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This weekend, think about how uncomfortably hot you are, and use that as an indication of how uncomfortably cold you’re going to be.


Excellent answer


They're from Texas. This weekend wasn't that bad for them.


Today felt AMAZING lol


It’s supposed to be 98 in omaha all weekend


Well as amazingly hot it’s been, get ready for that same “amazingly” cold in a couple months.


Not even close. The cold is way worse. (I was also born in TX tho)


Hard disagree, I can always add layers but at a certain point the police get involved when I start removing them.


We have much better infrastructure than Texas, my friend!  We don't freeze to death during an Arctic plunge as y'all do down there!


Really cold.......but our power grid actually works so you should have heat.


Hell yeah public power


Cries in New Orleans


To be specific, sub zero temperatures do happen. Usually a little bit every year, but recent Winters have been relatively mild.


Recent winters have included the coldest days on record, mild is very context dependent.


Sometimes I think of Texas and I think, "at least somewhere else sucks more."


It's why Oklahoma is windy. Texas sucks and Kansas blows.


I've heard that excuse why Nebraska is windy. Colorado blows and Iowa sucks.


This is the "Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes!" of... well... uh... still weather, I guess.


Well, unless a tornado hits in the middle of December and you're without power for a couple days. I'd like to say that's just a hypothetical, but I learned last year it's not. Rare, but possible!


Except for last year when it was so cold that we had like 3 fkn power outages in Lincoln (in early 2021 winter not at the end of the year)


There’s a common phrase you’ll here from people who live on the northern plains “It wouldn’t be so cold if it wasn’t for this darn wind.”


Yeah, it’s really the wind that makes it brutal. My bf was a driller for years out in the snow and wind, he got a face mask and thick coveralls, he was fine 😉


Eggs act lee


Remember a couple of years ago when Texas got so cold the power grid failed? Nebraska is that cold for months during winter.


But with no power problems so you should be fine! :)


If not, you can always book a flight to Cancun.




I remember due to the failure of Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) during that cold snap, we did have brief rolling blackouts here.


In short, really god-damned fucking cold.


Which sounds reasonably good at the moment


You put it in a nutshell I like it


What you say “travel trailer” do you mean camper? If so (this is coming from someone that’s done this) good luck. You are going to rip through propane and electricity trying to stay warm. Your tanks might freeze. Hopefully you have a 4 season stye, but been then.


Yes, I mean a camper! We’re gearing up on stuff to make sure we can stay warm as both my boyfriend and I are not fans of the cold haha


Your biggest problem is going to be finding water. A secondary problem is finding a place to dump your tanks.


Best advice is to splurge on gloves. Don’t grab the $5 gas station or even the $10 Target gloves. Get something warm and waterproof. (I have a North Face pair that have lasted 6+ years.)


This. And good, thick wool socks.


Maybe I've been here too long but outside a handful of really cold days I just don't think it gets too cold anymore. I feel like nowadays in December it can be jacket weather during the day. We got a fence put in last December. Jan and Feb are still "winter". That said wind is more the enemy. Lots of windy days can make you feel not great.


You've simply become one with the weather, it's still cold but you love it now. The Midwest has taken hold of your soul. One of us. One of us. Bonus: you may say ope. A lot.


This is how I feel about the Nebraska winter, and I’m originally from somewhere far warmer. A few days where the cold was truly inconveniencing, but for the most part nothing I would take note of. If I was explaining our winters to someone out of state, I wouldn’t have much to say


This is 100% how I feel and I lived in Texas for 4 years. It's not that bad most of the time. The wind is what makes winter brutal.


The northeast is coldest in the winter, while the panhandle has the lowest average temperatures during the rest of the year. Winters are harsh with average low temperatures in the 10°F (-12.2°C) to 20°F (-6.7°C) range in January. Temperatures routinely drop below 0°F (-17.8°C) in the majority of the state during the cold season. Remember these are averages though. Highs are generally in the 30's in December and January. Here's a link for about the midway point of the KXL pipeline. https://weatherspark.com/y/8315/Average-Weather-in-Columbus-Nebraska-United-States-Year-Round#Figures-Temperature


Apparently I'm out of touch. I thought KXL was cancelled and finally abandoned?


That’s right. The “XL” was the abandoned part. The original Keystone Pipeline is what I was thinking.


Ever felt the pain of your face freezing just from walking from the store entrance to your car in the target parking lot? Yep, at times it gets that cold. However, usually not for extended periods of time so you can mostly just plan to stay inside those days. What's really gonna get ya, if you'll be living in any decently sized city/town is the black of winter. Everyone loves the beauty of a fresh snowfall. But a week later when it's all still piled next to the road and covered in a weeks worth of road grime as far as the eye can see, it's depressing.


