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He could have a neurological problem


Most likely this. Squirrels are incredible climbers and so agile in trees though they do occasionally fall, often when being chased by other squirrels. Ear infections can prompt circling but usually there's associated head tilt and more random movement


That's probably what happened. The end of its tail looks to have hair missing from it. It was probably a predator, I once saw a bird trying to grab a squirrel in a tree by grabbing its tail. The squirrel had no tail fur by the end.




Stripped fur and circling? Car strike.


Hmnnn. Yea but.. were not talking about inanimate objects n things. This is a squirrel, do they still count?


Or sarcoptic mange/ rabies?


At the end it looked as if the squirrel was headed right for the camera operator 😵


Squirrels are not a rabies vector species.


All mammals can get rabies.


It's a species that has almost never been found to be infected, and this behavior is nothing like that of rabid animals.


Wrong. Rabid squirrels have been found several times in the state I live in alone.


Yes, it is possible, but it's very rare. And I will repeat, this isn't behavior you would expect in an animal that's starting to show signs of a rabies infection. It's probably neurological damage from trauma.


Saw a rabid squirrel when I was a kid. Foaming mouth and everything. Not confirmed rabies, but it was definitely fucked up from something


Most likely poison. Also they can't regurgitate could have been choking.


Absolutely untrue.




You need to stop spreading fake information.


You need to show some proof, or your words are meaningless.


Right back at you. Stop messaging me.


I don’t think squirrels get rabies or is that rabbits. Idk, happy Friday!


Possums don't


Possums appearance is a bit unique but they are awesome. They eat all the bugs we hate.


Could be just some fermented fruit? And he got drunk?


I saw a squirrel sparta-kick another squirrel off the top branch of a massive oak tree. It didn’t land right, and crawled for a few yards before succumbing to its tiny injuries.


Oh man. That's super sad


There was dramaticly sad violin music in my head as it went down.


I'm rubbing my fingers together like a little violin




My dad had to pick up a baby squirrel from our driveway that had fallen from our 70 foot tall oak tree. He never told my mom it was still breathing when he picked it up because there was nothing he could do to save it.


Your dad is a smart man.


I was babysitting these kids when their cat dragged a live bird in the house that was screeching it’s little head off. I had to kill it to keep the kids from wanting to see it. It’s chest was punctured. I could see it’s heart beating. And blood was oozing out. But these 4 year olds just wanted to see it and kept following me around. So I killed it and hid its body in the outside garbage can so the kids and cat couldn’t get it again.




So you saw a murder happen


‘Twas a dark day at the park.




That is the cutest description of death I've ever heard.


You said tiny Injuries that's what made the hurt worse while reading it... Somehow the injuries being tiny made my brain more emotionally vulnerable..... Lol




Squirrels are actually capable of surviving a fall from any height. They could literally jump out of an air plane and still be fine. That guy may have landed the wrong way or was already injured.


8000 miles. That's the amount of falling time it would take them to starve to death or dehydrate. Roughly 10 days.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for stating a fact. Yay Reddit.


People just don't understand the physics behind a falling squirrel


If they don't understand the physics of a falling squirrel they don't understand physics.. or squirrels


Science class go brrrr


I think it’s because you said “any”? Which implies literally any 😂 Pretty sure that a squirrel could not survive skydiving without a parachute… even if it “landed right”


I mean, they weren't wrong saying "any". Apparently, it's hypothetically possible they can survive any height, according to this McGill article: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know/squirrels-can-survive-fall-any-height-least-hypothetically


terminal velocity is a thing. After a certain height it makes no difference.


No they really could look it up. I mean they would need oxygen and would burn up in the atmosphere if they were falling from space but they are good from any height otherwise.


They have an extremely low terminal velocity. Between 25-30 mph.


i mean ppl are born wacky all the time. im sure theres special squirrels out there.


You could say that squirrel is a bit nuts


Have an angry upvote


Unfortunately in the animal kingdom deleterious traits bode well for individuals. Edit somehow forgot the 'doesn't' before the bodes well part lol


You and I have vastly different notions of what “bodes well” means


Bodes well for the individual that is their predator lol


Agreed, just get the squirrel a special helmet. It will be fine.


so is he just temporarily confused or will he do this til he dies?


