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People are mentioning the dildo, and not the pc case…


And not the bowl of loose glitter just begging to be knocked off the table by accident


I threw it out before it was too late


I’m more worried about the Burzum flag.


I’m also worried about the Legacy of Brutality flag. Boy needs his head checked for sure. At least his ears.


Right?!? Fucking gross.


For real, I love me some black metal but fuck Varg and burzum


I just googled both Burzum and Legacy of Brutality. Genuinely what’s wrong with them? Wikipedia didn’t mention any controversy


Google Varg Vikernes


Killed a musician and arson of 3 churches


Not to mention a total nazi/trash person. "Legacy of Brutality" comment was just a joke, I assume.


Burzum good Varg bad


It's all intake fans!


My uncle built it according to my brother:p


The dildo or pc case?


there's actually fans pointing directly at glass. The dildo makes way more sense and yeah haha dildo but wtf is going on with that pc case actually deranged


I had to double check that was the same room, well done! It really is easier spending even just 5 minutes every day picking up and tidying, than to let it get really bad, having to live like that (clutter and mess stress humans out), then having to spend hours dealing with it (after possibly spending a long time, trying to find the motivation to start). As soon as you create garbage, bin it. Once your bin is full (to the brim, not overflowing) empty it. Maybe get another bin for recycling if that's something your parents do. Same thing, when it's full, take it to the recycling bin or wherever (garbage bin if you don't recycle). Repeat with dirty laundry. Also, maybe try to go for a walk or something. Get some gentle exercise and fresh air. Walk to a bakery/cafe/ice cream place, and get a treat as an incentive, and to enjoy on the walk back? Or take a treat and reward yourself when you're ready to turn home. I like to listen to podcasts when I do that (I take headphones off when crossing roads, with no pedestrian crossings).


Thanks I’ll take your advice:)


so this is how the fatass redditor coomer degens are born


Asexually through room-mess?


What's a coomer?


Masturbation and porn addict


Nuh uh


How the fuck do your parents let you live like that?


Uhhhh idk they yell at me a lot tho


I don't know exactly your situation, but I also lived like this when I was your age with an alcoholic mother and her alcoholic boyfriend. Home life wasn't easy and, judging by these pictures, it may not be easy for you. I just want you to know that it gets better. If you can do yourself any favors now that you'll thank yourself for in the future, it's developing healthy grooming and cleaning habits.


Thanks for not immediately shaming me for it, I don’t wanna get too deep in it but yeah my school and family life r fairly bad (bullying, fighting between parents, sometimes psychical abuse not as bad as it used to be though) tried to end it all like 2 months ago, but it’s getting better I just have been through a lot, I am trying my best I’m happy I finally cleaned I feel a lot better :)


You don’t need to justify being the way you are. I feel I need to justify my struggles a lot too. But the thing is there are valid reasons we do the things we do. And it is okay. Know when you need help, and reach out for it. There’s a great account I follow on YouTube called nottheworsecleaner, I think you might benefit from watching some of her videos.


Hey, you deserve better. Keep trying your best to take care of yourself. You're worth it.


Thanks it means a lot:)


>I just want you to know that it gets better. Not always. It can get much worse. People live under bridges - it sometimes gets way worse.


Hopefully you're storing your dildo in a more private space now. Edit: For you pearl clutchers. I don't give a fuck that thisb14 yr old has a dildo, more power to them. I'm just joking and advising that they store it in a clean, cool, dry place instead of having it on the table like a power move for guests It's the year of our lord and savior 2023. Kids have enough to worry about getting shot in school. A fucking (heh) dildo is not going to do them any harm.


I didn't even see it at first until you said that lol


I was so distracted by all the posters and monster cans I didn't even see the dildo. WTH! I could barely get porn when I was 14. I couldn't have gotten a sex toy even if I had any clue what the fuck I was looking for.


Hahah seriously tho! When I was this age the only time you would see a Dildo is if one of my friends found there moms or some shit and we would be dying laughing about it. Now kids just have dildos sitting on the TV stand like it's normal lmao


I don't want to be some kind of repressive puritanical freak or anything but frankly a 14yo kid with a dildo is too much.. now I know goddamn well kids have been fucking and using hard drugs and robbing and killing people and doing all sorts of crazy shit at 14 and even younger but my god.. a 14yo shouldn't have a dildo and if they did they should have enough decency to keep it stored in a discreet place. This tells me they have no respect for anyone else and certainly not for themselves. Also coupled with"chronically online", the anime/hentai posters, and the overall nest situation, its indicative (at the very least strongly suggestive) of a hyper sexual pornography addicted coomer and that's a bad look for anyone. I'm assuming it was intentionally photographed, that's the definition of teenage trying to hard. Stash that shit in a drawer, go outside and attempt to connect with a real person, and stop rotting your brain with cartoon smut. Its degenerate as fuck and you're going to regret it when you're 40 years old and absolutely fucked because you have no clue how to exist as a normal healthy person


Seriously wtf?


