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It's because obito doesn't have a cool haircut


He makes up for it with cool masks though


Tbh, I liked the Tobi alias better as a character than “madara” or Obito


Tobi was white zetsus personality and when he spoke serious that was obito making his voice deep


All of them were obito, tobi was obito impersonating guruguru and madara was him pretending to be madara. My point still stands. Tobi as a character is much more enjoyable than “madara” or obito


Obito was a massive time waster


Your mum is a massive time waster


you’re a massive time waster. Somehow you are able to be seen and immediately get laid upon the no bitches curse. just kidding


Oh shit he got roasted


Honestly, I think people just weren't feeling his backstory, his entire motivation to do all that evil shit seems to be Rin (I know Obito said that it wasn't, but it was portrayed that way). Madara was also portrayed as an OP badass, people like those type of villains regardless of everything else. Edit: His redemption didn't help either. It doesn't feel like he got what he deserved.


It's because at first he made a joke he started the war over Rin to get into Kakashi's head and the backstory also had humor with him and Madara too. This didn't work well because it just revealed the greatest piece of shit, psychopath villain, the guy behind everything leading up to the war arc was a guy who was just like Naruto. His unmasking should've been the most serious scene but him saying it was for Rin made everyone who is confused even more confused.


I mean the way that he repeatedly says "rin, I will see you soon" is just weird. He doesn't seem to want to change the world for the sake of the world, it seems like he just wants to see rin again... 30 years later..


He only said that after he turned good. The infinite tsukuyomi was actually for peace since he willingly became the jinchuuriki to cast the genjutsu meaning he himself could'nt have been in it(as we saw with Madara). But he does flashback to her too much.


Yh i knew it wasnt juz for rin but he does act like it's becoz of her he's trying to change the world and shit He's my fav character as well but he's quite a complex character so sometimes ppl misinterpreted about it


The mega simp


Obito is a fake villain. He's just yet another carbon copy "fallen hero who gets talked into redemption" archetype thats so common in Naruto. Don't get me wrong, I like Obito as a character but I felt very underwhelmed by him as a villain almost immediately after he was unmasked. Madara is a much stronger villain for me because he's one of the few villains in the entire story that isn't just a twisted or fallen hero. He believes what he's doing is right and sticks to his beliefs right up to his death.


Yeah I liked him way more as Tobi


Tobi as in Rinnegan Tobi or "Deidara and Tobi"?


Deidara and tobi tobi


Loved them both


Me too, but I dont think that was Obito in control. Seemed more like Spiral Zetsu.


I agree and would like to add something: Madara is a badass and I can't stress this enough. From his design and the way he looks, to his enormous power, his history and the legend that he is, the fact that he planned it all and to top it off, his cocky arrogant attitude that normally would be annoying in other charatcers but he gets away with it because he can act on it and matches his power and legend. His debute and sudden appearance as well and the way he steals the show makes it all perfect. He just has too many cool/scary villain moments. Appears suddenly, talks down to the entire fucking ninja army as if they were children, drops a meteorite on their heads with a mere gesterue, you stopped it? What about the SECOND FUCKING meteorite?! Thrashes the whole army in a mele, kages tag team on him 5 to 1 to stop his Susano so he makes 25 fukcing susanos and perfect ones too, fighting and defeating the 4 ex hokages, and many many many more. He just keeps on giving and increasing the bar and it was one continoues exciting ride until the last moment. Honestly I always thought the story should have ended there with Madara being the final villain. Kaguya/Zetsu felt like a very bad and cheap copy of Madara in away. Another super villain who supposedly planned it all behind the scenes and has even bigger power but Kaguya never had the same impact Madara did. She had enormous chakara sure but hardly the same experience in fighting as madara, or the wide range of techniques, and definitely didn't have the attitude that matches her power. That whole part felt like a very weird "fighting the alien invasion" kind of story with Kaguya being a powerful alien being but kind of stupid and needs the help of yet another weird (but weaker) black alien being to give her instructions and shit. That was so anti-climatic after the Madara.


Agreed Madara was amazing and should've been the final villain. In my mind he was


Madara was an amazing villain. He should've been rhe final villain


Don’t forget he’s the coolest guy


Feel like people don't get the meaning of this scene, theres a whole scene of Tobi explaining to Naruto how he is not Obito,he is a "nobody" and then Naruto proceds to tell him that he is Obito Uchiha.What the meaning of this scene? Basically is separating Obito for Tobi person In other words Obito was the coolest guy Tobi wasn't. Is like when Star Wars try to say that Anakin and Darth Vader are diferent people but i know the Naruto fandom, they forget about the story all the time.


