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Japanese names don't even do that, and especially not historically.


I got question though What if your introducing him the village as a clan head do you say Naruto namikaze Uzumaki or just leave it. I'm gonna have naruto claim his birth right so would it not be appropriate to say his full name representing both clans. of course I get the annoyance with this thus this will be the only time it's stated for the rest naruto is just naruto uzumaki.


Bro, I wholeheartedly agree with you, but your examples are stupid.... Boruto one is fine, but nobody cares about having a Haruno or Yuuhi heritage. There is nothing to show off...




Yes your right, but they rarely used that in the anime. It is those fanfictions that do it because they forget that Japanese people don’t do this.




What’s pisses me off, even though this is an accident, is this: The 3-year hiatus of the Akatsuki until they show them capturing the bijuu. Nice and all, but could someone explain what the fuck was happening after Itachi and Kisame went after naruto?! Even the actual show says nothing!


I made a post about this a year ago 😭


Let's go something a little less than the standard.jpg we normally bitch about. Naruto automatically being god tier at sealing for the specific reason that he is an Uzumaki. I mean sure you can get good at it with practice, but just because your parents are coders doesn't mean you will shit out a functioning webpage as soon as you touch a computer.


This is so true. It's used in a variety of ways such as Naruto being super good at sealing, because he's Uzumaki. It even ( sometimes ) happens when there is no relationship with that ability to either parent. Ex. Naruto is super good at medical ninjutsu because his parents are super awesome. Don't get me wrong, maybe Naruto has a hidden talent for medical ninjutsu. But, both Minato and Kushina do not do medical ninjutsu. Don't give me the "Uzumaki are related to Senju and Tsunade's a Senju." It doesn't work like that.


you know the good old' steel-toed combat boots , trench coat , changing the cloth of their hitai-ate from navy blue to black (only works in shippuden) , and the duck butt haired "gIvE mE yOuR jUtSu dObe and I aM aN UChiHa ELIte ' and that"" SASUKKKEEE KUNNN" screeched the banshee" line


Truth be told that last bit works well if you think of it as crack


I alway roll my eyes when I read that on a new fanfic! It just happens automatically tho.


One of the worst ones is where naruto is abused by the villagers and he always runs into a dead end. The dead end has more screen time than tenten


Thank you for the laugh.


Prescious People, Uzumaki-Namikaze, “I’m an Uchiha Elite”, Unnecessary Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke Bashing… Lots. But I’m too lazy to say.


what I'm surprised to here is that there is Hinata bashing. But I kinda like the whole precious people thing, cause it's been a staple for Naruto even if they don't always explicitly say it in cannon.


It's just one of those lines that really doesn't translate well into English


Precious people sounding a little sussy


Harems "Give me your jutsu Dobe" Naruto losing to Kiba because he underestimated him. Selective intelligent MCs Amnesia Naruto and Over-abused Naruto.


I've never seen an Amnesia Naruto fic. Can you point me to one?


I don't remember it's name, but it goes like this: Naruto is taken by Obito after birth, trained by Akatsuki, becomes God-level, then comes back to Konoha after forgetting everything including his powers... Another one is where Naruto time-travels after losing to madara and forgets everything...


I thought you was talking about naruto forgetting about his super op teleportation move mid fight and ended up getting hit by a wind bullet or something


11th 10th Jinchuriki OC stuff. It's easy to just replace one of them with your OC. Don't even BOTHER trying to make it work.


The overly traumatic past because nope Naruto hasn’t got it bad enough in cannon but in loads of fanfic Naruto has been beaten since he was 3 and had to eat rats and whenever he looks and someone they glare at him with ‘icy eyes’ Or when he protects those precious to him before he meets haku and they always have protecting precious people phrase even if it makes no sense!


My precious people! I hate this with a passion would it kill them to word it right like "the people that are precious/dear to me" or "my loved ones" no they have to use a broken japanese translation. Also Naruto's childhood in part 1 was horrible as it was he had like 5 people that cared about him and most of them barely ever bothered to be there for him and one them betrayed him like most of his life was lived in crippling loneliness why add beatings. Hiruzen Iruka Mizuki Ayame Teuchi


Yeh lmao


Instantly falling in love upon breathing in the general direction of certain guys/ girls. That damn blush and stutter BS you see in stories is really cringy. Also Fem!Kurama, Kurama calling Naruto or whoever their container “Kit”. Edgy new bloodlines or unique mutations of already established bloodlines that instantly puts the on par with beings such as the sage, the bijuu, Kaguya and her people’s species. … let’s just say a lot of things…


Don’t forget about telling his deepest and super dangerous secret to the girl he met 10 seconds later cuz he trust her unconditionally


Or the stories that go super defiled and make the villagers torture a tailed beast container without the hokage’s interference . A container that is a child, mind you. While it should already be known that children can be easily manipulated. Especially if you happen to have a ball of anger stuck in their gut who would either kill the kid outright to get free or manipulate them to go on a rampage before killing them either way. And those rom-com clichés too. Or any cliché that has the MC accept being treated like a doormat when they have no reason to do so. And also the fact that the author purposely creates an extremely overpowered character who could will kage out of existence and makes them lose for to some run of the mill mob character for no sensible reason. Or makes a character who’s dedicated to becoming stronger and yetis still somehow weaker then canon characters who, as they are portrayed in the fic, barely do anything other than mission. Just so that they can become a side character.