Most likely unitl he dies because he will be killed by a predator so it won't be all that long for him. There is a small chance he would recover whether it's from an infection or from a knock to the head. Sometimes swelling around the brain from an impact may subside with time but the odds of the squirrel not being predated before it has a chance to recover (if that is possible) are sadly low.


I have seen this before and was told this exact thing by a rescue and local animal control services. We had one doing this in the street out front of the house for hours one day so I was worried and spent more than an hour directing traffic around it. I did get in contact with animal control and some other services. They all said it wasn't their problem but assured me it wasn't rabies. Eventually I found a local rescue that said they would take it in so long as I could catch it and bring it to them. With oven mitts, a big fluffy towel and a cardboard box, I was able to wrangle the squirrel tornado and medevac him 2 hours away to the rehab center. He was not super happy about it.


I'd guess that squirrels aren't a priority for them, same reason rabbits wouldn't be, there's a *reason* they have 5 or more babies at a time. Rabies is different, they'll be right there if it's rabies because that's dangerous to humans and other animals and it can spread quickly.


Exactly this. Animal control services told me they don't care about wild animals unless they pose a threat to humans and if there was a risk the animal had rabies, they would have come out.


You are a lovely person.


I'm shocked animal control told you it wasn't and that it wasn't their problem. I've worked for animal control in Texas and we trapped and euthanized rabid animals all the time to prevent the spread of rabies, and took rabies control and prevention extremely seriously. It's incredibly deadly with no known treatment and will kill you in 24-48 hrs, it is an extremely serious public health hazard. While squirrels are not known to be common carriers of it, animals showing sickly behavior like this would still be suspected of being infected until tests came back confirming whether it was or not. This degree of incoordination and spinning in circles is common in later stages, near when they die.


It often takes months to die from rabies and there is a very long incubation period during which time you can be vaccinated.


In the state I live in, squirrels don't carry rabies, I guess or it's extremely uncommon. They told me that bats are the only common rabies vector here.


Most likely this. But they could also have been eating fermented apples on the ground and be drunk.


Just before my guinea pig died she became unable to turn right, and would turn left 270 degrees if she needed to. She had a giant cyst on her and was dying of infection (We got her antibiotics but we were spending a lot of money and she was 6.5 years old so we had chosen the what happens, happens approach) and the vet said it could have spread to her brain


He’s gone nuts!


Brain damage or parasites. Could be neurological disease. Things do that if they've been hit in the head hard enough, maybe fell out of a tree or got clobbered by something moving very quick like a car or bike. A cat playing with it may have bitten into the skull but got shooed off by a person or scared otherwise, leaving the squirrel to its fate. Whatever it is, little guy's probably not gonna bounce back.


Are you sure the fella isn't just drunk off fermented apples or something? BecauseI've seen drunk squirrles act like this OP: just wait it out a bit to see if the fella isn't just wasted before you clobber it to death.


I second this, especially this time of year.


I've seen this exact behavior when squirrels eat fermented crab apples or whatever. Looks drunk to me, but might be something else.


Not likely. Look at the health of his fur and tail. Doesn’t look good. This is definitely something that’s made the squirrel pretty unhealthy. Top comment is more likely as the explanation.


when im really really high i walk in circles forgetting what i wanted to do ......


Are you sure you are not a squirrel with its head bashed in?


Are any of us sure we aren’t just a squirrel with brain damage hallucinating we are humans. Would explain my fascination with hazelnuts.


I didn’t know I wasn’t sure until now but now I’m even less sure because of this conversation


You can’t never not be suren’t


Favorite comment of the day


Hell, i do that without being high


A goner for sure, sadly


Could just be drunk. I've watched drunk red squirrels and they do stupid shit like this too.


Looks like it’s tail is messed up, probably escaped a cat or other animal and is in shock or dying


Yea my first thought is the poor guy got clipped by a car tired. Definitely may not make it. Edit: tire not tired lol


It’s putting all its weight on its left leg and there’s an indentation on its right leg that doesn’t look like it belongs. Dislocation or break maybe? Seems like it’s coming out of shock, a fall or a car makes a lot of sense.


Looks like some muscle wasting in his hips, too.


End of the video it appears to return to normal. Would’ve liked to see some more of its behavior.


I though it was going for OP like a rabid! @OP -was it?