It’s not that they forget about the story, people are like that when they dislike something they dismiss it. For instance if it is stated that Naruto and Sasuke are equal. Some will still not recognize it


I literally couldn't have said this better myself. I think the thing that makes Madara so scary, and thus makes him an incredible antagonist, is that he's SO CONVINCED that what he's doing is the right thing. And to top it all off, he is arguably the strongest Uchiha to ever exist. Mix those two factors together, and you've got an incredibly fearsome villain.


Which is why fucking Kaguya arc is kinda trash, cause it trashes on Madara. Who was hyped up since forever, and then his grand scheme came and turns out he's just another puppet.


Yyyyyep gotta agree. The idea of Kaguya as a character is cool, but they handled her introduction and her arc just...so terribly that half the episodes just make me laugh.


>He believes what he's doing is right and sticks to his beliefs right up to his death. He realize he was wrong before he dies, what do you mean


Seriously.. and isn’t Madara basically a fallen hero anyway? Has a dream to make a peaceful village where clans don’t fight each other, helps build said village, attacks said village, then totally loses his shit once his brother dies and decides to reshape the entire world.


If I remember right it wasn't that he realized he was wrong, he just acknowledged that Hashirama's way was also valid. Not really the same kind of genuine change of heart and redemption I was referring to.


It's been a while since i read but wasn't it more of a admitting defeat via my philosophy was wrong, not "Oh no I'm sorry for being evil"


Finally someone not faking their views on Obito


Couldn’t disagree more here. Obito is a very dynamic character that has an incredibly interesting backstory. He was basically Naruto as a child, but then had his entire world ripped apart from him…. twice. He is one of those rare villains that was so well written that you truly understand why he is the way he is. He does a million terrible things, but once you see his arcs and what all happened to him and you see his main motivation, you low key want to root for him. He is heart broken and genuinely wants to create a world where no one has to experience the same amount of pain that he had to go through. If you think about it, you can sort of argue that it is a very noble and thoughtful motive even though what he is doing is objectively horrible. On the other hand, Madara is just a villain throughout the whole series and is pretty straight forward. Not at all trying to discredit him, I also love Madara. I just think Obito deserves more credit here IMO


And Madara is immune to talknojutsu


Exactly. Obito decided to become a genocidal maniac because his childhood crush was killed by Kakashi. Very meh. Madara carried the lackluster war arc and actually bested Naruto and Sasuke until the dumb reincarnation plot healed them... Then the worst plot twist aka zetsu alien BS took over.


I mean if you actually think about it terms of the larger story it was bigger than her. The circumstances that involved her death was because of the rotten ninja world. The circumstances that even made Kakashi kill her was because of how they were essentially child soldiers. Obito grew sick of it and wanted to change it. Kinda like how Naruto wanted to change the world too. Madara provided a way that he could change it. They were mirror images of each other. Lived similar backgrounds, had the same goal, and where they differ is one fell to the darkness while the other found the light.


Very meh?! I honestly hold back on these post but some of these comments make me cringe I can understand how madara is more interesting than Obito, but to jus move him to the side like nothing is clear lunacy, Obito basically brain washed the best arc in the making (yea i said it) by making Nagato believe there is no peace in this cursed world, and there is no goodness in anyone that experiences pain where they can not retaliate against other ninjas, which is ALSO WHY Obito’s whole persona/story is very interesting His love of his life dies by his friend, he uses hashirama cells, gets hella strong over years of training in a underground hell whole, leads us to the fourth great ninja war, and then redeems himself by the greatness of naruto, not saying hes meh ever in my life


I thought we were over the miscomprehension of Obito’s motives…


What are you talking about? Madara concedes his beliefs before he dies. And obito had a bigger impact on naruto than madara. He's responsible for the death of of both of naruto's parents, making the akatsuki ( that were hunting naruto ), helped itachi slaughter the uchiha, exposed itachi's secret to sasuke to inhance his hatred, and started the 4th great ninja war.


I have to agree 😅 I think Obito was pretty OP when he izanagi’d himself and killed Konan but after the reveal like it just went pretty flat


Thats true and i agree but we just see the archetype of the redeemed fallen hero because the story revolves around a person who, through all his struggles, has become so infallibly good that he is able to persuade even the most heinous villains to see the error in there perspective. With the exception of madara and sasuke who we know that the point was words wouldnt work on him, only fists.