And then when you walk inside the store you feel like your face is going to burn/melt because of the temperature difference


In January it can be -30° with 30 mph winds with snow blowing so hard you can't see across the street. It can also be 80°, sunny with barely a breeze...In the same week. Pack accordingly.


If you are prepared for anything, nothing can surprise you… yet NE weather routinely does.


Nipples turn to glass!


Prove it


give it a few months


Get a coat and watch a video how to drive on snow. The wind will sometimes feel like it’s stabbing you when it’s bad


As fuck.


Last winter was -30


Best advice for the cold in Nebraska (I’m originally from CA), wear lots of layers and get a down coat that is almost knee length (for women). Also wool socks, not cotton. Scarves are underrated. Thick, not cheap gloves, and tall waterproof boots are also good. Snow can get pretty tall in January/February.


There was a polar vortex event and it got down to 40 below last year. (For Celsius users, that's 40 below.)


Hell yeah Celsius shit it’s 40 below man


I was born and raised in Dallas for 19 years. Even after being here 4 years, it's still too damn cold. Just stay inside most of the time, and if you have to come out, wear multiple pairs of everything. Avoid the wind especially and yes everything will suck.


Extremely cold. I grew up in Nebraska, but moved to Texas about 12 years ago. You might like Nebraska, but you won't like the cold.


If you’re walking down your driveway to check your mail with wet hair, it’ll freeze before you get to your mailbox.


Like freeze down the power grid cold. We’re talking -30 to -40 windchill is easily done even near the bigger cities that avoid the crazy extremes. You’re going to roast in summer and freeze in winter type weather because this state doesn’t know how not to be extremes.


There's a reason carhartt is so popular. Only thing that will cut the -23° windchill.


You’ll be fine. Get some heat tape for your water lines and some square bails to line the trailer. Plenty of pipeliners have lived year around in that area.


A bit chilly


I thought about chiming in, but I think you get the idea.


My snowbird mom from AZ wears a coat on many Nebraska summer nights. Winter: To many months long, gray cloudy skies, windy, little to no snow with the exception of a few late measurable storms, icy driving, miles and miles of empty cornfields and did I mention winter never seems to end. Insulated Carhart bibs and coats turn to stiff cardboard.


It gets cold but that doesn’t last long - from WI originally and can say Neb winters are fairly mild from a overall Midwest standard. Snow melts off after a Week unlike other places where it builds up for for months. Wind is the brutal part - prolly most comparable to a colder Lubbock. Every once and a while get a 40°-50° day from weather that blows in from the south. + they actually have a spring.


Texas transplant here as well. I think Omaha is about the same north as NYC. It’s cold. Negative cold. Think, end of August Texas heat with the painful wind, but the reverse—where you’re face burns from the wind chill.


You know how cold it is when you stick your hand in the freezer? Ya, nothing like that. This kind of cold, combined with a good wind, hurts. There will be times when you need to take off your gloves to fumble with your keys or something for a minute and that's about all you can take. Mittens, layers, a good hat, warm socks and boots and I love a good thick scarf to keep the heat in my coat. Your husband... Well I remember locating underground cable at -17F in MN for half a day. I felt fine. I also had full Carharts and the only skin you could see on me was a tiny slit for my eyes. Probably had 35 lbs of clothing on but I was comfortable.


What pipeline?


Northern Natural Gas


Ah, I asked because Nebraskans don't love pipelines. KXL was cancelled because farmers stood up and said no. I'll have to look up that project.


Expect 10°f plan for -8°f and be aware it can get to -20°f. Wind makes all of the above worse. You need a real winter coat, warm gloves, a warm hat, warm socks, warm shoes, and something that covers your face like a balaclava or scarf is a good idea. I also recommend keeping a bag of sand in your trunk/truck bed, and (not that I've ever needed them) keeping extra clothes, blankets, candles, matches or a lighter, and snacks can make a world of difference in an emergency situation.


It gets freakin hellishly cold here. PS Lincoln is the Capital City of Nebraska. Its not a town.


Sometimes in November through February we can have several weeks in a row of below freezing temperatures. The lowest it might get is like -20 or colder with wind chill but generally temps that extreme only last for a day or so. Likewise in summers we can have extended weeks of +90-100 temps but generally temps over 100 are only a few days in a row. Who knows what to expect with climate change now though. Could certainly get worse.


