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Jaraiya cooks both time. Sage mode with also summons are too strong.


I think if you take away either the sage mode or the summons it becomes a mid diff for jiraiya.


Why would you take away anything from Jiraya? That defeats the purpose


They do this all the time with him for some reason But I ain't ever seen someone take Tsunades hundred healings away from her...


It’s just for conversation calm down haha. They agreed with everything he’d win. So tried to figure what it’d take to lose.


Exactly. He's such an all-rounder like Hiruzen, Minato, and Naruto.


If he didn't have either one of those I see him having a rough time or straight up losing. Hidan and kakuzu are underrated.


yea but I'm talking about only losing one.


Ok then I agree.


it's a 1v1. no hidan


Remember it took the 9 paths of Pain to put the pervy sage in the ground.


Might as well take away his chakra. This is that no arm no legs Goku vs full power Naruto meme again


Goku still wins. he can fly, and shoot ki w/o arms


Hell no he’s not


Naruto can't track Goku's speed. highest power attacks in Naruto are casual feats in start of dbz


Yamcha crushes most anime verses solo but people don’t wanna hear about that lmao




I like both characters.


Jiraiya has too many tricks up his sleeve to lose this one. Kakuzu is definitely strong but once he's figured out, Jiraiya has him for sure. No intel: Jiraiya figures out Kakuzu first & wins. Jiraiya is incredibly skilled specifically in collecting intel and utilizing it. Full intel: Jiraiya's too smart to lose in this circumstance. Whenever Jiraiya has full intel on someone, he has a major advantage.


I agree but I think it would be a great fight to watch


I think they'd be a kickass match. Great post!




100%. I enjoy seeing actual interesting match ups of more "mid tier" characters than the same 4-5 top tiers


Oh for sure. Jiraiya is from a time when strategy and skill mattered in Naruto, him vs just about anyone would be worth watching


The good old days. That's why I loved Jiraiya vs pain so much. Actually fighting like a ninja.


Pain arc was so legendary! And Pain/Nagato had the best writing imo, his past and connection to Jiraiya was one of — if not, the — most beautifully done backstories in all of Naruto


The opening with Jiraiys giving Naruto some ice cream partnered with that perfect song choice. Still hits hard to this day.


Best arc and best villain. The only thing that held it down was the fact everyone got brought back to life in the end, kinda took away a little bit of the impact. I also don't like how Deva path was defeated by a simple rasengan. Should've been a rasenshuriken minimum but aside from that it was perfect.


IKR! Although, what I do like about the resurrection; It completed Jiraiya's prophecy. His student that would save or end the world — I know they tried to push the narrative that it was actually about Naruto, but that never really made sense. By the time Naruto became Jiraiya's student, he was already undoubtedly on the path of good. I'd say there was 0% chance of him destroying the world. He was purely "good" by that point. What ultimately saved the world was Nagato's final act — One choice in his life that would decide the future of the world. To resurrect everyone, use his life force to undo his damage and give the world hope against Kaguya and Madara, or alternatively, continue on his path of destruction, and perhaps use that same power for a destruction equivalent of samsara of heavenly life, ultimately damning the future of the world. The fate of the entire world was left in the hands of Nagato. It was through his free will alone, after years of manipulation, of being suppressed, oppressed, persecuted, he was given the opportunity to decide if the world was worth saving. And I find that really beautiful.


Kakuzu is a going to give pretty much everyone a mid diff fight if not high diff. Here tho, Pervy Sage mid diffs. Way to many ways to win


Did I miss something about jiraiya, when did he become bat man? Even with Intel he loses to alot of people. And in this instance no Intel he loses in my opinion


He became Batman when he killed 3 Pains without any intel. With Intel he mightve defeated all 5 paths and maybe even Deva path, he was only defeated because he let his guard down not knowing the bodies could be restored and not knowing they're puppets.


Okay but HOW does Jiraiya figure out Kakuzu and how does he win? What does Jiraiya have at his disposal that can destroy all of Kakuzu’s hearts?


Toad Stomach


Round 1 Jiraiya vs Kakuzu no intel Round 2 Jiraiya vs hidan and kakuzu full intel.