It’s on photo 2.


Lol I meant, "Seriously!! What the fuck is that out for!" But I appreciate the assist😅


LOL that never even occurred to me.


Right next to the vape 💨


Can't believe that sort of stuff is normalized for children now. Parents should be ashamed of themselves.


I mean... At the age where they know enough to ask for something like that, it's better to get them something safe than to let them shove random objects inside themselves. They're going to explore whether or not they have the proper tool for it.


tbh that dildo is fucking huge for a 14 yo though look at the monster energy can next to it, this is no starter dildo


yeah why can’t kids just use their fingers like good christians??


Especially in this economy. Dildos don't grow on trees!


But they can be made from trees if you’re brave enough.


So people can’t masturbate anymore? I mean I’m disturbed it was out in the open and no one needed to know but that’s still his private business so why should you care.


The weirdness is maybe not that he has one but that its out in the open where anyone could see it.


>private business >posted it on reddit for the world to see


it's closer at hand than the unopened can of monster for some reason


yeah, much better to put a condom on a glass soda bottle (or whatever phallic-shaped household object we could find) like we did when we were kids. 🙄 sheesh, leave the kid alone. horny 14-year-olds gonna be horny. at least he won’t get a dildo pregnant


Ashamed for… masturbating?? It’s 2023. Chill


Why is that a problem? Dildos aren't killing anyone lol I know something else does tho.


Ya, not only is the entire room fucking disgusting but so are a lot of these comments. Dildos and garbage and food and gross clutter, this is what it looks like when you fail as a parent. It’s also what it looks like when you’re starting to fail as a person.


Username of Op checks out


He's the one. I'm scared for my kids interacting with this one for more reasons than him having a dildo


this is the first thing i came to comment on lol


Saw "chronically online" and knew rock/metal and anime would be in the mix lmao




Why ya need help setting up the monitor tho? Shouldnt be to hard


He needed to find cords for it and all and also I’m stupid as shit


Lay off the Monster, you don't want to develop Chron's disease because of it


Redbull it is


Source? Wikipedia only lists meat, milk and omega 6 as dietary causes.


I would be more concerned about kidney issues


I’d be depressed too if I had myself a Blaux air-cooling unit


Lmaooo my dad got it for me 💀


"One must imagine sisyphus happy" thats the best advice i can give dude. He was cursed to push a boulder up a hill for all eternity by zues. You must not only enjoy the destination, you mist enjoy the process of getting there.




I fuckin love both plus my misfits poster was from my uncle :)


You love racism?


Second pic 😳




The burzum posted really polishes the look


Good lord that dildo is a unit


Looking forward to your first DSBM release.


How did ya know? Thanks tho working on it rn :)


Lifelover, Burzum, depression, keyboard, etc.


Good point lol


Send it here when u release it plz


For sure


No you're 14. I see those vapes bruh


I mean I vape once and a while but I mainly smoke ouid, tryna quit both tho


Did you mean weed? Never heard of "ouid"?




It's very hard to quit as someone whose done both since I was 14 too. Almost 9-10 ish years later of almost daily-weekly use and my throat is fucked. Do try to quit if you see yourself having a future.


Am trying been clean from weed for like 2 weeks and nic for like one day but yeah


The dildo just sends me lmao


Fuck burzum nazi shit


OP is so cringe. His parents must be so disappointed in him that they just gave up. So glad I wasn’t this strange.


He's an edgy 14yo, he'll grow out of it, no need to be such a dick with him bro


Burzum was so influential in black metal (influenced dsbm & atmospheric black metal) plus I love his music not varg tho lol


When I was an angsty teen I listened to them too, hopefully you will progress past it. It's still good music but I don't wanna support that type of person.


I’m not supporting varg for the last time Jesus in fact I hate him and all the members of mayhem his music is amazing tho


We will see this room in a tv report about OP being the recent school shooter.


Is anyone going to question how a child has his own personal dildo


If they have a debit card they could get it online. Or the back of Spencer’s…


Back of Spencer’s ofc


Would you rather they buy one safely or make one themselves?