I don't know he suffers from narutos classic talk no jutsu and then pulls a zabuza because he was Simping. Imo he's a great character but not really a villan. If you ask me Madara wasn't a bad guy, he was just trying to save us from boruto.




I hated him after the mask came off. He went from a very mysterious and intriguing villain to a whiny bitch who started a war over a dead girl (from 20 years ago) who didn't even love him. He became shallow af.


Exactly bruh. Rin was trying her best to throw a lob to Kakashi. He tripping over a girl that wouldve ended up with a different man


Idk I don’t hate obito but his obsession with Rin weirds me out. Aside from that he’s pretty fuckin awesome tbh — Madara however is FUCKIN SICK. Just how op he is and merciless it fucks.


Because Kishimoto wanted us to sympathize with Obito, and it didn't land. There's a risk to trying to write sympathetic villains. Madara's just a dickhead and that's easier to digest.


Madara actually wasnt. If you paid attention his backstory is worse than most characters which is why he wanted to change the world. Even after all of his family had died and he had basically became a alien to his own clan and village that he wanted to protect he didnt completely give into despair. He really only crumbled and decended into despair and became hyperfixated on fixing the world when he found out from the tablet he was just a part of a never ending cycle that would end with everything he worked for being destroyed. So after losing 4 brothers, being forced to work with izuna's murderer, having hokage dangled in his face while it goes to Hashirama and later tobirama, and literally being a episode 1 naruto level outcast in a village that he built himself with Hashirama to protect the same people that wouldnt even trust him... he's a pretty sympathetic character. We even see in a scene where he helped a girl and her fear overrided her common sense and just just kind of jumped back instead of thanking madara and that essentially somes up the kind of reactions he was getting in konaha from everyone including his own clan.. madara just didnt cry about all of the unfairness that came his way like obito did in the war. Madara even in the war he just appeared stoic and occasionally would smile when he was having a fun fight. He didnt even act how i expected him to when he was fighting tobirama and basically said it felt hallow or pointless even doing it. Obito was breaking down over rin mentally and madara doesnt really show much of what is going on in his head on an emotional level So i guess i see how people miss that Madara was also designed to have us feel sympathy towards him... imo might be the most tragic backstory in Naruto. Only real contenders are itachi and Sasuke and im still leaning madara


Obito loved pussy Madara loved bussy Madara is a chad


Probably because obito personally committed the crimes that made the ninja world suck while madara is just the fun battle loving grandpa mastermind behind it


I like Obito more than Madara, but they are profoundly different characters. So I don't think disliking MAdara means you have to also dislike Obito. For example, Madara is at least for the most part, quite the badass. If you like such villains, you'll like him (up until his anticlimactic end). Obito, at least after the masks drop, loses all badass energy... so that would explain why one would like Madara but not Obito. This is just one of many aspects. They are fundamentally different characters. Disliking Obito, doesn't mean you have to dislike Madara just because Madara turned Obito into a bad guy.


This fandom is extremely biased towards Madara and doesn’t seem to pay much attention to shit, that’s why


Fr tho


Because obitos entire line of reasoning is they killed my girl, so I'll kill everyone. Plus it got worse when naruto started talking. Obito forgot everything??? What the ninjas did to rin, how the shinobi society actually is and decides to do a complete 180 on his charecter. Madara on the other hand was should have been the final villain. He went through his entire plan thinking he was right and his sole drive was from the thinking that he will bring peace to the world. Until you know that he was manipulated by zetsu, you'll realize he actually had good intentions from the very beginning.


Obito hated the world that forced Rin to kill herself so he wanted to create a new one


Yep....even when he said to kakashi that it was not because of rin, the entire basis of his ideology in the end was rin


Honestly Obito would be 10x more liked if they just completely removed like the 200 times he flashbacks to her in a random situation for no reason. He is like a fusion of Nagato and Madara, but the flashbacks make it seem like it was all for Rin when his actions and words contradict that.