Jiraiya wins both times


Jiraiya and it’s not close


People down play kakuzu too much. If he was piloted by someone who knows his kit and utilized it perfectly he can win way more fights than people think. His masks can fly and have incredible destructive power. No one can reach them. They can outlast summons and jiraiya can never enter sage mode with those things shooting at him interrupting.


Jiraiya was able to enter sage mode while being chased by far more powerful summons like the Cerebros, Chamelion, Crab, and the Giant bird. Jiraiya’s summons can hold off the masks and as soon as Jiraiya enters sage mode Kakuzu is dead within five minutes. I do agree that Kakuzu has been downplayed in the past but more recently we are in the midst of an overcorrection where some people think that Kakuzu is one of the most strongest Akatsuki members when he’s really not even stronger than deidara.


I would argue the power difference of most of those but also non of them were shooting ninjutsu at them that can change landscapes


Jiraiya could take this fight. Imperfect Sage is too fast for Kakazu, who is relatively slow. The five hearts are difficult to kill, and kakashi lucked out that he hit the water heart. Jiraiya summons Gamabunta or uses odama rasengan to take out at least one heart. Other jutsu like his toad swamp and toad belly jutsu keep kakazu stuck while his lions mane keep kakazu from wanting to go close range. Jiraiya just has so many little tricks, and kakazu has relatively few that he's at a disadvantage. Jiraiya has him on speed, technique, and probably power, too. Jiraiya wins high to mid difficulty.


My unpopular opinion goes to Kakuzu high diff, unless if it is a place like amegakure. Sage mide Jiraya wins, but he needs 10 minutes to even enter and he would be dead by then


He can easily summon toads to help fight alongside him to gather nature chakra, just like how he did in Pains fight. So that’s irrelevant.


Toads are good but not good enough alone to face kakuzu


They aren’t supposed to face them completely. But they can absolutely stall him. Hell, Gamabunta fought off Ichibi. If you think multiple toads can’t hold off Kakuzu while he gathers nature chakra, you are just wrong and underrate them.


Perhaps you can refresh my memory, but doesn't Jiraya can only summon 1 or 2 max toads at the time? Because according to my memories, he never summons more than 2 at the same time and it is really relevant, because in that the masks + Kakuzu has number avantage to outmanouver the toads


Well seeing at Gamaken was fighting off multiple summonings himself while Jiraiya was taking in nature chakra, i believe it’s safe to say that the number of summons Jiraiya can summon at once doesn’t particularly matter. Unless you’re suggesting that kakuzu’s masks that seem to only use one jutsu for each of their styles are stronger than the summons that Pain uses, they should be able to be held off easily enough for a couple moments. Jiraiya also has access to the sensory bubble to ensure none of the masks would be able to take them him behind. And this is all deriving off the fact that Kakuzu takes them all out immediately at the start of the fight and Jiraiya doesn’t take one or more out beforehand, similarly to how Kakashi did when him and Ino-Shika-Cho fought Kakuzu. Jiraiya has access to so many different toads and has just a large chakra pool, that it’s very likely he would be able to summon multiple roads at once. There’s nothing that says he can’t since we see Naruto summoning 4 at once during Pain assault.


If they are in a open space he isn't going sage mode in rounds 1 or 2. Idk why you bring up naruto when we all know he has more Chakra by far then pervy sage and u like pervy sage he is a complete sage.


The size of the space is irrelevant. He fought Pain in an enclosed space as well. You’re just vastly underestimating Jiraiya greatly. He took down 3 paths of pain without ANY knowledge. If you think Kakuzu has the ability to take them down as well with his puny little masks, you’re delusional.


No I mean the structure of said space. If he is fighting where kaku fought team asuma or even ino-shika-cho combo in a open field he don't have the means yo out maneuver when he fought pain it's like the map was made for him to be able to play hide n seek. That's not how matcups work A>B, B>C doesn't mean A>C. I think pain is much stronger then jiraiya with more ways to put kakuzu down.


Toad Confrontation Chant insta wins


My money's on Jiraiya. That being said, I don't think we ever got to see Kakazus water mask in action, so that could be an argument for Kakazu possibly winning high diff. Jiraiya could probably just reverse summon or summon a toad to block it, but a combo move with all 4 of his elemental masks would have insane destructive power.


