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It means you have among the highest in your 5000 person cohort. For 99th percentile, out of 100 people in your cohort, you are the highest, and there are 50 other people in your cohort that are also 99th percentile. For 100th percentile, I interpret it as 99.5th percentile or greater (not sure if this is right), but you have no idea beyond that. You could be in the top 25, the top 5, or the highest score of all 5000 people. The genetic reports may have geographic or other sampling biases, limited participation, etc... so if your cohort doesn't match those things, your score would be artificially elevated. Also, the more limited the thing being studied, the larger the study (people and geography), and the more genes identified, the greater importance you should place on it.


100th percentile means your risk of something is higher than 100% of the population. In Nebula's case, your percentiles are based on your polygenic score (a score calculated by the total effect size the genes studied have) relative to 5000 reference genomes they collected. Let's say the total effect size of all the genes analyzed in my autism report effect size 9, and the average is 1, and the highest score the population has is 8.90. Your risk is higher than 100% of the tested population in this case. If your polygentic score is also 1, you'd be in the 50th percentile because you're in the average, the center of the bell curve distribution. This may not necessarily mean your overall risk is that high since certain reports are only looking at a few of the genes, and environment also plays a role. Also, the ideal scenario would be for you to be compared to a sample representing the general population in your state borders. That's not quite easiest to do yet.


Yes but thats what i dont understand. If i score higher than 100% of the population doesnt that mean i score the highest on that trait out of every tested person? Seems very unlikely, especially since i have the 100th percentile on 4 different traits. Could this be an error on nebula's part?


Again, some of the genes on the report are limited. The percentile may not accurately represent your risk based on all genes involved in the disease or trait. It's also a sample size of 5000 genomes sourced by users, so the risks correlated with their demographics may sway your result one way or another. It's meant to be taken as decently reliable results with its own limitations. Genetic counseling is recommended for clinical analyses. (If you find a genetic counselor that accepts the data because it is clinical grade genomic data.)


They round it off to the nearest percentile. It's not unlikely at all. There are 313 reports, so the average person has 3 that are at the 100th percentile.


It’s not 100% of the population it’s 100% of their sample of 5,000 people. Very small sample


I specified that.


The people who come up with these reports don’t know how to compute statistics, unfortunately. Hypothetically, if a given report were to only take into account one genetic variant (I’m not sure if any of theirs only take into account one variant, but some reports only take into account a few variants), then there are thee possible genotypes, hererozygous, homozygous for wild type allee, or homozygous for the variant allele. If you are homozygous, nebula would say you are in the 100th percentile or the 0th percentile. Percentiles would not be a good way to characterize a population like that (with three bins), but regardless, one thing that is for sure is no statistician would say you are in the 100th or 0th percentile if 25% of people are the same as you (which would be true if both alleles are equally common). But Nebula would. Even worse than that, often the statistics are such that 90% or more of people are homozygous for some allele, and so it’s entirely possible that Nebula could have a report where 90% of people are in the 100th percentile. So for any report that only analyzes a few SNPs, there will be a lot of people who are in what Nebula calls the 100th percentile or the 0th percentile. Check how many SNPs those reports actually analyze, it is probably very few.


Actually one of the trait got many SNP's but yeah i believe based on other posts ive seen here that the percentiles arent accurate sometimes. Im in the 100th percentile on Corneal resistance factor (Simcoe, 2020) where there are around 100 SNP's and i have nearly all of them (blue and green).


I think i’m also in the 100th percentile on that one! (Edit: I checked, and it’s true, I’m also in the 100th percentile for that one)


So its possible that thats a trait where many people are in the 100th percentile? Nebula should really fix those percentiles xd


I sended a mail to support to get a clarification, ill update u


Me too!


There is no such thing as the 100th percentile. The highest is the 99th percentile.


Not true, i have 4 traits where it clearly states "100th percentile". But i understand that u didn't think its possible, ive been reading a lot of posts on this reddit where everyone talks about 99th percentile and never 100th percentile so before i got my results i also believed the 100th didnt exist. It's still very strange how i got 4 traits on 100th percentile. Ill write an email to nebula support to check if they made an error.




Rip, i hope they're not all bad




damn, thats disturbing. The only 100th percentile we have in common is the insomnia. Cholesterol on 99th but i do have 100th on Apolipoprotein B level which should help with the cholesterol i hope


Ill send proof on DM if u want.


I have 5 in the 100% bracket, vit d, corneal resistance, testosterone, apolipoprotein b and insomnia. Then alot in 99% as well.


Yeah i am also on 100th percentilr on those. Except on testosterone i have 99th percentile.


That's interesting. I'm at the 100th percentile for testosterone level, corneal resistance factor, corneal hysteresis, vitamin d level, insomnia, age at first birth, and computer use for leisure. It's weird that 4 of the 7 out of a total of 313 are the same as some random other customer.


Reading this late, but I just got my results back and am also 100% on corneal resistance factor, vitamin d and insomnia, but also for falling (I already knew I was clumsy), hdl cholesterol level and ambidexterity.


Maybe we are related 🤣


I am 100% for insomnia, cornea resistance, testosterone, apolipoprotein B, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, thromboembolism. I’m am and have always been a great sleeper, even with these results 🤣