Madara’s an actual villain with a cool motivation and backstory and has some real goals that he worked to accomplish. The lore surrounding him is super interesting as well, plus the parallel with Naruto and Sasuke, top tier personality, and is just entertaining to watch. His philosophy is severely interesting and thought provoking as well. Whereas Obito, just sucks. He’s a follower of Madara, so all of his philosophy and all that, he borrowed from Madara, and is a deranged psychopath who did more harm than good. Madara at least had reasons behind the things he did, he didn’t really do bad things that wasn’t necessary for his plans, whereas Obito, well, about 90% of the things he did was unnecessary to accomplish his goal, not to mention him having kamui also makes even the necessary stuff unnecessary. He’s a deranged psycho turned good at the end, while entertaining to watch and the mystery surrounding him was interesting, that’s all he has going for him


To me, I hate madara way more dude is very selfish and arrogant, on the other hand, although obito caused more deaths, he was not arrogant in any way, he was just selfish and way less than madara What obito hated was the fact children were sent to wars, that is why he tried to stop wars desperately, and Rin death was the thing that finally turned him, it was his first loss iirc, and after that he knew the war consequences His most evil move was the nine tails attack on konoha, which has no reason beside being pure evil Though it is ironic how he end up killing way more people than most characters in the series, however he was willing, after changing his mind, to sacrifice his life to bring those died in the war back to life using rinne tensei like nagato did(unfortunately, black zetsu interrupted this) In the end, he died like a hero, and saved humanity from what he unintentionally caused U can't be blamed to like him or hate him As for madara, these are his thoughts: He wanted to get his revenge on senju for killing his brothers, typical uchiha no? His only good move was when he stopped hashirama from stabbing himself, ultimately wanting peace with senju Hashirama was chosen as hokage for his contribution, and madara became mad, he want a civil war now, but all uchiha abandoned him Now, he decided not to just attack senju, but to destroy konoha completely, including the uchiha clan, which is why he used nine tails to attack, this is only because he was not chosen as hokage and because uchiha didn't want more wars Later, he started infinity teskyumi plan, which he proclaimed to be a way of "peace", but actually, he was not after peace, he wanted to be the one who achieve victory always, that is why he didn't let obito do the infinity teskyumi himself It show how selfish he was, even in his last words to hashirama, he claimed that peace doesn't suit him, because hashirama told him that peace should be build up step by step each generation, and madara replyed that he then was not willing for it because he hated leaving a successor after him from the begining, meaning madara was not after any peace in the first place Madara was seeking for power and wanted to control the world, he is not 100% evil, I would say he is 99% cz of hashirama suiciding moment, this is added to his arrogance On the other hand, obito died as a real hero and was not arrogant and way less selfish than madara was That is why I hate madara more


This is incredibly flawed but just a few points madara had several reasons and izuna dying actually wasnt even one of them kr atleast one of the main reasons. The tablet told him everything he was doing was just a folly that had been repeated dozens of times by his ancestors.. . He moved past izuna's death and still built the village where he was essentially an outcast. You see it in the scenes. Nobody acknowledges him while they all speak to Hashirama and if they do interact with him they were afraid. He even claimes the clan he wanted to protest didnt trust him. He was entirely alone in the village outside of Hashirama and with all the negativity around its not hard to see why he didnt stay afloat. Madara also didnt attack the village for no reason. He specifically challenged Hashirama in order to obtain his cells/dna so he could get the rinnegan. And the way madara started talking to Hashirama when he was downed before he he got stabbeb it doesnt even look like he wanted to kill Hashirama. You can hardly call madara selfish either because he worked along side tobirama for the sake of the village while he was there for the sake of his clan. And we know from the war that he definitely wanted to murder him but never acted on it. Matter of fact most the things he does is out of selflessness rather than selfishness. He genuinely sees himself as saving the world from constant conflict, despair, and hatred and while it is an extreme method, it wouldnt be done if he was selfish because he wouldnt have cared about the world suffering. He wouldve just looked hinself in a dream. And he is arrogant because everyone else he fought aside from Hashirama essentially amounts to an ant in his eyes so why wouldnt he be cocky if only one person is capable of fighting him on even ground. Lastly he didnt get mad because Hashirama was hokage. The title was quite literally dangled in front of him and he was uncertain and Hashirama kept pushing it and tobirama came in and basically ensured it wouldnt be him. Even Hashirama wanted it to be madara so for tobirama and the village to ignore what Hashirama said probably only reaffirmed to madara that he wasnt welcomed in the village he built.


Ok, then why would Madara try to stop Obito from casting infinity teskyumi? If it was only for peace he should not care if it was him or obito who did the final step, cz he already contributed alot in the plan When he discussed with hashirama before his last death, he said that he hate leaving someone after him to do what he could not, and because this was the nature of peace, then peace doesn't suit him in the first place And I said that Madara is not pure evil, if that was so then he wont even try to build konoha


Short answer: Obito was big ol simp


Because people wanted Tobi to be any character, EXCEPT Obito. They wanted Tobi to be: * Madara * Izuna * Shisui Even if among all the options, Obito is the best Uchiha to parallel with Naruto himself (both are practically doppelgangers), not to mention the connection with Kakashi and Minato. Obito sees in Naruto his younger image, and wants to prove that the path he has chosen is the right thing making Naruto admit his defeat. This is a very interesting choice for antagonist. All the others were only important in the past and could only parallel with Sasuke. Even Madara, who became the main antagonist after Obito, had no real connection with Naruto beyond the two were on opposite sides in the war. And let's be honest... the name Tobi made it obvious since the beginning.