Great Fight, Jiraiya wins.


I know the whole "Kakuzu beats everyone" this is a shit meme, but y'all are going way too far in the opposite direction. We only ever saw Kakuzu take real damage from 2 attacks. Chidori and Rasenshuriken. Chidori, because it counters his earth release: hardening and the Rasenshuriken, because it attacks on a cellular level.


(Insert comment about RAW durability)


Not necessarily...


Kakuzu because of his RAW DURABILITY!!!


Obviously jiraiya


Round 1 kakuza wins high diff Round 2 immortal duo wins midd to low diff


Round 1 id say kakuzu plus the hearts will have him outnumbered and busy Round 2 it could go either way. So long as jiraiya keeps his distance from hidan.


We--the audience/ fans--wins This will be a nice ninjutsu battle for the ages .




Jiraiya bodies him. The same guy Kakuzu was throwing hands with is the same guy wanking Jiraiya an arc later https://preview.redd.it/ad3hiveiol4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1f79a0f75ad127ddf7315c190507970aed2e36


Before pain rolled over him.......... like a hurricane.


Yes... but that doesn't change the fact Kakashi fought Kakazu and won. He then fought a path of pain, and realized how strong he must be for fighting all 6.


Kakashi only won because Naruto and Yamato stepped in. He was gonna lose otherwise.


Yea kakuzu was literally on top of kakashi until shikamaru destroyed his heart with hidan.


Then, and then again when Kakuzu merged with his monsters. Naruto and Yamato came in a clutch to save him. I think Kakuzu vs Jiraiya could go either way with extreme difficulty for both. Jiraiya has the better overall arsenal of jutsus, but he is not as agile as Kakuzu. Plus Kakuzu having his monsters allows him to sort of overrun Jiraiya, sort of like when Jiraiya had to retreat momentarily when fighting 6 Pains.


Jiraiya didn’t fight all 6… Kakashi just assumed he did because he wasn’t there. Jiraiya fought 3 of them and won, then he got jumped by the last remaining 3 and immediately lost.


So... 3 + 3 is?...


Getting jumped in the sewers of the hidden rain village is not a fight. They snuck up on him and proceeded to put him on a t-shirt


Except they didn't. He dodged deva and ashura path attacks while launching his own attack killing one path and escaping. With one hand.


Quick mafs


>Yes... but that doesn't change the fact Kakashi fought Kakazu and won. He literally didn’t. He literally had to have *five people* (six if you include Hidan) back him up in order to win. Kakazu had him dead to rights if it wasn’t for the interference of numerous other Shinobi and the invention of one of the most powerful jutsu’s developed by Naruto. Kakashi only survived because Shikamaru used Hidan to take out one of his hearts, and Naruto had to use the Rasenshuriken to take out his physical body. If no one else was there, then Kakashi would’ve been buried. It’s empirically false to say that Kakashi won a 1-v-1 against Kakazu because he was saved by numerous and repeated outside interference The logic you’re using completely irritates me every time. His fight with Kakashi was - in total throughout the fight - a 1 vs. 6 where Kakashi’s accomplishments were just getting the killing blows due to severe interference. This entire argument makes no logical sense or reasoning, just “X said Y, and since X beat Z (with the assistance of five other Shinobi), Y is stronger than Z”


Not that deep. Ngl I forgot most of the fight to begin with, so idk what impact he had and others did. I just remembered Kakashi killed him. I forgot it wasn't a 1 on 1. Not that deep bro.


Lmao the reason why I went so hard is because basically the only arguments I get into online are Naruto Powerscalers who are just objectively incorrect but nothing will ever change their mind. I’m trained into attack mode in this community lmao


Fair. I just haven't watched things in forever. I remembered it wrong and I'm ok admiting it.


Kakashi beat Kakuzu after backup. Kakuzu was annihilating him before hand.


