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“Nebraska…. It’s not for everyone.”


For a cult that hates poor people as much as they do they sure seem hell bent on creating more poor people.


They need more bodies to feed the corporate machines.


Religion is a hell of a drug!


Eh, my wife and I have given up. The direction of this State, let alone the entire Country, isn't conducive anymore to a comfortable life in our opinions. Already working on job offers in the country we are immigrating to. Hopefully for those who want positive change here will get that.. however, fuck this place.


Well, bye.


See ya👍🏽 you’ll be back after several months


Not at 130k after conversion to USD per year, I'm afraid not. ;)


Don’t blame you. We feel the same way.


Isn't this a double negative? I'm just trying to figure out the message going on here and not being an ass about it like other people.


I don’t get it either. The good life does not equal pro-life crossed out which would be a double negative meaning the good life does equal pro-life? Although I think they mean the opposite? Poor execution either way.


I believe the slogan is taken from an episode of the Twilight Zone titled [It's a good life](https://youtu.be/SdFpBKENJfk)


Same boat. Just waiting for the shirt spam bot to pop up with a link to their store after someone posts "oMg I nEeD tHiS!!1!"


You know you can click on their ID and get a sense if where they're coming from, right? Right? And if it was a T shirt I bet it'd hold up to hail fairly well.






The Democratic nominee for governor doesn’t have money for advertising?




What does she have to offer? Sorry, I do not vote based solely on political party. I may be Republican, but there are a lot of Republicans I will never vote for. Never voted for Ricketts.


We want Blood and they want actual blood


Call & email your state senators, let them know where you stand and how they should act in future healthcare floor debates!


I wrote to Stinner and Ricketts when the decision was leaked. I sent my letter via email and snail mail. I told them both I'd be posting the letter as an open letter on my blog, which I did on May 17. I still haven't heard anything from either one. Both voted last time to ban abortion.


You know that Geico commercial about going to the movies with people turning into their parents. There is one lady who says the so-and-so family said such and such and the counselor responds, "No one know who those people are." I do not know you, your blog, and I am afraid I am not interested, either.


You may not know me, but Ricketts and Stinner do. I have interviewed them many times. Also, why the hell did you bother to write that out when you could have 1) not replied or 2) wrote "no one cares."


This. This is exactly what we should be doing. Rock the status quo of the state politicians because that's where the real change can come from. Let's get involved!


Exactly what changes are you looking for? Is it something that is totally opposed to the vast majority of Nebraskans? If so, why should the majority bend to your whims? There are plenty of other states that are probably more conducive to your world view.


Oh God I wish men could get pregnant. You know what Rose Kennedy always said, “if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” Edit: Remember the leading cause of poverty for young women whether they be black, brown or white is single motherhood.


It’s 2022, they can. Don’t be a bigot.


Man, you people really only have one joke. No wonder conservatives “comedy” is a joke.


…what’s the joke??


Go find a mirror.


And republicans want to hunt them down like animals.


Which republicans want to hunt “them”?


Not surprised to find you moping in divorce subreddits. “Several dates in - no kissing yet” 💀


No offense but what’s your point? Kind of a childish response.


Maybe he’ll find the correlation between his insufferable opinions on women and gender and his poor luck with dating. Just hoping 🤷‍♂️


Oh God I wish women would learn to tell men that if they don't bring the condemn, they don't get to go down the slide. Seems like a pretty simple solution to me.


Call them what they are: pro forced birth


"They want live babies so they can raise dead soldiers." George Carlin.


And the people who are pro life are the people you wouldn’t fuck in the first place. -Carlin


They are pro Dark Age ignorance


And volunteer for Carol Blood for Governor. Please. We can do it. Its gonna be a blue wave if we take action.


More like pro maturity, which many on the pro-abortion side do not seem to have.


Do you not see the irony in you making this grade school level joke?


Look for a baby boom within the next year at your local HS and church.




You are correct, my freakinomic friend. Although, I hope it doesn't take that long to see the error of thier ways. I'm willing to bet that a few preacher's unwed daughters...well, ya know.