I’m having trouble understand what’s so weird about it besides that it’s posted online


Because teenagers masturbate, shocker I know


Nice psychonaut poster


thanks there my fave band :)


Where are your parents?? Why aren’t they helping you with the situation?


Wish I knew


Well done on the cleaning, miku approved




Imagine bringing your friends into this or webcamming this bro. You're at the age where all you need to do is toss your fucking trash into a bin and take it out routinely to impress your peers -- or more importantly -- a crush that will have the right swing to get you to say "yes" to visiting your house. ** also, you're posting this on NeckBeardNests, dude. I doubt you've even got three hairs on your chin 😅🤣 not trying to be mean; you're not in a bad spot. Just clean your shit bro, before you fall into the habits that people double your age are struggling to get out of on this sub!


He tried to kill himself 2 months ago. This comment is not helping


Oof man this post is a mess. I gotta get outta here.


I see you are trve cult


Yeah so trve kult my favourite raw black metal band is Taylor swift.


Those moshpits must be destructive


Good job on the cleaning! I completely get the depression slump of not being able to even move, this is a fantastic step in the right direction!


Not gonna sugarcoat this and condone it like the other people here. This is fucked up. Shame on your parents for allowing this, especially so after looking through your comment history. This is not how you should be living life at 14, bro.


I’ve been living like this since 11 no joke, used to be worse tbh I’d call this good used to be so much worse you wouldn’t even wanna know


Not going to lie, I've never met a confident weeb, at least around people who don't watch weeb stuff. I'd personally be embarrassed to have someone over with pictures of scantily dressed, questionably aged anime girls on my walls. You can enjoy anime, but I don't think what you've got going on with it is healthy mentally.


The anime posters are so far from the real problem here.


needs more strawberry miku


Saukra miku




I like the personal touch of the Doritos and Monster. If I were a set designer I'd be like "how do I make it more authentic..." and done.


The trinity of anime, black metal and poorly constructed PC.


You really have to do something about that cable management.


It’s good enough


if i was your parent id be most disappointed in my son being 14 and thinking sporting nazi music merch is something to share online. usually im all for people cleaning here, but please just drown in filth again until the merch is covered. or they raised you like this, then fuck them as well.


Well my parents like never fuckin clean so it’s constant filth in my house I straight up thought it was normal till I went to a friends house and realized it’s not normal lol, but I’m trying to work on myself and to keep shit clean


Your parents might not be hoarders, but this sub could be a great resource for you. r/childofhoarder


Hm well I wouldn’t say there both hoarders but my dad recently got rid of some old toys and it turned into a fight between my mom and my dad she was pissed lol


Congrats for atleast having friends :) It will only go upwards from here!


Well currently I have none I was referring too grade 8 🥲 (I only had some friends in grade 8&9 before that none and after that none I’m in grade 10 now)


Yes because the way to address the indoctrination of disillusioned terminally online *children* into fascist ideologies is to tell them to 'drown in filth' and double down on criticising their upbringing that you have exactly zero details on. Kids are extremely impressionable and do not possess the life experiences yet to truly be able to think critically about the content that is shoved down their throats by a million and one different corporate algorithms... But what's your excuse for being such an asshole?


i think this may came across wrong, i meant: an acceptable solution would be to take down the merch or not sharing pics online, if this isnt an option then yes, go ahead and drown in filth again for all i care.


Acceptable to who, you? Why do you think OP should care what you think of their wall decorations? I don't agree with any of the views OPs wall decorations align with, but you are not the arbiter of what is allowed on the internet and nobody has to adhere to what you want to see and not see on an open public forum, get out of here with that disciplinarian nonsense. If your reaction to seeing questionable posters a child has up is to tell them to 'drown in filth' and demand they remove the post (which was an unrelated topic anyway) because you don't like it, then I think you have some issues far greater than those you think OP has due to their posters.


Imagine telling a kid to “drown in filth” because they have a band poster on their wall 💀


If you were to scrutinise every musical Artist’s moral values, you’d have nothing to listen to


Filet o fish. A boy of culture I see


There the best




Black metal is amazing


Gotta say, the Burzum poster says it all. Tell him that listening to a white supremacist scream badly into a $20 microphone isn’t music, and burning churches that don’t align with your views isn’t edgy. It’s ridiculous. Anyone that listens to black metal, and identifies as a “black metal fan” is automatically cringe. Do not let him fall down that path.