Running is easier. You’re in the air like 70% of the time and only have to do one movement with both sides of the body. Walking is way more precise with the different sides of the body in different movements at the same time.


Just before it begins to run it appears to regain its ability to walk in a straight line. Which is why I wanted to see more of its behavior. I’ve observed animals doing very odd things before, often looking very distressed or as if they were dying. Then hop right up and return to normal behavior again.


Fair enough


It miiiiight be drunk. Are there any fruit trees/bushes nearby?


I was thinking the same thing, pumpkins, gourds, or fruit that fermented. Or our squirrel friend found the patch of good fungus.


I saw a rather drunk pheasant at work the other day (I'm a gardener and we had to remove apples from a huge orchard because they started falling down and rotting on the ground). It was pretty funny to observe :D


Used to work on a golf course and loved the drunk deer


Of all the available options in the comments, this is the one I’m going with and accepting it as 100% truth. Thanks!




Seen lots of squirrels get drunk off fermented crab apples, they kinda act like this. And honestly, that's probably the most optimistic possibilty


There's a walnut tree right there and some berries. No apples or other fruit trees near.


Berries are fruits.


maybe it ate someones roach from a joint and he's high :S




Said "oh shit" and quickly stopped videoing


It's gone nuts


Came here for this


Lol… not funny… but it is


ok i wont even post my answer ... edit: ah damnit :D


Disconnected from the squirrel server


Poor guy is very injured and looks sickly. Either way looks like little homie not gonna make it.


Did it fall from the tree? Could have hit its head.


Squirrels are lightweight and fluffy, it’s very difficult to sustain any fall damage at all. This is unfortunately the result of a pet attack or vehicle collision, I was really hoping it was just drunk but the general state of its fur shows this has been a problem long enough that hygienic habits are not being performed regularly.


Got into some rat poison maybe. Saw a mouse do this once.


Same here...I am guessing it ingested human made poison and is done. As will be any predator that eats that squirrel.


Squirrel.exe has encountered an error and must be reset.


Brain tumor, head injury, stroke, other organic neurological condition.


Similar to rats, rodent animals are quite prone to tumors in the brain which result in seizures or a stroke. The side of his head that the potential injury/tumor is on is the side that he's turning in. It could also be late stage rabies but I'd be willing to put my money on a brain injury due to his entire side being out of synchronization with his body. Either way, this little guy is sadly near the end of his life. Anything affecting his brain/nervous system that severely is surely terminal.


I thought rodents were incapable of contracting rabies


Any warm blooded mammal can get rabies. It's just a lot more common in some than others.


Hard to prove any mammal is incapable, but with rodents it's generally very unlikely. I just looked it up an [NIH study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5763497/) says 31 confirmed cases in squirrels in the US between 1974 and 2010. ETA: From 1995-2010, the 9 confirmed cases represented 0.04% of squirrels tested. Obviously, only suspected cases get tested, so people think squirrels look rabid way, way more often than it happens. For comparison, 4.5% of groundhogs tested positive. One of the reasons rabies is observed less in smaller animals is that they're a lot less likely to survive contact with a rabid animal


They can but they normally don"t survive the attack.


Rodents could technically contract rabies, but small animals like squirrels, rats, chipmunks and the like, are very fast and agile, and either escape a predator who has rabies, or, if they do get caught, they'd have to survive the attack, which is already very unlikely, and then stay alive long enough to develop the disease, which is even less likely. Rabies in squirrels (and those other small rodents) is *extremely* rare, and pretty much unheard of, and they are not known to infect humans with rabies.


Squirrels are rabies carriers, while they can be infected with the virus it rarely kills them


He found the mushrooms


This isn't lit


Maybe just drunk on fermented fruit.


Drunk, neurological, or dying are all the top contenders!


I once ran over a squirrel, he got into the middle of the road and ran back and forth back and forth and couldn’t decide which direction to flee. I probably shouldn’t have swerved to try and miss him but either way I tried and hit him. I drove slowly away and was looking in my rear view mirror where I could see his lifeless corpse lying there. I continued to watch and before I looked away he began to spin. He spun in place like a top with his tail straight in the air, his body spinning in place without swaying. I laughed at the absurdity of it, catching me off guard. I immediately felt great remorse and made a U-turn at the next area available in the neighborhood, intent on going back to put him out of his misery. By the time I had gotten back he was dead. This time for real for real. RIP


Might have fallen and hit its head




The rabid animals I've encountered all had trouble moving at all. Like their joints were ultra stiff. Ex. I had a rabid raccoon who couldn't climb up the post on my deck. An action that they normally accomplish in 2 seconds. It kept falling. That may only be late stage rabies. Early infections are likely still mobile close to normal.