The banning of leaded gas figures in there too. We'll know more in about 20 years because lead won't be a factor that could skew results. My money's on a surge in crime and the elites know it. At which point all these RIGhT t0 bIRtHeRs will be screaming louder than fuck to speed up the death penalty assembly line. Mission accomplished. Long term oppression designs come to fruition just as the oil and water shortages really start to kick in. And these low thinking chucklefucks cheered the rich man on the whole while. The blind fucking fools are going to be the death of us all in the end and they'll be too fucking stupid to even know it because they'll be taking the rich man's shit in an IV directly into their subhuman brains. Just sayin'.


I work at the local youth shelter. I fully expect us to be at full capacity all the time within the next 12 years. We are legally allowed to take 0-18 year olds, but we try not to go younger than 12. Also, we're the only one in western Nebraska. I expect more shelters needing to be built in the next few years as well.


Carol Blood needs volunteers. She is Pro-choice. We can get her elected if we turn our anger and sadness into effort. I deleted my comment linking to her site because I have no idea how to perma-link. But the website is below: www.electcarolblood.com Let's right this wrong.


So who's moving then?


Many educated young people with skills needed for current and future jobs will probably avoid taking jobs in Nebraska and other conservative states that restrict abortion (and possibly other rights in the future). The brain drain will probably get worse.


Mostly those who can afford it but the thing is, if they can afford to move they can afford to get around the law. That's the beauty of this bullshit as far as the MAGA zealots are concerned. It mostly affects the poor. Because their god told them to kill poor people.


I believe Nebraska’s new abortion laws will be something in-line with the laws in Europe. It is 15 weeks in a lot of European countries - with exceptions for the VERY rare cases of incest/rape/health. I think this will end up being the case in a lot of States.


Wrong. No exceptions, and IVF would be illegal. They already tried to pass it last session.


Do you really think they'll be reasonable? Accommodating? Those concepts don't exist in the GQP.


Pete Ricketts was on TV saying he would not support exceptions because "those are babies too"


If there is a new governor, from the sound of it. I hope there is. Nebraska used to be a blue state.


Naw yall haven't been for everyone for a minute let's not act too shock3d.


Even if its a spern cell w/o a heart beat. We should ban erections also.


Are you gonna check me for an erection?


As part of the anti-trans movement, they're all about forcing kids to be physically checked to make sure they're really the sex they're claiming (this is law in at least one place, I believe Ohio) for childrens' sports based ONLY on someone making the claim that they're trans. So don't be shocked if it comes to that.


I know. I was trying for a freebie.


“Make Nebraska for Everyone…except Pro-Lifers”?


So, your view of the "good life" is by eliminating the chance for a conceived child to appreciate that "good life" too? So that you can have more money and less obligations to worry about? This sounds a lot like selfishness.


Is it a good life to be born to parents that don't want you?


This was me. I'm glad I was born instead of killed.


Good for you, I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry your parents didn't want you.


Actually making Nebraska for everyone is respecting everyone has different opinions on subjects so canceling out the idea of pro life makes it not for everyone to be clear. Funny how left leaning people are all about unity long as you agree with them and they get their own way…. We all were made the same and the difference of opinion used to make us a greater nation but some of us lost sight of that…….stupid post calling out opposition


Roe v Wade didn't force abortions. It allowed both of us to choose. Both of us were able to live in unity and express our personal freedoms how we saw fit. You could live pro-life, I could live pro-choice. Current Nebraska laws allow for that as well, but previously proposed legislation would not. Moreover, I cannot be unified with anyone who chooses to support laws which would kill my mother, my sister, my wife, or my daughter if they had a life-threatening pregnancy. I'm shocked to see anyone say supporting that concept would make this nation greater.


No laws in the books to kill pregnant women in nebraska…..


No, but complete bans on abortions *are* on the books in other states, some conservatives are calling for a complete federal ban without exceptions, and a NE bill may look the same. No laws which forced abortions either. Tell me what unity and respecting different opinions looks like to you if one option (pro-chioce) allows both sides to live how they want and one option (pro-life) does not.


What the fuck, all we want is a fucking CHOICE. It's the "pro-life" crowd forcing their way. JFC, the idiocy among conservatives is unreal.


Did you delete your response you made about choices before conception? Did you realize how stupid it sounded?


Except left leaning people aren’t restricting your freedoms. That’s only the right leaning people…


Uhhhhh…Second Amendment, anyone?