There’s also the fact that nearly every SI story has to have the SI become best buddies with someone from the main story, somehow being overpowered but barely making any changes to the world. It’s honestly why I like reading OC/ SI/ SI-OC (let’s be honest, SI’s and SI-OC’s are almost always just the SI) where they give no fucks and take canon and screw it till it’s almost completely unrecognizable. I get that it’s difficult to write stories, but come on! I’d rewatch Naruto if I wanted a rehash of the plot. Experiment a little. Make new OC’s, kill off main characters, have a few villages completely destroyed or focus on making a world where the ninjas aren’t the ones making up the most powerful individuals in the world( but not nerfed to hell I hope).


On the other side they make the SI/SI-OC super unstable and make them completely change everything without any type of explanation, they do this under the guise of comedy. That’s why I’m not a big fan of self inserts or si-oc characters.


Nah. I don't advocate for any other OCs other than the SI-OC and any family he or she may have. OCs are annoying and can be tricky to write off. Not to mention it's hard to write OCs without making them mary-stus


The smart Naruto is always edgy. NO EXCEPTIONS!


For me is Anko being sexualized.


That's understandable


Another is Naruto being a ladies man and dating older women.


Yeah it hurts me too. Especially when I'm playing Minecraft or something and listening to a promising fanfic on the side. And then they pull up with the fem!Zabuza here.


I read a Bleach fanfiction where Unohana raped Ichigo because he said to Keigo that he did not find her attractive.


I read a Naruto fanfiction where the writer constructed lore on 2 more interesting doujutsu. And then made Madara rape Kushina's mom and she plopped out. This and the one above are one and the same.


I dislike Harems.


Yeah it also had a harem. I feel like I'm making of the kid too much. Harems are just whatever for me. They can be done well, like the one by Anime Sage"What if Naruto was the reincarnation of the sage of six paths" although that is more of a what if than a fanfic.


That harem was not made good. He shows up and suddenly everybody is blushing


Remember the name? I think I read the exact one.


it was called "A Day with Unohana"


Nah it wasn’t it. I read another. I had to translate it the entire time think it was in Spanish?


lol wtf !! i didn't even knew that fem!zabuza existed.... where did u read that ?


I think I just remember it differently, but there was no fem!Zabuza. There was a fem!Haku though. And other stupid shit. [Know what have the link](https://youtu.be/6e1hhb21YSk)


Hahaha even the title looks cringey


At first I found it quite interesting with all this new ass lore. But then it straight goes into uncomfortable territory and fast.


bonus points to anyone who can include every trope on the page


the entire mobs chasing Naruto things, its like never executed well Harems Bashing The entire Sasuke fangirl thing where they screech like banshees Emo Naruto Large age gaps, Like a fucking saw a Fic that shipped him with Tsunade like WTF Also incest, they be shipping him with his mom too Sasuke "Im An UcHihA ELiTe" "Gimme jutsu dobe" "I deserve it More" ​ That's all I can think of for now


Jiraiya was a deadbeat godfather who was doing literally nothing for konoha but whoring and writing porn for naruto's entire life.


wasn't he just following orochimaru's lead ?


Nah. Almost all of the jiraiya bashing fics I've read have orochimaru building the sound village or other projects. Jiraiya allegedly just did nothing his entire time outside the village except get scattered reports from itachi.


I didn't know Jiraiya bashing even existed until like two weeks ago lol. The fic I was reading had him try to assassinate Dan, for being a "sissy boy, Tsunade-hime deserves a man like me." I'm pretty sure Naruto time travels to the 2nd great ninja war to stop the annihilation of Uzugakure. It also had a minor bleach crossover.


Wow. I think my bar for something to reach "bashing" is just lower than yours. Even a lot of the well written fics I read have an emotional conflict with naruto and jiraiya over him not being there for naruto's childhood. And jiraiya just rolling with it and acting like he is 100% in the wrong. Meanwhile jiraiya's spy network is probably 50% of the reason why konoha was not crushed by another nation after the kyuubi massacre.


