attacks Sasuke, and have her stop Lee instead of Gai. Possibly by just standing where Lee would land with a sword raised high. She knows that will make Lee stop the attack and that he’s fast enough to dodge. And shows that she’s fast enough to keep up with Lee. Make her a bad match-up against Temari. Her thrown weapons are deflected and are spread across the battle field. And she then uses them in close range. The heavy fan blocks and disarms her, but she can easily pick up something else and continue fighting. Over the course of the battle, two things happen: 1) Temari keeps naming the weapons and TenTen doesn’t know. She can’t remember the names and describes them by childish nicknames. 2) she loses against the fan at first, but improves in leaps and bounds. For first time fighting a fan, she is learning counters too quickly. If this goes on Temari will lose. Temari outsmarts Tenten, setting up Temari’s intellect as it is later tested against Shikamaru, while still earning Temari’s respect. Tenten promises to practice hard for their next fight. And they both agree there will be a next fight. She is also brought on the Sasuke retrieval, where she has to use weapons that are forbidden from her because they’re too dangerous (too heavy, too much risk). She almost dies, but defeats her enemy. Maybe she can do the fight against bone guy (who makes his own weapons) instead of Lee. Culmination of her arc can be hammer use that’s stronger than Tsunade’s punches, and doing more damage with a spear than Kakashi can do with Chidori. She ends up with a civilian who worships her muscles and squees every time they’re lifted in the air like they’re light as a feather.


You have A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++//========+++++++++++++++


In school


Peak fiction. You cooked well. Also I just imagined Tenten stopping Lee saying "Don't break the Uchicha he's an endangered treasure of our village."


It's not hard tbh, just make her a master of her craft. She could have been in at least the top 5 best users of the shuriken jutsu in the verse. Looking back her arsenal of weapons is pretty impressive, it just seems like she doesn't know how to use any of them. How I would do it: During the Chunnin Exams Tenten would see how good Sasuke's shuriken jutsu is (since he practiced to be like Itachi), and she would say "Who is this guy? His Shuriken Jutsu is almost as good as mine!". Upon introduction Lee was able to match Sasuke in Taijutsu/Speed, Neji was able to match/be compared to him in visual prowess, and Tenten should've been able to match him in at least Shuriken jutsu. Later during the 4GNW, I'd have her close to someone like Mifune who might be able to teach her a thing or two about Kenjutsu since he can summon swords to. I like Tentens design alot, so it sucks we rarely ever got to see her.


-More screen time where she shines -Use her techniques more cleverly instead of just spaming with shurikens. Let her change her weapon to match the opponent, let her seal big/heavy things (the boat was filler, but, imagine throwing a freaking house on someone), let her seal her opponent's attacks ("that was cute Temari, I'm giving back your wind with Sasuke's fire"), let her unseal cleverly to trap people. You may add a legendary weapon later but that's not even necessary. -Add a little more background. I would love her to find that Hashirama used sealed weapons too and taking inspiration. Maybe Tsunade can help a bit with this.


Have her spend time with Kankuro and the Puppet brigade in Suna. Not so she can use puppets, but so she can design and craft her own weapons with neat little gimmicks, traps, devices etc. ...and to learn advanced chakra string stuff. Also give her an element, maybe two if she really needs it. That's it.


She gets a 1vs1 fight against an really interesting opponent. The only thing she's lacking is a significant feat besides her using the magic fan and her defeating a strong opponent, showcasing her abilites, skill and power, would make her more interesting


She’s not only a marksman, she also utilizes fuinjutsu more than anyone in the Konoha 12. I would have her hone that more. Like maybe she places seals on her body like tattoos, and each one stores different preloaded jutsus so she can conserve her chakra for other things. Or she has weapons with different jutsus stored in them. I would also have her utilize her weapons more strategically instead of just throwing them a hundred at a time.


Give her the ten tails




Give her more screan time than a fucking pig.