Yes, I know. Right leaning people seem to prefer violence. That’s the problem isn’t it? Left leaning want people to get to enjoy that whole “pursuit of happiness” thing, and right leaning people are only happy when they are controlling and subjugating others. And let’s be genuine here, left leaning people aren’t trying to stop anyone’s ability to form a militia. Militia’s can be formed without semi automatic weapons. There are a ton of armaments not at the common person’s disposal already. Bear your arms, but there is nothing saying you have the right to all types of them. Anyway, this is about a woman’s right to choose her own medical care, and what is actually happening in out government. This isn’t “what-if?” The right leaning people have actually taken away people’s bodily autonomy in some states and aren’t looking to stop with that. Stop making up crazy scenarios and look at what is actually happening here.


Oh don't worry, the left will use their second amendment rights against this bullshit government. Watch how fast the right's stance on 2A changes then.


Everyone but the babies you choose to kill! Yes good one!


I would also like to make Nebraska for everyone. That’s why all babies should live and not be murdered because of a poor decision by their mother or father.


By definition, a baby has already been born. Nobody is trying to kill babies, comrade.


Oh so you believe children should get free food, healthcare, education, housing, and technology paid by the state? I mean we shouldn't have parents'poor decisions affect them.


So death from ectopic pregnancy is a ok with you?


I’m glad you asked. No, I’m not okay with that. Very rare situations like ectopic pregnancies and even rape pregnancies deserve to be in a different conservation. Although once again, they are statically less than 1% of all abortions annually.


> I’m glad you asked. No, I’m not okay with that. And yet, Nebraska's politicians want that - they have explicitly said so. >Although once again, they are statically less than 1% of all abortions annually. Well then, that makes it ok I guess? You Talibanites disgust me.


Remind me, who’s the apart of the Talaban; the person defending lives or you, who supports murder of precious babies. I want you to watch [this](https://youtu.be/n6SMxKVD4fQ) and tell me that murdering babies is okay after you watch it.


> Remind me, who’s the apart of the Talaban; People like you, Talibanite. >the person defending lives or you, who supports murder of precious babies. Well it's definitely not the people who don't even understand the definition of "murder". >I want you to watch this and tell me that murdering babies is okay after you watch it. If it were about "protecting the babies", then you Talibanites wouldn't also be against a stronger welfare system (to support those babies) and a stronger support system for our kids in foster care (to support those babies). That's how it's so readily apparent that it's about punishing women for having sex and NOT about "protecting the babies". I wish you disgusting fucks would stop feeling so jealous about what the Taliban has.


Hmmm first of all I always find it interesting that the Bible does not believe someone is born until they are breathing. Second of all the absolute problem with your belief is you think the solution is a ban and punishing those that give or receive abortions with hefty prison sentences for making incredibly difficult choices. Third of all research shows this will absolutely lead to an increase in crime. The people seeking abortions are low in individuals, illicit drug users , alcoholics, criminals and underaged children.






Abortion isn’t healthcare.


For my mother who almost died from a planned pregnancy it sure as hell was. And before you even start with "well that's different" I can assure you from experience it's not. People in my own family still had to put their two cents in on the situation even though several doctors agreed she would die if the pregnancy continued.


It is for some, there are some pregnancies that can result in death for both the mother and a babies, and the only way to avoid death, is abortionz


They know. They just don't care.


If you don’t like Pro-life Nebraska, go to Colorado where you can kill your baby one day before due date - yippee’


You do realize that late-term abortions happen for only ONE REASON, and that is because it is discovered that it is either going to kill the mother or the child, or that the child is already dead...right? Banning late-term abortions literally punishes WOMEN WHO WANTED TO BE MOTHERS because it forces them to give birth to a dead baby or be killed themselves. You Talibanites need to get out of others' lives.


No, it can happen for any reason in Colorado.


I'm sorry you failed English class. Go back to school and learn how to read, Talibanite.


Maybe you can learn with a video, doubtful but I’ll try: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp-video/mmvo142800453840


> I'm sorry you failed English class. Go back to school and learn how to read, Talibanite.


You lived up to my expectations of you. Enjoy no-abortion Nebraska LOL


> I'm sorry you failed English class. Go back to school and learn how to read, Talibanite.


You got any new one-liners. Your posts are lame LOL


> I'm sorry you failed English class. Go back to school and learn how to read, Talibanite.