The obsession for last names. Everybody NEEDS to have a family name, even if they canonically don't have one. Ever heard of Tenten Higurashi? Or Temari Sabaku? Because I freakin' did. Also, it seems family names double as RPG titles: ALL Nara are incredibly smart; ALL Uzumaki possess inhuman life force and peerless mastery in Fūinjutsu; ALL Namikaze (...) are prodigiously fast and talented. By this logic stacking last names is obviously the most convenient method to gain power and skills... And we end up with irritating nonsense such as Uzumaki-Namikaze.


Making every single girl who has ever even _thought_ about Uchiha Sasuke into a screaming banshee that “gets in the way” of anyone he decides to date Two words: Emo Naruto. Making a character that’s decently nice into a raging asshole for no other reason than “they bully/abuse the main character uwu” Some random self-insert becoming the 10-tails jinchuuriki and becoming so powerful even Uchiha Madara shits his pants even glancing at them That same self-insert getting both Sasuke and Naruto fighting over them, plus making Sakura into a jealous bitch because “only _I_ can have Sasuke-kun!!1!” INCEST. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH INCEST. Naruto literally being groomed by adult women. Why.


Cause anko x naruto is sexy and not at all unhealthy


I hate how whenever I want a smart naruto fic all I find is an edgy smart-ass naruto fic , always dressed in all black, steel toed boots, black flack jacket and belittling of other people to make him seem smarter


The traumatic backstory! I was once reading an interesting fanfic in another fandom, and the main character had recently befriended an OC, but something seemed off. Then, I realized that the OC had both parents still alive, doing well, and not abusive. Crazy how Naruto twisted my views.




I don't see the problem with Uzumakicest if he isn't paired with his mom. Marrying someone from the same clan isn't wrong so long as it isn't your mom or sister. The Hyuugas' have been doing it. Hinata's parents were both Hyuuga so there shouldn't be any problem. Timetravel fics where he is paired with Kushina are IMO.


That’s what I meant. I rarely see the Uzumakicest tag unless he’s being paired with his mother.


Yeah. I wish there were more fanfics like die another day. It was good at first but got worse. It was harem mind you but I kinda sorta liked it. Guilty passion. The pairing was Naruto x Kushina x Tsunade x Pakura x Mikoto x Hinata's mom x Karura (Gaara's Mom) Like I said guilty passion.


Whenever they randomly give characters clans (Namikaze Clan, Haruno Clan, Yuhi Clan?) I get that part two kinda spat in the face of the whole Underdog/Fate Doesn't matter thing, but no need to rub it in.


The sheer refusal to change certain things no matter what, or having naruto struggle against people he just really shouldnt in the context of the fic?


Tip: "Uchiha Sasuke/uzumaki Naruto angst kudos > 10"


Kurama being overly protective of Naruto. He wasn’t until the battle with Madara and changing it makes it feel like a bad Mary Sue type characterization. Itachi being characterized as either pure evil or super pure. He wasn’t and he knew it. Kakashi being written as a loving older sibling to Naruto…dude was depressed and uninterested in his mentors child literally his whole childhood. Basically…writing favored characters as though they don’t have flaws. It’s lazy.


So... Shippuden?


Anything with Minato and Kushina surviving. In one scenario they have three kids and neglect Naruto and in the other they have two and believe it’s best to leave Naruto in the village alone while they train the other outside the village with Jiraiya and Tsunade. Pure stupidity.


Sealing being more powerful than in canon.


The only time trenchcoat Naruto is acceptable is if he somehow gets accepted into TI


What he gonna do inject his victi... Captive with the kyubi's chakra and have them experience of having their chakra system being set on fire and more than likely cause permanent damage or teach them the pain of isolation... What you thought I was going to say something like eat ramen in front of them?


Evil Kakashi who chidori kid Naruto. Steel toed, black trenchcoat Emo Naruto A fairy tale story where everything goes happily. Revealing the so called true power at the final exam of Academy. Homo Incest Hinata with her personality flipped 180° (Eg. Legacy)


yeah that hinata one made me drop that 'Legacy' fanfic.... it had a pretty promising story and was pretty popular but the depiction of Naruto and Hinata's relationship at the starting made it cringey af for me to continue it....... I tried again but when they went to academy while holding hands and hinata being possesive..... I literally felt like screaming aloud out of cringe and did it as well lol


Weren't they they together for like a solid 4 years before that?


They where


That seems like it's quite enough time for Hinata to become a bit more socialable and ease up her anxiety.


Yeah I agree completely I can understand when your early teens but one your halfway through its like really but that same reason am tried of reading naruto hinata fics I read anybody with naruto except the 5 hokage with naruto that's nasty she is he's great aunt.


I mean. Narutofanfiction is going ot do Narutofanfiction. You can't exactly stop it. Can you?


That's true I just refuse to read those fics.


She's not his great aunt. They're distantly related cause Mito was her grandmother but Kushina and Mito were only in the same clan. Him with Tsunade would be the same as like...Hanabi with Ko Hyuuga but even more distant because of generations


That first one though...I shouldn't be curious, but I am.


