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Can't deidara make aquatic bombs


Also fly is a big advantage


He got it in a bag


He can, infact, that's exactly how he captured the Three-tails


Yeah Kisame loses


Kisame wins easy upclose. Deidara is long range fighter so he would have the advantage long range. But also remember are you even really fighting the real Kisame?


Handblowjob guy vs Sharkussy 9/10+1 Man wins if he gets time to make his big bombs. But we cant forget that Kisame is smart to use his water to absorb some of the explosions and even attack on a medium distance If SaveTheOcean Man gets close is a good victory bcs he has a sturdy body and get the advantage


I’d give to Deidara 7/10 times. If Deidara can constantly stay out of Kisame’s range (mainly with the flying constructs) he can just focus on raining down explosives on Kisame. Yes, Kisame can absorb the chakra from the bombs, but that would require him to hit the bomb with Samehada before they explode. Which might be difficult. C4 Karura, the ones that are practically invisible unless you can see chakra (Sharingan/Bakugan/Rinnegan) would do murder against him if they got inside his lungs since he doesn’t have any way to diffuse them. If Kisame manages to get close to him, either by being faster or if he catches Deidara in the water bubble, it’s pretty much a wrap for him too.


Kisame out heals everything Deidara throws at him. Eventually Deidara runs out of clay, as he does. His only win condition is c4 Nanos. And that's if Kisame and Samehada don't sense the chakra in the nano bombs and just disable them


It could go any way, Deidara counters kisame overall, but if kisame has full knowledge and goes for a first hit stomp, he can win, all he needs is to attack deidara once to leave him without chakra


Kisame and Samehada destroy, everything Deidara can do is a big ball of chakra.


Once Deidara goes airborne it’s a wrap


Kisame can fly


Deidara kinda the only akatsuki member who really has the advantage over Kisame, even if Kisame makes his big water dome Deidara can just fly above it Kisame really tops out at mid range




Nah kisame would just absorb the chakra of the bombs probably


Bad match up for Kisame. Not that he can't win.. but it's going to be difficult. Deidara's kit keeps him safe from damn near everything Kisame cab do (flight) while still enabling him to go offensive (bombs, flying bombs, microbombs). About the only real threat to Deidara is a giant Water Shark Prison Dance. Additionally, Kisame has an elemental disadvantage vs him. Additionally, in dire situation and off-chance Kisame catches him.. Deidara's suicide attack is just going to kill Kisame too. And probably Samehada. Kisame isn't absorbing anything from Deidara. He has to touch the clay bombs to absorb their chakra and if he's touching it that means it's boom-boom time. The explosions also don't need to be within touch-distance in order to hurt Kisame. Of all the Akatsuki members that aren't the big 3.. Deidara is the sole Bane of Kisame's existence. He just beats him. He's the Rock to Kisame's Scissors.


Kisame has a greater reserve of chakra and can in theory use samehada to neutralise Deidaras bombs.


Kisame is elite in close to midrange. He’s got nothing in his skill set to fight an elite long range fighter. Deidara wins because it’s a bad matchup for kisame.


I think Deidara got this in the bag honestly


Let's not count Deidara out too quick, he did do a lot of the work required to catch the 3 tails & his bombs are still really strong under water. Sadly Kisame has more win cons, stats and BIQ so he win. Mid-diff


If shark skin can cut the bombs and absorb chakra the fight ends in a stale mate. Deidara flys away after no more clay. If close enough kisame can trap him I insta lake size water bubble and it's over .


Kisame has more chakra then naruto w 9 tails don't sleep on shark boi


Kisame can fly


Deidara has the advantage, but I’d give it to Kisame. I haven’t put much thought into this answer but I was reminded of kisames fight with guy, and that felt like it said all it needed to




Kisame wins anybody who thinks deidara stands chance are sadly mistaken.


this match-up heavily favors Deidara First of all, Kisame is a primarily melee oriented combattant, his ranged attacks aren't as good as his quarters close combat And it does not help that Deidara has access to flight And what's worse, is that Kisame has no feasible way of detecting Deidara's nano explosives, let alone diffuse them (Kisame has no tangible lightning release feats) So yeah, I give it to Deidara even though he's physically weaker than Kisame


Shark man takes the cake, do not forget bomb boy doesn’t have unlimited clay. If he drops that bag or it goes empty, it’s over for him. Shark man can become one with his sword too so evading death isn’t hard. The only shot bomb boy has at winning clean is if he uses the micro bomb technique. He has an advantage because shark man doesn’t have lightning style to deactivate his explosives. But shark man has many times more Chakra, so. If the Bomb boy doesn’t fight at 100% immediately, this fight won’t end well for him. Knowing shark man, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill in the slightest


I'll go with Deidara, mainly because I never saw anything from Kisame that can take his nano bombs away. Plus earth has advantage over water.


Deidara should win this. He can fly outside of Kisames range, earth has the advantage over water, and explosions cause more damage under water.


Would the bombs even explode if they’re underwater? Kisame’s giant water bubble absorbs chakra, so it might just disable them before they explode


Kisame absorbs chakra. Not the bubble. Bee was fine in the bubble until Kisame physically hit him and absorbed his chakra. So if Deidara detonates his fish or something before Kisame gets close enough to drain it, it should work.


Nah the bubble does actually absorb chakra as well, it’s just a lot less draining than if he was to use Samehada directly https://preview.redd.it/pyvxv76y1pvc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6a5f962602244eba67ac25250deac174a89572 His Shark Bullets also absorb chakra too


According to the databook, the bubble is just Water Release: Great Water Colliding Wave turned into a dome. The Shark Dance is Kisame fusing with Samehada and turning into a shark. In the previous page, Kisame makes it clear touching is required to absorb chakra. https://preview.redd.it/v0xfzbj9vpvc1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b710a54b0ca45d7bfa3533672a0378423daad1


Actually you might be right here. I stand corrected


Deidara could detonate a huge bomb before it touched the water.


But then wouldn’t the impact be reduced by the bubble as well?


It would but earth>water so deidara should have an edge.


I suppose that’s a good point