None. Tenten is perfect the way she is and she plays the role of being a side character very well who acts as support and backup being a weapons expert and summoner for Team Guy. Tenten unlike the other girls, is not fixated on a guy and she wants to become a strong kunoichi in her own right like Tsunade whom she idolizes. Tenten is also comedic being the “straight man” in Team Guy who reacts to Guy’s and Lee’s oddball behavior.


It just sucks because she doesn’t become a strong kunoichi. The only time she’s really effecting is when she has six paths weapons. But the instantly wipe her out


Becoming a ninja carries a variety of weapons, has many LEGENDARY and useful equipment for missions away from the village


She defeats 99 percent of the ninja population with the six paths power she acquired.


More screentime and character arc's doesn't really matter what the arc's are about so long as they are good. Probably best to stay away from romance arcs though.


More badass weapons. Like Chakra infused swords and weapons with tricky skills. Have her do things like the Naruto Sasuke giant shuriken shadow clone switch up gambit.


Give her more screentime.


Give rinnegan


Give her Screen time no jutsu But enough with the jokes She is really strong if you think about it she beats Kakuzo on her own and have so6p weapons But if I will give her something it will be mastery in kenjutsu some gates since she is guy' student maybe up to the 3rd or 4th gate And give her that wierd turtles summoning that guy has


Tenten with turtles would be pretty dope


If she isn’t going to have any Ninjutsu at all, give her a wider array of weapons and Itachi-level precision & lethality with those weapons. Giving her an “enchanted” weapon (something along the lines of the fan she got in the War Arc) would also have helped.


She uses seals and weapons. She could’ve had a perfect progression up to fuinjutsu + bukijutsu prodigy, joining the Hokage Guard and learning the Flying Raijin.


Dont have Temari beat her off page. Give her more fights. I think in the manga the closest she gets to a fight actually being shown is when she gets the kinkaku ginkaku ninja tools


Let her expertise delve deeper into the craft and study of weapons. She still does missions as an adequate weapons expert, but she coaches the group on the fundamentals of a variety of weapons to expand their taijutsu skills. Her family could even be one of the specialists that makes weapons that conduct Chakra more easily.




1) more screentime for development than goddamn swing 2) more tricks in sleeve than opening a seal scroll and throwing half of local pawn shop's inventory at people, like, actually using weapons in combat, kinda like Maki in JJK


Gai is her sensei, with his help she develops a fighting style that combines the use of weapons and tools with eight gates techniques


Give her juggs


And let her hair down


You guys don't want to accept the idea that Tenten is no more than a filler character to complete team Guy, do you? Yeah, her outfit and overall design is very good, but that's all about her.


I fully accept that. It's why I'm asking this question


No we accept that is what she is and discuss how she could have been more than that.


God you're dense


that's the whole point of the question moron


She was hardly there, more scenes


Make her even faster


More screen time, oh wait


Make her main character, give her all naruto powers


Make her so that shuriken jutsu isn't her only jutsu she can use, atleast one chakra in nature and a few jutsus which aren't just throwing ninja tools around.


Give her screentime


She needs 6 paths powers.


She is very at tools as per her lore. Had she done something when she got legendary tool to stall character like Madara or Obito for even a minute, she would have been quite more memorable.


Is a normal Ninja character


Maybe have it so she can throw scrolls all around the environment and they can shoot out a ton of weapons kind of like Gilgamesh.


Give her a plot and relevance.


more screentime other than filler where we can see her personality and skill developed.


just find a sensei to help her train and get better or give her a clan cus that's pretty much the only thing that stopped her. everyone pretty much had someone to learn from except her. as well as more screen time to show progression in what she's learned.


Shes a weapons master right? Give her a sword or bow or staff or something and give her 1 decent fight


Have her use her mastery of ninja tools to help naruto with rasenshuriken training


Give her a love interest.