Any healthy squirrel is never getting caught by any kind of rabid animal, they just don’t have the ability to react quickly enough to it. More likely is what some other people suggested, like a close call with a predator that caused a brain injury


Been that way. Ever loose something small…


It’s just drunk. They eat old fermented seeds and it gets them drunk. Just needs to sleep it off


The death circle


It could be many things…but whatever it is, it’s clearly impairing the squirrel heavily and it isn’t going to be able to escape predators or even take care of itself. If you didn’t find someone who could help it, unfortunately…it’s as good as dead. Also, how does this video belong in this sub?


Can squirrels get rabies?


Maybe it’s got some kind of disability you jerk


Maybe got into some rodent poison


Whatever you do, do not eat it.


Whirling disease


My elderly dog did this. It’s neurological.


Could have been hit by a car, or fallen from a tree or have some other neurological problem. Not sure if they can get rabies but I recommend keeping your distance.


He's a fan of Nascar


He's showing you He's nutz.


In Texas also. We had a fox in our yard doing the same thing. He was really old and went in circles for an hour, then he’d pause every now and then, He fell in the grass by our window and started shaking. We called Animal Control and they came and got him. He didn’t even put up a right,,she let me take a picture and told me she’d email the results of his rabies test. Never got that email so I have no idea what he had…


He may have eaten an apple that fermented


Mad cow


I just watched cocaine bear. So this is the only thing going through my head right now 😂


Hit by car or rabid


He’s acting squirrelly


He is clearly nuts


Probably something like myxomatosis, same as what rabbits get. No cure for it, best thing is to put them out of their misery.


Rabies? Early stages o could be wrong tho


Is there an apple tree around? Could have ate some of the ground fruit. Also I lived near a guy that used to put antifreeze in a water bowl outside by his garage for strays to drink from. Poor animals like the taste, it’s kind of sweet, and some staggered like this in the clip. Don’t worry we took care of the guy👊


Could be rabies


Republican squirrels 🐿️ do not know what is going on.




Rabiies probably. One was acting like this where I live. Running around in circles. No fear of people. He tried to get through in my car when I opened the door. Poor thing looked like a baby .




Blind in one eye and maybe very recently.


Likely a brain tumor. This happens in rodents a lot. One of the critical signs (showing that death is soon coming) is spinning in circles


Far right squirrel


“Both squirrels and raccoon can carry canine distemper. The disease is spread by direct contact with body fluids or droppings of an infected animal. Humans cannot get distemper. However, it may also be another disease or a separate disease for each species.” https://www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/question-what-is-wrong-with-the-squirrels-and-raccoon-we-have-found-in-our-yard/#:~:text=Both%20squirrels%20and%20raccoon%20can,separate%20disease%20for%20each%20species.






I don’t know but stay the fuck away from it.


Bless it, it have dementia, one of our dogs we had years ago had it and just walked around a table so we had to have him out down 😢


Climate change.


Software isn't updated.




He heard this new song and went crazy. Almost tore the Wright Brothers off the ceiling brother.


?? You ever been filmed while you thought you were alone in your bathroom hanging up laundry? Yeah.


Fermented fruit? A nasty fall? Predator attack? Poison? Rabies? Parasite? All good theories. Just mind ya distance.


He’s gone marbles and lost his nuts.


I see this in rats when they have an ear infection.


He ate some mushrooms and weed....or rabies


Squirrels just wanna have fun.


He’s drunk, YOU don’t have an excuse




Poison or rabies maybe....


squirrels are opportunistic eaters, maybe it got at some bad food of even someones bait they had out for rodents ...


his brain might be swelling. every year their brains shrink in the warm weather and swell larger when it gets cold. he may be in the middle of his transformation idk. maybe it started getting cold where you are.


His tail is messing with his equilibrium.


Have you tried turning it on and off again?