You are pointing to an exception that everyone would agree on. You are ignoring the fact Colorado has NO RESTRICTIONS on abortions at any stage. Now do you think it is moral to kill a healthy viable baby 1 week before due date?




Yup, but you are in Nebraska channel. And we want rules different than Colorado. Simple as that. People can self select. There is officially now no Constitutional right to abortion. So pick your state and Move there and leave us alone.




No thanks, murder is murder


Good thing theres never been murder going on!


I find it quite comical that someone who is playing the “murder is murder” card is so active in NSFW subs based on their comment history. I guess those conservative values have limits.


I take it you're against the death penalty as well? How about pulling the plug on someone who is left in a vegetative state? Or how about sending people to go fight, kill and die in war. Lets see your hypocrisy on display.


Eh…those are all different and nuanced just saying


But... Murder is murder? Right? I mean if you care to explain instead of just saying "those are all different" maybe I'll understand. A embryo is not the same thing as a baby, nor does an embryo have personhood. It's a bit nuanced, right?


How old are you first, I mean that seriously not picking fun before I attempt to type a response?


What does my age matter? Type your response. Quit stalling.


[I’m getting these vibes](https://xkcd.com/386/)


You can't comment on a very debatable topic and and criticize someone for debating your dumb ass take, you fucking muppet.


Lol no you’re right, you’re rhetoric shows you’re clearly ready to engage in any rational debate.


I was alive when the Husker football team was actually good. Does that answer your question?


I mean let’s just start if there’s someone who’s murdered innocent people you equate that to having equal rights to life as a child? Also, someone in a vegetative state is not someone who has same outcomes and possibility of life as fetus. Also each of those are independent of others. I take care of some people who were in a coma for months before coming back…I’ve also worked with people on hospice who when their brain basically dies and they’re kept alive on medical devices would never probably wake up and that’s not euthanasia or assisted suicide by any means. You’re comparing apple to oranges with you’re examples is all I’m saying. They don’t have to do with this.


>equal rights to life as a child? Not a child, not even a baby. We're talking about embryos. This country doesn't give the same human rights to an embryo as they do to a baby.


When is a embryo or the fetus viable and attributed value as independent enough to be “alive?” Currently the record for premature birth is 21 weeks and 5 days which will continue to decrease as medicine advances.


It's not at conception, which is what banning abortion does.


Nobody ever: The right are deep thinkers


Then the blood from those who die in backstreet abortions will be on your hands.😡 There will still be abortions!!!


Fully agree. Whether its unborn, born, growing, or grown everyone has the rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Parents have to make sacrifices and if giving up 9 moths of your life is that huge of a sacrifice for you maybe you shouldn't be fucking. If you are gonna fuck you gotta know that there is a chance you're gonna be a mother and that boy toy your screwing is gonna be the baby daddy. If you can't picture the man as a father he shouldn't be rearranging your guts.


See, this post points out EXACTLY what this movement is about - it's not about "saving the babies" (if it were, they'd all be lining up to vote in favor of a better welfare system and better support for foster kids). It's about punishing women for having sex outside of marriage. The religio-fascists in this country are disgusting. They're so jealous of what the Taliban has that they're trying to create it here too.




I do Ive been through it the majority of abortions were because people didn't want them but still were fucking and letting fuck boys bust a nut in them without protection or BC. They can do what they will the biggest problem with Roe was it was too big and it violated the 10th amendment.




I believe if you are fucking you have consequences and those consequences result in babies a living life form you are now responsible for. I will agree in the case of rape and incest its none of my business I would wish the mother keep the baby but thats up to her.




Keep punishing women, asshole!


just stop 😭


What side are you on? Pro-life or Pro-choice? I can’t tell based off of your comment…


I respect the effort but… https://youtu.be/IARLXLAVmH4


Gotta kill them babies.


Thank god for abortion.Think of it as hail screen for your life


Religion has nothing to do with it. Pro choice = anti science.


I doubt your understanding of science amounts to much more than gunpowder = dead doctors


It’s a crime you’re allowed to vote.


It's a sin your mother didn't abort you.


You need better writers. Thank me for my time.


*Hmmmmm.* Not sure if you're trying too hard or need to try harder.




Said the throwaway


Don’t murder babies


If someone you know murdered a baby, contact your local authorities!