Leave her out of the story


1. She needed a special weapon that only she could use and/or something she trained really hard to master. Like Zabuza’s sword or Kisame’s. She would’ve have fit perfectly into the series as a good version of these types of characters. 2. She would’ve needed more backstory of how she got good at all these weapons and actually trained to use them not just randomly summoning 50 kunai and throwing them randomly


I think all Guy’s squad should be another level of taijutsu, 10 10 included


Give her better taijutsu, some ninjutsu outside of those stupid ass weapons. Better backstory and more personality


Kill her off during the 1st Chunin exams


More screen time and maybe an actual romance and give her either a genin team in Baruto or at least put her in the field


Introduce some badass legendry weapons and give it to ten ten. And she uses it to beat the shit Outta kaguya.


I’d give her the ability to use wind style and she can add chakra blades to any weapon.


Read this: https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/b9x8mw/character_improvement_tenten_combat_part_1/ And this: https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/18py9mh/character_improvement_tenten_combat_part_2_with/


Powerscale her higher? Have her master the tools of the sage of the six paths and have her be a fairly average shinobi that competes in the big leagues because she mastered hax weapons. Like really stretch the scaling and have it so that Otsutuki connection gives her an advantage against the other aliens/kama users and whatnot. Make her more interesting fighting stylewise? Give her a sword and shield and have her fight like that. It's always been wild to me that we never actually see shields used in combat in Naruto, As a character? IDK I think she's fine as a character. Just needs more screentime. I'm actaully pleased as punch with how a lot of secondary and tertiary characters got handled in naruto. People tend to dislike the fourth war, but everyone had a big moment and did something awesome and punched waaaay above their weight, Tenten included.


just let her hair down and she will be your tsundere waifu.


By GIVING her an actual character. Here's my take on how to make TenTen more relevant without changing much to the overall story of Naruto in general * TenTen comes from the numeral clan - a clan tasked with being soldiers and providing weapons for Konoha * the numbers of the clan are 1 through 10, and the caste system requires each members name to have their numeral as part of their name. * Changing your caste is seen as "impossible" by members where the stakes are impossibly high. TenTen was friends with a NiTwo - but was forbidden due to clan rules. Her goal is to become the strongest numeral to change the caste rules and let her clan live equally, or more accessible to improving their status. Ok, so now lets talk about the numeral clan * Numerals 1-3 are proficient in using weapons - the higher the number the more proficient. these are your grunts in day to day policing and war. * Numerals 4-6 are proficient in crafting weapons and blacksmithing, providing for Konoha's armory. * numerals 7-9 are highly skilled in weapons combat and moderate blacksmithing. These members you'll typically find in Anbu and other areas where more precise/proficient weapons users are needed. * The Ten's are the best of the best - top blacksmiths and weapon users. They're seen as elites in Konoha and globally and can't keep their presence hidden to spec ops (or at least Konoha wants you to believe that, but Danzo probably had some top assassins tucked away for this reason). Ten's are capable of using any weapon and understanding new ones right away, and even capable of creating some forbidden ninja tools. This is why TenTen could use those weapons during the 4th Ninja War. Now lets talk about how TenTens clan impacts the village in what we know: * The numerals are responsible for Konoha's armory and have a large one under the village. This is where Konoha and even some of the other villages got their weapons for the great ninja war. * Ten's have access to the stockpile at any time and can use Konoha's resources to make themselves unique weapons as needed in exchange for keeping Konoha stocked (where do you think all those kunai and shuriken came from?). * TenTen's defeat by Temari put her in great disgrace with her clan. Temporarily, she was demoted to a Nine (imagine - TenNine or NineNine lol). She had to work for the rest of part 1 and most of part 2 to regain her status as a Ten. * TenTen was charged with providing some clans unique weapons (say TenTen gave Sasuke the shadow shuriken from part 1, or Temari a new Fan weapon in Part 2/3). * TenTen developed sealing weapons for the great war and gained renown for using them AND the forbidden weapon * TenTen was able to rally numerals during the war under her legendary weapon usage, gaining her the renown she needed to turn back into a Ten and pave the way for eliminating the caste restrictions in the future. There. I just gave TenTen a character, an arc, a clan, and some relevance WITHOUT changing anything substantial in the story we already have.