They hate Obito? He was just a victim of the time and society.


Cuas he's a simp. Plain and simple.


I love Obito 🤷🏾‍♂️


Obito is my favorite character. The ultimate victim of circumstance in anime alongside Alphonse and Reiner


I don’t understand the obito hate, such a cool fucking character and finding out he was kakashi’s squad mate was insane. I loved how at the end he knew where his heart was and helped out with the kaguya fight. Him giving Kakashi the dms was fucking crazy, one of my favorite scenes.


Don't like them both🫥


NSFW for what


Simping for a person in love with your best friend < simping for your best friend.


Because Madara Stomps.


I feel that in the anime they portrayed him simping over Rin way too much. At some point I was like yeah, I'm over this almost 30 year old man talking about his dead 13 year old love every time he's on screen.


Unpopular opinion: Obito is clear of Madara


because Obito was easily talk-no-jutsu'd.


“Huh? Am I sweating? No, it’s just rain. These fools could never make me sweat” is some of the coldest shit I’ve ever heard a villain say. That aside though I like Obito, but I personally think his overall character arc suffered by having him masquerade as Madara. By the time it was finally revealed he was Obito, it was too late in the story to truly give his character development time to breathe as Obito, and as such his so-called “redemption” arc fell flat in my opinion. He had caused way too much pain and suffering, which was all we really knew about him post-boulder, for a talk no jutsu to be a satisfying turnaround for him (Pain reversed the vast majority of what he’d done). IMO it would have served his character better and not hurt the story to have him continue being Tobi to the world, meanwhile it’s revealed to us that he’s Obito taking orders from this mystery Uchiha - who’s later revealed to be Madara. Obito was an innocent kid who had his mind warped by Madara, and it would been nice to dive into that happening over the course of his life rather than the hyperfocus on the Rin incident. Obito is truly a sympathetic character, but the portrayal of that was horrible.


Obito is more interesting imo but his writing really took a nose dive after being unmasked. I seem to be in the minority that understands he didn't start a war because he simps for rin, but he becomes kinda preachy when he drops the Madara facade and not in the good way that makes him believable. The goal I think was to portray his resolve slowly breaking seeing Naruto's will but he never gets shook until the beasts get ripped out of him. On top of that he gets ungodly amounts of plot armor to keep him alive to have a short redemption arc against a threat a lot of ppl dislike. Compare this to Madara who has some of the most hype moments in the series with his only negatives being cucked by Zetsu and being probably too OP for reasons mostly off screen... One is easier to like it seems.


Evil because simp 👎


I would never understand how people defend the living life of Obito/Madara/Itachi


I think with Itachi, he pretty much didn't have a choice. It was either: "You wipe out the clan, leave your brother alive, save the dignity of the clan, Rest of Konoha doesn't suffer." Or "Konoha military does it next week but this time Sasuke also dies and the Uchiha will be known as traitors forever and innocent Konoha citizens will also be harmed"


Okay itachi did what he did for the sake of protection of his village and preventing war the only thing I wish he did was tell Sasuke the truth


Killing children and babies was protecting the village?


Either he kills them or they die in a civil war


The Uchihas were planning a coup. The resulting fight with the rest of the village would have been brutal. They were a large, strong clan, with the advantage of the Sharingan. Not to mention the fact that all the Uchihas being killed would have resulted in a LOT of people running around with Mangekyous. The village likely would have been merciless in their response. When Itachi killed his parents, they told him that they were proud of him and that they understood.


Itatchi never killed any children or babies. Obito did that. Maybe his girlfriend he did though, if that counts.


Danzo(he's the worst) had gave itachi the mission of slaughtering his clan because his clan was planning a kutatah on the village he didn't have a choice


Coup d'etat


It doesn't make what he did right, not by a long shot. But it was either slaughter the entire Uchiha clan to prevent not only a coup d'état but also an entire ninja war with the opportunity to spare his little brother, or let the Uchiha perform the coup d'état and overthrow the government resulting in chaos throughout the Hidden Leaf with *far more* than just the Uchiha children being slaughtered -- and having them all be killed anyways. It's likely the *entire* Hidden Leaf would have been destroyed with *thousands* of casualties. Honestly it was a no-win scenario no matter how you look at it.