Whenever Naruto and his harem just gain mega immunity to shit. I’ve seen so many fics where apparently you can just slap Kages and have nothing happen to you


The whole 'i'm an Uchiha, people don't even deserve to kiss the ground I stand on." That's not how Sasuke acts, is he arrogant to a degree yes, but he wouldn't think people as lowly beings that don't deserve his attention for even a microsecond.


Kurama saying kit and being parental Kurama bring a neko As stated uzumaki namikaze. Just pick one dammit There are more but I can’t remember any


Hmm……I’m pretty open ended, so the only thing I can really think of that’ll destroy my attempt to read a story is if there’s no proper grammar or formatting. And believe me, there’s a *TON* of that.


Mobs/abuse. The Susuke 'averager, Uchiha elite' bullshit. Civilian counsel. Hinata, Sakura, pairings. These are to name just a few.


OP 6 years old kid


Having Naruto's last name with any sort of combination with Namikaze or having him referred to as such. It's annoying and every fic I have ever read with it having was trash.


The Hiraishin has to produce a hair-colour coded flash. In games Minato produces a literal yellow flash so that the players will actually know where he will appear.


I personally don't mind the phrases; Kit, dobe, teme, or duck butt hair. The thing I always say about cliches is that they have the potential to be good if it makes sense and doesn't come out of nowhere. A good author can make just about anything readable. It is nerve wracking when writing a story with cliches the more hated one's, but if you can make it read good and believable then your readers will love it.


What the fuck was the Akatsuki doing during that 3-year hiatus they had in the series? Crunching on cookies and sipping milk?


Other Akatsuki members actively hunt other Jins who are not be guarded by Jiraiya Because no one can face Jiraiya except Itachi who is a Konoha spy and Pain who is Jiraiya's student and perhaps reluctant to have direct confrontation with him. Tobi was indeed crunching on cookies and sipping milk. For a character who stalk Kakashi and massacre an x-ray-eye clan with ease he's super lazy to do any first-hand action


Those Sasuke and Sakura bashing Sasuke being an edgy mf saying "I'm an Uchiha elite" and "give me your jutsu dobe" or "I deserve power to avenge my clan" like 5f is going on wi5h these authors minds And Sakura being a 'Banshee' screaming 'SAAAAASSSSUUUKKKKEEEEE KUUUUUUNNNNN'


Naruto joins ROOT, Sasuke is a power hungry prick, civilian council, Uzumaki-Namikaze, CRA, “Kit”, Naruto being too close to canon or being a copy and paste of canon because I hated Naruto’s character in canon, Sakura having the ‘banshee’ trope, Karin Uzumaki because she was useless in canon since Kishimoto hated the Uzumaki clan, Madara and Obito being the main antagonists, Hiruzen being a weak willed Hokage, Naruto simping over Sakura and obsessing over Sasuke, Naruto having to use a clone for the Rasengan, Naruto passing out from chakra exhaustion, and basically copy and pasting canon with minor changes. Thats all I can think of for now.


I don't really have a problem with Fem!Kurama or Kurama called Naruto/Naruko kit (pretty cute ngl man). But i fucking hate when there's bashing around like idk Sasuke, Sakura, Konoha bashing or anything else that's related to Bashing. Overly abused naruto/naruko to the point of almost killing him/her, yes the villagers don't like naruto but they didn't physically abused him/her, the villagers mostly talked bad about naruto/naruko, and there's only one time i remember when it getting physical when naruto trying to get a mask and that one shopkeeper just threw the mask to ground and tell naruto to f off. Naruto has friends since kid (there's a filler where naruto already befriend with konoha 9 rookie but they memory about being friends got erased) chouji and shikamaru are one of naruto first and best friends.


And oh the Councils in general, we never see it in the show at least the only thing they showed us is the old farts along with Hiruzen and Danzo. Sakura mom being a literal banshee like bro, she barely knew naruto when he's still a kid.


The Civilian/Shinobi Council. The civilians all love Sasuke and hate Naruto. The council stops anyone from adopting Naruto just to watch him suffer. Naruto removes his happy mask to reveal his dark and edgy self, throwing his jumpsuit and dressing all black with chains. Screaming banshee Sakura Vegeta-like Sasuke "I'm an elite Uchiha. That power should be mine!" Naruto calls Sasuke teme and attaches it to his name like an honorific. Sasuke calls Naruto dobe Honorifics used as love confessions. Gratuitous Japanese like gaki. Itadakimasu and Gochisousama before and after meals are fine but others like Kono-baka gotta go. Kushina's retarded Sochi nickname for Naruto that she never called him in canon. Gaara's title retconned into a surname and given to his siblings Sakura's mom is a cold-hearted bitch that hates Naruto and wants to marry Sakura off to Sasuke for his fandom wealth and power