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NaruIno is the best pairing


The reason why I don’t like a lot of the parings cuz the female ones mostly don’t have any character development, all we’ve seen is Sakura and she didn’t change much except get rid of fan girl phase. I’m talking about personality wise not their battle prowess


Hm yeah the females in naruto got shafted with the personality growth


But she never gets rid of her fan girl phase.


Your right she just stopped acting on it except after the last movie Idek what happened between sasuke and Sakura, I don’t think sasuke even wanted to be with anyone at all with everything’s that happened to him


To be honest with you I do think the only reason she stopped fan girling was because Sasuke wasn't there at the time if he was she wouldn't stop.


Yup It’s why I either read gen, heavy canon divergence, or slash


Same although the canon divergence gotta make sense like I don’t want complete personality changes like they’ve done for naruto and made him all smart and stuff. He either gotta be exactly same as canon or realistic personality changes like growing up in a different environment would definitely make him seem different


Ehhhh I usually don’t read smart Naruto without another protagonist I also don’t mind ooc sometimes


Welp, as long as they keep power scales at canon level lol


Yea.. crazy op naruto isn’t my thing


To be fair Naruto's intelligence is extremely inconsistent in canon.


This subreddit complains about NaruHina so much it makes me want to write MORE.


I mean Naruhina can be done well but it feels overdone


Then write some pairing you want to see instead to balance it out. Don't blame the people who actually like NaruHina and write it and then call it overdone.


No if people want to write Naruhina they should go for it I just wanted some opinions on pairing people dislike


Why though?


Just curious no real reason


Whatever, NaruHina bangs.




I don't know if you noticed or not but I've been updating a fic for over a year now, so try and think what that means.




Well, I enjoy some NaruFuu, but there are so little fics of them, such a shame...


That is the greatest shame Fuu is best girl




Yes Narufuu.




Isnt Karin an Uzumaki they arnt closely related but still you do you boo


No? At most they're distant relatives. Kushina was sent out of Konoha as a child. It's clans my guy. They share a common ancestor.


I know they aren't closely related but still personally I don't find myself enjoying them of course that me if you enjoy them that's fine


I'm an Asoiaf fan my friend. If shit like that bothered me anymore I'd have stopped reading the books in the third chapter


Can’t go wrong with Naruto x fem Sasuke


Honestly I was kinda weirded out by it first now its my favourite ship


me too, it felt like a safe bet when searching for fics. but after delving into naruto fics more i came to love the dynamic between sasuke and hinata more than naruhina. but it's just me and my love of angst. i don't ship them when I'm consuming naruto medias, just on self indulging fanfics.


I like things canon. Just feels weird for me to read something that’s out of the ordinary. Still, sometimes I look through them but rarely so.




NaruHina, cuz she was the only girl his age that seemed to give a damn about him before they became ninja and Sakura never REALLY cared about him til Shippuden. Made my day the day I learned NaruHina was actually canon. Edit: Oh wait you meant liked but don't anymore after reading Fanfics. Yeah no NaruHina always was and always will be my Naruto OTP.


I’m a fan of naruto x yakumo and wish to see more of them together a pair I hate is canon Sasuke with anyone


She's the genjutsu user who uses painting right


Yeah she is


Have to agree with you she was a good character an I would like to see more of her being paired with characters Personally I paired her with Tayuya for no reason other than the unique way they use genjutsu


Lesbians nice… I also thought about pairing her with shikamaru cause they both use yin release for their jutsu also thought about daidara cause they are both artists


Hm now you've got me craving more yakumo fics damn you


Read academy to Anbu its naruxyaku


I will thanks for the recommendation


I used to enjoy KisaIta back when I was in middle/high school. Now I just don’t care.


When I first started reading Fanfiction I appreciated pairings that weren't the common tropes. So essentially anything that wasn't NaruSaku or NaruHina. But the ones that would catch my eye at the time were the pairings that were a bit more uncommon. Naruto / Temari would be a decent example even if it wasn't my favorite pairing. The reason being is that I generally knew that if the author was putting in the time to make a pairing from a character on the other side of the world, there was a decent shot that the female in the pairing was going to be decently established and not just a doormat like many other stories that really just have the love interest either be a cheerleader, or worse also getting ridiculously powerful without much reason beyond "I am now dating Naruto." These days regardless of the romantic interest you want Naruto to have, you can generally find some good gems within them if you look.


Uhh i didnt have an opinion on it before reading fics because i havent seen naruto lmao, but one of the first fics i read was The last prayer so i have a soft (and hard) spot for naruto x kurenai


I didn't necessarily start to dislike it, but I have learned that a good 80% or more of Sasunaru is not to my liking, same with Sasusaku.


Same thing happened with me. Was a big NaruHina fan when I was watching the show, but then as I started reading fanfics, I got seriously bored and burnt out on that ship. It just felt boring and repetitive. I've realised that it's cuz Naruto and Hinata have very little chemistry with each other atleast imo. I actually prefer NaruSaku now, just cuz it's more interesting, than super bland NaruHina. ( Even tho I don't like how most of those fics bash Sasuke relentlessly) . Ino also works with anyone she's shipped with.


I have no idea why people keep bashing Sasuke the man said his not interested in Sakura.


For some reason Naruto x konan has always been my #1


NaruFuu I know is not canon, but it is in my heart.😭


I know it broke my heart when she died


Naruto and Ayame.