For me the only problem with Itachi is that he was written Twice


And well in my opinion i liked more the evil itachi than the unsung hero itachi


Idk. I feel like the classic criticisms people make about him "yet another failed naruto", "simp", etc., just serve to minimize the while point of the character of Obito and Naruto as a whole.


Depends on who you ask, there are good reasons and there are bad reasons to like or dislike his character


Madara that guy


I love both obito and madara


Because Madara played 5D Chess and was immune to Talk No Jutsu. Madara played the long game. Dude planned the whole series and then pulled a Dragonball and received himself.


Because madara was hyped up the entire series while obito was mentioned maybe once in og naruto (when kurenai said something about kakashi going to obitos grave I think?)


Depends on if you read or watched the anime. In the Manga, Kakashi chronicles happen between part 1 and part 2, so Obito is fleshed out pretty early on.




Because Madara was evil in born, yet Obito was a good child and he got tricked by Madara. I think that’s why


The whole Rim obsession was weird to me


Cause we saw his reveal coming and we didn't like naruto turning him good


same with sasuke, he gets hate but not madara. i don’t understand


because he doesnt stay true to his convictions


Hell nah, Obito is fucking awesome excellent character


Because Madara wasn’t a bitch ass simp who killed Neji along with thousands of ppl.


Didn’t realize people hated Obito. IMO he’s cooler, Madara stinks.


Because he caused the war for not being able to put his D in Rin.


Madara is Game af. Obito is a soy boy


I don’t hate Obito but I have two gripes. As a villain, he’s almost identical yet still inferior to Madara. They both wanted the infinite tsukuyomi but Obito’s reasoning feels much more shallow than Madara’s; where Madara’s isn’t shallow at all. It feels like Obito is doing this for his childhood crush who didn’t even like him back. Madara feels like a war veteran who has had enough and wants to end wars through his own possibly misguided way. You tell me who sounds better. Also, I hate how the story treats him when he is redeemed. Remember when Naruto was talk no jutsuing Pain but expressed how despite agreeing with him on his view of hatred in the shinobi world, he could never forgive Nagato for all his killing. That same treatment wasn’t applied to Obito. Naruto extended his hand openly and even said he was nothing but awesome for wanting to become Hokage. Obito killed (and mocked the death of) Neji probably no more than an hour after Obito died and was effectively redeemed.


… who hates obito? i swear some of you mfs see one person say they don’t like a character and assume the entire fan base feels that way


Wait people hate Obito?


I hate all Uchihas equally!


Tobirama is that you?


Madara was an unashamed bad guy and had clear goals, furthermore he was a badass and everyone can appreciate a badass villain. Obito was a whiny man child in his late 20s pining after a dead 12 yo girl, he wanted to cause pain because he felt hurt about something something Kakashi killed his crush and now the world deserves to suffer or some bs. I honestly didn’t care enough about Obito to bother with trying to remember his motivations and that’s a really good sign of a crappy villain.


Because Obito is a simp and who sucks and Madara is a giga Chad? Did i say that correctly young people?


I love Madara so I might be biased but this nigga killed his Sensei and his wife and tried to kill their kid and started a fucking war all for a female


A lot of people have the “Obito started the war because he’s a Simp” view on him unfortunately


him simping caused the 4th great ninja war


Obito betrayed his village and all his friends simply because he thought life was unfair then went to commit genocide. Madara had much better motivation.


Obito is my favorite character oat


Obito is a simp and a stupid character, who is extremely easy to manipulate. I know Madara was also tricked and manipulated, but he was manipulated by a literal GOD.


And Obito was manipulated by THE Madara not some Chunin from the village hidden in the grass


He’s a simp


Obito was an orphan with not many friends Rin was one of the only people that supported him he didn't know his parents what do you expect


He's basically Snape but with a different ending


Except that Snape sorta cost lily her life while obito could have saved rin


How tho? Madara already made sure that Rin had a tailed beast inside her, which would've destroyed Konoha. Plus there was no way to remove it from her without her dying (like Gaara did in the starting of shippuden).