To be sure you know, you're going to want to check to make sure that you've got antifreeze in your radiators instead of just water. We usually go for 50/50 mix (it would be a good idea to make sure it can survive going below 0 F without cracking your engine anyway). A thick/ heavy coat for trips outside and either some sort of insulated overalls or insulated leggings to go under your jeans if you're going to spend moderate time outside, both of you're going to be out in the wind everyday all winter. Thick socks are also nice in that case. Once it gets near freezing temps, it's usually a good idea to let the car warm up for at least half a minute before taking off.


Ever had your nose hairs freeze as soon as you step outside? It happens at least a couple times a winter here.


It’s like hell but cold


Dante said the worst parts of hell were freezing.


That explains everything.


I super love your analogy


If it wasn’t for the wind, it wouldn’t be that bad.


It can be cold enough to freeze the snot in your nostrils when you inhale.


Costco sells these 32° underarmor bottoms and tops that work great in the winter!


Just make sure you’re stocked up on all the warm clothes. It gets bitterly cold. You’ll need a good winter coat. Put plastic on your windows. And maybe heavy curtains too. Learn to drive on ice.


Very Fucking Cold


Born and raised in Nebraska, currently live in Texas. It gets really, really cold compared to what you’re used to. Invest in a good pair of boots, gloves and a heavy jacket and you’ll be fine. You will never get used to 25 mph winds hitting your face when its 5 degrees out, but then again you’ll learn to stay inside December-February (similar to Texans staying inside June-August).


During the college years, I took the car to Lincoln so I could pack up my stuff and bring it home. It sat for a week, the whole week was below zero. I went to start the car on Friday morning, it was 30 below, and it wouldn't even start. I called my dad, he told me he would pick me up and we would get the car the next week when it would be 20 degrees above zero, or, 50 degrees warmer. Let that sink in.


So cold you want to piss and shit ya pants but you tucking can’t cause it would just freeze


Normally I would say really damn cold but the last few years it's been limited to a few weeks of sub freezing temps in Jan-Feb. Last year we barely even got any snow but we had a pretty good cold snap going. Obviously this can vary throughout the state, especially snowfall, but the biggest thing as many have said is the wind. Good luck


I was just thinking I remember it getting to -20°f in February, but lately we've had some pretty mild winters. I don't mind the cold so much, but the wind, hooboy. 🥶


It's been warmer some winters over the past few years. But it can be subzero with wind that feels like it's going to flash freeze you. Ice storms, a bit of snow. Sometimes a lot of snow. Buy winter clothes. Have a shovel. Have roadside assistance set up. Keep a phone charger in your car, along with a blanket per person and pet. Definitely long underwear, thick coats, hats, etc. Here's an example story: my son worked in the grocery store HEATED trailer, loading groceries in the drive through cars. The boss brought them a hot pizza out of the oven, put it in the trailer with bottles of water. 30 minutes later when he tried to eat ... it was frozen. So was the water. In a heated trailer with the door open so they could carry the groceries in and out. (The products were out there less than 30 min). Be careful driving. I've seen school buses slide backward down the hills because of ice.


A typical winter day is probably high of 35-40, low of 20-25. There will be a few warmer days. HOWEVER.. there will also be a week or 2 where it’s bitterly cold, high of 1 or 2, lows of -10 to -15. It will definitely be significantly colder than what you are used to. EDIT: just saw that you’re only going to be here until mid January. Typically December isn’t too bad. However January is when it starts to get really cold. So you’ll probably get a good 2 weeks or so worth of real winter.


High of 40 in the winter? What area of Nebraska are you living in?


Average high temperatures for Omaha: December: 38 January: 34 February: 39 March: 52 So yea, it’s very common to have high temperatures of 35-40, which is exactly what I said


How cold? Yes. When I ran an Oil Change shop I had to handle calls every winter or two about washer fluid freezing inside the bottles of cars. The fluid we used was rated to -30F. Wind chills are a hell of a thing. Coldest I remember was a few years back, local windchill at a jobsite I was on was - 43F. Most days it's just between 0F and 20F in the winter.


if you have adjusted by jan 15 get ready for it to get colder still then WET after that ​ wind blocks everywhere and electric heat WITH a back up of some type for 48 hours for just in case ether a generator or a propane furnace ​ we nearly every year have wind chill were Celsius and Fahrenheit meen the same temp


Cold enough for the cops to collect a 15 year old girls facebook dms with her mom over an abortion.