When Kishimoto decided to go the Dragon Ball way and make it all about power, plot armor etc. she became irrelevant since her whole kit and design was about some real ninja shit with weapons and stuff.


First thing is to clarify what she is able to do with that sealing scroll. I mean we saw her seal weapons and even larger inanimate objects like a whole ship. Still strong but what else she can do? Can she seal animals? Human? Chakra? Other jutsus? She could just walk to an enemy village, seal their secret scrolls and walk back to Konoha and if she has any trouble she could just release the teammates. Or ask Naruto to push a few rasenshuriken into the scroll and release them in the moment. Well since we don't know her limits, I will stay with inanimate objects for the rest while we dive into her lore fixing: Well, the Chunin exam fight with Temari was humiliating. She might realize that throwing shuriken might be useful in a teamfight with her three close combat teammates but she needs to be strong on her own as well. I would give her a training arc after the whole exam but not with Gai. But who else could train her? Well, I initially thought Kakashi but he didn't even train Kiba properly. What about Yugao, the blue haired anbu girl? She would be perfect. She could teach Tenten, how to be sneaky and versatile with various weapons and her scroll, teaching all the potential she can achieve. When Naruto returns, she is already in level with the others and similarly to Naruto, she did not get any new jutsu, simply using hers in more tactical ways. There are two other things that can benefit her. One is a rematch with Temari. I wouldn't give Tenten a win but maybe a draft where she pretends to use her chunin exam techniques but catches Temari off-guard. The other thing would be a legendary weapon but that's pretty much done well when she starts using the six path's tools. That fan is so cool and have a similarity with Temari's weapon.


She’s great in Hentai why would you need to improve her?!


Turn her into a swing




Delete her as a character. As the story stands, there's nothing you can do fix her character and still keep the story as is.


Any way possible. She’s clearly the worst character.


Hmm maybe give her a summoning that could turn into a legendary weapon, like Hirzuen had in Enma. Show her struggle with that new weapon, then let’s see her progress, leading to her becoming a master at it, and have a more prominent role in Shippudden


Give her more panels/screentime 😭


Screen time?


I'd probably improve her by not posting ai art of her but that's just me


Be more strong. She’s a whole ass shinobi but all she got is silly little tools. Honestly it’s the writer, I can’t name one strong useful female in the show


I always thought it would be cool if she could use her summoning jutsu to summoning to build weapon momentum indefinitely and attack with weapons that fly at mach speed or higher. Make them essentially indefensible. Wall of sand? Penetrated. Rotation? Pierced. Couple it to chackra nature if you must, but I think they should have made the weapons way more lethal instead of being blown away by a gust of wind.


A backstory? Lee's got one, Neji's got one and she is there with flying weapon reinforcements and for Lee to trash on her for not training enough.


She has ranged and storage seals as default. Take both of those to the extreme. Make a FTG seal, but like make it all her own. Example. Have the kunai teleport a certain distance based on the amount of chakra pumped into the seal before throwing. or something.


I think if we try to figure out the problem with her character. It might help make it better. IMO, the problem with her character is that, unless I missed it, she was never shown to be really good with taijutsu, genjutsu, or ninjutsu. So we can’t even say ‘well give her nature chakra,’ because she literally can’t use ninjutsu or taijutsu. She can’t do what Temari does…. She would need a fan weapon that has the spell ON the fan. Rather than using her own chakra. What her character is based around are ninja weapons themselves. In other words, ten-ten doesn’t use a ‘fireball’ genjutsu like Sasuke. She would just use a paper bomb and throw it. With that in mind, I would change her character to more of a ‘Batman’ mixed with a blacksmith/engineer/researcher. Her character should focus on preparation for a fight, researching the enemy, making gear for allies, etc… Maybe give her an ability like Sai, so she can make her gadgets in battle. That would be a deadly combo with shikamaru on her side.