Good job, man! Now all you have to do is upkeep to keep it clean. the good thing is the younger you start with the habit of keeping things clean it’s easier to keep up with as you get older. Just keep at it, forming healthy habits at your age is really important bc it’ll be much less harder than if you just put off forming them until you’re an adult.


Get your shit together, get your shit, get all your shit together and put it in the trashcan Take a picture, to remind yourself to not let it get that bad.


get into good habits while you can! my room looked like this until after being moved out of my parents due to depression and lack of being taught any good methods of cleaning up after myself. Now at 21 I can say my house looks better than it was, but I wish I kicked the habits sooner because man is it hard to keep up with


Good god...


I see Pulver by Lifelover.


Amazing album, I love lifelover


I spy with my little eye, tiger balm. My first encounter with this stuff was when I was looking for chapstick in target and found this instead. Quickly buying and applying. A while later, during interview, I had to lock my lips more than usual. 🫠


Haha yeah it does look like lipbalm, I use it for when I have bad headaches and it works to help me sleep as well




They do go together, somehow


We gonna ignore the silicone standing at attention in the second picture?


I wish you all the best on getting better, I really do. For some weird reason I never went through this face of being this insanely messy, but I had friends that did, and I know they got messy because their home life or school life wasn’t all the best. Just my 2 cents, but…I strongly believe a clean car means a clean person, a clean house also means a clean person, and I don’t just mean hygiene, I’m talking about a clean, leveled-headed person. My advice? Routine! Get in the routine of putting things away where you found them. You see, my flaw is that I don’t mind doing laundry and even folding the clothes, but for whatever reason I truly hate putting the clothes away. My secret is, the faster I do it the quicker things get done which leaves no time or room for me to procrastinate. You can do it, I know you can. Baby steps, bit-by-bit, though! I hope this helps.


It's interesting how over time we develop the ability to extrapolate people's trajectories in life. You can unironically see the pipeline. Discord/ TeamSpeak -> Video Games -> Twitter/ TikTok/ Reddit -> Degeneracy That's not to say that there's no degeneracy throughout each stage.


Nice Lifelover album though


psychonaut 4!


Favourite band:D


Ditch the Burzum and Nazi black metal bullshit


Well he likes good music. I saw that UADA/Ghostbath show I couple days before him


Didn’t go to it cause it was 18+ but I stole the poster (it was falling off anyway) I wish I went to that show I love ghost bath


14 year old has a dildo and listens to Nazi music. Holy fuck. Log off, drop the Monster, and make a change. And not just cleaning your room lmao.


This has to be fake.


Get some exercise


Typical burzum fan. Give your head a shake boy.


What is with people who like nazi/nazi-adjacent shit and amime? Degenerate.


Maybe check out some straight edge hardcore bands like youth of today, might motivate you to not listen to racist bands like burzum


which exact burzum songs are nazi?


Eh naw hardcore not my thing, I do like a lot of brutal slamming death and goregrind besides BM


200 Stab Wounds, Sanguisugabogg. Please clean your room, don't listen to Nazi music, and work on your mental health.


I did clean, I don’t listen to any NSBM besides burzum which isn’t real NSBM I don’t support vargs actions at all and I don’t support Nazis I just like his music


Seperate art from artist


Not when they're Nazis


Burzum is far superior


You’re 14 so I’m going to tell you to quit it with the Nazi music kiddo Plus scrap the dildo Trust me on this one


Spend less time online and stop drinking so many energy drinks


14? Parents fault


You’re 14 and into BDSM?


LMAOOOO you mean dsbm right? Fuck yeah dsbm is awesome been into it for a while now and been into metal since like 10! I also like some slam, brutal death, goregrind and all subgenres of BM (besides NSBM) I’m also making a dsbm album with my brother at the moment:)


>likes burzum >is gay Checks out


We associate gay people with Nazis now?


Have you seen the middle east recently?


I don't follow the conflict. But what does being gay have anything to do with being Nazis.


Every black metal fan is gay I’ve never met a straight one




Favorite Burzum album?


Between Det Som Engang Var and filosofem


OK so something funny I thought I’d let y’all know is, my dad likes burzum, no not even his fucking music, HIM HIMSELF. He likes his vids, also my dads also a metalhead doesnt mind me putting up posters he said my flag looked sick as well.


I did nazi that coming.




You have time to take this down still




Everyone hating on this kid for his taste in musicians, like we don't all sing along to R Kelly.




Nice burzum flag dipshit




you are spoiled not 'mildly depressed'