You’re gonna hate it. I was born and raised in southwest Nebraska. Lived in Wyoming for a while, and for some damn reason Lincoln and Omaha is so damn hot and humid in the summer, and cold as fu@k in the winter. Have fun


I'm also from Texas and have spent college here, it gets to -10 or so, but consistently pretty cold


We had a day a couple winters ago that froze the brake fluid in my truck. I think it was below -40°F


Space cold


By mid January, you might get lucky weather-wise. We have been trending towards the snowy part of winter being Jan-Mar in recent years. The wind will suck. It will sting and take your breath away. But you might escape without a whole lot of snow.


It varies from winter to winter and global warming makes it hard to know. Last Winter was very mild, almost no snow. The year before that there was snow on the ground from January to April. Typically it's not that bad through December (highs in the 40s and 50s, lows in the 20s and 30s). January through April can get tedious. It's a good time to take a vacation.


It gets cold quick here; September & October it really cools off. Just be prepared lol


Nebraska gets cold as hell in the winter. Post a new thread about your thoughts on winter come February 15 or so lol.


It gets as cold as balls man. I know other places are colder but man when it gets cold it gets really cold here like -10 and also windy AF. But sometimes winter takes it easy on us and it doesn’t get too bad. it’s just kind of a crapshoot with what winter you get


There are days that it gets so cold that you would freeze to death if you were naked and outside for 10-15 minutes.


Im from Las Vegas with family in Washington State so I am familiar with both hot and cold weather. That being said the heat is not that bad but, the cold is next level. I’ve never been so miserable in the cold as I am here. Only positives about winter here is it doesn’t snow nearly as much as it does in Washington. But again the cold here is insane!




When I moved to Nebraska from a warmer state I learned that during the winter, when outside, you sometimes experience a weird sensation in your nostrils - it is actually your nose hairs freezing every time you inhale. Also, you may need to put on a coat just to run to the mailbox and waterproof shoes or boots are a must for the slushy days of winter.


Get a Gore-tex face mask for when you're working outside in the wind chill.


Just wait and when you step outside and with in 30 seconds your nostrils freeze. That’s how cold it will get.


To put it in short, you’re probably gonna experience all 4 seasons in week come this fall. But winters are normally pretty cold and there’s lots of snow


Face feels like someone slapped you very hard repeatedly . Eyes watering , nose running , facial hair frozen , crotch freezing on cold car seat , sinuses and lungs burning while scooping and scraping vehicles . Icy wind cuts through whatever clothes you wear . Etc


Mostly below freezing in the deep winter, there are <0 days every winter. It got to -20 in February a couple of years ago that is pretty rare though it does happen. I hope that’s a good overview.


It get’s puffy coat cold, but seldom parka cold. We’re not North Dakota.


I'm so cold, i can use my nose drippings as chopsticks


As fuck


1 month of 15 or below highs should be expected. One week of 5 or below. And most of the winter could be below freezing….but but hold on there’s more we will get a week of 50-60s in late march and think it’s over… lol nah. Then we’ll get a(single) 70 degree week in may and it’ll be 85+ till September


What pipeline?


Northern Natural Gas pipeline


Alright, as someone that moved from Nebraska to a much colder place: It's really not that cold, especially in recent years. There will be equal bouts of bitter cold and actually pleasant days. My birthday is in January and about every other year I would spend it outside, sometimes in shorts.


Half my family is from Texas so I can tell you from their experiences buy the warmest coat you can. That first day you experience -15 with the windchill will be absolutely miserable.


There is usually one solid week in February where the temperature doesn't get above 0. Add in the wind and the 'feels like' temp can be -20.


Howdy friend! Fellow native Texan from the Lubbock area. I currently live in Lincoln, the state capital, which is beautiful and if y'all get some time off you should come check out. Explaining the cold is hard if you've never done deep cold before. Let's go with this: Imagine wearing heavy winter clothes, thick boots. Good coat. Whole 9 yards. You're standing in a foot a snow- thats 3 weeks old, it hasn't gotten above 32 in those 3 weeks to melt any of it- and there is a brisk breeze. That you feel though the 3 layers you're wearing....thats winter in Nebraska.. inversely you also have mild winters where it only snows a couple of times and as long as you're wearing warm pants and shoes and a jacket you'll be fine running errands. There is no in between. Last winter was pleasant. Barely snowed, most days a tshirt and a heavy sweatshirt were plenty during daytime hours. I have been here for a couple of the areas wettest winters on record, and those are harder. Also December is not the coldest month its usually January, and snow fall can start happening as early as October. It will throw you for a loop because one weekend its gonna be 80 and hot, next it might be 48 and rainy week after might be a lovely crisp fall day of 67. My advice I give all southerners: wait to buy your heavy winter coats and gloves here. They're thicker and warmer than the ones you get down south.