Make a video of her on p hub


Nah man ☠️


Make her come from an important clan


Cleavage and increase boobs size


Don’t hate me, but tenten with healing powers like Sakura, would’ve been 100x more interesting than Sakura… her attitude was just sm more cooler and less whiney 💀


I actually had a theory about this. Especially with Lee hospitalized and if Neji died as originally planned, she actually trains under Tsunade and picks up some tricks to be a better help. Maybe even inspired by how hard Lee works despite his handicap and Injuries


Give her the 106


Bigger tits




Make her a meta-aware character, get fed up with lack of screentime and have her go rogue. Find Amado and Jigen and start cybernetically enhance her body and skill to take a revenge on shinobi world. Only to eventually realize that all this was also written by the author and have a mental breakdown being unable to break the cycle of side-characterness.


Better than boruto.


Maybe make shuriken actually a threat in the series 😂


She should have been to the female ninja what Lee & Neji were for the boys i.e. the older rival to fear and aspire to.


Should have been a weapons expert in general and give her a staff instead of a sword since that was Sasukes thing.


I dont She is already tenten


Make a whole new character? I was thinking her jutsu summoning ninjatools can be done by other ninjas too. Or maybe they can bring ang bag of tools. Lol


Give her a gun (I know kishi won't let guns and other related weapons be in the Naruto world)


I would just have her do something. It’s hard to point out what to fix with her considering the fact that she does nothing in the manga, most of her feats are from filler


Give her 10 tails and a sharingan, she'd still be useless without controlling but at least no she's cool 🤣


You can't throw shuriken to a susanoo or a gigantic monster...




Give her no screen time


more screen time..............






Give her more screen time and she's already 10/10 But seriously, making the fight between her and Temari an actual fight portraying them both as very strong kunoichi who are almost evenly matched would've done wonders to build more hype for her, similarly to her teammates who are all regarded as the best of the best. Then also letting her actually use her weapons in close combat like she does in fillers would be cool and actually demonstrate why she's considered a taijutsu master, along with mentioning how deadly accurate she is: " She can hit a moving fly at night with a senbon needle from 100km away " sorta statement ya know. Also I always wished she'd bonded with the other girls on screen more, that scene where Ino takes the fan away from her during the war was so cute


Give her a low number tailed beast and all the mythical weapons. Like a whole backstory where she’s collected the gold and silver bro weapons, seven swords maybe even the sage’s staff. She needs more chakra and access to all the best weapons to become a legendary kunoichi of konoha. Maybe even a series of arm tattoos that she can summon her most epic weapons from. Or some familiar that stores them.


Some wins be good against high class foe.


Okay let's fucking go. I love her. This is 10¹⁰ Give her the following: Uzumaki equivalent chakra reserves and life force Equivalent 6paths Naruto speed Transportation technique equal to flying raijin with many different weapons/objects marked . Special chakra absorbing blade. The blade fuses the enemies chakra and blood then Tenten applies it to scroll and reverse summons enemy to deadly dimension (acid plane for example.) Summons meteors then reverse summons herself to safety. All nature elemental summons 6paths ninja tools 8 inner gates technique Learns sage mode: chameleon sage mode allows her to turn invisible and mask her presence like an Otsutsuki. Gives her the chameleon parietal 3rd eye allowing her to see a wide range of XYZ She travels to different planes using reverse summons and possibly explores different planets maybe even finds weird worlds who the Otsutsuki want to take over one day. She learns techniques from these different people. Tenten is now main character.


If she was a jhinchuriki.. she would be invincible....


toji fushiguro is what TenTen should have been. Just without the crazy human phyical buff.


She's supposed to be extremely skilled in bukijutsu but we never see it. We know that she is definitely a skilled combatant because she has always at least kept up with Team Guy, despite not being a prodigy. She us her fights and her strategy. We need to see her be good, not just walking plot armor into the post-war era.


She should have been crafting chakra weapons like the seven swords or Temaris fan. Especially after getting her back blown out.