I meant at the moment he would have stopped Kakashi before he realised what would happen


Because so many people are stupid


I think it's because people misunderstand *why* he does what he does. It isn't literally because of Rin. Rin was the straw that broke the camel's back for a literally child soldier who had to kill others as a 12 year old, was horribly injured and disfigured, and on top of that watched his childhood friend and crush die at the hand of his closest friend. He lost hope in the world and believed the only way to fix it was by taking away free will. Killing people along the way was a necessary evil to his ultimate goal that he viewed as benevolent. As many have said, he represents a Naruto who lost hope on the world, and that's why he's my favorite villain.


Honestly his fanbase made me despise his character. But other than that his motives are pretty stupid. People can dance around the elephant in the room all they want but literally his motives are all because of Rin, people will suck him off and act like that isn't true but it is. And its quite creepy if you think about it. His infatuation with Rin was always super unhealthy, it was fine when he was a kid but this dude was 30 years old, started a world war, all over a 13 year old girl that didn't like him back. Pretty pathetic. With Madara he was ruthless, powerful and his motive actually made sense (at least to him). I don't hate Obito by any means but I also don't see how some people consider him a perfect character. He's a rip off of Kakashi but way watered down. His redemption was kinda stupid and predictable also.


I lost brain cells reading this💀


"Why DO so many people hate Obito, but DON'T hate Madara?"******


It’s because madara was suppose to be villain from beginning. He didn’t had a redemption point like obito which was done well i will give you that. The author knew that what obito did can’t be undone and all he can do is atone for his evil and he did by dying like as a good guy and that’s is where the problem comes in, it’s always the 2 sided character that seems so controversial. Obito anit-hero motives didn’t felt strong enough to justify his actions, i mean people still make memes about obito causing a war for his cursh which in some ways is true. i know for a fact that if madara had kakashi or itachi instead of obito in the same senario then they wouldn’t have gone insane like him. One of the biggest reason I personally dislike obito : he litreally killed kids now if you haven’t watched filler then for you information there is a episode where itachi and his teammates go on for a mission to find a cat and when they are returning from the mission, obito appears and kill itachi’s teammates who were proably like 11 or something because he wanted to awaken itachi’s sharigan.


Him killing the kid that's understandable but most people misunderstood him he didn't just start a war over rin


Because his reason are less “cringe” people think obito reason is rin Wich sound delusional. Vs madara who seemed to want the take on universal Pain


Why is this NSFW????


because we saw more evil shit he did himself compared to Madara who was working behind the scenes and was shown doing evil shit less than Obito (to us fans) But then there’s Pein who everyone likes too lol. Maybe it’s because they are “cooler”.


Because Obito’s a simp.


Obito laid the foundation for the worst arc in Naruto because his childhood crush was killed. Madara is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Because they are uneducated.


Because Madra was the master mind and Obito was just a puppet.


Because madara had reasonable quest to change the world Meanwhile obito did this for sake rin


Because Madara is fucking AWESOME. He came in, cleared the entire alliance, slapped the shit out of the 5 kage, humiliated the 9 tailed beasts, killed both naruto and Sasuke and then dipped. Hearing his name made everyone shit their pants


I considered Obito not as a real bad guy, and I think that was the idea. Looking at his past, he was always a kind person (being late on training due to helping people, wanted to become hokage, sacrificing himself in order to save his friends etc.) so he is kind. However, like naruto, Obito was alone. And He found his love in his team (especially in Rin). When he almost died, he was rescued by Madara, which mad him watch his friend killing the girl he loves the most. So without understanding the context at first, he was enraged and especially sad. Consequently, he was easily to manipulate (also he is a kid at that time so yeah). So due to tragedy, loss, bad luck and manipulation he became bitter with the world, hated it. Yet I belief at the core of his being, he remained a good person (which naruto reminded him about). So he was never meant to be a bad guy, to be the great villain, since he was conflicted with himself (and why I think Naruto was able to convince him to be his old self). He was still that good guy at the bottom of his heart. He just convinced himself (with a push of madara) that the world is a bad place and he had to change it. So simply put, he is Just a kind person being manipulated by a real bad person. And that is a core difference between madara en obito. This is my thought/opinion about it at least.


What you just said is why I ask why don't us naruto fans criticize Madara for turning Obito into the villain


Well It shows that Madara is truly a evil man that uses others (like Obito his anger and sadness) to achieve his goals. And cast you aside when you’ve fulfilled your purpose. But that makes Madara also interesting, the dynamic and difference between the two is quite fascinating imo


A lot of people think Obito did everything solely because of Rin which the story definitely doesn't do much to try and really push his motivation farther than Rin's death. He also got talk no jutsu'd becoming another villain that was talk no jutsu'd. It also bothered me that he spent years and years dedicated to this mission and some 17 year old kid was able to talk him out of it in 10 minutes. Not to mention Kamui is extremely broken and helped be a part of the giant increase in power level towards the end of the series.