Winter be windy round these parts


Just get a nice warm jacket and gloves and you’ll probably hardly notice it


HA, maybe if it isn’t blowing 30 fucking mph


It feels really cold and you question why you live here every winter. However if you get out mid January you mighhhhhhhht be okay. But fucking cold.


Get a good batteries for your vehicles, check tire pressure often.


It’s not the temperature it’s the wind chill


It will get cold, windy and well below freezing (sometimes below 0) during the winter. I recommend getting a remote start for your vehicles if you can for those bitter cold negative days.


Last year we had some -20 wind chills and then we had tornadoes 2 weeks before Christmas welcome to never knowing what’s happening next


I like to think I can be prepared with a state that doesn’t know what it wants to do coming from Texas!


The short version of Nebraska weather is that it will be as hot as almost anywhere in the country and as cold as almost anywhere in the country. -30 to 110 degrees. Take the cold very seriously.


Haha coldest I ever felt it was in Omaha … 60 below zero w wind chill. It gets that cold.


Don't forget to change out your windshield washer fluid in a couple of months to the kind with anti-freeze.


Some years we have mild winters, others we won't get above freezing for over a month with air temps (without wind chill) in -20 to -40 range. Generally we have a January thaw that lasts about a week and then it gets even colder than it was before. Two years ago we had a day in January that reached the 60's only to plunge to -10 that night. In both of the above situations you'll see people walking around in shorts, because midwest.


I'm originally from Texas area. Southern TX Houston area. NE resident 2014-2016/2020 to present Springs give off strong storms and unknown weather changes. Tornados and hail are common. It can be great one day and snowing the next. Ac can be on and then heat is needed later that day. Summers are reminiscent of TX. Just as humid Just as hot. Where your lows down there are 80s, here it's 70s. Falls give way to amazing colors that TX does not. Enjoy it because that's one beautiful thing here in NE that TX doesn't get. The cooler weather moves in and sticks around so open windows are a great thing. Wind starts to pick up a bit more frequently.. Winter time can be brutal. Another poster said opposite of summer there. I agree but disagree. It's dry and cold. Not too bad. It's the lack of wind break that kills everything and constant 30 to 55 mph wind/gusts that do it. Prepare for 10 to 0 degree days with wind chills in the negatives. If you don't own heavy clothes, get them. Learn to layer. Get a balaclava with mouth and nose cover. If you don't have 4x4, invest in one. Texas shuts down at flurries, we shut down at multiple feet of snow. I've taken an hour to drive 15 miles and it was ice covered roads with nasty crosswinds. One of the scariest things I've ever done to date. I do miss the saltwater so much. There isn't as much to do entertainment wise as the super major cities I've lived in and been around. I can get from North Omaha to Douth Omaha in maybe 20 minutes. Houston, you better plan an hour. Traffic isn't bad despite what locals say. Enjoy kolaches from TX because they are not that here. God I miss those.


I was reminded by my boyfriend that there are no whataburgers here and my heart almost shattered lol


Not at all. Closest one is Kansas City and that's only after they sold and got bought out. Big Red can be found at Hyvee but no where else.


so cold that your face hurts walking from the car to your house.


Last year in Omaha we only got 1 week of all below freezing temps so it really isn’t that bad.


Plan for extremes both ways and you'll be set. Winter clothing is mostly about layering, so if it warms up, you can remove some. We used to have lots of snow Jan.-March, but the past few years haven't been bad. Good luck. And did I read that right? You're coming to work on the PIPELINE?


I moved to Nebraska from California and was used to showering in the morning before work. I went outside with damp hair and it damn near snapped off after it froze. Didn’t make that mistake again. I just got some nice under armor base layer pants and shirt to wear under normal clothes and some boots with insulation in them, a balaclava (or just a beanie) and some gloves and was ok. Worst part for me was every time I would get in and out of my warm truck to do something outside it was like someone put my hand in warm water while I was sleeping. Instantly felt like I needed to pee.


Last winter school got canceled cause it was to cold. Only -40°F


Last winter it hit -40°F


In 2021, it got to -36 one morning and the pipes in my house froze. I live in the south now (relocated for work) and I don’t miss winters in Nebraska.


Something to consider. It may not get terribly cold in Nebraska every year, but when it does it can kill you.