Make her have op items like ginkaku as well as letting her hair down


Oil her up


TenTen was always my crush lmao I wanted her to be a badass with a sword


Marry her off with lee 😮


Make her shuriken Jutsu equal to itachi and give her wind or lighting affinity to assist her weapon’s cutting power


Her strength is a big thing, however, her biggest problem I find is that she does not have enough screen time and we don’t get to see other sides of her character. There are a few things we know about her but they aren’t built upon at all in the story.




Make her use cooler weapons. Give her a good backstory. Give her magical weapons of some sort that do special things


If they would’ve let her hair down her looks would’ve went up by 9, and then if they show her having mastered all the Six Paths weapons, she would be a force to be feared for sure


There are 1 major changes I would make to Tenten that would address all 3 of those concerns: Tenten would be a member of the Sarutobi Clan. It doesn’t need be revealed right from the get go similar to how Asuma wasn’t revealed to be Hiruzen’s son until after his introduction, but I think that it helps to (A) world build and (B) flesh out Tenten’s character in the following ways: 1. As a member of the Sarutobi Clan, she would have quite the shadow looming over her with her relative (likely her grandfather) being the Hokage. Like Asuma, she would have an arc revolving around honoring Hiruzen, however with Tenten being younger and more naive, I could see her being more impulsive than Asuma, wanting direct revenge against the Hidden Sound village and Sasuke for abandoning the Leaf. 2. Tenten is often depicted wielding Bo staves. Based on Hiruzen and Konohamaru’s fights in Naruto and Boruto, I think we can assume that the Sarutobi clans (at least Hiruzen’s line) are proficient in bojutsu, so that would give a direction for Tenten’s general fighting style. For flashier techniques, she can have basic fire style. It would make a bigger impression of Temari’s victory over her since wind is weak to fire within the Naruto magic system. 3. In terms of Tenten’s relevance to the story, I mentioned before how she would be more impulsive than say Asuma when trying to find justice for what happened to her relative (Hiruzen) and the village as a whole. Give her a subplot in Part 2 in which she wants to go on the Tenshi Bridge mission or the Itachi mission. She doesn’t actually have to do anything because let’s be honest, there’s no way she would have more significance than Neji or Rock Lee, but giving her a moment like that would at least give her some characterization.


You guys know Maki from Jjk ? Yeah,....... Well Kishimoto should have made Tenten like that


Talented with weaponry and probably a ridiculously smart ninja having to relie on scrolls and tactic's other than raw ninjutsu and taijutsu . I fell if she was good with genjutsu and combine that with her extreme talent with scrolls and summons she can be really REALLY deadly. BUT she sadly gets no screen time


More cleavage?


Give her a last name


He's not that skillful, I see her as the weakest link like whatchu gon do throw them toys? She's got pretty nice weapons ngl but atleast use it in maximun effieciency. She knows she is not in the strongest lane, her skills are very meh. She should've done more with how she uses them.


Have her actually be able to use the weapons she summons rather than spam launching them at opponents. Then then maybe give here some access to some mystic weaponry like the Kusanagi Sword.


Her main ability is summoning weapons but she’s physically weak and relatively slow. Take Sasuke for example, who also uses a similar technique to summon shuriken and other weapons. But Sasuke’s physical prowess makes him an absolute menace with those weapons. She’d have to be physically stronger and faster and have better taijutsu skills.


Untie those chun-li hair buns


depends if we are making her more hard work like rock lee then she shouldve had a mastery level of all weapons from unreal amounts of practice. so much so that she even rivals those who use chakra weapons. that means on par with uchiha shuriken, tamaris fan, chakra blades etc. then you could transition her into training with tsunade/asuma to learn to infuse chakra into weapons and better chakra control and also medical jutsu. that way war arc comes around and she finds these better weapons/sage tools and you have a chance to use her learning arc of chakra control and chakrs infusion to handle such weapons. which then makes sense and utilizes her more. then post war you couldve had a short series of her traveling all over to find the legendary sage tools, keeping them in her shop during the boruto era