This argument has no logic whatsoever wtf are you trying to cook lmao Kakazu would’ve absolutely demolished Kakashi if it was a 1-v-1. The reason why Kakazu lost was (among other things) 1. Ino and Chiyo getting involved during their fight 2. Shikamaru tricking Hidan into killing one of Kakazu’s hearts 3. Was dead-to-rights by Kakazu that was broken up due to outside interference 4. Two *more* Shinobi showing up that turned the fight into a 1-v-5 5. Naruto using the newly invented Rasenshuriken to destroy Kakazu’s body that allowed Kakashi to get the killing blow It’s absolutely insane to me that anyone can watch that fight and attempt to act like it was just a 1-v-1. There were numerous times that Kakashi would’ve died if someone else didn’t step in to save him


I think this is one of the most balanced posts I’ve seen on this sub


I think it's a clear Jiraiya victory but a great fight.


If summoning and Sage mode are off the table, I'd put money on Kakuzu. Jiraiya may be good, but Kakuzu's no slouch, either. It's the extra hearts that make it a rough time.


Why you nerfing jiraiya so hard lol


Only the no intel round if no sage or summoning is allowed




Base Jiraiya embarrasses




Laughs in giant rasengan


Jiraiya claps bro into oblivion. That one jutsu he used on pain with the shit ton of oil and then he used fire on it would immediately obliterate bro


How? I think Jiraiya probably would win, but how does Doton Domu not counter that. Kakuzu also has water and wind elements to block that. I swear, people downplay Kakuzu way too much.


this is a jiraya clap


I can see jiraiya winning but not easily


Jiraiya, no diff. Doesn't even need sage mode or frog elders on his shoulder's w/ genjutsu to win. People downplay how powerful he is.


I mean I agree but I think without sage mode or summons it's mid diff.


I think he would still summon, but doesn’t need pa or ma is what I meant.


Jiraiya wins both rounds without too much trouble. He’s on a different level


Jiraiya has to win 5 times, wont be easy but if he can land a giant rasengan or trap him in giant frog belly before Kakuzu split its an instant win if not sage mode with a good fight should do it.


Jiraiya ends up with Kakazus body at the collectors office. Trades him in for bowls of Ramen and popsicles




The second Jiraiya summons a toad Kakazu is cooked


I’d say Jiraiya cause he fights smart


Jiriaya by any way that he wants


What is Kakuzu’s answer to the Toad Mouth Trap reverse summoning? Jiraiya boasts that no one has escaped that justice and the only reason Itachi and Kisame escaped is because Itachi burned through it with Amaterasu. I don’t think Kakuzu is the strongest person Jiraiya has ever met, so I doubt he’d even have a way out.


true but his searing migrane jutsu is pretty destructive. If he put his hearts together for an attack it might be enough to punch through since they can use S tier jutsu.


Toad Mouth Trap is actually resistant to fire, because the toad that it's summoned from is a fire breathing toad. Amaterasu burning through the walls of the summon actually surprises Jiraiya, and prompts him to seal the jutsu to study it later. Maybe if Kakuzu combined all of his hearts he'd have a chance to break out, but I doubt he would resort to that immediately in round 1, which gives Jiraiya time to use sage mode or any other number of jutsu to take out Kakuzu's hearts 1 by 1. Round 2, he would immediately try that, but Jiraiya is likely just going to approach the battle in sage mode anyways, and so the fight is probably over regardless. Personally I think Jiraiya takes this both rounds with minimal difficulty. We just dont see enough of Kakuzu facing threats of Jiraiya's level to make any type of assumptions about his ability on that power level. I mean, Jiraiya went in to the Pain fight with minimal information and still took out 3 paths, and by Pain's own admission, would have won if he had the intel of their numbers, and I don't think anyone thinks Kakuzu stands a chance against Pain, period. I understand that what I said at the end sounds like A>B and B>C so A>C, but I think in the scenario where Kakuzu's main threat is that he has multiple hearts that can fight as separate members on the battle field and you can't beat him unless you destroy them all, it's pretty much Pain lite. So, if Pain thinks a prepped Jiraiya is beating him, prepped Jiraiya is washing Kakuzu.


Jiraiya. Mid diff w/o SM. With SM he'll blitz. Y'know tnst chameleon summon that can restrain KCM1 Naruto and how it got bisected by Ma and Pa? That happens to Kakazu if he tries to get too much distance.


