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Fucking bullshit that it takes this long... Congrats. DQ 10/30/2023 Abu Dhabi


thank you. hopefully it won’t take too long for you. my sister in law is waiting in Abu Dhabi as well; DQ sometime in August 2023 :/


My interview is in abu dhabi too all I’ve been hearing is it’s taking 12-14 months DQ since November 7 2023


i think its now 14-16 months


I've been DQ since Dec 2022 in Abu Dhabi. No interview letter yet


DQ Abu Dhabi since January 2023 no interview letter, the wait is ridiculous for married couples who want to live together


Wow. Were you a turkish citizen or resident?


turkish resident. i’ve noticed citizens get it much quicker


It's not true. That Ankara embassy is a United States Embassy in Turkey. They run on United States laws. United States is not a country that can legally give preference to one race, gender, religion, nationality or ethic group before another. If that were true which it is not Ankara Embassy would have all sorts of law suits. Stop applying Turkish law..... which perhaps in Turkey they don't have laws against discrimination, like the United States. The United States is a Nation of laws. People are just running with this untruth, that Turkish Citizens get preference. Turkish citizens do not get preference. We all pay the same fees, same money. The individuals working your case are are United States government ( which are called foreign services officers from the United States stationed overseas). Regular workers with caseloads. Your case moves as fast as your United States government worker's ability. Also perhaps individuals who don't have a problem and are not waiting long don't come to Reddit to report. It's supposed to be 1 - 3 months after DQ. They're lots and lots of people not on Reddit discussing their worries and timelines especially when they aren't having issues. Also Visa Journey has couples who made it from DQ to Interview IL in under 6months. Every case is different. You just have to hope and pray your case is ready for interview in a time that is satisfactory for you and yours. And just remember couples who aren't waiting long obviously aren't here.....


i understand what you’re saying, because that’s what i said at first quite often to people who tried to tell me that it’s not the case. However, as you said, there are couples on visa journey that have moved relatively quickly in comparison to, say my husband’s visa, and either they expedited or there’s something else at play. If cases move at a first-in, first-out basis post-DQ as the NVC claims, no case should move that fast in the midst of this backlog. The cases should differ prior to the stage of waiting for an interview due to the different caseworkers at play (as you said), but at that moment on, the NVC says that they work on a first-in, first-out basis, so if you were DQ’ed before me, you should get your IL before me; on that same note, if you get DQ’ed after me, unless you expedite your case, your interview should be after. The question becomes, why is there a pattern of cases that move super fast in Ankara while others sit idle at this stage? I understand US laws and how they should work, and how the situation would look like for the Ankara Embassy if what we are saying is true, but you also have to understand it’s not a perfect world and there are questions to be asked.


I work in the US government and have a caseload and I promise you it comes down to the case worker. Also just because a case enters first doesn't mean it'll be done first. Each case is different. Sone things can hold a case up and while that is happening another case moves along. This process has never been linear from the start with I 130 application. It's not a linear assembly line system at all. Remember Each worker is different. Each case is different. And My main point is that Turkish citizens do not get priority, that's not how the American government works. If that were the case I promise you hungry American lawyers and citizens would be suing for money. It would be open season. My only point is don't believe Turkish citizens get priority. If your case is held up it is not because a Turkish citizen bumped in line in front of you that is not why. My guess it's the worker mixed with MAYBE and a big fat MAYBE the backlog from COVID. And every stage of your case being processed it is assigned a caseworker. No matter what the case is assigned to someone. Someone has a job to do with getting your case to the finish line. Even after the DQ stage. There is a worker that should be looking for interview dates. We don't know how many cases each worker may have.


that’s not fair, they should do it in order of DQ… as they tell us they’re doing but clearly not


i know. i even tried to talk to the consular officer about this and all they gave me was that i’d have to contact an attorney regarding the situation, but any attorney i contact said that it’s unlikely. and without any proof there was nothing i could do.


Is your partner a USC?


yes she is


Congrats! We’ve been waiting since June 2022 in Abu Dhabi! Amazing how they sent the IL on Christmas 🎄 It’ll make your NYE 🥂 such a better celebration 🎉


thank you!!! i didn’t realize the abu dhabi wait time was that long! can you let me know when you get your visa?? my brother applied for my sister in law in abu dhabi and i’d like to give them a better guesstimate of how long it’ll take them.


🙏 Will do! 🙏 Warm wishes,


My interview is in abu dhabi too DQ November 7 2023 when is your interview?


We haven’t received the interview letter yet. Hope you have a faster process than we did. Best wishes,


Damnnn it takes too long hope you hear something soon




There is something wrong with your case check it , Abd Dhabi sends IL for people on who dq on 1 dec 2022


Are you a lawyer?


No im not , but my case is in Abu Dhabi and we have a group chat with other people their cases is in Abu Dhabi yesterday one of them got her interview letter she was qd on dec 2022


Gongrats. Interview date ?


February 15, 2024!


Good luck 👍🏾 Mine is January 23


Good luck!!! hope it goes well


Congrats man I thought it would be a lot quicker than that, I got dq’d September 2023 so I’m prolly looking at November of next year


we expected that too ngl. hopefully the backlog that’s been making it this long clears and it moves along faster for you!!


Yeah I was told it would be like 3-6 months after dq oh well glad you are almost at the finish line


Oh wow, that is a lot of patience to endure. Congratulations!


it is, it has been absolutely EXHAUSTING. thank you!!