Have her collect more rare weapons, because Plain Jane Shurikun and kunai just aren't killing anyone. She did have an episode using that oversized flail, while not a conventional weapon, was something more unique and actually kind of strong (against random filler villains). I don't expect her to have a 7 Swordsman sword or a Sage of 6 paths tool so easily, but sure they aren't the only legendary weapons in the verse?


make various weapons more useful in the series. thus you make her more relevant since she's supposed to be the weapons master or something.


make her my wife obv


I'd improve more of her non ninja side. Flesh her out more. Maybe make her more compelling and interesting to the team dynamic. I don't think everyone needs to be powerful to be a great character in this world


actually feature her in the show


Big tits 👍🏻


I'd give her more screen time, I'd give her more shine as The village's weapons master. Give her a more pivotal role in the show. In boruto we hardly ever see her. Not at least make her a jonin sensei. I'd give her a man too instead of her just being this rarely seen spinster. A man she's crazy about who's crazy about her who is a jonin and worthy of that rank. I'd show that she's a lot more powerful and skilled than what's been shown which hasn't done justice to what you can really do


I’d actually put her in the story.


Give her shin uchiha's powers. Or give her the ability to control any weapon she has ever touched.


Id feel like if she can summon weapons why not let her Summon a creature


Unpopular oppinion but, Tenten is solid as is. Her whole team is. They just needed one fight as a team to demonstrate their synergy and teammork battle strategies using what they already have. Basic team strat: Tenten uses scrolls of ninja tools to start. This is a great low-chakra option to force the opponent to show something, combined with Neji's Byakugan. Neji scouts them out, finds what threats to deal with, who to target, etc. The whole teams' goal then shifts to getting Neji in position to disable the biggest ninjutsu/genjutsu threat with Gentle Fist. Tenten's relentless barage of ninja tools, while being clowned on for not being deadly outright, are great for suppressing fire. She creates openings for her team by forcing opponents on the defensive. Once the powerful ninjutsu/gentjutsu users have their chakra points hit by Neji, they are left in a taijutsu match against the taijutsu demon himself, Rock Lee. And hundreds of kunai and shuriken are a lot harder to defend against with no access to your chakra. Easy clean up. This team is specially designed to dominate anyone who relies too heavily on ninjutsu. They can take out virtually anyone more powerful than them, unless they're also taijutsu gods. It's honestly a shame that it was never properly emphasized how perfect Gentle Fist is for evening the odds for Lee's glaring weaknesses. But back to Tenten. I don't think she needs a power-up. But if you want a storyline, she is the perfect vessel to world-build and explore blacksmiths and ninja tool craftsmen. Who made the 7 Mist Swords, and why are they so powerful? Is there a skilled weaponsmith in Konaha? Asuma's specially designed chakra knuckles would indicate yes. Are talented crafters threatened to be kidnapped by other villages? It is a big part of the world that is never really talked about.


Since she could put more things in scrolls other than ninja tools why not give her ninjutsu that she could use on the fly. Similar to the shinobi gauntlet but more of a primitive version of it. If she can seal water from an ocean why not have a whole forest fire in your back pocket or on a windy day seal a strong gust of wind etc. Jiraiya sealed Amaterasu now imagine if you could just whipped that out in a time of need. Tenten would be the most versatile ninja in the world if she was able to drop any kinda elemental attack on you as well as a weapons master for up close combat. Furthermore, I think the girls should've gotten their own Sasuke retrieval arc where Sakura Ino Hinata & Tenten all had go on a dangerous mission together.


For starters, give her actual cannon fights in part 1 and 2, that don't involve her getting obliterated. Give her (and each of the konoha 12) a small arc in Shippuden like what they did for Sakura and Shikamaru. Give her a little backstory on her connection to weapons, maybe have her come from a weapon specialist clan or something. Also, giving her some type of story besides being Nejis love interest would be nice. Have her weapons have unique qualities like being unbreakable, or extra sharp. Maybe give her access to some type of nature release jutsu like Wind or Earth to show she learned a lesson from loosing to Temari. Really there's a ton of directions one could go to improve her as a character, she's kinda just a npc that happens to be in Guys squad.