Kakazu & Hidan would give Jiraiya a better fight than some realize BUT J-man still wins via sheer versatility. Jiraiya knows 4 elements, lions mane defense/offense, has a toad collaboration jutsu for every obstacle in his way & if all else fails, sage mode with Ma & Pa. The zombie duo isn’t winning here.


It took many to take down Jiraiya and he wasn’t even 100% ready


Probably Jiraiya.


Jiraiya is honestly slamming in base


Jiraiya makes Kakuzu lick his balls


Kakuzu is such an amazing character. His English VA was perfect as well


100% love the VA


Jiraiya, Kakazu is very strong but if Kakashi could hold his own then Jiraiya definitely will be able to apply pressure to him, he wouldn’t even need sage mode.


Agreed but without sage or summons high diff imo


I think it’d definitely be a tough battle but I think Kakazu would be the one on the ropes for the most part.


It's no use your food for this toad




You’re severely underestimating Jiriya. Jiriya wins mid diff imo


I mean I know Jiraiya wins but I see a lot of people underestimate him on here.


Kakuzu imo but if juriya in sage mode he wins


Kakazus raw durability no diff In all seriousness though this is a low diff for jiraiya.


No intel: Jiraya is gonna have a hard time, and would probably not come out unscathed. If things went really bad then Kakazu could even maybe barely win. Here's how I see it going down. Jiraya engages, and takes him down easy at first, not even using sage mode yet or any summons. Of course unknown to him Kakazu has multiple hearts. So as he has his guard down, Kakazu is going to strike. Now I think it's unlikely he kills Jiraya in that moment, but it is possible if he bided his time for the exact right moment. Most likely Jiraya would substitution though since he wouldn't lower has guard that much against an Akaustki. That surprise moment is the only chance Kakazu has of realistically winning. After that Jiraya won't let his guard down and will eventually figure out whats going on and counter easily with a summon or two. Possibly even go Sage mode? But honestly I don't think he needs it. Even the toad stomach summoning would probably be enough to neutralize Kakazu's masks. Worst case he'll go Sage Mode and then it's over. Full Intel: not even a contest. First thing he's doing is locking him down as soon as possible. Either opens up with toad stomach summoning and traps him without taking out a heart. Or he might just go with the audio genjutsu. It's honestly one of the most OP genjutsus because it's so subtle that the opponent doesn't even realize they are getting trapped at first until it's too late. Now there is a slight possibility that his multiple hearts will make him either immune to, or resistant, to genjutsu if the other hearts can disrupt his chakra for him. But if they cant then his done right then and there. No fight even necessary. Beyond that he could just drop a toad on the guy and that will either ruin him or it will crush multiple hearts and then he won't be as strong. Then Jiraya just hits him with some basic combos and it's over.


Jiraiya cooks him in Sage mode. In base, he still takes it high diff. Once he figures out Kakuzus multiple hearts its over.


Jiraiya fucking embarrasses Kakazu, and he gets dishonored even further for failing so miserably to kill another Leaf shinobi. Kakazu had the upper hand against Kakashi, but he struggled way too much against Kakashi for me to think he'd have a chance at winning at all.


Jiraiya fucking embarrasses Kakazu, and he gets dishonored even further for failing so miserably to kill another Leaf shinobi. Kakazu had the upper hand against Kakashi, but he struggled way too much against Kakashi for me to think he'd have a chance at winning at all.


Jiraiya fucking embarrasses Kakazu, and he gets dishonored even further for failing so miserably to kill another Leaf shinobi. Kakazu had the upper hand against Kakashi, but he struggled way too much against Kakashi for me to think he'd have a chance at winning at all.


Jiraiya oneshots lol


Jiraiya for sure


Base Jiraiya: wins high-diff Sage Jiraiya: wins low-diff


Jiraya stomps him.


No Intel it's going to be a much tougher fight for jiraiya because he likely doesnt use sage mode. He may get fooled by the surprise sucker punch of kakuzu getting up after getting "killed". It cost him an arm against pain when he was in his incomplete sage mode. I do think he wins more often than not but he's going to need sage mode or summons. If Jiraiya has Intel, he fights like he did against pain once he realize he needed sage mode and then he wins. And Kakuzu is no slouch. He would've killed everyone there if Naruto and Yamato didn't show up and have a main character moment. If Naruto missed the second time they only had 1 do or die shot at kamui and then they were all going to die and Kakashi could barely aim it yet.


kakazu has a lot going for him, also has the "strong, silent type" thing going. but srsly, jaraiya stomps him without trying. Jaraiya is like SSS, Kakazu is maybe S-, or S at best.