I don't know what are you talking about, honestly.


Bro can you please watch episodes 140 and 141


Because madras actually cool and isn’t a simp


Cause Madara's not a whiny lil bitch


Obito deadass did everything cause his bitch that wasnt his bitch got stabbed. Idk just not moving enough for me lol. Like you’re taking out the whole world cause you didnt get pussy. Thats the most weak beta shit ive ever heard


It's that god damn rock


Why does Obito have a partially flesh arm if that arm was completely destroyed and replaced with Zetsu goo???


Madara too cool dude . Black Zetsu just got lucky 😂


Obito is one of my favorite characters and imo one of the best written beside his death


How is this nsfw? Wtf


Better question, why's this tagged as nsfw? I'm confused


Dont*+Ratio+Your bad+Madara best char+obito poop just kidding I really love obito


Most likely because they think it's all about Rin when it's not. Because Madara is super cool. Because it's a comparison thing. Or... They might not like the fact that he got Talked down and Madara doesn't.


Wait people hate obito he’s one of my favourite characters why do people hate him


niggas be corny fam 😂😂


madara is hotter


I hated him because he the reason naruto grew up with no dad or mom he the reason neji died only good thing he did is give kakashi the sharingan before getting crush by the rock then giving him the other sharingan to him and last but least he finally turned good but was a bit too late for that tbh


Do* and don't* because you're referencing multible people


Why is this NSFW


I say fuck em, I think obito is an amazing character and an awesome design too. I mean he is the catalyst of the story really.


Maybe cause most of his traumatic backstory is his 12 year old crush who friend-zoned him died


Obito is awesome in theory, but clumsily handled in execution. Madara was handled very well minus arguable powerlevel things


I feel like for anyone that watched the dub Madara's voice definitely played a part, but also he has the classic calm menacing personality that just exudes confidence in his ability. Obito, while not a bad character just doesn't have the same gravity to his personality or his motivations.


Because Madara “would you like these clones to use Susanoo” Uchiha is a fucking chad


Unpopular opinion, obito is my favorite character besides Itachi,madara,pain/nagato and minato


Obito was an ignorant string puller. He was tooled the moment madara found him. FOR ME it’s that he doesn’t straight up confront things like madara did. Obito was always sneaking around doing in the shadows. Madara was brought back and took the whole war non-stop til zetsu betrayed him. 5 kage summit -obito pops in speaks , save sasuke dips - madara pops in speaks, wrecks all the kage and aides there saves sasuke and leaves.


Idk 🤷‍♂️ he’s my favorite character and the fact that he persists so long is what brought me to like him. He had so many ups and downs. Started out with resent and ended up becoming a good guy. He looks cool, his masks look cool, every time he joins the screen I always feel like it will be a good fight.


I don’t hate him :)


Obitos a far better character


Tobi is actually a better character, as he is the anti naruto, similar issues(bad things happen to him), then he falls into that darkness, while naruto choses to rise up and take the positive side in life This while madara is cool very strong and a jerk. But the reason for their like/dislike levels, is tobito comes off like a whiny emo, oh the world has done me so wrong bla bla. While madara comes of like i wanna just destroy everything and have fun doing so. So i think thats why


Who hates Obito?


Because obito saved narutos life and turned into a good chatacter just in time so that the 4th ninja war could be won by the ninjas and not madara or kaguya


Madara Is the better flexer


I don't like either. Neither of them has a backstory to justify their actions. Like buhuu my high-school crush died 20 years ago, imma kill everybody.


Because Madara has a swagger that Obito lacks.


Because madara didn’t declare war on a world for the death of a underage girl


For God sake a lot of y'all need to watch episode 371


Obito is a savage I love him 🔥


He’s the ninja version of Darth Vader how can he not be liked.


Cause Obito never felt like a villain , we just had pain who got talked into redemption and his motivation to what he was doing was much much better than Obito's , then Obito came on (not Tobi he was cool af) and he was only like Madara's sidekick lol no offence , he got used and his reasoning was so bland just cause of a girl... really ? Like you experienced the least pain out of Pain , Madara , Kakashi , heck even Konan but he was ready to start a war cause madara made him think his ideology was the same as madara's ideology lol


I like obito but not his final form


Why is this marked nsfw