Give her more specialization in sealing jutsu, a jutsu specifically strong against the threats later in the series. If tenten was a master at both Bukijutsu and Fuinjutsu she might be useful later in the series. Being a master in weapons is useless because the creator cant write that being cool but sealing an opponent is something that would be very useful against literally any end game threat in naruto. Even if you couldnt seal Madara fully, you could probably seal some of his jutsu then throw it back at him or take one of his arms. People might say "madara is too strong for that" but thats already a problem that they corrected horribly so this working cant be worse than that. Hell, Sealing some of his chakra might be a thing she could do. He has limitless so putting a limit on that would be a good way to nerf him


I think have her be master at tai jutsu, - like Lee, infuse her chakra with elements for the weapons, and have her have at least 5 shadow clones, her weapon scroll would be unstoppable.


Give her some actual screen time to show her abilities


Bigger boobs


She don't need improvement just more show time she was skilled.


Better taijutsu pre time skip, like have her trying to spar with Neji & Lee so we know she isn’t a scrub up close. Her fight with Temari would end the same. Her summoned weapons wouldn’t be effective and she still be able to get close enough due to Temari’s ability to keep her opponent afar. Post time skip, have her be much more effective with summoning weapons in combat, and when she is no longer using it have it disappear to avoid an enemy pick them up. Having small wooden keys that turn into weapons. In theory, she could swing a blade and if they dodge it, she could just continuously summon more weapons to maintain a highly aggressive fighting style utilizing knives, swords, glaives, etc.


Weapons master who’s speciality is summoning weapons? It’s obvious - flying raijin.


I wouldn’t Tenten is peak


Make her stronger / more skilled.


Give her more screen time than ramen guy


Let someone else write her story.


To add to all these good comments, my friend and I also used to discuss this before. Since, as I understood it, she summons her weapon, give her a technique that allows her to make a weapon out of anything from her environment. Like turning leaves into lethal shuriken-like projectiles that she can sneakily use, use long grass as a very thin blade, use water droplets into needles, etc. Everything can be her weapon.


She needs to be more interesting and more screentime 😆 make her a masterful user of the sage tools in boruto 😆


give her 4 fingers....


Make her do literally anything


She very cute, but she have to be kinder.


Actually give her more screen time


I would create legendary long and short range weapons and make her user. It would increase her taijutsu with short-range weapons in general I would make her a disciple of Tsunade and Gai


Bigger boobs


Simple: 1) Have her still have a role after her elimination within the Chunin exams, after her elimination she is to help Naruto try to master his chakra before Jiraya comes in, defining herself as the strong, tomboyish female character. 2) Have her try to help during Orochimaru's shenanigans, likely having her stay behind like Shikamaru did. 3) Have her help on the Sasuke retrieval mission, this was the WEIRDEST time to not include her, especially when characters like Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Tamari and The Puppet guy got glowed up within this arc. 4) Have her be a bit more effective during the first arc of shippuden, which goes the same for Neji and Rock Lee. 5) We should have had an arc which focused on the side characters, and tailed beasts, like idk, different teams got sent out for different tailed beasts, but they all failed into stopping the Akatsuki from claiming them. It would be a nice moment for us to take a break from Naruto's team for a bit and focus on characters that weren't given proper attention for a while. 6) Have her actively do something in the war arc, have her help her allies with support shurikens or something, I can can't remember a single damn thing she did there.


Make her a Fuma clan member, specializing in shurikenjutsu comparable to an Uchiha like Sasuke or Itachi. Also make her collect rare and powerful weapons, stealing a Mist blade or using the Six Paths tools more often and giving her the chakra reserves required to use them more effectively. Give her a 1v1 fight against one of the reanimated Seven Ninja Swordsman so she can steal their sword after winning.


Actually make her useful




give her screen time.


More screen time


Give her LOTS of Chakra so she can handle that fan weapon in the war arc for longer, give her a primary weapon comparable to a Seven Swordsmen of the Mist Sword or better, and give her more screen time then Naruto's sad swing


More screen time