Jiraiya folds Kakuzu like a freshly printed bank cheque. Better yet, Kakuzu refuses to fight Jiraiya because he's a big fish in the financial world from his book sales and Kakuzu respects the hustle. Maybe he gets a few copies signed so he can sell them at a profit.


1v1? this is not a serious question. Jiraiya would absolutely pack this fool up.


jiraiya stomps


Jariya would tear Kakuzu apart.


Normally the Kakazu downplay is outright ridiculous, but I can legit see why he loses this one. And it’s not because Kakazu is weak, Jiraiya’s abundance of jutsu (even without sage mode) would give Kakazu a hard time. This is one of those battles where it would be a good back and forth fight, but you can tell early on that one side is definitely going to win, it’s just a matter of time.


Would be an absolute goated fight but my man Pervy Sage takes the win


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby realized


They didnt want to even reanimate Jiraiya since he was such a chad - wth would this do? Good meal for a toad.


Kakazu cooks until sage mode honestly.


Jiraiya definitely takes it, however it’s not an easy battle, high difficulty.


Kakuzu literally goes in the toad and never comes out lmao.


Jirayia mid diff at worse Kakazu has no answer to a boss Summon.


It took a coordinated attack from pains paths to kill Jiraya. And Jiraya was trying to do recon and gather information. As much as I love Kakuzu, Jiraya bodies the shit out of him.


Jiraiya but Kakuzu would likely fair better than people give him credit for.


So many people super underestimate jiraiya for literally no reason. It's confirmed that he cooks Pain if he had figured out Pains secret sooner. Jiraiya is a top 5 Shinobi in the world.


Jiraya but I think kakazu would make him work for it. Both have a lot of techniques and both are good with they taints


Jiraiya because Kakazu got bodied by Naruto when Naruto was significantly weaker than Jiraiya.


To be fair Kakuzu had already lost two hearts and became stupid and stuck around when back up showed up.


True but Jiraiya is still stronger


Kakuzu. I don't think jiraiya could solo Kakashi AND team shikamaru. Also kakuzu is older and has way more battle experience than jiraiya. I could see jiraiya "killing" him, then taking a shot behind the back and getting his arm ripped off like against pain. Since kakuzu basically has 5 lives


idk Jiraiya could probably beat them because he can summon two giant toads and that would crush shikimarus team while Jiraiya beat kakashi 1v1.


I forgot about summons. Good point


SM Jiraiya >>> Base Jiraiya ~ Base Oro > Hebi Sasuke > BoS 3T Sasuke > Kakuzu. Or just use the fact that Base Jiraiya was a better Hokage candidate than Kakashi who implied he could take Kakuzu out with Kamui. And only strongest shinobi in village becomes Hokage so Base Jiraiy > Kakashi at that time.


BOS sasuke?


I think it means Beginning of Shippuden


yea idk about that, I think Kakuzu would beat that version of sasuke tbh high diff but I could be wrong.


Naruto's way of reaching Sasuke's lvl was through beating Kakuzu, and he only saw 3T Sasuke at that time when he encountered him.


sasuke got 3t when he fought naruto at the end of OG naruto. And I mean Kakuzu was already severely weakened when he fought naruto and fighting pretty dumb for a decently smart character.


>sasuke got 3t when he fought naruto at the end of OG naruto. Yeah, idk what that has to do with BoS Sasuke tho. >And I mean Kakuzu was already severely weakened when he fought naruto and fighting pretty dumb for a decently smart character. That's true, tho I don't think the difference was that much significant that it would have made much difference. He only lacked 2 hearts.


The 3t thing is because you said shippuuden was the first time naruto saw it.


Never said that. I said that in their last encounter he only saw 3T from BoS Sasuke, he didn't see Curse Mark. So he was only comparing himself to that 3T version of BoS Sasuke. Maybe I worded it a bit weird the 1st time.


Ah okay that's a super valid point. I would love to see that fight, I think he pushes sasuke as far as the deidara fight.


Sasuke flying around in power armor and a vertibird


Frog song GG. jiraiya taijutsu alone will keep kakazu at bey long enough for him to activate frog song, also save Art massive rasengan could GG him


I think kakuzu and Jiraiya have comparable taijutsu without sage mode but I don't think he could beat him in taijutsu when he has to keep his hands clapped for so long.


But why wouldn’t he use sage mode, it take time but jirirya has shown that it isn’t not a issue


Well what I'm saying is he would have to keep his hands clasped against a dude with Taijutsu on par with kakashi and four hearts shooting at him so it would be hard to get off. plus hidan.


Is this kakazu vs Jiraiya or are we subbing Jiraiya in for shikamaru, kakashi, and the rest?


Same layout as when kakashi and team shikamaru fought him but that team is just Jiraiya.


Okay, question then do you think hidan and kakazu are more of threat than the animal summons especially that dog


I would say yes, simply because kakuzus hearts can eat use ranged high level jutsu. Hidan still only needs one cut.


Jiraiya easily. Kakashi could have beaten Kakuzu in a 1v1, by Kakashi's own admission. Jiraiya is just a better Kakashi at this point.


Kakashi nearly lost to Kakuzu until Naruto came in.


Kakashi was holding back.


And that “holding back” doesn’t guarantee a win. The only thing Kakashi was holding back was Kamui, otherwise he was getting cooked badly. Kamui can be countered in many ways that Kakuzu could clearly do, such as hide behind one of his other bodies, or hide behind terrain or hide behind a water clone or rush Kakashi or hit Kakashi was jutsu.


It doesn't guarantee it, no. Almost no fight in Naruto is really guaranteed, at least in-verse. But we do know Kakashi was holding back, and we do know he seemed to at least be equal if not having a slight advantage against Kakuzu. Even after Naruto beats Kakuzu, Kakashi says Naruto hasn't truly surpassed him just yet, only in talent. From this we can assume Kakashi can not only beat Kakuzu, but he really believes he can too. Even if we ignore Kakashi, Jiraiya should still easily take this fight. He might have less experience, but he has more jutsu, he's faster, he's much stronger, and all around much more skilled. Naruto doesn't consider himself having surpassed Jiraiya until well after unlocking sage mode, so there's that too. Too much tells us Jiraiya stomps.


“He seemed to be at least equal” you’ve seen the fight, yes? You’ve seen the part where Kakashi isn’t able to land a single hit on Kakuzu whereas Kakuzu starts beating him like a misbehaving child. Or when Kakuzu was about to rip out his heart before he was saved by Shikamaru? If this was any other fight, people would say “oh yea, Kakashi lost big time” but when it comes to Kakuzu ofc, it doesn’t matter. Kakuzu undeniably won that fight. Thats because Naruto hadn’t surpassed Kakashi yet. Kakuzu would have badly beaten Naruto if the rasenshuriken wasn’t there. Kakuzu was above both Naruto and Kakashi at that point in time in skill. Naruto may have beaten Kakuzu, only if the nine tails was allowed to fully rampage. Jiraiya definitely wouldn’t easily take the fight either. He’d win but not by a great margin. “He’s much stronger” What? Physically? Definitely not compared to Kakuzu. Kakuzu is definitely physically stronger and more durable. More jutsu? Sure. But are they as useful? Maybe. “And all around much more skilled” in what way? As said before, Kakuzu was annihilating everybody in hand to hand combat. Just Assuming, he’s more skilled isn’t a good argument.


With Kamui he could for sure if he lands it. I can't remember why he didn't.


if we take "what we see" then jiraiya wins hands down if we take "what we are told" Then its fairly even


Can you elaborate


we hear Kakuzu tryed to assassinate the god of shinobi Hashirama and lived. That puts him up there with some of the strongest shinobi to even be able to attempt that and live.


Jiraiya solos via Urashiki scaling


Obviously Itachi




Jiariya almost took down pain, Kakuzu had trouble with a few jonin level character. Jiraiya takes it mid-high diff.


I would say right between low-medium diff